After that, several other sub-crises. Some until problematic for us, as the aerial crisis. Until a new it commands to assume, we operate in wait
compass, touching our boat as we could. Finally the group realocaram and had a sudden pressure for results. It was 2006 end and in the beginning of
2007 we had green signal "to show service". It was this that unchained the operation of Tasso Fragoso. We are in the glue of that activity during
almost 11 months. Parallel, we tried a reaproximação with the other groups, but Brazil already well was burnt. He was worse still when the BAF
opened an official canal of contact with the ufólogos, allowing even though the entrance of journalists in the headquarters of the CONDABRA. I find
that the BAF made this of sacanagem. It was the only reasonable explanation. What he takes me to believe in this, he is that somebody an BAF probably
knew of the situation of Brazil in the international group and then deliberately manipulated the ufólogos and the Fantastic one of the Globe to show
something chocking for U.S.A.. It was a type of message. This gave certain e generated a tremendous confusion, with desperate linkings of the
foreigners to prevent that Brazil opened its archives. Moreover, it badly caught to explain that we did not have nothing to see with that decision. As
these malucos exaggerations they are typical of Brazil, nobody it are there would go to believe. The solution was to be quiet. As many countries
already were in a process to review the release of information, as for example the French CNES threatening to liberate much thing that did not agree,
U.S.A. had been equal siri in the can, because back in Washington it almost has a stack of my height of processes against the secrecy governmental,
only waiting more given to beat firm in the government. This precipitated the trip of the Bush to Brazil. With it, they had come the representatives
of the group. I do not know as it was that this if gave, but after the coming of George Bush and its commission in the country, a rumor appeared of
that Brazil would go to yield to the pressure of U.S.A. and would allow that the faces of them entered and operated here. Moreover, the law would come
back of total silence. Brazil Also lowered the head for the Uncle Sam., aventou it hypothesis to disarrange our group of national research and to
leave everything related ufos 100% in the hand of U.S.A., changing the specialists of field for a small commission of two or three supervisors who
would follow the gotten data and would send reports for XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX to know what he was transferred. In exchange, Brazil would give green signal
for the foreigners. What it would be made of my staff, me exactly and the remaining portion? Nobody said. We start in congregating them in small
informal meetings to debate our future. It was clearly that the American diffidence - in the truth the great eye exactly - placed in serious risk our
work. By the way, our lives. We know as they are the things in this area. Without one trunfo in our hands, them could make as in manuals of the GRU,
erasing the archives in a series of isolated accidents. An assault here, one has attacked cardiopath there, a running over... It knows as it is. As
nobody is donkey here and wants to die, we know that the only skill to prevent this we are having something sufficiently valuable to negotiate. I wait
that he has given to understand our reasons. Any doubt I answer in the next message. As I promised in the last contact, demons a pause. Now we are
sending new notice, since it almost has eight months since our previous email. Philipe, I have good notice. Number three still is alive. We had some
problems in hiding it, because it very was agitated. I also would be if I saw my friends or relatives dying of that skill. We obtain to hide number
three in the closed dump-cart of the pickup truck and send the being for the one property compadre mine. This person is of my total confidence and she
did not believe ufos until seeing to that. He was funny to see the face of it when we open the dump-cart. Passed the scare, mine compadre in helped
them to arrest the creature in a wooden box and helped in the transport of it in a penosa trip made with two pickup trucks (mine and of it) and
caminhãozinho trucado-trunk of property of the brother-in-law of it, where we take the creature of Filomena Saint for a house that is the deep ones
of a mansion rented in the periphery of Uberlândia. They had been some days of trip, following for bad roads to prevent the police ranks. Although
some men who were in the convoy could easily hinder the access them policemen to the load, we prevent all the possible risks until Uberlândia. It is
where it is now. This city was chosen by being relatively close to São Paulo, Brasilia and Rio. After forwarding the physical materials and the
bodies of the 1 and the 2, we had that to give a time to wait the "dust to lower". I found that they would have questions on the capsule to have
three seats and alone terms sent two bodies, but to that seems, nobody was abided by this particularitity, since he is not the first time that ufos
with more places they appear I contend less pertaining to the crew. Still well. Fortunately, the place of the grass was sufficiently wild and it did
not have witnesses. But still thus it was a risk to hide it in a common car. Still more with the coitado one in that state. The trip debilitated it
sufficiently, since the heat in the interior truck was insuportável. We had that to start to travel during the afternoon, night and dawn and stops of
day, because it with certainty went to finish dying. We follow the ideas that gave to you and it was calmer same. My subordinate was with fear, but in
the end, everything gave certain. Without the contribution of all, it would be impossible to make this. He is as same Mr. spoke, would be much badness
to deliver the alive creature for the Americans. With certainty they would dissecariam the unfortunate person and they would place it in one of those
aquariums. While nobody to open the peak, and nobody is maluco to make this, will be with this trunfo in the hands. Still we do not know accurately
what we go to make with it, nor how much time it will aguentará in captivity. Our contacts could be interesting to point ways where direction we must
follow with these research parallel bars. For the time being, our idea is to give a time with the creature back in the mansion until let us know more
on it and its nature. Then, after in certifing them that this information will be kept under the secrecy that it deserves, intends to choose some
ufólogos to see the 3 of close and registering it alive. Until this day, we will effect all more examinations, including DNA and all. Tintim for
tintim, but you understand, we you will not be able to appear, therefore this could place until our families in risk. These data and examinations will
be kept in a safe and also in being able of some specific people, as Mr.. Alien will be kept as our guarantee of survival. In case that something
happens with people, it forgives the coarseness, but we go "to play the excrement all in the fan", and will display the laboratoriais creature and
examinations for the world, escancarando of time with the secret. Our biologist is moving small sticks to obtain the examination back in the Unicamp.
But before, we need in them to certify of the security degree, because the necessary examination to be without bigger questions, since it is well
possible that the result is different of that already it walked in this planet. The same examination will be made in other laboratories. For the time
being, we need to be discretest possible. It cannot have puncture. The presentation of the foreigner, in case that worse it happens, needs to be made
through the gentleman, in way that our superiors do not distrust that an exemplary living creature leaked. We ask for a confirmation if it will accept
you to intermediate the meeting of at least three representatives and idoneous investigators with the being. It will be a preparation for the day
where the truth will not be able more hidden being. In case that affirmative, it sends the names of the chosen people and the numbers of contact. In
the next message we will order given more of as to proceed. It had a more intense activity since that we capture the creatures in day 15 of March of
the last year. For the registers, other ships had come to look for for the three creatures captured in Tasso. A great descending of ships happened,
with two sizes. The capsule biggest equal the one that already we knew and a minor. We have assumptions that they are tactical vehicles, of an only
pilot, or even though objects operated remotely. These vehicles function as if they were fighter aircrafts of them. The descendings had started in the
region north and had been following a route in south direction. It was clearly that the activity was related the searches for the first ship, that had
lasted more or less twenty days. None of the ships effected landing. The altitude was aerial sweepings low, that started well in the grass where we
intercept the ship. We use to advantage this chance to carry through studies of registers of video and emission of waves, but without great resulted
beyond photos and videos of better quality of that the ones that already we had. But coming back to it I number three, we we think that it went to
die. It was well weak. I arrived to think about writing Mr. on the fact of it to be between the life and the death, but the others had better found to
wait a little before making another contact. The 3 refused water and vegetables during some days. It was total in jejum and finished sufficiently
lean. With the time, it he was being calmer and he started to fear little our presence. I find that classic music was an excellent idea and helped
very in this adaptation. But it did not eat and this in worried them very. We could perceive that it was excretando from time to time a viscous liquid
with smells ammonia fort. More or less than three in three days. Always in the same place of the room. We conclude that the digestive system of it
remembers some birds. We go to analyze the excretado material to know more on the biological system of it, but this still must delay a little. If we
had the 1 and 2 in our power, everything this would be more easy. But the things are as they are and as we would not like, right? Had to the place
where we hide number three, it is difficult to make quality analyses on its health. We cannot run the risk of the people to discover that one of them
is alive and still more that we hide it. The reports had been made on the basis of only two members of the crew if to discover the 3 now, this with
certainty goes to create one puta of one badly to be in the cupola. It went to be a problem until more serious than of 1986, since this would confirm
the diffidence of the foreigners. In the end of the second week, after to refuse to eat vegetables, leves and fruits, it finally ate some thing. It
ate papinha of baby. Funny, because it always refuses the salty one, but it adores the candy. It has eaten papinha of fruits since then. It to eat, we
place papinha in a plate and leave in we sing it of the room. Then it is alone there for some hours and when we come back the plate already is empty.
The animal never eats in our presence. It demonstrated a certain predilection for one sings and passes the day all emitting those flat hummings and
estalinhos there. We are distrusting that it is a species of mantra, music or conjunct, because already we know that it speaks and the voice of it
does not have to see with the hummings. It emits snaps with the language against the sky of the mouth, but they are lower snaps, and in a very fast
sequence. This provokes a type of whistle that remembers a bee racket. It is a irritating sound. It makes this in the same hour, a time to the day
since that he was imprisoned. Therefore we start to imagine that it is some form of prayer or I sing. After the ritual, it it is calmer and
accessible. It is there that we enter with papinha and we come back later alone catching the canister. We still are not certain if it is of another
planet or another dimension. Also we are not certain if it has total conscience on what he is happening with it. The impression that we have is that
it is youngest in that record. The 1 and the 2 were higher than it. It measures 1,22m and the others two measured 1,35 and 1,47. In this period of
convivência with the creature we show photos of the abated beings in the screen of notebook. It was impassível, looking at fixed for the two without
demonstrating to suffering or emotion. We made this repeated times and one day it emitted a racket, that was its first one "speaks" in captivity.
Unhappyly, we were not prepared for that and we do not record. It was a long series of barulhos, with intervals that pra gave to perceive,
structuralized a type of phrase, incompressible pra we, but it gave pra to notice clearly that to that age one speaks. Verbal communication in foreign
language. I was not in that day. Our friend who is the tratador was who bound pra to count. I was in Brasilia for force of the businesses. In the
following day, I flied for the fastest farm than I could. Until that moment, us we thought that it did not speak. It was a surprise to discover that
we were made a mistake. After that day, it it repeated words of the such phrase when it saw the body of it I number two. Only with two, what in it
took them to imagine that this being has a linking of some type with the two, but does not demonstrate nothing stops with the body of the one. This is
something still to investigate. We do not show to that photo of vísceras pra it because we do not know what this could provoke in the behavior of it.
In the doubt, we go to wait. We show only the photos of the faces of the 1 and the 2. Those making with cellular that I sent, were of the one. Of the
two that I ordered, Mr. did not publish. Our visitor emitted a species of name for number two. It was a quaint sound. Then we had an idea. We take off
a photo of it exactly with schemes digital later and we show pra it in the proper equipment. It pointed exactly with respect to itself and the screen.
He was when it demonstrated to have proper knowledge of itself. It emitted a cracking moan if recognizing and concludes that that racket alone could
be the name of it. As the racket it was impossible to reproduce, we demons a human name pra it: Juca, in homage to the small assistant of the Bozo
clown. One of these silly and funny ideas that finish giving certain. The name caught and now alone we call it "boy juca". The small Juca Boy, as we
baptize it, in did not give as many information to them how much we would like that he had given so far, but is obvious that we are making progressos.
We made the experiences that suggested you, but no form of telepática communication was gotten. It seems interested in such a way in us how much we
are interested in it, but our approach has that to be made with very well-taken care of. Pra to say the truth, is everything very seemed with a
contact with indians. The Juca did not point with respect to no star in that celestial map. We show it in notebook the photos that ordered you and it
was looking at fixed for the screen. But he did not have no reaction that we could perceive as being a signal of where it comes nor what knows. Pra to
say the truth did not have demonstration some of curiosity with no galaxy. We open atlases pra it and it was looking at only for the planet Land. In a
simple project of the solar system, it he pointed with respect to the Land and nothing beyond. Later, in another image, it he pointed with respect to
Brazil. They had been the two only things pra where it pointed in atlases. We conclude that it knows to say where is, but does not know, he does not
want or he cannot say of where he comes. It nor laughs nor makes face expressions emotionally marcantes, or exactly reconhecíveis. The only clear
emotional reaction of it is of fear and the classic tremedeira that always happens when it is scared. He gives penalty to see. Bichinho trembles as
green pole. In that night in the grass in Tasso, when it we play the unfortunate person in the car, it it trembled as much that I thought that I was
having convulsions. In contrast of that I spoke in the first message, it it is not so intelligent as we think that gray would be one. We are seriously
distrustful of whom that ship of them is of some another technology, we want to say, of some another race. The Juca does not seem to be intelligent
the sufficient to create complex machines as that flying record. This is a point where we are not in agreement, because to think themselves about the
human beings, we have few more intelligent people, many people shes-ass and a depressing number of people who are completely idiotic. If it is here
thus, can there be also. He is what I costumo to speak. If people to randomly catch somebody in the way of São Paulo, which the possibility to catch
a more intelligent human unit of the population of the planet? 10%, 5%, 1%? Very probably, absolutely less. If it will be of this skill, the irony of
the destination is that the only one that was alive, is delayed. The only one that he was motionless tremendous there and did not run pra ship nor pro
weeds. I am only imagining, but he can be that it has been trained to only make one definitive simple operation and does not know nothing beyond that.
One of our partners has a hypothesis of that it is a type of monkey, a trained animal to make certain limited things. If it will be thus, the
creatures can be dispensable and the focus of the such search is in recaptures of the capsule. But this is not a thing completely defined, because the
Juca can be a smart creature who is alone if making of idiot as form of if protecting. As it does not say our language and alone we have it, we cannot
run the risk to press excessively and to lose it. We cannot torture it nor to use "less orthodox" expedients. We are following for a way to conquer
the confidence of it. The Juca likes candies very. It now is eating everything that is candy. But he has that to be much candy same, and soft, pastoso
or preferential viscous. It rejects solids as bullets and chocolates. This raised me the suspicion of that they feed themselves only of liquids. I
find that it does not have nothing much candy back in the planet of it, because it seems to very like candies, advancing for the plate so soon we
close the door (we know of this for the racket). Following in this idea, us we try to offer to honey of bees pra it and gave certain. In the hour that
will be, you from there place honey in pratinho and to one minutes, already she does not have more nothing. Moreover, we demons ice cream covering pra
it. It drank water, but in few amounts. Our comments of the Juca have shown that it does not sleep, but enter in a type of way of lethargy in the part
of the morning and the end of the afternoon. In this period, it it is not practically moved and all the consequences are well slow. During the night,
it he is well more active. Let us weave some conjecturas on this. If it will be of one another planet as everything indicates, it can be that the
rotation of the planet is faster than in the Land, and the notion of day and night pra it is two times faster than for us. About the beginning we
think that it was entering in hibernação, reducing the metabolic process in function of the food lack, as they make some animals in the Land. But
after starting to eat it continues leaving air in the same hours. We also notice that it does not like much light. It violently rejected the light of
the day in one morning that we try to take it stops a "sun bath". It gave a type of "pití" in the light. Perhaps this helps explains the lack to
it of references more than the immediate contacts with creatures in the light of the day, being in 90% of the occurrences in the end of the afternoon
and during the dawn. Although it refuses the light of the sun, it it does not react the artificial light badly. We also test with ultraviolet
infra-red ray and. Using the remote control of the TV we obtain to notice that it sees the light infra red. Moreover, we play torches of lantern in
the eyes of it and the pupils do not dilatam nor if they contract. Looking at of close, it gives pra to see that it has a well dark Iris. Darker than
of a horse. Moreover, it has eyelids that they seem to have the function of humidificar the eyes. The mouth of it is small, without apparent lips or
mucosae. The interior of it does not seem to have teeth, but yes a hard gengiva that if resembles a little with the one of children just born. We
could not examine the Juca with details. We know this for that we saw in the bodies of the others. Very little times it allowed that we touched it.
Although he is accustomed with the tratador of it, I and more two friends, it still are very arredio to the touch and if he scares easy. In first
days, when we found that it slept, we place a long cushion pra it to sleep but it never nor arrived close. It only was there in I sing it, seated in
the soil. We introduce a chair of bar in the room of it and after seeing the tratador to seat some times in that chair, it he also seated and now, he
sits down eventually in the chair. Juca never sketched reaction of escape or something thus. It is not come close to the door and the windows are
locked with cadeado. It is curious, but excessively fearful. The Juca has 4 fingers in the hands, being two great and two small ones, that they finish
in a species of thick nail. Tortos the well small feet are e, without nail, seeming half atrophied. The skin is fine and with many sanguineous vases.
The blood is red as ours and it is not gray. It seems a species of color of pale skin, with some colored places more, as they were themselves sun
burning in some points. Other parts have a despigmentado half tone. Looking at well of close, it gives pra to notice máculas puntiformes of dark tone
red, that gives the tone of the skin. It remembers the skin of a squid, but it is a little thicker than of the squid and it is not gosmento. It does
not have ears, only one auditory canal, without auricular pavilion. Nor apparent sexual agency. The body temperature is slightly lower than the human
being. It has a discrete crack where we assume that an inlaid reproductive agency exists. They have the similar anus and sphincters to the ones of the
human beings. We also notice this for the superficial comment of the other bodies. Not she has for nor the hair some. It also is very curious with the
fact of terms hair. He is looking at our hair fixed. We try to give to child clothes pra it, but it opposes it vestiz them. The time is naked all and
it does not seem to feel heat or cold. The capsule of it was very cold and I thought that it I would go to feel much heat here, but I do not notice no
sweat. It breathes air normally. We in worry them that of some form it catches some type of embryo or virus. This probably would be fatal for it. Our
recent experiences include to try to teach it to say it. It until learned to say some simple words, but he is as to teach a monkey to speak. The
monkeys do not only speak because they are hindered physically. But the Juca speaks. It still did not articulate a alone phrase, of the head of it,
but we are trying to make this to happen. For the time being it only repeats some words, as a autista. In the video that we send, you go to see that
it is repeating the things with certain difficulty, but you need to have patience. To arrive in this level we take one month more than massificando
and repeating daily the words. Nor always we have the patience necessary to teach it and is frustrating at many moments to see alien to only moan
barulhos incompressible. But we are persisting. We do not treat it with ignorance. The occurrence of the video was an isolated case. I raise this and
try to keep the calm of my partners being said that it is if strengtheing. He is making the part of it. If the situation was inverse, nobody would
obtain here to imitate the session of hummings of it. We try to pass livened up drawings pra it. It sees Bob Sponge of time in when, but he does not
laugh and with much certainty he does not understand what he transfers himself in the drawing. He is more interested in the device of tevê. It looks
at the wire, the buttons and tries to look at for gretas of refrigeration of the device, interested in the interior. We distrust that the level of
abstraction of it is slightly different of ours. We try to give to some toys pra it, but Juca did not show to greater interest highly, excepting
itself a ball, that it was turning the hands, seeming concentrated per some minutes. We had that to take the ball of it, because it was practically in
settles with it. We had fear that it obtained some form of communication with the people of it, but happily this did not happen. The farm where it is
sufficiently is moved away from the place of the capture and it did not have no significant avistamento in the region. When those speculations had
appeared of ufos kneading canaviais in the SP interior, had distrust that captivity could be some ship arriving more close to the region it, but so
far, it is in security. Good, I do not want to prolongate more nor to take its time. Already I wrote stocking here Bible pro Sir. If to want, can
publish of that skill that made in the last time. I only ask for that it erases you the underlined parts. It can rewrite what to find better. E if to
make that project of the story, with certainty everybody goes to accept. On the video, I find that it gives pra to also show. If to want to pass to
some friend or ufólogo, is the will. If to want to cut some part, to include a mark d'água, link or to take off the sound, make as to want. If to
make questions, speaks that it is the same doll of the photos. I find that the Juca goes to pass easy for the 1 because the photos were bad. But omit
the underlined data, Ok? On that question of the capsule, already I started to copy documents. Control more information at the opportune moment. I
wait that it likes video it and them photos. Excuse for the size. It is with God Ps: Codinome invents one there well impressive pra me. There E does
not forget to make the described procedures in the TXT to destroy the email in its computer, Ok?