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Rush, Hannity and Boortz

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posted on Apr, 14 2008 @ 02:16 PM
I think Boortz is in a whole different league than Hannity and Rush - more intellectual and a LOT more independent. He reasons where Rush and Hannity cajole and mock. I would put Boortz more in line with intellectual conservatives like Bill Buckley (RIP.)

I must admit I am biased though, he was a customer at my previous job, and I dealt with him a couple of times. He was very polite and very pleasant to deal with - unlike many other customers, who treated us like crap. I was doing phone support though, so when I talked to people they were already usually in a very stressful situation.

But Mr Boortz was always polite, rational, and appreciative of our efforts on his behalf. After that I started reading his commentaries, and I have to give him credit for making me think. A true class act.

Hannity & Rush on the other hand, are basically just loudmouth jerks

posted on Apr, 14 2008 @ 02:31 PM
Rush and Hannity...

Boortz, on the other hand, I find mildly amusing and often correct. However, that doesn't mean they are not still just shills hawking GOP talking points. I don't know anyone who listens to Rush or Hannity who isn't over the age of 50 or who doesn't vote the same way as their parents - it's called indoctrination.

My point for posting however is to add that I am not convinced about radio or television ratings whatsoever. It really just boils down to who the target listener (read: advertising dollars) - as to whose show does well. The only people who really have time to listen to talk radio are affluent, older people (read: consumers) and their stepford kids.

posted on Apr, 14 2008 @ 02:34 PM
If I ever get close enough to sean hannity I am gonna take a swing. Rush is funny, boortz pretty good and savage is the most entertaining but sean hannity needs to be taken out back and worked over that little smirk and the way he would always end his show with "its 3484500 days until GWB is our commmander in chief" Im not usually this crude or crass but really that guy needs to get off the air.

and you know what someone said he does stuff for the what a "freedom concert" whatever thats like equivalent to giving a cup of water to someone who is on fire, the soldiers dont want to die and want to see there families and enjoy ice cream on front porches thats how you help the troops

sorry as stated before in my other posts I listen to talk shows all day and sean just makes me yell in the car.

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