posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 07:41 PM
Hey I like this idea. If I were able to go back and see what really happened on any event, it would have to be Roswell, without a doubt. Think about
it. Being able to see the original debris field and inspect the material that mystified so many witnesses, and of course stuff some of it in your
pocket to bring back with you. Then if it was a real UFO crash with aliens, I would see if there was one that was still alive and get him out of there
so the Military can't have him. What I would do with him after that, I don't know, but I imagine if you could talk to him I'd have about a few
million questions.
On the other hand if it turned out to be just a Mogul balloon with no aliens then think of how many spin off stories that could be debunked.
Everything from Col. Corso to MJ12 documents would be proved wrong. That would also be valuable information.
If I could go back but you couldn't bring anything back with you, I would get some of the material and bury it somewhere safe. Then it would still be
there when I came back, and you would just go dig it up and have your proof. If your going to dream, might as well dream big.