posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by Holygamer
there is debate to whether that puppy was really alive or dead.
the idea is, in the war rubble, they found a dead puppy, and recorded a video, being bored soldiers, throwing the dead puppy, which might explain the
lack of disregard for the puppy by the soldier, although thats being optimistic.
they think the crying sound of the puppy, which is only made after it is airborn, was added after the video was made. that would make sense,
considering the puppy does not make a single sound or movement during its unkind handling by the soldier, holding it up like that, twisting its skin
momentarily before the throw to add distance to it. then, once air-born, it cries it only then? kinda weird..
im not saying its a fake, im just saying it is worth considering, but i can guarantee you that 1,000+ dogs of various ages have been killed in the two
conflicts since 9/11, Afghanistan and Iraq, by U.S. indirect fire, and some incidents of direct action as well.
[edit on 3/14/2008 by runetang]