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Banning the Baggy Pants

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posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by jfj123
I find it doubtful that these 6 figure individuals walk around with pants below their butts and underwear sticking out EVERYWHERE they go.

I admit, it's not a typical line of work, but I am not stretching the truth to prove a point. To avoid being cryptic, I'm talking about musicians, particularly the ones many like to blame for the trend altogether. That being said, I would bet I know a few of them that could school your typical uptight conservative in business, or chess - your pick.

[edit on 14-3-2008 by scientist]

posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 10:02 PM
It isn't a surprise that this thread would attract the usual racists.
Bunch of stereotyping going on from so-called intellectuals.

We all know that its only one type of person that wears baggy pants, I mean c'mon.

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 12:11 AM
Well i for one said wannabes if that wasn't clear enough that includes white kids or any other ethnic group that seems to have the one step away from or just out of prison cloathing.
I see it on two year olds and they have no choice.
I see it sold in high end fashion stores.
These young kids will rebel and russia will have a lot of lowcost denim .
I don't were polo shirts myself,more the jeans and military garb only because its cheap.
I could be targeted by police for wearing that.But nobody will ever kill me for my coveted sports shoes,sports jacket,or desiner jeans.

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 01:35 AM

you say, "it is part of their culture, it IS the norm."
It is not!!!!!
the baggy pants style is not part of the black culture, it is part of the
rap/gangsta/thug culture that includes blacks, whites, mexicans, asians, ...

theres many blacks that want nothing to do with this culture.

The baggy pants style originated from Eazy-E ,a gangsta rap pioneer from the 80's. He claimed he could not keep the ladies off him, so he wore his pants low for "easy access" . He died of Aids.

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 02:50 AM
Dinos are for three year olds, give it up.
I love dinos girls in school uniforms.
Can we agree on that.

100% for school uniforms.

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 05:16 AM

Originally posted by ChronMan
It isn't a surprise that this thread would attract the usual racists.
Bunch of stereotyping going on from so-called intellectuals.

We all know that its only one type of person that wears baggy pants, I mean c'mon.

I've seen every ethnic background wearing the baggy pants with them hanging below their butts and underwear hanging out so at least where I live, it's not worn by one ethnic background.

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 07:18 AM

Originally posted by microsoft123
The baggy pants style originated from Eazy-E ,a gangsta rap pioneer from the 80's. He claimed he could not keep the ladies off him, so he wore his pants low for "easy access" . He died of Aids.

so much disinfo, so little time!

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by scientist

Originally posted by microsoft123
The baggy pants style originated from Eazy-E ,a gangsta rap pioneer from the 80's. He claimed he could not keep the ladies off him, so he wore his pants low for "easy access" . He died of Aids.

so much disinfo, so little time!

I've noticed you seem to make quite a few snide comments. You claim he/she posted incorrect info, for you to know this, you must know the correct info. Wouldn't it be a bit more productive to simply post the correct info?

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 11:02 AM
ok, the correct info is that Eazy-E did not invent baggy pants.

Baggy pants "trend" came from prisons, where it's extremely common to get stuck with clothes more than a few sizes too large. As sort of a social criticism, people began wearing the ill fitting clothes as civilians as well, and then yes - pop culture caught on.

It has nothing to do with concealing weapons and drugs, in fact its much easier to conceal a gun with regular fitting pants, and a large overcoat / sweatshirt / etc. And it's easy to carry drugs with normally fitting cargo shorts.

It's insulting that anyone should have to explain this.

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by mikellmikell

San Quentin, I believe. California, surprisingly

It's so amusing to watch these kids react with utter and complete horror, when you tell them this...see them again a week later and their pants are up around their armpits. Amusing.

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by Brain2100cc


Knock him out, huh? Good way to get yourself killed there kiddo. Not all that bright, really.

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by AccessDenied

If they want to dress like a "gangsta", they'd best be ready to be treated as such. People go by appearances, generally. Maybe the appearance isn't the truth, but how many of us actually take that kind of time in public with people we don't know?

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by scientist
ok, the correct info is that Eazy-E did not invent baggy pants.


It's insulting that anyone should have to explain this.

No insult intended, but I am finding this quite informative. I prefer the trench coat look (which usually makes me a suspicious target as well), so I had no knowledge of where the trend originated. Your reply informed more than your adversary.

I've watched this 'discussion' with interest, scientist. You have defended yourself well IMO.


posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by microsoft123

you say, "it is part of their culture, it IS the norm."
It is not!!!!!
the baggy pants style is not part of the black culture, it is part of the
rap/gangsta/thug culture that includes blacks, whites, mexicans, asians, ...

theres many blacks that want nothing to do with this culture.

The baggy pants style originated from Eazy-E ,a gangsta rap pioneer from the 80's. He claimed he could not keep the ladies off him, so he wore his pants low for "easy access" . He died of Aids.

You pretty much reitterated my point.
Baggy pants is not part of the "Rap Culture".
It is simply a particular style that certain rappers choose to adopt.
How much do you know about the "Rap Culture" that you feel the need to make such baseless claims regarding it?

Maybe I should start speaking on topics I have absolutely no knowledge of. I thought proper etiquette was to actually do research and study, then draw logical conclusion... I thought.

I find it funny how you took the time to mention all of those "Cultures" and failed to mention the fact that plenty of "Goths", Rockers, and Alternative Musicians wear extremly baggy clothes, Its that part of those particular cultures aswell?

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 03:13 PM
I never said a Race of people I'm talking subcultures, like skaters, surfers, ect.

The problem I'm seeing here is that you are all assuming its only the"black gangsters" that are wearing baggy pants. Well this law affects others too like Us white, Mexican, Asian, and black skaters, surfers, ect.

and yes for some of us it is the Norm, maybe not for you but for others its what we grew up with.

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by Lowtoc

Hmmmm. I have two sons that are semi-pro skateboarders, who have been in skateboard videos. Neither one of them would be caught dead wearing baggy stuff that might cause them to get injured.

I guess you are pretty brave to put your life in danger skating that way. Best of luck to you!

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 02:50 AM
I think they should ban this stupid fashion statement. Im sorry but it was really offensive when last week a high school boy comes up into my bus and I can see his freaking plaid boxers cos his pants were so low his ass was showing. THIS IS OFFENSIVE.

they allow kids to wear pants like this in school but dammit, next time I have a kid like that he needs to pull em up. My bus, my rules.

by the way folks, it's not just black dudes. I see Mexican dudes, white dudes too..all the time. AND it's not just baggy pants. Normal jeans are pulled down to show butt cheek...OMG...I saw this one dude, a white kid, I was laughing...he had tight jeans pulled down like that he could hardly walk normal!! he waddled!

[edit on 16-3-2008 by buslady]

[edit on 16-3-2008 by buslady]

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 02:55 AM
I absolutely cannot stand to see this look. It is obscene. I don't want to see some idiots ass hanging out. Exspecially when he has to hold his pants up by his crotch to keep them from falling off! Instead of making the pants illegal though just give me the right to give the wearer a good permanant wedgie!

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
WTF ?????????????????

i will state from the get go - that i think the people that wear them are fooing retards and look stupid beyond belief

but legislating fashion is even stupider

IF and big if certain individuals are wandering around with thier genitals hanging out - what is wrong with using the current laws to procecute them for lewd conduct ??

i make the assumption that florida already has a statute agaist public indecency

to answer your question - why is the idiot pushing this law - IMHO its the standard politician attempt to be seen to be doing " something "

Exactly. This is just one step closer to forcing the civilians to dress in identical unisex government uniforms like the Outer Party in 1984.

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