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Banning the Baggy Pants

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posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 07:42 PM
Originally posted by Lowtoc

and as far as showing my bottom we are all equally guilty of doing this, there are people I see that bend over and some crack pokes out and they are dressed what you would call "normal". Until the day that kids start sagging their pants and aren't wearing any boxers or underwear please don't jump to extremes and say that we are opening swinging D*ck for all to see just to upset someone

"Again, if your a$$ is actually hanging out of your pants, it should be fairly apparent that someone needs to explain decorum to you."

There is a reason why underwear is called underwear. It's supposed to go under what you wear. People who let their underwear hang out of their pants, are slobs in my opinion. And by the way, I am not guilty of ever having any "cracks" show in public.

I grew up wearing pants like that"

Most people who are grown up, do not show up for work in baggy pants with their underwear sticking out above their pants. I don't know any employers who would hire a person who would show up for an interview dressed that way.

Again I don't need someone telling me how to live MY life.

I disagree with this quote!

posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by jfj123
Since some people don't think clothes can be distracting, why not allow anyone to wear anything they want in school? How about a t-shirt that has a racist saying?

just for the record, im not against banning baggy pants in school. what im against are ignorant, slanderous words against people who prefer a certain fashion over another. it's like being called stupid because you like a certain type of music, that obviously anyone with "decorum" wouldn't like.

posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by jfj123

hahaha I don't know how long ago you were in school but nowadays most teenagers wear "different" clothing so it is not a big deal to other kids now. My hair is certainly a distraction. Maybe for a couple minutes but come on, do you seriously think that us teenagers are so weakminded as to not be able to do our schoolwork because the kid sitting next to us looks different?

posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by theendisnear69
so when people are in class they are thinking about other kids clothes

Yes. More than schoolwork .. for sure.

that's what teenagers do. They think about clothes .. body parts ... what they are going to have for lunch ... what they are going to do after school ... going to the mall ....

everything they can EXCEPT school work.

Pants falling down to someones knees is a distraction.
(and just plain stupid)

If a school wants to ban them. Fine.
Just don't outlaw them in general.

posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by scientist

Originally posted by jfj123
Since some people don't think clothes can be distracting, why not allow anyone to wear anything they want in school? How about a t-shirt that has a racist saying?

just for the record, im not against banning baggy pants in school.

Are you for it?

what im against are ignorant, slanderous words against people who prefer a certain fashion over another.

Since this is a remark toward me, why not be specific about it?

it's like being called stupid because you like a certain type of music, that obviously anyone with "decorum" wouldn't like.

No it's like being called stupid for thinking it's acceptable to have your butt hanging out in public. This is obviously against societal norms in many countries and is simply not an acceptable display in some forums.

Do I care if someone wants to dress, silly? -My opinion.
No, of course I don't. But I do think that people who choose to dress with their pants passed their butts and their UNDERwear hanging out, should not expect people to take them very seriously in some forums such as the business world.

[edit on 14-3-2008 by jfj123]

posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by theendisnear69
reply to post by jfj123

hahaha I don't know how long ago you were in school but nowadays most teenagers wear "different" clothing so it is not a big deal to other kids now. My hair is certainly a distraction. Maybe for a couple minutes but come on, do you seriously think that us teenagers are so weakminded as to not be able to do our schoolwork because the kid sitting next to us looks different?

I have no problem with people wanting to be individuals. Keep in mind though, that your mind is what makes you an individual, not your clothes.

If you want to dress a certain way or even put tattoos on your face, that is your right but it will have consequences throughout life.

posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

I am a teenager and as I said before of course i'm not doing my schoolwork but it has nothing to do with clothes. NOTHING.

When I'm in class i'm thinking about getting laid (typical teenager I know) not a guys baggy pants

posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 08:01 PM
Hold onto your pants people...this bill actually passed the Senate...

Senate Passes Pull Up Your Pants Bill

The Senate passed a bill on Thursday to prevent students from wearing low-hung pants that show their underwear.

It passed 28-11, with some interesting alliances. Those who voted against talked about several reasons, from not wanting to micro-manage school districts to not wanting to over-legislate dress codes.


posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 08:01 PM
You think this is silly; In Birmingham, Alabama the county is fixing to post the largest deficit in US history and they've got a ban on baggy pants in public places going through local legislation.... It's just baggy pants, as long as it isn't indecent.

posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 08:03 PM
Yes you might be able to bend over,but that's the only advantage i can see.

The trend came about just like parkas in 80 degree weather,to conceal weapons and drugs from the law.It became fashion through rap vidios.

Thugs fall on their faces when the pants hit their ankles. I can't say what happens on a skateboard but it has to hurt.What ya gunna doo.

If i walk in my own home with my pants too loose i spend more time keeping them up than the tasks at hand.

Unless you work seated all day you would not be able to hold down the simplest jobs or the job that require agility or preparedness.

Man rescues child from on coming traffic only to have both die when pants fall to ankles.

posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by jfj123

Originally posted by theendisnear69
reply to post by jfj123

I have no problem with people wanting to be individuals. Keep in mind though, that your mind is what makes you an individual, not your clothes.

If you want to dress a certain way or even put tattoos on your face, that is your right but it will have consequences throughout life.

I agree that it has consequences. But when your a teenager thats probably the only time in your life to be able to dress outrageously, because as I grow up I'm probably gonna look back and say wow those clothes are stupid what was I thinking.

They should not take something away from kids that they can only get away with once in their lives. Were just having fun. Were just trying to find our way in the world and yes clothes are part of that stage.

posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 08:11 PM
What about women wearing really tight clothing? why do we only have to pick on one style? why don't we just ban all clothing that is suggestive and indecent?

Then maybe we wouldn't be having this fight and we can become more of a peon who lets the government live for us

why do you think that someone should tell me how to live? what do you care? why should it concern you? just because I wear my clothes a certain way does not mean I am a bad person.

I'm asking nicely for people to not make Direct personal attacks.

I'm not picking on you for the way you dress so leave me be.

posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 08:18 PM
Of course...this explains it.....State Sen. Gary Siplin now wants everyone to have a brush with the law...makes him look better....

State Sen. Gary Siplin Felony tossed out; State Considering Next Move

State Sen. Gary Siplin is no longer a felon.

The 5th District Court of Appeal in Daytona Beach reversed the Orlando Democrat's 2006 grand-theft conviction and ruled that he can't be retried for the crime, according to a decision released Friday.

The three-judge panel also sent the senator's misdemeanor conviction -- using state employees to work on his campaign -- back to the lower court, where the state can elect to try him again. Prosecutors on Friday had not decided what their next move will be.

posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by Lowtoc
What about women wearing really tight clothing? why do we only have to pick on one style? why don't we just ban all clothing that is suggestive and indecent?

Then maybe we wouldn't be having this fight and we can become more of a peon who lets the government live for us

why do you think that someone should tell me how to live? what do you care? why should it concern you? just because I wear my clothes a certain way does not mean I am a bad person.

I'm asking nicely for people to not make Direct personal attacks.

I'm not picking on you for the way you dress so leave me be.

I haven't seen anyone make any personal attacks against you.

Regarding suggestive clothing-Well some clothing has been deemed inappropriate for certain venues. For example, I doubt a girl would be able to wear a half shirt with no bra in school or daisy duke shorts, etc... So some clothing style are being legislated by schools. Are you as outraged about these clothing styles being banned? If not why not?

posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 08:30 PM
link more...this is to good to pass up.....

Fence Jumping Senator Video (for real) and photos HERE

The criminal case was started after several Channel 9 investigations focused on Siplin. He's charged with paying employees to work on his re-election campaign in 2004.

Siplin turned himself into the Polk County jail late Monday afternoon and bonded out. Before that, Siplin made a dramatic exit from his office Monday. Even for a politician who has become known for some unusual behavior, it was jaw-dropping.

Siplin scaled a chain-link fence behind his senate office in Pine Hills and jumped into a waiting car. Just an hour and a half before, State Attorney Lawson Lamar announced a third-degree felony charge of grand theft had been filed against Siplin, as well as a misdemeanor of using services of officers or employees. He apparently was trying to avoid being seen by Channel 9 cameras waiting at his office.

I see a protest music video with a little fence jumping bill sponsor woven's amazing what a little opposition research will bring up.


posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by jfj123

Originally posted by scientist
just for the record, im not against banning baggy pants in school.

Are you for it?

of course not, but after my experiences in public school, I'm surprised they don't already have a nationwide dress code that would remind me of classic black and white Nick at Night episodes. Actually, you know what - I DO think they should ban them, along with lots of other stuff. Why? Because banning something is an extreme action - and all extreme actions trigger extreme reactions. The more and more government tries to step on the younger kids, the more and more they will act out in defiance. I look forward to such catalysts of change.

Originally posted by jfj123

what im against are ignorant, slanderous words against people who prefer a certain fashion over another.

Since this is a remark toward me, why not be specific about it?

because I'm not trying to address you, but your mentality, which I imagine is just a microcosm of other posters on ATS, and perhaps someone that may be reading this a year from now.

Originally posted by jfj123
stupid for thinking it's acceptable to have your butt hanging out in public. This is obviously against societal norms in many countries

spare me your norms. The victorian era ended over 100 years ago, but old habits die hard.

Originally posted by jfj123
people who choose to dress with their pants passed their butts and their UNDERwear hanging out, should not expect people to take them very seriously in some forums such as the business world.

ironically, I know more than a few professionals in the business world that make over six figures, and wear baggy pants wherever they go, instead of worrying about who might be criticizing them. If you feel smarter because your clothes are conservative, more power to you. Just realize it's an ego thing, there is no real correlation between the character of a person, and what they look like. Next let's dismiss anyone with tattered clothing as morons, shall we? They obviously are too dumb to realize how dumb they look wearing ill-fitting and/or stained clothes.

posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by scientist

Originally posted by jfj123
people who choose to dress with their pants passed their butts and their UNDERwear hanging out, should not expect people to take them very seriously in some forums such as the business world.

ironically, I know more than a few professionals in the business world that make over six figures, and wear baggy pants wherever they go, instead of worrying about who might be criticizing them. If you feel smarter because your clothes are conservative, more power to you. Just realize it's an ego thing, there is no real correlation between the character of a person, and what they look like. Next let's dismiss anyone with tattered clothing as morons, shall we? They obviously are too dumb to realize how dumb they look wearing ill-fitting and/or stained clothes.

I find it doubtful that these 6 figure individuals walk around with pants below their butts and underwear sticking out EVERYWHERE they go.

[edit on 14-3-2008 by jfj123]

posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 08:57 PM
A few thoughts about this.

Doesn't every generation have it's fashion fads? Bellbottoms, skin-tight jeans, flare bottom jeans, parachute pants, ripped jeans, faded jeans the list goes on...does anyone remember putting safety pins up the leg of their pants?? My mom HATED that one (or was that just a Canadian thing LOL).

It's a fad. That's all it is. My son was one of the baggy pants kids, although not as bad as some I've seen. Him and most of his friends are now starting to wear more straight cut slim fitting jeans. The fad is almost gone so why make a big stink about it now? We're all starting to sound like our parents!

If, as a child, you didn't follow the trends or fads in fashion, then you certainly weren't the norm. Even taking out the unique individuals that dressed how they wanted and didn't care what anyone said even when it didn't follow the trend, and taking out the kids who's parents strictly forbade them from wearing certain things...that still leaves the majority of kids that are following these fads.


posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 09:20 PM
When I was in grade school and junior high school, as a young girl, we had to wear dresses or skirts to school every day. We were required to wear pantyhose and or tights with those skirts and dresses. This didn't matter if it was 10 degrees below zero or 80 degrees above. Also, the skirts and dresses could be no shorter than an inch above the knee.

When I got to high school, we were permitted to wear jeans. Nobody abused that privilage by showing up with pants too tight, or pants to baggy. We were just thrilled to be able to wear jeans.

My whole point to this, is that attitudes were different. We were expected to be young ladies and gentlemen, and for the most part we were. I think that dressing the part, contributed to this.

I am not saying that we were better then, I am just saying that sometimes dressing correctly lends to a better atmosphere where you do as you are expected and have respect for authorites, and each other. Or that was the way I saw it.

That does not seem to happen anymore. Clothes sometimes do make the man or women, and following a proper dress code for certain situations should not be frowned upon.

I can understand somebody not wanting to wear a suite and a tie all the time, but I am a person who feels that baggy pants with underwer hanging out at school, or in the workplace shows a lack of concern by a person who would dress in such a fashion. and I find it disrespectful.

[edit on 14-3-2008 by Enthralled Fan]

posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 09:31 PM
It's got to hard on on cops dealing with the hip hop-rap whannabes i see on t.v. today.It's one thing to put your hands is a pocket not knowing if you can get stuck with a needle but they have to pull these probates pants up just to get them into the car.I'm no big fan of the cops but wow!
Imagine that six figure one hand at his belt all day guy walking down a dark street at night. That would not be social profiling but good sense to see who it is.

As for school let them run wild i say,we could have the every cent the school asks for and there never would be enough for the students.

Go figure.

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