posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 11:16 AM
Ok, I have been reading the posts on this thread now and the following makes me DISTURBED:
1) Humans, humans, humans... Doesn't anyone think about the maritime life? Would someone please think about the maritime life!
No, but sereiously, fish, birds, maritime mammals, THEY are the ones to get screwed fristhand. What we consider a "minute" dose (pretty gay
expression) might be a lethal dose for minor fish or other water-bourne organisms. The chemicals will be stored and refined throughout the food chain,
finally ended up on your dinner plate with 20-50 times the doses you get in your petty tap-water.
THAT is the REAL problem. Gosh, can't you see that? The ecosystems are collapsing and water-bourne disease becomes resistant as well...
But nooo, you worry about growing a third arm or whatever, totally missing the point...
2) Goverment putting drugs in the water for MK-purposes...bah! Those kind of theories are PARANOID in a upmost pathological way.
If you can't see the flow-sheet from digesting pharmasuticals to passing them through and out of your system, you are most likely unaware of how the
water we drink is the same that the dinosaurs used. It's like an everflowing stream, nothing disappears, everything remains. Open your eyes, pay
attention at school you people!
The stuff they drug you up with is called Coca Cola, Malboro and Big Mac. There you have your chemicals, there you have your drugs, there you have
your MK.
No, I'm not saying that they put drugs in your food to make you happy and all (because most people are not) but they make sure you consume it in
extremo, all life long and you're just LOVING IT... Ever read "Brave New World"?
3) Botteled water, yeah, that's the answer. Why not make the 18-wheelers drive and extra round of gasoline-burning, carbon dioxide-spewing,
resource-munching transport so that you can have your "safe" water on the pacifier. Hey, make sure they ship it all the way from another continent
so that you can add some more misery to this already dying planet. Botteled water is a major threat to the world, one of the worst I would say because
it is the most stupid thing ever. Tap water is freakin' free man (more or less, depending on where you live, but never expensive in any way)! It's
like taking charge for every breath of air. Ok, if you live in an over-polluted city or area, I can see why, but most of us don't have it that way.
If that doesn't consern you, think of the economic aspect: you are being ripped off. It's just tap water in a facy container. You pay at least 10
times more for the bottle itself rather than the contents.
PUH! It felt good to get that out of my system.
(blowfishdl- love your avatar!)