posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 09:44 AM
There was a programme in the UK done by Richard Hammond called "Should I be scared of..." where he investigated the UK's drinking water. After
having tap water and bottled water independently tested, the tap water actually contained less pollutants and impurities than most bottled waters.
There were also no traces of any hormones, drugs or any of the other "scare" stories that do the rounds on the internet in the tap water, due to the
VERY TIGHT regulations that surround water in the UK.
Many bottled waters are just mains water that has been rebottled and sold at 100,000% markup. When he tried to give away tap water in a busy street,
no one wanted it, but when he bottled it and sold it for 25p, people queued up to buy it! It's all in the head people and big corporations know how
dumb Joe Public is and will make money off you.
Someone said above about the Thames having "crack" in it. Well, firstly, thats just untrue, as if it came from people, it would have been
metabolised into something other than crack coc aine. Secondly, it matters not what is in the Thames, as you don't drink water directly from the
River. It is heavily treated and purified. Also, much of the Thames regions water comes from reservoirs and the waste water is treated and then put
into the Thames.
As for the people who seem to think drinking water from a 150 year old well is safer than tap water... WTF? Your probably, at the very least, sharing
the same water table/aquifer as the mains supply and if not, then any rain that falls or water that is used and put into the ground will contaminate
your supply anyway.
As for flouride, in the UK at least, very few water area's have it added, usually only the poor areas that traditionally suffered from bad teeth.
Thames Region does not fluoridate the water.
So, bottom line is, you hear alot of scare stories about tap water, but most are utter bollocks. At least, in the UK anyway.....