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Californian City Bans Cussing

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posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 08:21 PM
This will begin happening more and more as America inches towards Socialism. Say good-bye to your personal freedoms, Americans. You voted the Socialists in Congress in 2006 - you chose the lowest-rated Congress in history

My country is suicidal...

[edit on 8-3-2008 by ChocoTaco369]

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by FreeThinkerIdealist
Why do you all have such a need an desire to use vulgar language? Why is it to a point you must use it in written word as well?

If you want to make a point or exclamation, wit is a much better way to stick it to your adversary than an unintelligent outburst of anger and profanity.

Wit has nothing to do with which vocabulary you choose to use. The way I see it is there is a way to use every word. Abusing the word "f**k" is similar to abusing any other word. Using it improperly is what makes you look ignorant, not the word itself.

Do I curse every other word? No. Do I curse, of course. I'll do it in public. I won't do it at a job interview because it is private, they make the rules. When I say it, I mean exactly what I say. I'm not going to choose a different word because I think you will respect me more or it will offend you. I am blunt with every word of every sentence.

If I am talking to somebody and they say something extremely arrogant I may say:
"I'm sorry you feel that way, but as far as I can see, you are being an arrogant son of a b****."
I meant exactly what I said, and those were the words I felt best fitting. I do not care if you like it, or respect it, it is what I felt, and I don't need my level of intelligence approved by anyone who thinks otherwise.

I grew up in a house where the father used a swear word or two just about every sentence. I ended up being very fluent in the language or foul-mouth-ness prior to 5 year old. I always knew how and when to use it, as in not in public.

Then obviously you don't know when to use it, and either did your father. Knowing when to use it has nothing to do with where you are but how you say it and the reason for saying it.

If swearing is so great, next time you have an interview for a job, when the person asks how you are, say 'Fine, and how the F$#^ are you? Or, go to a PTA meeting and have the teacher say your kid is acting like a little B$%^#.

A job interview and being in public are two different things. When you own your own business you can hire as many curse word spitting people as you like. Until that time, you will follow whatever rules that business you are applying for has.

Profanity is just uncouth and really has no need in our public vocabulary. I don't see how it is much of a freedom of speech issue, since your ideas and message are't being restrained, just vulgar words within that message.

In your view. In some other peoples view. In my view, and many others view, they are just more words. It doesn't matter what words they choose, so long as they don't directly result in violence or threaten public safety they fall under free speech. Yelling "fire" in a crowded store is a more dangerous word then yelling "f***!" in a crowded store on any day.

Another thing, if you are not using swearing as an uncontrolled expression, then you are doing it for attention ... which is far worse of an offense than the swearing itself. Attention [whore]s are quite pathetic, since they need so much approval or at least the need to be noticed by others that shows they don't have enough self-respect or respect from the current people in their life to satisfy them. Most people don't find cursing to be 'cool'. Most people don't think, 'wow, that guy said the f-word ... he must be brilliant and sophisticated' ... emotionally charged words? :lmao: have fun, but I find a speech of passion without swearing to be much more emotionally motivating than one with its use.

That's your own view. I'll take it into account, and then I will continue doing what it is I am doing. I am not doing it to be cool, I am not doing it for attention. I am doing it because that is the cluster of words I choosed to use for that sentence that I liked the most. I don't care if you liked it, and I certainly don't care what you think about those words. Those are the words I liked the most to use.

I will say how I think without worrying about if you are going to respect me more or less for the words I feel like using.

Imagine if MLK Jr said 'I have a #ing dream, that all mf'ers are created equal', not quite as emotionally charged and motivating, is it now?

That is because that is abusing the words themselves, misusing them. Just because you don't know how to use said words, or others might not, does not mean that they must be banned.

When I watch 'Gordon Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares', I don't have any more respect for him cursing every other word. He could very well get his same point across just as effective without the use of it. In fact, he might get his point across better if he didn't, since some people have a negative reaction to the swearing. He is not being any more crass or offensive using the words, in fact, I don't think he uses them as emotionally charged words, it is just so common to him he cannot control it much.

well lets hope that Gordon Ramsey wasn't aiming to earn your respect then.
When I see some guy in a particularly tough situation where he is getting a negative result regardless of what choice he makes, I could go say:
"well he is in quiet the quagmire!"
or I could just say "He is royally f***ed!" Why? Because those are the words I decided I wanted to use. They sounded the best to ME so I used them. Don't respect it, that isn't my concern. If speaking my mind word for word can't get somebodies respect, then I don't want it.

Basically, do you oppose having your 2 year old using those words freely? If so, then you essentially agree with this law. Do you agree with these words being used freely in front of your 2 year old? If not, then you agree with this law. (Imagine you have one if you don't.)

depends on how its being used and in what context. If my two year old said "I'll do what I want, b****" I wouldn't allow it because it's uncalled for, insulting, and is just added on the end there to spite me. At 2 years old they are just kind of repeating words without much context so I can't really think of an instance where a two year old would properly use the word. But if an 8 year old said "The TV said all muslim people are crazy, but I can't help but calling 'bulls**t'." I probably wouldn't have a problem with that. I see nothing wrong with that.

This isn't religious morality. It isn't about curbing your rights (PATRIOT Act is much more of a burden, as well as wiretapping, the president vetoing the ban on torture). It is about having a level of self-respect and decency in daily life and in the world.

I have enough self-respect to speak my mind without worrying about how other people will think about it. I have the decency to use my brain to decide when the word is used well and when it isn't. Self-respect isn't being conscious of how other people interpret you and your words. Self-respect is about being true to yourself, and not changing just because some other people disagree with something you think or say.

Online, even here, why not put in the censor yourself if you must use the expression ... # off, shut the # up, get the # out, kiss my # ... wow, that sounds so intelligent and kind, does it not?

I censor myself on ATS because it is part of the rules. Like any business, I do not run it, and if I don't like the rules I can leave.

I have never felt better after a swear session, and in my lifetime, have had many.

Well then congradulations on your 'swear session'. You contributed to the misusage of certain words.

It basically comes down to one not having control of one's temper and frustrations. I don't expect people to be a 'Christine Sullivan' from 'Night Court' ... but, really ... a bit of calmness and respect goes a long way into bettering this world ... not by some silly law as this one, but as a common idea amongst the people that is adhered to.

When you lose temper you look like a jackass whether you are cursing or not. I am perfectly calm everytime I use a curse word. I'm not going to stop using a word just because a majority of people freak out when they hear it. I respect your opinion and your desire to have a curse free environment, but I respect my own thoughts more. So when I think "This guy couldn't sound anymore like a jackass if he tried to", and I say it, that is the end of the story. I take your view into account and I decided to ignore it.

Though, if the people of a community agree and wish for this law, it is their right to have it on their books. To tell them they cannot is suppressing their rights. If you don't agree with the laws of a place, generally you don't move there. There are quite a lot of people who would love to live in a profanity-free community and would move there in a heartbeat ... those who feel it would be a burden on their lives should stay away instead of whining and wanting to change it.

I never said anything about changing it, I just wanted to be able to say I actually got arrested/a ticket, for cursing in public. To me, that is utterly hilarious. I would frame the ticket and use it as written proof that people in Pasadena are illogical.

(cont. in next post)

[edit on 8-3-2008 by grimreaper797]

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 09:02 PM
alright America let's start banning even more forms of communication including spoken word! sounds like a great idea...

Makes a guy want to take a trip to Pasadena with a case of tourette's syndrome.

Just sounds like more distraction and another case of "put on a happy face and go back to sleep America"

I can understand the good intention behind it, but you can't use that excuse to try to impose your will of what you think is correct on people. Especially considering I can't remember a "death by profanity" case reported ever. The concept of a "bad word" is such a fallacy and seems to be a by product of some kind repression.

So way to go Pasadena! Way to promote further censorship...good job folks...

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 09:07 PM

I don't agree with communities that have laws on how many cars you can have, where you can park a boat, and other crazy crap like that.

Why not? There are pleanty of people out there that would love to live in communities that only allow everyone to have one car. You used that why can't they? When it comes to curse words you seem all for deciding other peoples lives, but not other things?

My neighbor had to start parking his boat in a neighbors back yard because of a stupid city ordinance. The boat never affected me sitting in their yard. Their fence had no opening big enough to put it in the back of their house. I also don't agree with communities that limit the colors you can paint your house, or have to have your yard cared for in a particular way ... it is silly, since it is your house and your rights, but some give them up for a certain look or way that they find acceptable. We have a lot of that in FL with the retired communities and some of the rich subdivisions. I choose to live in the community or city to which I agree with the rules, or they have no direct effect on me.

But some people want to live in a community where only certain colors are allowed. Some people may find a color more offensive then a curse word. Some people might have a bigger problem with a person painting their house a dark tint of orange and pink then a person saying the word "f**k".

You can't have it one way and not the other.

I hope every one of you arguing against this cussing rule is also fighting the anti-smoking campaign. It is the smoker's right to smoke, their right to smoke in public, their right to smoke in a club or bar, their right to smoke when they eat.

Sure and if curse words killed you like second hand smoke did, I would be right on board with you on this idea. Unfortunately for your argument, saying "s**t" and "f**k" doesn't give you LUNG CANCER. Try a better analogy next time.

I don't smoke personally, but I never had a problem sitting with a smoker when they could smoke inside. Never had a problem with the restaurants that didn't separate seating, and commended the ones that did. Instead of banning smoking, all they had to do was require air cleaners with a minimum flow rate per square footage and a separation of sections. It is a shame someone I am with has to step outside and walk off 100 ft or so to smoke a cigarette. This also means I must go with them, since I am usually with females who would not feel comfortable walking 100 ft from the door of an establishment at night alone.

Thats fine, I'm sure second hand smoke hasn't done nearly as much physical damage to you as a curse word has.

One last argument that I feel fits in line with this. Public nudity. It is natural. We all have the same parts basically. Why have laws against public nudity? It doesn't hurt anyone. The human body is a piece of art. You could choose if you were nude or not, some people are nudists, to ban nudity is limiting those peoples rights and freedoms.

Personally, I have nothing against public nudity, and alot of places don't either. There are nude beaches in alot of places. It mainly has to do with peoples fear of having their child know what the opposite sex looks like *gasp* naked! *gasp* It is as irrational as the curse word argument.

Then you can get into drug use, but I won't since that would lead to T&C violations, but the same goes, those peoples' rights are being withheld, you don't have to do it, if they could get it legally, there wouldn't be the need to commit crime for it, at least no more than people commit crime to obtain alcohol.

Hard drugs are rightfully banned because the fact they will most likely engage in violent crime while on said drug. Yelling "fire!" in a public store isn't a right because it puts other peoples lives in danger just by doing it. PCP...that puts peoples lives in danger just by doing it.

You cannot fight one cause without fighting the other. If you accept anti-smoking, you should accept anti-cussing

Again, I will just remind you how irrational that argument is.

It is quite clear and simple. Live an let live as long as they don't directly hurt or violate someone else's rights and freedoms, or support the laws that create decency and order ordained by some consensus, even if us more in tune to rights and freedoms don't agree with it.

Ill go with the former, thank you. It is a much better system.

I personally don't care about that law too much (though it is silly, but just as silly as a lot of laws like mandatory seat belts, anti-smoking legislation, home aesthitics, etc.) ... I would prefer people around me not to use profanity, especially around children ... but it does provide the means to show a child why they shouldn't cuss, since usually that person seems quite crazy from being enraged over a minute thing like being cut off or bumped into, or over-reacting to something else like a stubbed toe. The bad situation can be turned into a positive educational event.

Yes it can. You can show the child when you get angry, you look like a jackass, whether you use curse words or not. You can also point out the reasoning as to why they were incorrectly using such words.

In honesty, I may not agree with the words you use, but I do feel you have the right to say them and I defend that despite my above arguments and postulations.

Thank you.

Just wish you had some taste and decency
I could probably out-cuss you, but I have matured enough to all but stop using them except for a slip up here and there.

I have pleanty of decency and I approach everyone very politely. I say things like "Sir" and "ma'am" when talking to somebody I don't know well. I say "I greatly appriciate this" when they do something for me. I curse when I decide that it is a good time to use it. Not a place, or a certain group of people, but timing. When somebody walks in front of a car and nearly gets hit. I can calmly say "*name*, you may be the dumbest sack of s**t I have ever met in my life."

You may not like it, and chances are, I won't care. It is what came to mind, I liked the choice of words, and I am going to say it. Live with it.

And I am glad you can out-cuss me. Of course, I doubt that you can use as many curse words as I can in a correct and reasonable manner.

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 01:01 AM
Um...i dont think this is that serious guys...there not even gonna ticket people, and its only the first week of march. And the ban is only for the first week of march, every march. Im all about free speech and libertarianism, but this seems more like a joke to me.There not even going to enforce it. Lol, i never thought i would be saying this, but i dont think this is a free speech issue, just a town full of snobby rich

I mean, if this were a serious ban, id be lighting the torch and grabbing my pitchfork, but it seems harmless. Now if they start enforcing it, thats a whole different ball game.

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 05:52 AM

Originally posted by gunner36
What a bunch of damn bull crap. It is kind of like being on ATS, you cant cuss, it might hurt someones wittle feelings. Sometimes you need to use a good strong swear word to get your point across.

You need to swear in order to make your point? I was under the impression that facts and well reasoned arguments were the best way to make a point. But if not, just for you, tits##pissflapsbollocks

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 06:34 AM
reply to post by grimreaper797

Feel better?

I actually said I defend the right for people to swear, although I think it would be better if people didn't because swearing is so passe
Try to realize you are preaching to the choir ... I just said that community does/should have the right to make that decision for itself if the vast majority of its citizens decided this is what they wanted for their community.

I believe people should be free to do whatever they please as long as it causes no direct harm to another. Cussing causes no harm, a neighbor not mowing their lawn causes no harm, the alcholic on their own porch causes no harm (but a lot of places it is illegal), etc.

If you feel you are using the words correctly, then when you say, 'son of a #', you really consider that person to be the product of a female dog? When you say 'f you' you really wish to have unlawful carnal knowledge of that person? When you call someone an '#hole', you really think they are a rectum? A #tard was a child born out of wedlock? (and I will give you the full benefit of the doubt that you don't use slanderous racial terminology)

Since you are so educated at the proper usage of profanity, please explain to my apparent ignorance you suggest exists as to the proper definitions and usages of these words. As long as you edit yourself, it does not violate T&C, and will be quite informative.

Oh, I do respect Gordon Ramsey, but because he is an intelligent business man and a great chef, not his choice of vocabulary. His profanity makes no effect on his abilities. It would be nice to not have the television beep so much during the show though ... almost as bad as those talk shows that sound like a heart monitor going off (my granny watches Springer)

Of course, I highly respect the fact that you don't require the approval of others ... I think too many worry about that these days ... but for proper usage, He is f'ed would mean he is physically pleasured, like a gigolo ... not quite the same as saying he is in a problematic situation.

You seem to assume I misuse swear words so I must play with you a bit.

Jackass isn't a cuss word. It is a donkey.

As far as smoking, if restaurants had closed off sections with air cleaners ... guess what, the smoke is taken out and only those who wish to smoke or don't mind being around it will be in that section. What is so wrong with that. I don't smoke, but grew up around heavy smokers, have plenty of friends that smoke ... I don't have lung cancer and have no problems breathing.

In fact, the law where a smoker must be 100 ft from a door of the establishment definitely puts people in danger of being attacked in dark parking lots, while standing there for the 5 minutes or so it takes someone to inhale one of those things. So smoking laws you could say may lead to rape, mugging, and murder. But of course, that is as unrealistic as saying someone seated in a place that has sufficient air filtration for smoking is going to get lung cancer.

Physical damage ... well, what about the emotional damage cursing does to certain individuals. Mental pain and suffering. No, not me personally, but I have ran into people who it gets them quite worked up and distraught ... a weak heart and they could fall out. So, technically, cuss words could cause someone to die from a heart attack. It is fully possible, though not likely.

Coca-cola had an interesting ingredient. People weren't robbing and killing for it when it did have this ingredient. So, really the War on Substances is what causes the violence and problems in the first place. Addicts are addicts, if not 'hard' stuff, they tend to be alcohol abusers ... which is just as bad or worse. Some do the really hard stuff because they figure all of it is illegal, so they might as well get a feeling as intense as the risk.

Look at what happened during alcohol prohibition to see how making a substance like alcohol illegal causes more violence, more criminals, and more problems than having it legal and investing the same funds that are spent in fighting a war you can't win while also housing the non-violent possession offenders, and putting up rehabilitation centers instead to help people get over the emotional problems that are causing them to use a substance (including alcohol) to escape from life and its problems. Thing is, pharmaceutical companies make too much money off of selling the same drugs by prescription to ever have the laws changed.

Later on, you did agree with me. You can't have it one way and not the other. I do find the cussing law stupid, I said as much, as well as a lot of other laws on the books. Thank you for conceding to my argument

I respect you, just wish you could show the same respect in a debate. You repeatedly underhandedly took shots at my character to make your argument against my statements, even though my ultimate opinion is the exact same as yours. You said several times that I would not be able to use cuss words properly, you inferred that I had a temper problem, and generally twisted my words to fit into a position that I do not hold, all with no justification or proof.

Let me put it clear for you. People should be allowed to do as they wish as long as they are not physically harming or causing severe mental/emotional abuse.

You saying the Buffalo Bills f'ed up three years straight by making it to the superbowl only to lose it ... doesn't disturb me at all, unless I see a child nearby. I know some that would find it absurd and get quite huffy about it ... but those people are a bit prudish/uptight anyway.

I just think it is a matter of respecting my fellow person in public to not throw out profanity willy-nilly. Yes, if I was completely selfish and self-centered ... I would not care what I said and who heard me. But it is my sense of decency and respect for others and myself that I have learned to not need to use profanity publicly. I do admit, in my teens I had quit swearing for some time, a word slipped out and my love at the time found it to be cute and insisted I did it more, it made her happy. She was quite the exhibitionist in public with language, such as walking through a store and shouting penis just to upset people, it seemed to tickle her fancy.

I do enjoy using pun words if I find someone eavesdropping, Make a vulgar comment then explain it as something mundane ... as in, I have never liked Dick or Bush ... they have undermined our constitution.

There are ways to use cuss words intelligently, but in daily life, how many people who use profanity do it with class or wit? In fact, how many people do you meet on a daily basis that has even close to the average intelligence of an ATS member?

I will take it that you were just debating with me for fun, as you are also a Fighter.

Again, I am strongly against censorship, in any form or industry. We have the tools to censor ourselves. We can walk away from vulgar people if it displeases us. We can change a radio or tv station (and even block them so we don't have to come across them again). We can not buy music, movies, games, and other personal media if it is too offensive or violent (I don't like violent movies or music, but I like the game GTA).

I cannot stand Hilary because she was on the bandwagon trying to ban violent games ... when they have a parental rating on them already. If you are too unstable to entertain yourself with music, movies, or games and not know that it isn't reality, then you probably need professional help (or need better parents if you are under 18). I think the public is already overburdened with unnecessary laws and restrictions.

I still feel a community has the right to form its own policies, even if I don't agree. This is a public banning, so in private cuss away there.

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 08:02 AM
I'd like to point something out -

Welcome to the Twilight Zone:

"More and more like a police state everyday."

"What a bunch of damn bull crap."

"They could extend the ban to all sorts of terms"

"Another stupid law"

"I can claim to be the first person arrested and charged with cursing in public."

"the entire government system is full by nothing but morons on agendas."

"I'm truly beginning to hate my fellow citizens, they are complacent cowards"

And now for a quick commercial break:

You people really are paranoid, aren't you? What is going on? I seriously do not understand the psychotic behavior being displayed here.

Functional illiteracy refers to the inability of an individual to use reading, writing, and computational skills efficiently in everyday life situations.

This thread is good proof that ATS is full of paranoid and functionally illerate individuals, I'd have to say.

"That's one of the purposes of this," Mayor Michael Cacciotti said of his city's proclamation designating the first week of March as No Cussing Week. "It provides us a reminder to be more civil, to elevate the level of discourse."

Not that police will slap cuffs on you and haul your sorry, er, butt off to jail in light of the proclamation passed Wednesday by the City Council. But you could be shamed into better behavior by the unsettling glares of residents who take their reputation for civility seriously.

This is quite embarrasing for ATS, I think.

Does this mean that the majority of threads go over like this? What type of fear mongering bandwagon is moving this thread along? There appears to be some tangible conspiracy force at play here. Maybe we should dub it "The ATS syndrome"

I feel like I'm in the twilight zone! It looks like the only other sane person in this thread is SilentBob86!

We now return you back to the Twilight zone, cue music:

"Take this crap to the Supreme Court if I could."

"It is ridiculous to make cursing an arrestable offense."

"This will begin happening more and more as America inches towards Socialism."

"alright America let's start banning even more forms of communication including spoken word!"

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by FreeThinkerIdealist
I actually said I defend the right for people to swear, although I think it would be better if people didn't because swearing is so passe
Try to realize you are preaching to the choir ... I just said that community does/should have the right to make that decision for itself if the vast majority of its citizens decided this is what they wanted for their community.

I believe people should be free to do whatever they please as long as it causes no direct harm to another. Cussing causes no harm, a neighbor not mowing their lawn causes no harm, the alcholic on their own porch causes no harm (but a lot of places it is illegal), etc.

Yes but you said it WAY at the end of that long post of yours. I hit the reply button about half way through and wasn't going to just say "Oh she said all that, but she says she would defend the right too curse too, so I'll just delete this half an hour response" lol

If you feel you are using the words correctly, then when you say, 'son of a #', you really consider that person to be the product of a female dog? When you say 'f you' you really wish to have unlawful carnal knowledge of that person? When you call someone an '#hole', you really think they are a rectum? A #tard was a child born out of wedlock? (and I will give you the full benefit of the doubt that you don't use slanderous racial terminology)

You do realize there is more than one definition to a word, correct?
If you say:
"You are so obtuse" That means you lack intelligence.
If you say:
"That shape is an obtuse triangle" does that mean you just called it a triangle that lacks intelligence? No. The word has more than one definition

So when I say son of a #, Im not refering to the female dog, but rather "a malicious, spiteful, or overbearing woman". I could also use it as a way to say "something that is extremely difficult, objectionable, or unpleasant" like "life is a #"

A bastard isn't just somebody born out of wedlock. It is also "Something that is of irregular, inferior, or dubious origin." That would be called, an insult.

According to webster, the f word can also mean "to deal with unfairly or harshly. To Cheat." And I think you are getting my point here.

Since you are so educated at the proper usage of profanity, please explain to my apparent ignorance you suggest exists as to the proper definitions and usages of these words. As long as you edit yourself, it does not violate T&C, and will be quite informative.

When I say. "So I was cornered. One guy was behind me with a bad, two in front of me ready to beat me straight to hell. I couldn't figure out how they found me. Then my good friend stepped out into sight, and I realized he completely #ed me."

I would consider that used completely in context and fine. Things like having your friend say "Want to go get a slice of pizza" and the other replying "f*** no!" is like saying throwing a word at the front of a sentence where it doesn't belong because you think it sounds cooler. It has no real reason for being there, it has no context to it, you just threw it in there. I would consider that abusing the word, which you could do with any word. If I here somebody using a regular word incorrectly, I correct them.

Oh, I do respect Gordon Ramsey, but because he is an intelligent business man and a great chef, not his choice of vocabulary. His profanity makes no effect on his abilities. It would be nice to not have the television beep so much during the show though ... almost as bad as those talk shows that sound like a heart monitor going off (my granny watches Springer)

I don't watch such mindless crap myself.

Of course, I highly respect the fact that you don't require the approval of others ... I think too many worry about that these days ... but for proper usage, He is f'ed would mean he is physically pleasured, like a gigolo ... not quite the same as saying he is in a problematic situation.

As we went over before, there is not just one definition to a work. F'ed can also mean cheated, treated harshly, or screwed over.

You seem to assume I misuse swear words so I must play with you a bit.

Jackass isn't a cuss word. It is a donkey.

That is because thus far you have yet to understand that:
A. context decided whether a word was used correctly or not
B. words have more than one definition.

let's define jackass, shall we?
Main Entry: jack·ass
Pronunciation: \ˈjak-ˌas\
Function: noun
Date: 1727
1: donkey; especially : a male donkey
2: a stupid person : fool

Just because it is listed as #2 does not make it any less of a definition to the word. If that were the case then...

Main Entry: 1com·plete
Pronunciation: \kəm-ˈplēt\
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): com·plet·er; com·plet·est
Etymology: Middle English complet, from Latin completus, from past participle of complēre
Date: 14th century
1 a: having all necessary parts, elements, or steps b: having all four sets of floral organs cof a subject or predicate : including modifiers, complements, or objects
2: brought to an end : concluded
3: highly proficient

So you are saying that complete does NOT mean highly efficient simply because it isn't the first definition in the dictionary?

As far as smoking, if restaurants had closed off sections with air cleaners ... guess what, the smoke is taken out and only those who wish to smoke or don't mind being around it will be in that section. What is so wrong with that. I don't smoke, but grew up around heavy smokers, have plenty of friends that smoke ... I don't have lung cancer and have no problems breathing.

Well I personally feel it should be a resturants private rules. If the bar wished to ban smoking fine, I don't think the government should have stepped in though.

In fact, the law where a smoker must be 100 ft from a door of the establishment definitely puts people in danger of being attacked in dark parking lots, while standing there for the 5 minutes or so it takes someone to inhale one of those things. So smoking laws you could say may lead to rape, mugging, and murder. But of course, that is as unrealistic as saying someone seated in a place that has sufficient air filtration for smoking is going to get lung cancer.

Well I cannot say for sure how much an air filtration system would or wouldn't do. Of course, then everyone of these air filtration systems would have to be placed in every private business in the entire state the ban is in place in. You really want your taxes going to air filtration systems for a private business? I don't. I also don't expect the business to be force to fund said thing on its own.

Physical damage ... well, what about the emotional damage cursing does to certain individuals. Mental pain and suffering. No, not me personally, but I have ran into people who it gets them quite worked up and distraught ... a weak heart and they could fall out. So, technically, cuss words could cause someone to die from a heart attack. It is fully possible, though not likely.

No, they died from getting all worked up over a sound they heard come out of a persons mouth. They died by their own fault. Blaming the curse word is like blaming cars when people die in a car accident. No it isn't even like that. Its like blaming the streets for a car accident because it is loosely connected to the incident.

The only things cuss words cause is a thought. Thats it. Thoughts don't kill people. They can certainly lead to people being killed as a reaction to the thoughts, but the thoughts themselves do not kill people. Thats ALL a curse word can cause, is a thought.

Coca-cola had an interesting ingredient. People weren't robbing and killing for it when it did have this ingredient. So, really the War on Substances is what causes the violence and problems in the first place. Addicts are addicts, if not 'hard' stuff, they tend to be alcohol abusers ... which is just as bad or worse. Some do the really hard stuff because they figure all of it is illegal, so they might as well get a feeling as intense as the risk.

Look at what happened during alcohol prohibition to see how making a substance like alcohol illegal causes more violence, more criminals, and more problems than having it legal and investing the same funds that are spent in fighting a war you can't win while also housing the non-violent possession offenders, and putting up rehabilitation centers instead to help people get over the emotional problems that are causing them to use a substance (including alcohol) to escape from life and its problems. Thing is, pharmaceutical companies make too much money off of selling the same drugs by prescription to ever have the laws changed.

Lets stay away from the drug conversation because it is in no way connected to this discussion. We should try not to derail this. If you want to start a debate on the war on drugs and drug laws, then u2u me a link and I may involve myself in the discussion.

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 02:37 PM

Later on, you did agree with me. You can't have it one way and not the other. I do find the cussing law stupid, I said as much, as well as a lot of other laws on the books. Thank you for conceding to my argument

ohhhhhh, so you were asking a loaded question. See up to this point you gave your entire argument as to why cursing is wrong and shouldn't be used, then you said it shouldn't have laws against it. So if I disagree you say "well you can't say cursing is right then have a law against it" if I agree then you said "thanks for conceding to my argument". Tricky, but not appriciated.

No I think cursing is perfectly fine, and there should not be any laws against it. Do not try to twist what I say into me agreeing with your argument about curse words. I agree there should be no law against it, that is all. Up to a certain point in your post, you said nothing of that nature, so I disagreed.

I respect you, just wish you could show the same respect in a debate. You repeatedly underhandedly took shots at my character to make your argument against my statements, even though my ultimate opinion is the exact same as yours. You said several times that I would not be able to use cuss words properly, you inferred that I had a temper problem, and generally twisted my words to fit into a position that I do not hold, all with no justification or proof.

Your opinion is very very far from mine. So far, what I see we agree on, is that there should be no law against cursing, and probably smoking too.(second hand smoke is dangerous, but we didn't need a law against it).

I didn't twist anything. You used curse words the way I constantly hear them it seems. You used them out of context with no reasoning or purpose behind them. There for I can conclude you don't know how to use them. You said you could out curse me, and I said you probably can't use them in the right context though because you think curse words are just something you throw around in a bout of anger.

Since you said they are only effectively used to express anger, and you also said you have gotten into pleanty of "curse-outs" that must mean you have gotten very angry fairly often. I am merely trying to interpret what you are saying because you are either trying to be incredibly tricky, or very vauge.

Let me put it clear for you. People should be allowed to do as they wish as long as they are not physically harming or causing severe mental/emotional abuse.

What do you consider mental and emotional abuse? I know what it is, I've gone through that. I can tell you the difference between hearing somebody say the f word and have 5 people come up to you and start screaming random insults in your face on a daily basis, sometimes multiple times a day.

You don't like the word you hear, stop listening or walk away. Just like if there is an obnoxious drunk in the room I am in. He says something to me I don't like. Sure I could freak out and punch him in the face, maybe even break some bones. I could also just walk away from another annoying obnoxious drunk because something as stupid as an incorrectly used insult is not worth getting all pissy over.

You saying the Buffalo Bills f'ed up three years straight by making it to the superbowl only to lose it ... doesn't disturb me at all, unless I see a child nearby. I know some that would find it absurd and get quite huffy about it ... but those people are a bit prudish/uptight anyway.

That being my point exactly, only I wouldn't get annoyed if a child were around. If I hear them say it incorrectly, like any other word, I correct them.

I just think it is a matter of respecting my fellow person in public to not throw out profanity willy-nilly. Yes, if I was completely selfish and self-centered ... I would not care what I said and who heard me.

Considering you said selfish before self-centered, I think I can conclude you mean concerned with only my desires and not independent of outside forces. That's why I have to say you are wrong. It has nothing to do with being selfish. There is nothing WRONG with profanity. I view the people that see profanity as wrong as illogical people because they obviously don't have any real understanding that it is just a word, and it is how you use it that matters.

But it is my sense of decency and respect for others and myself that I have learned to not need to use profanity publicly.

Well I consider respect and decency using a word properly and in the correct context, not refraining from using certain words, just because somebody gets offended by A WORD. Not a phrase, not a sentence, but 1 word.

I do admit, in my teens I had quit swearing for some time, a word slipped out and my love at the time found it to be cute and insisted I did it more, it made her happy. She was quite the exhibitionist in public with language, such as walking through a store and shouting penis just to upset people, it seemed to tickle her fancy.

And there is maybe 1 or 2 people I rarely curse around. Even then, I do curse when the word fits in my mind. I curse less around this person(s) because most of the time we are talking about very deep things, and I often don't find those words useful in such a conversation.

I'm not going to say "I believe that sometimes in life, people are just going to f*** you over" in a certain conversation because I don't like the way it sounds. When in that situation, that conversation, I sometimes feel that I can find a better string of words. So in THIS CASE, in THIS SCENARIO, I find the who string of words to be obsolete. Not the word itself, but the sentence. That sentence did not get my point across the way I wanted it to, and therefore it doesn't get used.

That has little to do with the word though. It has to do with the context, and how well I feel the sentence, not just the word, comes off. If I feel I can say it better, then that sentence goes to the mental trashbin.

There are ways to use cuss words intelligently, but in daily life, how many people who use profanity do it with class or wit? In fact, how many people do you meet on a daily basis that has even close to the average intelligence of an ATS member?

I agree with this as well. I find most people incredibly stupid, and most the time, I refuse to hold a legitimate conversation with people. Not just deep conversations, but conversations period. Over the past 4-5 years I realized that respect has to do with learning to use the language you speak right. It is sad to think that a great deal of the educated chinese people know better english than most americans.

Whenever I make a grammatical mistake I encourage other people to correct me, because I would do the same as them. I am not trying to challange intelligence or insult when I correct somebody, but hoping they pick up on it, remember it, and use it in the future. That way the conversation can benefit next time.

I will take it that you were just debating with me for fun, as you are also a Fighter.

yes, partially. When it came to the smoking and drug laws thing, I was just arguing to argue. But as far as the cursing, respect for other people, etc. goes, no. I think that your argument is wrong there.

Again, I am strongly against censorship, in any form or industry. We have the tools to censor ourselves. We can walk away from vulgar people if it displeases us. We can change a radio or tv station (and even block them so we don't have to come across them again). We can not buy music, movies, games, and other personal media if it is too offensive or violent (I don't like violent movies or music, but I like the game GTA).

I am starting to think you are arguing with ME just to argue. You say all these reasons why cursing isn't something that is really acceptable then toward the end of the post you are saying exactly what I am saying. "If you don't like it, walk away" and "there shouldn't be any censorship".

I am guessing we disagree with whether or not the words are appropriate, but argee it does not call for such an extreme as a law against them.

I cannot stand Hilary because she was on the bandwagon trying to ban violent games ... when they have a parental rating on them already. If you are too unstable to entertain yourself with music, movies, or games and not know that it isn't reality, then you probably need professional help (or need better parents if you are under 18). I think the public is already overburdened with unnecessary laws and restrictions.

Agreed. It is the parents responsibility when it comes to video games and kids.

I still feel a community has the right to form its own policies, even if I don't agree. This is a public banning, so in private cuss away there.

No, no. I think I will curse in public. I would like to be ticketed/arrested for cursing in public. Something I could joke about for many many years to come. Great stand-up material too.

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by Mr. Ree
You people really are paranoid, aren't you? What is going on? I seriously do not understand the psychotic behavior being displayed here.

I don't know about you, but aside from the joke about being the first person to get a ticket for cursing in public, which I really got a kick out of the idea, I was responding to another members post.

I could care less if pasadena banned it for a week and isn't enforcing it. I like to have debates about all sorts of issues. That includes the use of curse words. So if you don't like it, bugger off. We know the ban means practically nothing, we are debating the principle, which often happens on ATS.

This thread is good proof that ATS is full of paranoid and functionally illerate individuals, I'd have to say.

Oh, the irony. Since I'm so illiterate, can you please define for me what illerate means?

This is quite embarrasing for ATS, I think.

Does this mean that the majority of threads go over like this? What type of fear mongering bandwagon is moving this thread along? There appears to be some tangible conspiracy force at play here. Maybe we should dub it "The ATS syndrome"

The symptons of ATS syndrome include, arrogance, inability to completely read a thread and jump to conclusions, insults, sarcasm, hypocritical, among other symptons.

I think you should go get yourself checked out. You either have ATS syndrome or we are both "illerate".

I feel like I'm in the twilight zone! It looks like the only other sane person in this thread is SilentBob86!

HEY! Don't go dragging SilentBob's name through the mud like that.

We now return you back to the Twilight zone, cue music:

"Take this crap to the Supreme Court if I could."

"It is ridiculous to make cursing an arrestable offense."
so wait, you think it is NOT ridiculous to make cursing an arrestable offense?....ok then....
"This will begin happening more and more as America inches towards Socialism."

"alright America let's start banning even more forms of communication including spoken word!"

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 02:34 AM

Originally posted by grimreaper797

HEY! Don't go dragging SilentBob's name through the mud like that.

Well, when the trail of mud is surrounded by fecal matter... Ok, how about I changel change the tone to the tone of the thread:

Stupid Law! Censorship! I can't believe this, people will give up their liberty and not stand up for themselves. America is completly fascist!

You must have missed that while sitting on your I, I, I, I egotistical throne.

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 02:44 AM
How can we change a nation of mentally ill, criminals, cussers, pedophiles, and what have you in a short time? And how did this come about?

Did we wake up one morning and say we are now going to straighten up everyone?

Was it Bush's super moral influence? ha ha ha, i kill myself laughing...

For those of you who think i'm slaming the USA, i'm not. All other countries have their own nuts and criminals, but we are talking about the US.

Just what makes "them" think people are going to change just like that?

This is just getting real queer (as in incredibly stupid).

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 03:11 AM

Originally posted by Mr. Ree
You must have missed that while sitting on your I, I, I, I egotistical throne.

Well maybe I should start talking for everyone else then? Excuse me when I talk about MY opinion. From now on I guess when I talk I should talk for everyone else and not just myself, so I won't come off as so egotistical?

How about when I read your post I had a response to it so I voiced MY opinion on what you said regarding the topic. Sorry for speaking for myself when I have a thought...twit. When you quote something I say, don't be surprised when I say something back.

[edit on 10-3-2008 by grimreaper797]

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 03:38 AM
I wish they'd they'd first make a law to make it illegal to speak or make signs in any language other than English. j/k

Why would anyone want to ban such a perfect word. Link removed per possible t&c violation.

Well maybe we should just all send emails to Pasadena city council or who ever comes up with this stuff with this link to tell them how we feel. Link removed per possible T&C violation.

[edit on 10-3-2008 by verylowfrequency]

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 03:48 AM
This makes me so ***&^%$#@@#$$#** mad! Why the *&)&^%#* are the ***@#$%$### trying to stop all the *^&%%%$#$* from getting to say what the @#**#@* they want to say! Well I think I will write the ***&&&$$###***'s and give them a ***#@@! peice of my mind! LOL!
Seriously folks, it is and always has been up to parents and educators to instill in children and young adults the respect it takes not to cuss in public, no law will change that.

I just read the new thread from the moderater concerning point deuction for language used in the format which I chose to do in this post, however, I was only making a joke, I did not mean to be vulgar or hide cursing with the use of substitution of letters with symbols. It was relative to the thread that I express myself in this particular way to make a point and I promise I will not do it again! Please don't take off points, I just got them!!!!

[edit on 10-3-2008 by space cadet]

[edit on 10-3-2008 by space cadet]

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 12:14 PM
This is one of the reasons I like digg so much. You can adjust the profanity filter for yourself.

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by FreeThinkerIdealist

Quite well writen. I myself did indeed use the word a** in a recent interview. It was a second interview and in discussing the prior I said "well, obviously I didn't make a complete a** of myself" and then I had a look of shock of what I had said and we both had a good laugh. And I did get the job on conditions of pre-employment screening a physical which should be no problem.

I guess an appropriate protest song would be Warrent's "Ode to Tipper Gore"? Or perhaps just err on the side of caution and push the boundries of good taste with Prince's "Erotic City" or "Darling Nikki" (which prompted Tipper formation of the PMRC in the first place). Or be esoteric and use blank picket signs and play John Cage's 4'33" in a loop.

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 10:07 PM
what a stupid move. What this does, is what this does, is embolden people to cuss, falling back on freedom of speech (y'know, that thing where you used to be able to go around and say what you wanted?) Its not surprise California is a liberal state..

[edit on 15-3-2008 by West Coast]

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by West Coast
Dude, i like you, you know? But i notice some of you already saying the country is falling apart because of liberals.

Please, give me a break, give credit where credit is due, wont you?

That carnage in the Middle East and thousands of dead soldiers werent caused by the tree hugging LIBERALS.

Not to mention the poor innocents of those countries-not to mention the staged 9/11, bla bla blabla bla.....

City bans cussin because the crap heads that are running that place have nothing better to do. Lets not call the kettle black, huh?

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