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All This Stupid 2012 stuff...

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posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by Thain Esh Kelch

Probably the same gravity pull it does now.. I can't see why or how the sun could channel gravity forces.

I was thinking that too, but I suppose if there is a convergence of the gravity, and sticking the sun directly in the path, it might have a lensing effect similar to how we detect planets around distant stars. Also seen in lunar photos and mistakenly identified as spotlights when the light is brighter around the shadow of the astronauts helmet.

having said that I'm not sure it could do that much as gravity is such a weak force, and I am sure any lensing effect (if gravity can even be affected like that) would be miniscule compared to the gravity effect from the moon.

Still if this precession event really is true and i once in a 26,000 year event it's something you can write about and leave to your distant descendants via some shadowy legal firm that lasts through the centuries

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 09:05 PM

I found it amazing how the entire thing just generally lacked the same level of intelligent skepticism that the forum is so well known for.

Still giggling. I'll respond when I can function again......or 2013.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by MouseOnMars

Some of the things I read just make me laugh. The New Agers keep talking "enlightenment", others think that is the day from some massive alien invasion, The day that "planet x" comes buzzing.

The mayans based thier many calenders off of celestial bodies. The long count is only one. It would suprise me to see a magnetic pole shift, or a massive amount of solar storms during that year. Both of which have very very drastic effects on the enviornment and the weather. Remember Hurricane Katrina? Earth got hit with a massive sunspot, right over the atlantic, over the exact area that hurricane formed, about 30 minutes before it did.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 09:55 PM
Well, I hope something happens in 2012....maybe then Sallie Mae will get off my butt.

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 01:01 AM
im more excited about 2013, the year i can heckle and jeer all the 2012'ers who are hell bent that they are right despite the fact that mayans couldnt even predict their own demise.

i just hope all the 2012'ers are still around and havent cut off their testicles and hitched a ride on an alien ship that passes by.

[edit on 6/3/08 by Obliv_au]

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 01:01 AM
Why does the end of the world have to be at 00:01 of the new year, or when all planets align, or when a calender shows its last days...

Seems to me like people are getting bored...fusing Hollywood/fantasy with history to predict the future...
If the world was to end, why not end on 3.16 AM 23/5/3075 ???
Do the Egyptians have a nice ancient glyph on this date that we can turn into doomsday by any chance

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by Enthralled Fan
reply to post by Mr Green

Thank you for your thoughts today, as I needed them. After I sent my reply to you, my boyfriend who is a lot older than I am told me that he started having chest pains this morning at about 3 am, and that the pain was now also in his back and left arm. Off to emergency we went.

I do understand your point about HCR, but was a bit confuzzled as to how it related to the topic. Good cheer and tidings never hurt anyone, and yet really so little of it is spread around. It takes a lot less work than negativity, anyway.

The world can change any time people want to make it so, and it is sort of sad it will take a special event for it to happen.

Im really sorry about that I hope everything is alright, and that you are coping with it all it can t be easy.

Something strange happenned to me today at work, I was sat in a meeting when I remembered my promise to you that I would radiate using Heart Chakra radiance (HCR) again today. Just as I though this I was sent a massive dose of it from well "above" sorry thats all I can describe it as, the radiance was so much stronger than I can generate. I was then "told" to send it to you. It was so strong I just had to radiate it out as I could not hold it for too long it was overpowering. This lasted for a good 3 - 4 mins.

I understand now why this happenned and I only hope you recieved it. Even if you didn t actually feel it (this sensation comes with actually practising HCR) it will have surrounded you and helped you in this time of need.

I will continue to radiate to you. You are in my thoughts.
Much Love Ariella

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 04:16 AM
I would just like to say how much I like this thread. Its discussing 2012 but from a skeptics point of view. Im not a skeptic but many questions are being raised here which is good.
I also like the way we all have very different points of view and ideas but no one has turned nasty towards other posters.

Good thread OP well done

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 03:20 AM

Originally posted by Mr Green
reply to post by MouseOnMars

what harm can it do?

I'll tell you what harm it can do; it can waste my time, of which I only have a finite amount that I would like to spend more productively. And when I say productively, I mean persuing my OWN religious beliefs, and not those that others would like me to follow. And as a Pagan I find it particularly offensive when people start doing the whole mysticism/new age crap that has given my own religion such a bad name.

I fail to see how you are using this subject for anything more than a platform from which to foist your religious beliefs onto other people. You're neither contributing to the debate nor observing proper discussion decorum when you completely avoid the questions in my original post, and even completely avoid the subject entirely.

I STILL don't see any evidence for the existance of a calendar. From what I can gather there actually isn't any kind of stone with a calendar written on it. In fact, from all the evidence here I can conclude that actually it's a bunch of so called "experts", all of whom are selling a book, who have walked around a mayan temple, pointed at various bits, and said "oh yes that is part of the calendar and that means XYZ". If the mayans were such an intelligent culture, and they intended to write a calendar, why would they decide to encode it into random parts of a temple, for some overweight douche with a silly beard to intepret wrongly some several thousand years in the future, INSTEAD OF just writing it all on one stone in a prominent place where everyone can see it JUST LIKE ALL THE OTHER SIGNIFICANT THINGS IN THEIR TEMPLES?

You know what, anyone could come up with something like this. Anyone could walk around an ancient site, claim to have found an ancient calendar, and talk about all the amazing things that it "predicted", then sell a book and make a fortune. And when he goes into court on fraud charges, he will just say that it was just an "interpretation" and point to a little tiny illegible disclaimer at the very end of a corner of his book.

It drives me nuts. There are so many of these stupid "end of the world" theories going on. It seems like people almost want everyone to be in a constant state of fear. No wonder we have so many people cracking up in mental institutions thinking that the end is nigh. Every single documentary on some volcano talks about how it's going to blow up and kill everyone, every single news programme tells us that global warming is coming, and there are dozens of groups of people who spout various dates when the earth is supposedly going to end. And yet we miraculously go ploughing through every single date without incident.

I'm still waiting for answers. Until then I'm gonna deny ignorance thanks.

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 03:43 AM
I haven't read the full tread but isn't there some idea as to the reason we now have a different precession than would normaly occur.And the planet had at onetime been influenced to act abnormally.

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 04:51 AM
reply to post by MouseOnMars

I think this Wiki reference page will give you the nuts and bolts of the Mayan Calendar. Mesoamerican Long Count Calendar

It's very real, but there are no predictions about the end of the world and the calendar continues on to the end of it's cycle in 4772.

Here's a thread that will probably interest you also, at least as an example of how we used to do things around here.

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 04:52 AM
reply to post by MouseOnMars

I'm curious, did you find any of the information I posted useful?

I believe I'm one of the few posters who actually had sources
to back up my claims, military and government sources.

1. Where and what the heck is this so called "Mayan Calendar" anyways? Is it a stone tablet? Is it on a parchment or papyrus?

If you haven't already, I would suggest becoming
familiar with GOOGLE, and WIKIPEDIA:

Wiki - Maya Calendar (for a basic understanding)
Actual picture of Mayan Calendar written in stone
Here's another picture (they had several calendars)
The Maya Long Count
How and Why the Mayan Calendar ends on 2012

You just wouldn't believe how easy that was!

I STILL don't see any evidence for the existance of a calendar. From what I can gather there actually isn't any kind of stone with a calendar written on it.

I'm beginning to think you haven't researched any of your questions
yourself, like you don't even understand what questions to ask.

2. Assuming it actually exists, have you read it or intepreted it yourself? If so what are your findings and/or theories?

There's nothing to assume, it DOES exist.
I've posted my theory in this thread already.

3. Again assuming the existance of this calendar, what evidence is there to show that anyting it predicted has actually taken place, on the exact date if it was at all specific, and just how open to interpretation is this thing?

Read the links.

You know what, anyone could come up with something like this. Anyone could walk around an ancient site, claim to have found an ancient calendar

Incorrect. I don't believe "anyone" could make such claims.
Archaeologists, scientists, and scholars are the ones who've
made such claims, and they are well qualified to as well.
Mind you, I don't believe these are the ones making "end of
the world" interpretations from the calendars they have found.

And yet we miraculously go ploughing through every single date without incident.

Without incident? I don't know about you, but more and more
incidents happen every day, of every hour.

I'm still waiting for answers.

You'll be waiting forever.
Stop being so lazy with your "finite time" and find your own answers,
and then come back here and post them, I'd love to see them.

And don't just look for the answers, understand the questions first!

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 07:34 AM
aecreate, to be honest I don't really have much of an interest in this subject, so I went to no great length to do any research. What I wanted to see, and what I found lacking, were well researched theories - at least those that were accessible to the lay man with no knowledge on the subject.

Secondly I wanted to see how many of the ATS 2012ers actually knew the background to what they were talking about. I find it interesting that the one who made the most noise, Incarnated, made the least effort to answer my questions, while someone I'd never heard of, aecreate, had managed to answer all my questions with links to references.

What I don't see answers to however, is how many verifiable predictions the mayan calander has actually made.

To my eyes this whole thing is still nothing more than a revival of mayan mythology and religion. I remain unconvinced. While I believe that there is some truth to this, I feel that a lot of it has been embellished and added on to the real story.

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by MouseOnMars

Hello MouseOn Mars,

You say you are a pagan, wikipedia definition of this is a " Rustic country dweller whos faith is outside that of the normal religions of Judaism,Christianity and Islam."

At no point have I tryed to divert you away from your beliefs. I find that talk of ones religion gets in the way of real discussions. I never push my religion on any one, I don t have a religion. I believe in one higher God, one that is the ultimate creator in all this. I follow the golder rule that is Do to others as you would wish done to yourself This is my only religion, which religion did you think I was from?

I feel sadness and anger from you towards me, if you wish me to leave your thread that is fine all you have to do is say my friend.

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by MrPenny
Well, I hope something happens in 2012....maybe then Sallie Mae will get off my butt.

This is priceless.
I feel the same way Penny.

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by Mr Green
reply to post by MouseOnMars

Hello MouseOn Mars,

You say you are a pagan, wikipedia definition of this is a " Rustic country dweller whos faith is outside that of the normal religions of Judaism,Christianity and Islam."

At no point have I tryed to divert you away from your beliefs. I find that talk of ones religion gets in the way of real discussions. I never push my religion on any one, I don t have a religion. I believe in one higher God, one that is the ultimate creator in all this. I follow the golder rule that is Do to others as you would wish done to yourself This is my only religion, which religion did you think I was from?

I feel sadness and anger from you towards me, if you wish me to leave your thread that is fine all you have to do is say my friend.

No, I don't wish you to leave my thread, and I apologise for snapping at you. You're obviously quite a friendly individual and my response to you was quite disproportionate. I really must learn to assume good faith and not become so irritated by something as to let it affect my better judgement.

I hope that I have not offended you and that you will continue to post in this thread and stay in contact.

As an aside, if you're interested to know more about Paganism or talk about spirituality, feel free to U2U me, I'd be more than happy to discuss it.

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by MouseOnMars

Hello MouseOnMars

I hope that I have not offended you and that you will continue to post in this thread and stay in contact.

No thank you none taken, its just I feel emotions from people very strongly and I felt sadness from you. Thank you for your kind words I would love to here about your views on Paganism please U2U me with them. You sound a very interesting person.

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by MouseOnMars
aecreate, to be honest I don't really have much of an interest in this subject, so I went to no great length to do any research. What I wanted to see, and what I found lacking, were well researched theories - at least those that were accessible to the lay man with no knowledge on the subject.

Secondly I wanted to see how many of the ATS 2012ers actually knew the background to what they were talking about. I find it interesting that the one who made the most noise, Incarnated, made the least effort to answer my questions, while someone I'd never heard of, aecreate, had managed to answer all my questions with links to references.

What I don't see answers to however, is how many verifiable predictions the mayan calander has actually made.

To my eyes this whole thing is still nothing more than a revival of mayan mythology and religion. I remain unconvinced. While I believe that there is some truth to this, I feel that a lot of it has been embellished and added on to the real story.

I understand.

The only thing the Mayans could predict were the natural cycles of
observable phenomena. Phases of the moon, the Venus cycle,
the seasons, summer and winter solstices, eclipses, etc etc.

A cyclical interpretation is also noted in Maya creation accounts, in which the present world and the humans in it were preceded by other worlds (one to five others, depending on the tradition) which were fashioned in various forms by the gods, but subsequently destroyed. The present world also had a tenuous existence, requiring the supplication and offerings of periodic sacrifice to maintain the balance of continuing existence. Similar themes are found in the creation accounts of other Mesoamerican societies.

This is where most of the doom and gloom comes from.
Dec. 21, 2012 is at the end of one of those cycles.

The Mesoamerican Long Count calendar forms the basis for a New Age belief, first forecast by José Argüelles, that a cataclysm will take place on or about 21 December 2012, a forecast that mainstream Mayanist scholars consider a mis-interpretation.

So you can thank Mr. Argüelles for starting the nonsense of "Harmonic Convergence."

I'm telling ya, this is what 2012 is all about.

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 07:24 PM
I guess you can call me a "Stupid 2012 nutjob"

But in 2012 we will see if we are nutjobs, Or if you were the ones all along.

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 07:26 PM
Here is a lot more about the 2012 stuff by David Wilcock:

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