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All This Stupid 2012 stuff...

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posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 02:11 AM
Okay, so I'm just looking through my mail and find the second to most recent ATS newsletter, and it's subject line is for the most rediculous thread on 2012 that I've seen so far.

I found it amazing how the entire thing just generally lacked the same level of intelligent skepticism that the forum is so well known for. Numbers were being thrown around everywhere with no mention of where anyone got those numbers from, there was useless random speculation, a total lack of real debate or discussion (despite the fact that the thread went on for over 7 pages), total lack of any shred of evidence to back anything up whatsoever, and to top it all off was some nutjob babbling some incoherant nonsense about "love vibrations".

To be honest I'm getting completely fed up of this entire theory, it's becoming a total joke. It's comparable to elvis still being alive.

Why is it that when it comes to this subject just about everyone suddenly becomes some kind of enlightened mouthpiece of the gods? Or just walks away and leaves it alone? I want answers.

So here's what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna give you a set of questions. These are in my opinion the sort of fundamental questions we should be asking instead of just blindly following.

1. Where and what the heck is this so called "Mayan Calendar" anyways? Is it a stone tablet? Is it on a parchment or papyrus?

2. Assuming it actually exists, have you read it or intepreted it yourself? If so what are your findings and/or theories?

3. Again assuming the existance of this calendar, what evidence is there to show that anyting it predicted has actually taken place, on the exact date if it was at all specific, and just how open to interpretation is this thing?

I'm not interested in all this "ooo look I'm descended from the stars and I bring you tidings of woe" bullcrap. You're not some kind of superhuman with special powers, you're a nerd sat in front of a computer screen eating noodles and plaing world of warcraft, grow up. This is a great forum for the intelligent discussion of some of the worlds most intriguing mysteries, so lets keep it that way.


posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 03:17 AM
But it's all true... 2012 is coming and you can't stop it. On 31st december 2011 at 23:59 and 59 seconds, a bell will toll and it'll be 2012.

I have to agree with you on this one MouseOnMars, it's getting dafter every post. It started out with the Mayan calendar ending in 2012. Next thing it's gunna be, the reversal of the poles, a new IceAge, the Thetans coming, An Alien incect fleet massing in the Kuiper belt or Planet Bloody X Nibiru or whatever). If they're all right it's gunna be one busy year.

I think too many people have a random conspiracy generator.

There was once a time that this site had intelligent people, now it seems to have dumbed down alot in the past year. (no insult intended to intelligent posters here on ATS)


posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 04:17 AM
Have you ever noticed that us "2012 freaks" don't get upset when people call us stupid? Have you ever noted that we don't even try to convince you? My thread was for those of "us" that already know the truth.

The reason why we don't need convince you nor do we get upset at being called stupid is because we know the reality behind the topic. We've done the research. When you do your own research and you see the mounting pile of evidnce. Well you sit back for a minute in awe
and you realize the truth.'

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 04:24 AM

Originally posted by Incarnated
Have you ever noticed that us "2012 freaks" don't get upset when people call us stupid? Have you ever noted that we don't even try to convince you? My thread was for those of "us" that already know the truth.

The reason why we don't need convince you nor do we get upset at being called stupid is because we know the reality behind the topic. We've done the research. When you do your own research and you see the mounting pile of evidnce. Well you sit back for a minute in awe
and you realize the truth.'

Where is this mounting pile of evidence??
You could tell me to go find it myself....or you could be a good ATS poster and provide this evidence that you have so i can be enlightened and prepare for 2012...

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 04:47 AM

Originally posted by MouseOnMars
1. Where and what the heck is this so called "Mayan Calendar" anyways? Is it a stone tablet? Is it on a parchment or papyrus?

2. Assuming it actually exists, have you read it or intepreted it yourself? If so what are your findings and/or theories?

3. Again assuming the existance of this calendar, what evidence is there to show that anyting it predicted has actually taken place, on the exact date if it was at all specific, and just how open to interpretation is this thing?

The "Mayan Calendar" above all else is understood in theory. The parts and charactors were documented in stone throughout the culture, most reconizable on what is known a the sun stone. The Mayan Calendar has predicted many celectual events and can be intrupeted as predicting historic events as well. However more then anything the Mayan Calendar is a device for tracking time through space.

The most relivant thing the mayan calendar shows is the alignement with the center of the galaxy. The mayan mythology does predict events to unfold at that time.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 04:55 AM
I think the only thing we can be certain about for 21st December 2012 is the rare winter solstice that only occurs approximately once every 26,000 years, this is the only definite.

Info about the Galactic Alignment

Everything else is just pure speculation, but still, I like to keep an open mind about everything! As for what happens, well, i'm happy to just wait and see!!

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 05:00 AM
How does the Mayan calender track time through space??
Are you speaking of the Constellations???

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 05:05 AM
I'm having some "I survived 2012" T-shirts made up, does anyone want one?

I too am baffled by the credence lent to the Mayan's calander - I have seen nothing to convince me that it is any better at predicting world events than any other ancient calendral system. Why do people suppose that the Mayans were the ones that got it right? Why not the Egyptians, the Incans, the Aztecs, the Babylonians, the Chinese or the Celts?

What, exactly, has the Mayan calendar predicted to date?

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 05:19 AM

Originally posted by Incarnated
The "Mayan Calendar" above all else is understood in theory. The parts and charactors were documented in stone throughout the culture, most reconizable on what is known a the sun stone. The Mayan Calendar has predicted many celectual events and can be intrupeted as predicting historic events as well. However more then anything the Mayan Calendar is a device for tracking time through space.

The most relivant thing the mayan calendar shows is the alignement with the center of the galaxy. The mayan mythology does predict events to unfold at that time.

I think what the O.P. as well as others would like, is a source.
i.e. a video clip that explains in detail what the Mayan calendar is, what is the known historical values, etc.

In a nutshell I think they are just looking for a bit more indepth resources and info as this topic is new and for the most part nothing deep is usually shared. (well, no backstory, if you know what I mean. There is no reference for people to go by.)

If you have some links like that Im sure people would appreciate it.

I do recall, forgot where, watching a video about the whole Maya calendar bit.
I think it was back when Stage6 (divx) was up and running. (They closed down a couple days ago.)



p.s. the video is a documentary from the History channel...go for it guys, go read/watch up!

[edit on 5-3-2008 by dAlen]

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 05:26 AM
Here ya go guys n gals, there's a link below which gives an overview of the Mayan prophecies/2012 etc.


End of the Mayan Calendar

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by MouseOnMars

Its a continuation of millennium fever.
And they had to stop the damn calender SOMEWHERE.
Can't have an endless stone tablet laying around now can we?

Oh and it's worth being noted that alot of unethical people have seen it as a good way to make a quick buck by exploiting belief.

[edit on 5-3-2008 by WraothAscendant]

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by MouseOnMars

I would really love to know why people insist that the 2012 prophecy predicted is gospel, when the culture that created the calandar couldn't even predict their own demise?

It would seem to me that knowing when their own civilization was going to end would have taken a front seat to the end of the entire world!

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 07:01 AM
The mayan calendar doesn't end in 2012 as the thing is cyclical and 21 Dec 2012 just seems to be the end of one complete cycle or 'baktun' plus the actual date for galactic alignment is very 'rubbery', being quoted as 1998 +/- 18 years. This range has a maximum value of 2016 so we're almost through the 'danger zone' unscathed.

Associating global catasrophe with this makes about as much sense as predicting the end of the world every new years eve at 00:01 and I hope our conspiracists noted the non-event of the planetary 'syzygy' years ago despite all the predictions of increased gravity causing huge earthquakes etc.

Now I'm hearing that the earth's gravitational wave frequency will become 13Hz, which is supposedly the zero reference, in 2012 and the earth will stop spinning, the poles will reverse and then we'll start spinning in the opposite direction and then there's the elusive Nibiru which is sneaking up on us totally unseen

My biggest questions would be:
Where are all these ideas coming from?
Why are so many people globally intent on destruction? Is life really that boring these days?

[edit on 5/3/2008 by Pilgrum]

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 07:03 AM
2012 is put on everything now to freak people out. It bothers me to no end. Political stuff and just basic stuff that has nothing to do with 2012 is having it branded on it. If something is to happen, well it's going to happen nothing you nor I can do to stop it. So stop the 2012 fear mongering if it's the end of the world nothing can save you!

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 07:04 AM
What I'd like to know is just when the 2012 'craze' started...

What date did we work out the Mayan calendar and realise that 2012 was this supposedly cosmic event...

and from what i understand, didn't the mayans have not just one calendar, but many calendars that dealt with say, farming, fertility, weather etc....

I've listened to a talk about 2012 at a festival in portugal, and besides the usual 'love, peace, vibrations' * , i learned nothing about the how, when, why....

* which is not a bad thing.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 07:07 AM
Originally posted by Pilgrum

My biggest questions would be:
Where are all these ideas coming from?
Why are so many people globally intent on destruction? Is life really that boring these days?

I wonder about this too, since the people who seem to think this is real, tend to act like they have all the universal laws figured out as well, such as love, enlightenment, and global peace.

It seems sort of counter productive to think they have a handle on when the end of the world is going to be as well.

I mean, why bother?

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 07:34 AM
For the sake of eternal 2012 titillation and innuendo, I summon almighty Chango god of thunder lightning and um other things to empower me with the arts of necromancy to resurrect the D4rk Kn1ght thread: bEHoLD D4rk Kn1ght LiVEs!

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by MouseOnMars


I am one of those "nutjobs who incoherantly go on about nonsense "and I want to talk about "love vibrations".

The love vibrations you refer to are universal love sent out to others via Heart Chakra Radiance. I am relatively new to all this but it has completly changed my life. I love more and recieve more love than I ever could have imagined. I would recommend you give it a try, what harm can it do?

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 08:05 AM
think about all the hype when the movie comes out in 2010, i have been told by a friend in OZ that they are def going ahead with it. will be interesting to see peoples reactions when it comes out.


posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by Shar_Chi
For the sake of eternal 2012 titillation and innuendo, I summon almighty Chango god of thunder lightning and um other things to empower me with the arts of necromancy to resurrect the D4rk Kn1ght thread: bEHoLD D4rk Kn1ght LiVEs!

defo....where is d4rk kn1ght...i sure miss him...


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