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ET is fake! For the skeptics.

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posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 01:34 AM
reply to post by WolfofWar

Now you're one sexy man

I'm abstinent though, so don't worry. =)


By the way this is a joke so don't take it out of context.

[edit on 5-3-2008 by SomeGuy34]

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 02:36 AM
This task is impossible for one reason:

-nobody knows how life is started or what the chances are of that happening. So without that information the equation cannot be completed.

"Life on a planet" is just one phenomenon that "could" occur among millions upon millions of variations of a lifeless earth-like world. Some of those variations might be very very interesting, and there might be things we could only dream of... we don't know... there might be sentient electrical storms for all we know, or metallic people that evolved from metallic cells that are essentially just machinelike automatons. Life is weird enough, if there are weird things here it logically follows that there are weird things elsewhere.

Until we find an isolated instance of life evolving on earth we can at least say that it's probably very very rare. Looking at it really carefully, at all the millions of years of mutations and evolution that led from the already unlikely genesis of the first primitive living thing, after avoiding all the near extinctions and catastrophes, leading up to intelligent sentient beings, it wouldn't surprise me if there is only one or two other intelligent races in the whole UNIVERSE let alone galaxy.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 04:00 AM
i haven't posted for awhile and didn't read the whole thread past page one because i don't have the time but i would just like to say as much as i believe in life out there and think it is more then likely.......prophet you got pwned in this one buddy,savior complex pwned you and it seems like you aren't willing to except it i said i haven't read past first page and i'm not flaming or trying to start trouble but savior has made excellent points,and shot down the majority of your theory's and "facts", so coming from a "believer" savior
from me buddy i applaud your intelligent counterpoints

WOW.....after reading the second page and seeing were this went its obvious that prophet was having a case of the Wiggins lol anyway drake equation or what not has always been cool with me but not definitive proof of intelligent alien life,the autopsy not convincing and i personally think 60-75 percent of ufo sightings are not what they seem,mental illness,intoxication, and the likes.i've had my own ufo experience,but i cant call it an alien or ET because i really don't know what it was.does that unexplained sighting mean it was an intelligent being from another world? no.does it mean it was a balloon or the likes? no that fact is it was a ufo just like all the others seen throughout time.i have said before i believe intelligent alien life is out there,and that its plausible that they may be visiting us on occasion.also i believe in the ancient astronaut theory.but i am not so blinded by my beliefs to utterly lose myself.i guess in short i'm just saying for prophet to challenge all skeptics,and debunker's to debunk him,with the weak evidence he had,and then clearly resort to personal attacks and down rite absurdness when faced with the fact his evidence was debunked......does not help out the cause...not at all *smh*

also sorry for the book lol i just like ats alot for its usually intelligent debates,writings and so forth and dude really flipped his lid rite there and after being gone for awhile had to voice my opinion lol Peace!

[edit on 5-3-2008 by future flow]

[edit on 5-3-2008 by future flow]

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by future flow
iprophet you got pwned in this one buddy, savior complex pwned you and it seems like you aren't willing to except it lol...savior has made excellent points...i applaud your intelligent counterpoints

While I appreciate the kind words, Future Flow, this isn't about who "owns" who. This is about the exchange of information and ideas (though even the best among us can forget that from time to time). If we focus on who gets one over on who, the discussion instead becomes about personalities, something that all too often infects the UFO field.

At the risk of sounding like I am discussing personalities, Prophet Ezekiel typifies an attitude that permeates the UFO field, one that is dismissive and adversarial toward skepticism (caveat: this isn't to say the inverse isn't true as well). Skepticism is not the antithesis of belief, that is cynicism. Instead believers should embrace skepticism; it is the only way the field can grow and mature. Skepticism allows one to be grounded, allows one to filter information. All too often, we see individuals willing to believe anything; if you are willing to believe anything, than you are susceptible to fall for anything as well.

Why is there an adversarial attitude? I believe it is because our beliefs are tied to our self-worth. None of us want to be proven wrong. Instead of focusing on proving or denying an extraterrestrial presence on the planet, we should be interested in discovering the truth, whatever that may be.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 08:59 AM
Well, before we can say "aliens exist", we have to have proof. That doesn't mean documents on the web, grainy easily-hoaxable video, photos, but scientific analysis of an alien, in a transparent, public procedure, conducted independently by multiple scientists. Anything short of that can easily be hoaxed.

The burden of proof is on those who say they do exist to prove it, not skeptics to prove they don't exist.

I agree the chance of them existing is very high, but until the above analysis is carried out, that's just guesswork.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by dave420
Well, before we can say "aliens exist", we have to have proof. That doesn't mean documents on the web, grainy easily-hoaxable video, photos, but scientific analysis of an alien, in a transparent, public procedure, conducted independently by multiple scientists.

Not necessarily. What is required is a preponderance of evidence; that critical mass has not been reach yet, and may never be.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by SomeGuy34
Anyways, I'd like to point out that a certain individual on this board had became EXTREMELY hostile at one point, and even advocated this hostility towards this Ezekiel character.

Notice how he was the first one to challenge Ezekiel's intellect?

Ezekiel never became hostile, he did however -- stand quite true to the belief of his opinion. Did his own belief cause mass hysteria?

Actually, if you want to split hairs, Prophet Ezekiel/SomeGuy, you were the first. You were accuse me of being blind and being sheep. You made condescending sheep-noises when I disagreed with you. The posts are there for everyone to see.

And don't attempt to tell us you are two different people. We are not stupid. Your writing style and word use are identical.

Originally posted by SomeGuy34
I personally bout that prooves not too much besides a collaboration of ideas as much as the video itself generates.

I'd like to state, where is the physical video its self and who owns it. Is it actually the real first version?

Why don't you try to actually read the article I posted? I posted the link at about 11:50 am, and within 20 minutes you posted it was untrue. However, the article spans several pages, certainly too long to fully read and digest in such a short period of time. And I doubt you read it since then.

[edit on 5-3-2008 by SaviorComplex]

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 12:27 PM
More round abouts?


As stated before, no one has shown me any physical evidence of the roswell video where the video came from, or if where anyone claims it came from is even true. I'm quite skeptical myself about anyone disbelieving UFOs, as I've personally witnessed one and I have no mental disability, in fact, my IQ ranges of that around 120-140, which is fair.

Also, I will disqualify personally as it was not weather phenomena, or any kind of air craft we have today.

This object I had witnessed approximately 5 years ago, amongst a few others that seemed slightly interesting, would avidly dissappear and reappear. It would dart in unimaginable speeds which would cause the human boundaries too crush into aboslutely nothing besides blood scatter all abouts the air/space craft.

I know that REALLY doesn't mean anything to you, but I'd like to state I am highly skeptic of anyone disqualifying the Roswell Video, as no one can even state for sure where it came from or who made it, and even if someone claims they made it and filmed it, how can you be sure to believe ANYONE?

All in all, the only truth a individual knows is what they learn, see and expierence throughout life. But, of course, this is coming from a unstable source by any UFO/ET skeptic.

Also, pwn isn't a word.

And I don't think anyone has any ownership over any human/entity on this board.


Also, quite honestly -- I think everything about the Roswell is just a bunch of government misinformation, so I really suggest no one bothers their time reading a article to make up good reasons for a falsity.

Why is it 3 weeks before Roswell there was a siting in Washington, where a man and his son actually we're physically damaged by some biproduct of a "UFO"? Also, why is it that Kenneth Brown(I believe), had his military identity reinstated to "Kenneth Arnold"?

Of course skeptics don't look into the government conspiracies, because to them, a conspiracy is a conspiracy and nothing more.


Don't believe disinfo.

This thread is already plagued with it by SaviorComplex.....IMHO.

[edit on 5-3-2008 by SomeGuy34]

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by SomeGuy34
I'm quite skeptical myself about anyone disbelieving UFOs, as I've personally witnessed one and I have no mental disability, in fact, my IQ ranges of that around 120-140, which is fair.

More evidence this is Prophet Ezekiel. He proclaims his high-levels of intelligence, and uses outdated and outmoded debunking claims to prove his encounter.

Originally posted by SomeGuy34
I know that REALLY doesn't mean anything to you, but I'd like to state I am highly skeptic of anyone disqualifying the Roswell Video, as no one can even state for sure where it came from or who made it...

Have you read the article yet, Ezekiel?

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by SaviorComplex

You're misidentifying me.

I am *Some Guy*.

I am nobody, that is more so to say.

My identification can not be compromised.

Anyways, read my edit brothern!

Best Regards,

Some Guy.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 12:42 PM
Hey Saviour. It doesn't matter if he reads it or not, as he has stated he would be skeptical of any evidence that sais it's a hoax. And yes, I'm pretty much convinced that he and the prophet guy are one and the same. Wonder how long it will take the mods to ban him this time.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 12:43 PM
I do believe -- If a user obides every little detail in the T&C, their account will not be terminated.


posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 12:46 PM
I also find it funny how you make your smiley faces like so "=)" which is quite a rare way to do it. And lo and behold, the prophet did it the same way. Hmmmmmmmmmmm????

Anyway, back on topic. You touched on your own sighting briefly. Can you expand on it, give more details? I'm curious. Thanks.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by SaviorComplex

Have you read the article yet, Ezekiel?

I am not of whom you speak this user to be.


I have reviewed the article, and watched documentaries on just about every Roswell report in multiple UFO studies conducted by Discovery, History, National Geographic, Science Channel, etc etc etc....

And too my belief once again.

Can you identify any face of a human in that video?
Is there any means of identification in that video?


Therefore, in my opinion, anyone stating anything about the Roswell Incident is just bullocking.

Even me I will admit.

But, that doesn't exclude the possiblity it was real.

And why would someone spend a bunch of money in the 90s covering up a 50 year old crash?

Not only that, why would they make a fake body for it?

Why would that video of ever been released if it wasn't real? To encourage people to believe? Or to be skeptic?

I'm not sure myself.

I don't think you can be either.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by SomeGuy34
And why would someone spend a bunch of money in the 90s covering up a 50 year old crash?

Not only that, why would they make a fake body for it?

Why would that video of ever been released if it wasn't real?

And obviously, you have no read the article. It answers those questions.

Plus, you have demonstrated a lack of understanding of the very case you are holding up as proof of an extraterrestrial presence. You claim you have viewed it, and that it is genuine, however...

On April 4, 2006, two days prior to the UK release of Alien Autopsy (a British comedy feature film on the subject of the footage), British Sky Broadcasting broadcast a documentary, Eamonn Investigates: Alien Autopsy, presented by Eamonn Holmes. In this program, Ray Santilli and fellow producer Gary Shoefield announced that their film was only partially real (a "few frames," in their words), while the rest was a reconstruction of twenty-two rolls of film, averaging four minutes in length, which Santilli had viewed in 1992 but which had subsequently degraded from humidity and heat. They said that only a few frames of the original were still intact by the time they had raised enough money to purchase it.[2]

Santilli and Shoefield stated that they had "restored" the damaged footage by filming a simulated autopsy on a fabricated alien, based upon what Santilli saw in 1992, and then adding in a few frames of the original film that had not degraded. They have not identified which parts are original footage.[2]

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 01:05 PM
Yay!!! the Prophet-Ezekiel is back!!!

I was worried. His posts are hilarious.

Does your mom know what you're doing on the computer?

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 01:07 PM
I've heard much of the Santilli excuse.

But yet, it remains an excuse to me.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by MrPenny
Yay!!! the Prophet-Ezekiel is back!!!

I was worried. His posts are hilarious.

Does your mom know what you're doing on the computer?

My mother is dead.


also please read above I've stated I am not the user "Ezekiel" Prophet ezekiel, or what not.

[edit on 5-3-2008 by SomeGuy34]

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by SomeGuy34

I guess the answer is "no" then. You have my condolences for your loss. Although, I'm not sure why "SomeGuy..." answered a post asking Prophet-Ezekiel a question. Hmmmmm.

Yeah, I saw where you "said" that......but, you're so dreadfully wrong about nearly could be wrong about that too.

[edit on 5-3-2008 by MrPenny]

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by MrPenny

Thank you for being understanding.

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