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suspected Alien implant

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posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 05:25 PM
Wow!... That must have been painful

Any chance you could do a real close up pic of the object? It would be interesting to see what it looks like close up.

It's a shame you can't grab a quick film of the object doing it's shape-shifting thang. Shame too, that your professor friend didn't video the object returning to it's crystalline shape, after having been deformed.

I wonder what some of the others will make of your pics.

Thanks for posting them... and keep that thing safe

Edit. Dang... Why am I such a slow typer?

[edit on 4/3/2008 by Dagar]

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by spectre130

Do you feel different with it out of your body? Any emotional change? Have you ever witnessed a UFO? Also, any other photos you have would be great Robert. You can scan the object in as well or plant a magnifying glass over it to increase it's sharpness without a macro lens.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 05:39 PM
The site from where you removed specimen, how is the healing process?
Slower, faster, infected?
Did the professor have a look? His comments were...
Experiencing any new nervous ticks?

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 05:55 PM
I don't know about you guys, but I actually believe this guy!

Please keep us updated and thanks for the pictures

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 06:32 PM
This is very interesting. You should contact the Ufo Hunters, they would be able to run the appropriate tests and give credibility to your story. I cant wait to see what comes of this. I really hope this is true and not some BS story.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 06:42 PM
I'm starting to believe this too, maybe not completely, but after reading all of this today and thn seeing the pictures, i have to wonder, it could very well be possible, and maybe finally some concrete proof of aliens tracking humans and th like.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by Finn1916
I'm starting to believe this too, maybe not completely, but after reading all of this today and thn seeing the pictures, i have to wonder, it could very well be possible, and maybe finally some concrete proof of aliens tracking humans and th like.

Im not sure the word "finally" needs to be included.

After all, the show UFO Hunters just did a show on this very subject (almost an exact story

Maybe the OP should contact the UFO Hunters story and talk to them.

Im also having a hard time believing the whole "MIB" showing up and harassing and threatening.

[edit on 4-3-2008 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

The MIB thing doesn't alarm me at all.
I have been witness to a very similar event.
We no longer have access to our own posting histories or I would direct you to it, but in a nut(?)shell, I was with a friend of mine when these characters came to the door and took him away.
They weren't some form of alien they were simply NIS (badges) who wanted to talk to my friend.
Next time we saw him, he was a few pounds lighter and very afraid.(2 weeks, as I recall) and got shipped out the following week.
Those amongst who have military exp. know that when you re-up, as he had just, and get a duty station, you don't get new orders that fast.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 07:23 PM
Thanks for finally posting those. It certainly looks unusual, and as tiny as it is, I'm sure you would remember something like that entering your body if it was from some sort of accident. It certainly is interesting.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

really? i'm gonna have to get ahold of that episode, haven't had cable for months and months, so haven't been keeping up with all the history channel shows i used to watch

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by spectre130
I am currently trying to get my scanner to function correctly to upload the x-ray, spectrometer printout, and report filled out by the Professor.

Just take a good picture of the spectrometer printout and the report.

My gut is telling me this is legit...(edited to say: not a slam on spectre, just saying we have a lot of mis-direction/hoax stuff on this board)

I have a couple of questions for you.

1.) How did you fed-x the paperwork. Overnight, 2nd day, etc.

2.) Have you heard anything from Dr. Lear?

If this is real, I hope you contacted one of the owners of ATS. It would behoove you to...

[edit on 3/5/08 by NoPhobos]

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by LAUGHING-CAT
The site from where you removed specimen, how is the healing process?
Slower, faster, infected?
Did the professor have a look? His comments were...
Experiencing any new nervous ticks?

The site is healing a little slower than normal, but with no infection (I have taken no steps to prevent infection ie.. neosporin (sp) or other ointment) The professor did look at the site but the only thing he said was basicly a copy of what one of the other posters has stated "Dang that must have hurt!" P.S. It did! The professor didn't do any tests on the site because, and I quote: "I don't have a lot of experience in the medical field and wouldn't know what I am looking for or at other than it appears not to be infected."

No new nervous ticks but I have been getting a wierd fieling in my little toe and the one next to it. Not pain or anything but they seam to be asleap. May have damaged a nerve?? Didn't think it was that deep though. Who knows. My primary medical doctor only states that it is a hole in my leg and to put a band-aide on it and keep it from getting infected. I didn't tell him about the object though because he is a very "old school" doctor. He brought me into this world 30+ years ago and his idea of modern medical practices is just barely beyond bleeding and leaches, but other than that he is a great doctor for colds and sprains etc... so he wouldn't believe in UFOs and implants etc..

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by merryxmas
reply to post by spectre130

Do you feel different with it out of your body? Any emotional change? Have you ever witnessed a UFO? Also, any other photos you have would be great Robert. You can scan the object in as well or plant a magnifying glass over it to increase it's sharpness without a macro lens.

I have been experiencing some diffrences since the removal:

1. I seam to be able to consentrate (sp) better
2. My moods are off: more of a "bah-humbug" feeling and quicker to anger. (I use to have anger related problems when I was a child, ages 2-14, but not since, till now)
3. I believe that I have witnessed UFO's before and as a private pilot I can say that I have seen things that are literly Unidentified Flying Objects, and don't behave or react according to the universal laws of physics as we understand them. I have also experienced numerous episodes of "missing time" (and still do) fairly often.

The object is to small to scan with any clairity (I tried) and I can't get any better with a magnifying lense becaust I have a piece of junk "point and shoot" camera and the auto focus constantly screws up with the extra lens. (but it was a good idea)

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by justinenking
This is very interesting. You should contact the Ufo Hunters, they would be able to run the appropriate tests and give credibility to your story. I cant wait to see what comes of this. I really hope this is true and not some BS story.

Any idea how to contact them. I have already talked to my friends in MUFON.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by NoPhobos

Originally posted by spectre130
I am currently trying to get my scanner to function correctly to upload the x-ray, spectrometer printout, and report filled out by the Professor.

Just take a good picture of the spectrometer printout and the report.

My gut is telling me this is legit...(edited to say: not a slam on spectre, just saying we have a lot of mis-direction/hoax stuff on this board)

I have a couple of questions for you.

1.) How did you fed-x the paperwork. Overnight, 2nd day, etc.

2.) Have you heard anything from Dr. Lear?

If this is real, I hope you contacted one of the owners of ATS. It would behoove you to...

[edit on 3/5/08 by NoPhobos]

I overnighted them to him with return receipt requested. Checked Fedx's site and they have been delivered. Got a call from someone from Dr. Lears office letting me know that Dr. Lear has received them and will contact me shortly.

I do have photos of the paperwork but they don't show any detail of anything (you can't even read them) because of my cruddy camera. ( I realy need to break down and buy a good one, SOON) I have a computer "expert" working on getting my flatbed scanner working properly. Thinking of taking them to Kinkos or someplace like that and seeing if I can get them to scan them to disk for me. (It's an idea, maybe not a good one, but it's an idea).

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by spectre130

No new nervous ticks but I have been getting a wierd fieling in my little toe and the one next to it. Not pain or anything but they seam to be asleap. May have damaged a nerve?? Didn't think it was that deep though. Who knows. My primary medical doctor only states that it is a hole in my leg and to put a band-aide on it and keep it from getting infected. I didn't tell him about the object though because he is a very "old school" doctor. He brought me into this world 30+ years ago and his idea of modern medical practices is just barely beyond bleeding and leaches, but other than that he is a great doctor for colds and sprains etc... so he wouldn't believe in UFOs and implants etc..

Slightly off-topic, but you should consider getting yourself checked out at the local hospital. You can always tell them you had a bit of metal that somehow got under your skin and it was aggravating you lots, so you dug it out.... but you are a bit worried you might have done yourself a bit of damage.

No doubt they'll think you're a bit of an idiot for having done so... but if you can put up with being thought as so at least you don't have to mention alien implants or anything. If they ask you where the bit of metal is just say you threw it away.

Worth getting yourself checked out properly though. You never know, you might have damaged a nerve or something.

Like a few others here, I'm leaning towards believing this situation to be a truthful one. If I sound a tad reticent it's only because there are too many people who love to perpetrate a hoax, thereby yanking people's chains and leading them on a merry ride. I get the sense that you are not one of them... I have been known to be wrong though

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by spectre130
It is still transmitting radio signals in the 153 GHz range. we could not figure out how. We ran the signal through a ocillascpoe to see what kind of signal is generated and were astounded to find that it is transmiting a "perfect square sine wave". The professor could receive the signal from clear across the campus (about 8 miles). The professor said that what I was hearing on the baby monitor was interfeerance from the object. I have the object back in my posession (it was never out of my sight) and I will try to post some photos soon. I don't have the means to record a vid of it for posting though. I did contact Dr. Leer and he is interested. He would like a copy of all of the professors findings to be sent to him ASAP.

Hi Guys,
I'd like to jump in here with my 2 pennied if I may. I have worked in electronics for years, in particular in the field of RF (ie high frequency) electronics. I used to work for a company called Filtronic Components if you want to check out the kind of stuff I was working on, its comms, radar, etc.

There are a couple of problems with the statement I highlighted above. I'm, not trying to be fussy, it is just that what has been said cannot be true, anyone (like a professor) who knows what he's talking about couldn't make these mistakes, & I'll tell you why.

Most communications are transmitted in Mhz unless you're looking at satellite comms, direct point to point datacomms, etc. Then you get up to GHz. However, you do not often get into EHFs like 153GHz !!!

I did once work on something at about 30GHz, it was a one off & we had to get in some very special test equipment to do it - & you're not talking about oscilloscopes, you're talking about spectrum analyzers & network analysers that cost in the region of Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars - to try & measure or look at a 153 GHz signal would require extremely specialised & very expensive equipment, certainly not the kind of kit you'd find lying around at a University.

Anyhow, the point is that you could not just hook up a signal in GHz to an oscilloscope & see the signal, & there is absolutely zero chance that a 153 GHz signal would be visible on a scope. Also, HOW would you hook up a single blob to an oscilloscope - if its transmitting, you don't need to, just look at the trasmission!

It is such a high frequency, & so out of the range of normal test equipment, that I'm also preplexed to know how they even discovered that it was transmitting at this frequency - the way it reads is that they stuck it onto a scope, twiddled a few knobs until they got a nice picture, & then determined it was a 153GHz signal - IMPOSSIBLE!

In addition, you would absolutely not hear ANYTHING on a babycom, or a walkie talkie either, it would be a zillion miles outside the operating frequencies of either. Anyone who has any idea of how the electronics of a walkie talkie works would see this - its like trying to get short wave on a long wave radio.

Finally, I don't know what this guy is a professor of (laser spectrometers, chemistry, electronics, communications - his knowledge seems to know no bounds), but there is no such thing as a "perfect square sine wave." A sine wave is a sine wave, & a square wave is a square wave - they are both defined mathematically, & are mathematically different - its not just a nit picking statement, & I don't see how a professor could make that mistake.

It sounds like a load of balony (& the implant does look like a blob of solder from the bottom of a circuit board - you can even see the 2 legs where the component legs / wires have been clipped).

[edit on 5-3-2008 by Power_Semi]

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by Power_Semi

I am just telling you what the communications Professor said. I have no idea. I don't know much about radios and high freq. transmissions. All I know is what he stated (153 GHz, True Square Sine Wave, etc..) .

They never hooked the object to an occiliscope, he hooked the scope to another device and then through that to an antenna. Thats where he got the signal to measure, so he said. He told me and the other professor (chemistry) that the signal was in the 153 GHz range, not sure how he figured that though. and that it had a True Square Sine Wave.

I will see the com. Professor tomarrow and ask him to explain his findings further. If you have no objections I would like to take a copy of your post to have him answer the questions you bring up.

Thank you for bringing your expertise to bear on this problem and helping me find out that someone may be selling me a "bill of goods" as it were.

If you have any other questions for this coms professor please feel free to ask here and I will try to take them to him for review.

To everyone else: This is the kind of feedback that I am looking for. I want people to try to debunk this so I have halfway intelligent questions to ask when I see these or other people. I know very little about this stuff. Usually I run my own business, designing and building aircraft for people, very boreing, I am not a scientist.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 07:06 PM
I have no problem with you taking that post to show him at all.

Rather than him just saying "I hooked up an antenna to an oscilloscope" or similar, perhaps he'd be good enough to list exactly the equipment he used, model numbers, make, etc, the scematic for how he connected it together, & the settings etc he used to get the pics on the scope.

Perhaps he could also indicate whether the signal is a square or sine wave or a complex waveform (I don't get a perfect square sine), & whether it appears to be a carrier wave, ie whether there is modulation of another signal.


PS - if it did turn out to be legit (sorry for questioning your statements), then the interesting thing to do would be to stick it back into your leg & see if the signal changed, ie, if it then started transmitting some form of data modulated onto the existing signal.

[edit on 5-3-2008 by Power_Semi]

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 07:17 PM
If this device is giving off a transmision then you are really on to something... now my first though would be to transmit if im right you should be able to transmit. this thing was sending information about you now it is sending nothing...other than it has been removed....

im sure one of the guy's on here could tell you how to put together a basic transmission Ie radio signal to send...

im going to go and think about this however you still have human matter attached to the device this not remove this will allow us to advise you on how to plughg in for the transmission you will send.

Im thinking lets give whoever or what ever a virus
let me think

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