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suspected Alien implant

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posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 10:36 PM
Does anyone know where I might be able to send a suspected Implant to be have it annalized?

I took this thing out of the back of my right thigh. It is smaller that a BB, sort of triangular in shape and made of a metal that I have never seen before.

The metal is malliable with memory, and lightly magnetic in nature. When I squeezed the mass with a pair of needle nose pliers it deformed but within 10 min. it had returned to its original shape. It is mostly light grey in color (like cold solder) with shinny areas (3). It can be moved with a magnet but it needs to be very powerfull. (a standard kitchen fridge magnet will not move it, but it will move with the magnet out of a computer hard drive. Rare-earth I think) It is giving off a radio signal. (when I pass a baby monitor receiver over it, you can hear a low rumble with a high frequency overlay).

I have never had an industrial accident of any kind that would account for it being in my body in the first place. I would like to know if anyone can tell me where I might be able to send this to have it looked at.

I am an FAA A&P mechanic and know quite a bit about metals, and I have never heard of any kind of metal that would have all of these attributes.

If anyone knows of any type of metal that does please respond and I would apreciate it greatly. Thanks

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 10:46 PM

Here is some coverage of his work:

Good luck! Keep us updated, as well.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 10:52 PM
Just go to a local college with lab equipment and have the biology, chemistry students and or professors look it over. Or you can go online find an address and send something precious in the mail... i dunno that doesn't sound good to me. If this turns out to be what you think it is anyways... Interesting post

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 10:55 PM
Unfortunately I don't have any real answers for you... but frankly if I found something similar in nature to what you found I would get it as far away from me as possible. Yes getting it to some type of lab would be ideal... but it would scare the hell out of me, and considering it relays radio frequencies, that would be all I needed to know. I would believe it to be a tracking device and ensure that it ends up as far away as humanly possible.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 11:41 PM
Can you post some pictures of your leg and the object? It will help

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 01:59 PM
If it is an artificial implant ( a BIG if), if you send it to a laboratory it will most probably vanish.... or you'll get back a 'nothing special' report and 'oh by the way, your specimen was destroyed in the testing' .... or something similar convenient disappearance of the evidence.

If you suspect that you may have been abducted and have had an implant inserted, and now have potential evidence, I would suggest you contact one of the more serious, well respected researchers into the subject and get their advice and/or help... I'm sure others here can advice you of the rioght person to get in touch with.

Whatever you do, DON'T let the thing out of your sight or possession. If it's going to be tested BE THERE, or have a trusted friend/associate be there, if you can't do it yourself.

Just a few thoughts and my humble opinion though... Others may advice you differently and better.

Good luck

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 02:39 PM
Last week on Alien Hunters on either history or discovery channel they showed something similar to what you described being removed from a man's thigh.

It had emitted signals of somekind when it was in the body but when removed it no longer did.

The doctor had a hard time getting it out because it kept moving around. They used a magnet and some inner body optical thing to get it to the surface so it could be removed.

At the time of the show they didn't know what it was made of.

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by interestedalways

i watched the same show. it was giving off RF signals in the ghz range and was EXTREMELY high powered. but as soon as they took it out...nada....OP do you still notice the frequency after it has been taken out of your leg? could you PLEASE post some pics of the object? im mos def. watchin this thread..


posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by spectre130

Do you think running a walkitalky over it would be good for seeing if it producing signals? I dont have a baby monitor.

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 07:00 PM
Sounds very interesting but can we have some pics please?Thanks!

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 11:23 PM
How could you remove an implant yourself? don't you need special surgeons to remove it from your body? and even if you could yourself it is probably more dangerous that way.

well anyways you should email Dr. Roger K. Leir at [email protected]
and talk with him about it. If you give the implant to him, he could possibly take it to one of the most advanced Labs in Toronto.

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 02:44 PM
I think it is fair enough to request pictures of the item in this situation. I know people get angry when asked if they had pictures during an actual abduction, but this is allegedly a physical object in the posession of the poster. Unless it magically does not appear on film or digital devices for some miraculous reason, then it would be good to at least have a look at it. Even better would be a video of it changing state from a metal that can be manipulated and then back to a solid.

How about it OP?

Many thanks.

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 02:42 PM
I will try to get some photos of it this evening and post them tomarrow (3-3-08) I have taken it to the local college and asked them to ID it for me and the professor agreed. (he has been a family friend for many years).

He took the sample and ran it through a laser mass spectrometer (with me in attendance) and tryed to find out what it is. The spectrometer was unable to ID the objects comp because and I quote "the laser was unable to penetrate (burn) any of the object for study" meaning that the laser was unable to vaporize any of the object and have the spectrometer read it. We also found out, by experiment, that it is impervious to all known acids. (we tried to melt it to find out it's chem comp and got nowhere) We also tried to melt it with heat, and cut it with a scalpel, no luck on either. The scalpel just deformed it and then it returned to shape, not even a microscopic scratch! Under a very high power microscope you can see that it is in fact crystaline in construction (which doesn't make sense, crystaline metals fracture when compressed not deform), when compressed under magnification the crystal structure in the area of the impinging object apears to "melt" and deform, when the pressure is releases the crystals just regrow in exactly the same pattern as before. It is still transmitting radio signals in the 153 GHz range. we could not figure out how. We ran the signal through a ocillascpoe to see what kind of signal is generated and were astounded to find that it is transmiting a "perfect square sine wave". The professor could receive the signal from clear across the campus (about 8 miles). The professor said that what I was hearing on the baby monitor was interfeerance from the object. I have the object back in my posession (it was never out of my sight) and I will try to post some photos soon. I don't have the means to record a vid of it for posting though. I did contact Dr. Leer and he is interested. He would like a copy of all of the professors findings to be sent to him ASAP.

I went to the professor looking for answers but all I came back with is even more questions. The professor told me that he couldn't go "On Record" for fear of loosing his tenureship, but he told me off the record that he couldn't ID the object and that, and I quote, "It doesn't appear to come from earth, and I have no idea how it was made, or out of what. All I know is that it scares the hell out of me and I would like you to take it far from my lab and never speak to me about this again." I could tell that he was genuinely scared so I respected and granted his wish.

As for how did I remove it from my leg. It was just beneth the surface and festered up, (i thought it was a festered hair, I'm very hairy)
and I tried to remove it like a pimple but no luck, so I got my pen knife and made a small incession on my leg in a mirror, and squeezed it out. It took a while because everytime I tried to squeeze it out, it tried to go further in, but eventualy I got it (about 2 1/2 hours of pain later).
All I have to say to anyone else who finds one of these is have someone else remove it, in other words OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for all of your replies and I will keep you all informed.

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by spectre130

I look forward to seeing these pictures. I am surprised you didnt have pictures already to show us when you made this post

Im also surprised that you have this facinating object/situation and you got a science professor to run test - yet no photographic/video evidence was taken of this

As far as a monitor goes. Ours gets interference easily. I have no objects in me and never have. And just going near it or it facing the wrong way can create interference. Somedays it is nothing but interference, some days there is none at all. I believe many factors contribute to it, though Im not expert on this stuff.

Do you have a video recorder? Can you record the interference taking place when you place the object near iet? That would be interesting to see.

Good luck in searching for the truth of this matter!

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by spectre130

Interesting post. A few questions if I may?

Are you able to, and would you please provide a photo of the scar site on your leg with some size indication.

A photo of the implant, of course. Again with scale.

Also, what freq range does the monitor operate in?

How far away from the implant does the monitor need to be?

Did the monitor "act up" when you were near it in operation before the implant was excised?


Oh by the way... African or European swallow?

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

As for the baby monitor interference... I seem to recall from your posts that you live on/near an air base correct?

There's your "mysterious" interference.

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by cbianchi513

I understand that and agree. However, this has happened before living on a military base. I havent always lived on.

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 03:20 PM
Post Script to the above mentioned post.

Those test were performed Sat. 3-1-08. The object never left my sight. (except in the spectrometer, and I preped it for that test and retreived it imediately after) I contacted Dr. Leer on Sun. 3-2-08.

The professor who ran the tests told me today (3-3-08) that he got a phone call not 2 min. after ariving at his lab today, from a "Independant Reaserch Facility" (the Tri-brough (sp) Reaserch Group) asking if he still had the object in his possesion and if he would overnight it to them ASAP. When he told them no, they demanded that he tell them how to contact me and/or get the sample back. When he refused, they tried to threaten him into doing it by telling him that they had a Federal Subpina (sp) for the object and all of his paperwork and notes, and that if he didn't tell them my identity that they would arrest him. Well he hung up on them.
Not 5 min later. 4 men intered his lab and started to threaten him and interogate him. They said that they were from the Dept. of Homeland Security and that they had a warrent to seize all of the paperwork and notes pertaining to this object. He asked to see the warrent and called for a friend to come in who was in the hall. (this friend is a law professor) When his friend came in he asked to see the warrent, after being told what was going on, and informed the Professor that the warrent was bogus and that they had no right to be there. At that all 4 men turned and left without a word. (strange huh)

Since this call from my friend, I have recieved 15 "cancled calls" on my cell phone just this morning. I finaly took the battery out of the darn thing because it was even ringing after I shut the power off! I wonder if they are tring to get a GPS fix on me by doing this. I have been moving aroun all morning, for my job, so I have never been in one spot. All I can think of is that they got my cell # from the professors phone. All my caller ID ever showed on these calls was "incoming call" which it never does. (it usualy says "unavailable" or "private") and when I try to get the # through my call log all I see is "#*&^^*@", no numbers I tried to transpose those numbers with a qwerty keyboard and I get 387-6682, no area code so the call must be local. When I try to call that number all I get is a recording saing that the number is no longer in service.

All the Professor and his friend cal recall about the 4 gentlemen is that there was 1 white, 1 black, 1 asian, and 1 possable native american/eskimo, all dressed in matching grey suites, they spoke with a "flat" tone (no emotion) and no accent at all. The Professor thought they all sounded like they had the same voice, just at diffrent pitches. When they left, the Professors friend followed them out to the entry and saw them get into a medium grey Ford 150 cargo van with a temporary license plate. He got the number and gave it to me. I called a friend if my fathers (my dad was a police officer for 22 years) and asked him if they could run the tag # for me. He said yes, I gave him the # and he ran it and asked me if the numbers were correct. I had the Professors friend on confrence call and he confirmed that they were, and the Officer told us that according to his database that plate number was not only not registered, but not due to be issued for 3 more years.

I tell you all this is getting a little freaky.

They didn't get his papers or anything (he gave them all to me) but he said that the black gentleman was in front of his computer with a device that looked like a "sony walkman" just standing there looking at this thing, for about 2 min. He may have downloaded everything. Who knows.

This is starting to sound like an X-Files episode, and if it wasn't hapening to me, I might not belive it.

I will keep you all posted.

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by cbianchi513
reply to post by spectre130

Interesting post. A few questions if I may?

Are you able to, and would you please provide a photo of the scar site on your leg with some size indication.

A photo of the implant, of course. Again with scale.

Also, what freq range does the monitor operate in?

How far away from the implant does the monitor need to be?

Did the monitor "act up" when you were near it in operation before the implant was excised?


Oh by the way... African or European swallow?

I plan to post the photos tomarrow I don't have my memory stick with me from my camera.

as for the frequ range. 9 Mhz I think. It's a dual band. Not sure what the other band is though.

About 6 feet or less, for the monitor to pick it up. but the radio equip used in the experiments could pick it up at more than 8 miles with the type of antena that they use for tracking animals. (handheld)

Yes the monitor always acted up around me or my daughter but never around my wife.

BTW 2 europeans carring a coconut

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by cbianchi513
reply to post by greeneyedleo

As for the baby monitor interference... I seem to recall from your posts that you live on/near an air base correct?

There's your "mysterious" interference.

Nope: I use to live on an airport/base, but havn't since about 2000

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[edit on 3-3-2008 by elevatedone]

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