posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 03:20 PM
Post Script to the above mentioned post.
Those test were performed Sat. 3-1-08. The object never left my sight. (except in the spectrometer, and I preped it for that test and retreived it
imediately after) I contacted Dr. Leer on Sun. 3-2-08.
The professor who ran the tests told me today (3-3-08) that he got a phone call not 2 min. after ariving at his lab today, from a "Independant
Reaserch Facility" (the Tri-brough (sp) Reaserch Group) asking if he still had the object in his possesion and if he would overnight it to them
ASAP. When he told them no, they demanded that he tell them how to contact me and/or get the sample back. When he refused, they tried to threaten him
into doing it by telling him that they had a Federal Subpina (sp) for the object and all of his paperwork and notes, and that if he didn't tell them
my identity that they would arrest him. Well he hung up on them.
Not 5 min later. 4 men intered his lab and started to threaten him and interogate him. They said that they were from the Dept. of Homeland Security
and that they had a warrent to seize all of the paperwork and notes pertaining to this object. He asked to see the warrent and called for a friend to
come in who was in the hall. (this friend is a law professor) When his friend came in he asked to see the warrent, after being told what was going on,
and informed the Professor that the warrent was bogus and that they had no right to be there. At that all 4 men turned and left without a word.
(strange huh)
Since this call from my friend, I have recieved 15 "cancled calls" on my cell phone just this morning. I finaly took the battery out of the darn
thing because it was even ringing after I shut the power off! I wonder if they are tring to get a GPS fix on me by doing this. I have been moving
aroun all morning, for my job, so I have never been in one spot. All I can think of is that they got my cell # from the professors phone. All my
caller ID ever showed on these calls was "incoming call" which it never does. (it usualy says "unavailable" or "private") and when I try to get
the # through my call log all I see is "#*&^^*@", no numbers I tried to transpose those numbers with a qwerty keyboard and I get 387-6682, no area
code so the call must be local. When I try to call that number all I get is a recording saing that the number is no longer in service.
All the Professor and his friend cal recall about the 4 gentlemen is that there was 1 white, 1 black, 1 asian, and 1 possable native american/eskimo,
all dressed in matching grey suites, they spoke with a "flat" tone (no emotion) and no accent at all. The Professor thought they all sounded like
they had the same voice, just at diffrent pitches. When they left, the Professors friend followed them out to the entry and saw them get into a medium
grey Ford 150 cargo van with a temporary license plate. He got the number and gave it to me. I called a friend if my fathers (my dad was a police
officer for 22 years) and asked him if they could run the tag # for me. He said yes, I gave him the # and he ran it and asked me if the numbers were
correct. I had the Professors friend on confrence call and he confirmed that they were, and the Officer told us that according to his database that
plate number was not only not registered, but not due to be issued for 3 more years.
I tell you all this is getting a little freaky.
They didn't get his papers or anything (he gave them all to me) but he said that the black gentleman was in front of his computer with a device that
looked like a "sony walkman" just standing there looking at this thing, for about 2 min. He may have downloaded everything. Who knows.
This is starting to sound like an X-Files episode, and if it wasn't hapening to me, I might not belive it.
I will keep you all posted.