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The Money Trail is about to VANNISH!

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posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 08:35 AM
Heres a little bit of accounting knowledge for you all.

Companies only have to hold on to accounting information for 7 years. Thats it! As of September 11 of this year all those financial records can be destroyed and with it prime evidence for the truth movement about what really happened on 9/11/01.

I said it nearly two years ago to follow the money. Accountants write down these things. These things may look like just numbers but they tell an accountant everything about an operation.

If this was a government sponsored event (which I believe) The General Accounting Office (GAO) will have records that can indicate such. You will not find on paper the president ordering the destruction of two major US landmarks or a attack on the pentagon. But if indeed there is something shady going on you can find it through the GAO.

Your going to need to find invoices for things like a demo team, airline tickets for foreign nationals. ETC. WHATEVER! The point I am trying to make is the money has been accounted for. If the government did indeed sponsor this event then the records through the GAO are still intact.


ATS has the absolute BEST researchers EVER assembled on one site. It is time for US to look at these records. Find whatever you can.

Money had to be exchanged somewhere along the lines for this to occur. That money has been documented. If this cover up is all inclusive then you will be looking for large gaps in spending. Unaccounted for dollars that lead nowhere. That in and of itself is a clue. This operation if it indeed was a government sponsored event would take a lot of money to pull off.

It's going to take a lot of research to find out where the money went but that in and of itself will document everything.

Consider this the Shell Casing for the smoking gun.

And that shell casing is rusting away to oblivion!


posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 09:03 AM

Good thinking on this, but if there were a paper/money trail about 9/11, certainly it would have been thought of already, don't you think? I could be wrong on that though. My concern with following the money when the government is involved is, Where is the money trail for all the billions and perhaps, trillions spent on black projects?

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 09:05 AM
My questions:

If the government is so good at keeping records, why did Rumsfeld announce on 9/10/01 that over a trillion dollars couldn't be accounted for? Just saying.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 09:10 AM
David M. Walker is the current Comptroller General for the United States Government. He is the main guy at the GAO. He also was the Comptroller General during September 11.

Here is a start. It's the main page for the GAO There is a lot of "legwork" to do in researching this topic. I need help doing it. All the reports are there it just takes a keen mind and a bunch of people looking into this subject to help go through all the data already available. If the government did this atrocity to it's own country the GAO has the records. If we are going to leave no stone unturned in the fight for the truth then this is one of the last stones. This stone is one they haven't thought about.

Please don't let this thread die cause this is a difficult subject to research. This is where you are going to find the credible evidence needed to either prove or deny this case once and for all.

The money is where the madness of 9/11 ends. The money is where the truth lies. The steel is gone. The physical evidence is gone the only thing left now is the money and we need to find this quickly in order for the truth to be shown.

The clock is ticking people and it's ticking faster than you think.


posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by saturnsrings
My concern with following the money when the government is involved is, Where is the money trail for all the billions and perhaps, trillions spent on black projects?

Perhaps here

"According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions," Rumsfeld admitted

"We know it's gone. But we don't know what they spent it on," said Jim Minnery, Defense Finance and Accounting Service.

This was announced Sept 10 2001, then never heard from again to my knowledge.

edit: You beat me to it, Griff.

[edit on 28-2-2008 by subject x]

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 09:17 AM
Forgive me but not being American, I assume this money is more than the DOD budget? could someone enlighten me on this.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by subject x
edit: You beat me to it, Griff.

You are the one that came to the table with a source. So, credit should go to you.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 09:28 AM
I sent the GAO an Email requesting the information here is what I wrote:

Hi I was wondering if I could get an entire audit readout for the year of 2001? Income and Allocation. What money was taken in and what money was spent on what? I understand that some projects budgets are classified I don't necessarily want those but I was wondering if I could get a comprehensive audit about that year in particular? You know standard stuff profit and loss analysis. Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable things like that. Is there a link where I can go to a web page to find this information? It would really help me out to find out every single thing the government spent its money on during 2001. Thank you.

I think with the obvious exception of black box projects the information should be readily available to all Americans. With analysis I think that it could be possible to find a weak link in the veil of secrecy chain.

Even the black box allocations will be noted. I should think at least the bulk of money spent on that fiscal year should be recognisable.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by Sauron
Forgive me but not being American, I assume this money is more than the DOD budget? could someone enlighten me on this.

No need for forgiveness.

Here's some spending figures for 2002, as an example.

Defense Outlays in Fiscal Year 2002
(billions of dollars)
Department of Defense 344.4
Department of Energy 18.5
Department of State 17.6
Department of Veterans Affairs 50.9
Agencies incorporated into Department of Homeland Security 17.5
Department of Justice (homeland security) 2.1
Department of Transportation (homeland security) 1.4
Department of the Treasury (homeland security) 0.1
National Aeronautics & Space Administration (homeland security) 0.2
Other agencies (homeland security) 4.7
Interest attributable to past debt-financed defense outlays 138.7
Total 596.1

It looks like the missing funds were way more then the DOD budget.
I'm sure, however, that the present DOD budget is somewhat larger then it was in 2002.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by subject x

That is a major black hole in this issue. I am sure that it has been investigated thoroughly, after being brought to light in such a harsh way.

I want the GAO Audit for that year. I want to see exactly where our US Dollars went for that fiscal year. Even DOD projects would be accounted for and those projects have descriptions. Not anything recognizable but there are descriptions.

Now to the other side. Where did the money go?

The money spent on civilian contractors had to be allocated somewhere even money that was spent or gained by the leaseholder of the world trade center should be allocated for. (if this indeed was an inside job)

I am not saying it wasn't an inside job nor am I saying it was I want to know where the money went.

Even looking at cleanup crews can give a clue to where the money went and by whom. Was the money allocated to that purpose before September 11?

These are the things that should be questioned not Rummy. His statements are a clue to be sure but they have had nearly 7 years to find where that money has gone.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
Even looking at cleanup crews can give a clue to where the money went and by whom. Was the money allocated to that purpose before September 11?

That would be some good evidence there if it could be proved.

These are the things that should be questioned not Rummy. His statements are a clue to be sure but they have had nearly 7 years to find where that money has gone.

Have they found out? I can't find any reference to it other then the fact that they said they'd investigate.

I think you have a good idea there, whatukno. I would imagine any spending in that area would be falsely documented, but you never know. I wouldn't even know what I was looking at if I were to see their documentation, but I'd be interested in what you find.

You never know where that smoking gun will be found.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 01:52 PM
oooh this is a good post inever thought of it that way!!
and yeah we have a right to know what they spend it on. they freaking track our bank account and see what we spend our money on so why cant we!?
im really horrible with math and stuff though

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by Sauron
Forgive me but not being American, I assume this money is more than the DOD budget? could someone enlighten me on this.

Yes, it's several years worth. The problem had been going on for years, and wasn't 'announced' by Rummy on 9/10. It had been in the news many times before. He was talking about what amounts to accounting/software problems, and was explaining the need to get a new accounting system.

This is just more disinfo from the LC group.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by Whodunnit

Rumsfeld has been telling about the accounting problems since the Clinton Administration long before 9/11. 9/10 was just another day reminding the people.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 05:10 PM
Actually, I heard that also Deltaboy.

On topic:

To the OP. Let us know what you find. Thanks.$

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by whatukno

That 7 years applies to Businesses. I have 16 years in storage. I don't know about the Government expenditures? I think those may be kept in perpetuity. I think the issue may be more a case of missing records.

Your idea is a good one. It could answer questions. You may need to actually file an FOI request to get anything. Then again it may be available in one publication already for sale.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 05:48 PM
Remember the WTC coins with the Gold Towers that pop up? They are made from real WTC recovered Gold. Why not try looking there?

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 05:50 PM
But the real question that we should all be asking is, "What happened to the victims on the plane that day?"

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 05:58 PM
I have a question.
Why don't people in US organise,collect ,say, 10$ per interested person and have their own investigation. Assemble via net groups of people who think that something is wrong and go on.
Now you have election, what easier time then this to push it through?
If bunch of kids succeded to organise via the net (probably with some guiding from shadow figyres,but never the less) why other sectors of population can't do the same?
I'd like to point that i'm not US citizen ,and actually pretty much believe in official story, but the fact that this is not the position of quite a lot of people should be somehow resolved.I definetly could be wrong.
If it will be known as a truly independed invistigation, without targets pre-drawn, it might attract a lot of indivuduals,i think.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 08:36 PM
The problem with your approach is that you are assuming that there is a sum of money large enough to find.
Assuming that 9/11 was a government plot, most of the cost was in "sunk funds". It's not like they had to build new planes, build new equipment, train new people.
Besides, remember, the government is the organization that gave you the $900 hammers, and the $500 screwdrivers. How hard would it be to hide a few million dollars in some other budget?
I'm not trying to discourage investigation, but I think efforts would be better spent in other ways. If it was a government plot, a lot of people had to be involved. Investigating the likely suspects would be a more useful effort, in my opinion, as well as trying to resolve the contradictions of the 9/11 commission report.

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