posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 06:59 AM
The incredibly SIMPLISTIC so-called "conservative" view of economics is extremely dangerous. Don't you people see what is happening? Just because
YOU are OK at the moment is no justification to continue to allow this runaway looting of America to continue. We are all in this together. Nobody
wants to support a welfare state, but to have full-time WORKING POOR who can't eat or pay rent is not tolerable in a first-world nation.
Believe me, it will land on your doorstep one day. There was a time that I thought "I'm working hard and earning well, why can't everyone else
pull their weight?" Of course that was the 80s and I was young, fresh out of college and had a pocket full of cash. I paid off all of my student
loans and in a few years, bought a small house, and I was only 23.
Through the next decade, things remained pretty steady in the publishing company where I interned through college and then worked full time.
Occasional promotions, little raises.
Then the company got bought out by a company known for trimming and selling companies. I survived the cuts. Then the yearly bonuses started to
shrink, then more, then they were gone. Then there was an "accounting irregularity." Scandal ensued, (look up CUC International for details, a few
of the crooks went to white-collar prison). Some 30-year plus employees who had made tidy nest eggs (enough to retire on) in the company sale and
stock split were now holding useless paper and facing retirement in poverty. Most are still working now (like walmart greeters, etc.).
Then we got bought out again (by the Carlyle Group, BTW). Then yearly pay increases dropped from 8% to 5%. Then 3%. Then none. I heard that they
have been sold again since.
Shortly after Carlyle, I gave up my 12 years of seniority for a nice pay boost and went to play in a bigger pond. I did really well for another
couple of years and then -- bam. The local economy tanked. It was only months before 1 in 5 of everyone I knew was out of work. Then I got laid off
due to low seniority. To this day, 1 in 4 of the co-workers I still know are still seeking full time work. This is 3 years later. They are no
longer COUNTED as unemployed because their benefits ran out after 6 mos. You are not allowed to see those numbers.
How did I survive? It wasn't easy. I looked for work for an entire year and ate up all of the equity I had in my home. Eventually I had to sell my
house to break even.
I had to move cross-country to find work. I literally packed my truck with everything that I couldn't sell or give away and drove to the west coast.
It took 6 more mos. of living off of my wife's part-time paychecks and loans from family before I finally got a crappy job. Another year before I
finally landed a great job. So, now we are doing OK, making more than ever before, but still living paycheck-to-paycheck because our rent for 1BR out
here is 3 times what my 3BR house payment was in the midwest.
Sorry about the long-winded post, but it just chaps my ass to hear these dittohead, neocon apologists talking about how we should just let
corporations run wild with no consequences and monopolize the fourth estate etc. They sound like the Vichy to me. Maybe they're just young
brownshirts and will grow up and join the real world when it finally comes knocking. Maybe the hatespeech by the screaming heads in the media have
convinced them that not caring about you fellow American is acceptable now. Because trying to act like a civilized nation is now "socialism." I
guess when we give our leftovers to the homeless in the alley behind our apartment we are evil stalinists.
Yeah, I'm happy to be working. That doesn't mean that I support a fascist state. It is far beyond time to rein in the corporate crooks. I, for
one would not like to return to the age of the robber-barons. Oops, too late.