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Middle Class May Be Subject To Food Rations, Warns UN

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posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by 4thDoctorWhoFan

We would all love to get rid of government but you as well as everyone else knows that this will never happen. It is easy to play armchair quarterback but there is no answer for us. So whoever it may be that takes over next is going to screw us no matter what. So what will you be saying next year? What are we supposed to do?
It's not just Dems that want to spend a lot as Bush is again asking for more money for Iraq. It is never going to end. Both arguments agreeing with and disagreeing with you....none of it matters because whoever gets in is not going to be good for us...correct? McCain sucks, Obama sucks, Hillary sucks.....why aren't you running then if conervatism is the way to go? Don't mean to offend...but people always think they have the political answer, yet they forget to state the fact that we are screwed regardless. We know that a conservative is not going to get in so who is it that you go to next? Just curious as to what people think we should do when no one is the "right" candidate.
IMO, the answer is we really have no control over it. It doesn't matter who we think is right. It's all up to the elites. I believe both parties have good ideas, but they never seem to be able to work together, so no matter how much hot air we spew, it doesn't make a bit of diffference.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by 4thDoctorWhoFan

Ron Paul is the only true Republican. McCain is a tool and will never get my vote. Ill vote Obama before I vote McCain

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by palehorse23
reply to post by 4thDoctorWhoFan

Just curious as to what people think we should do when no one is the "right" candidate.
IMO, the answer is we really have no control over it. It doesn't matter who we think is right. It's all up to the elites. I believe both parties have good ideas, but they never seem to be able to work together, so no matter how much hot air we spew, it doesn't make a bit of diffference.

Funny you should say that. It echoes my own feelings, so well. I recall reading somewhere, during my studies of the illuminatti and the PTB, that the absolute worst thing that we can do, is vote.
Because it reinforces a false idea, that we have a voice in the elections, when in truth, no one gets into office unless the PTB say so.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by palehorse23
We would all love to get rid of government but you as well as everyone else knows that this will never happen.

I don't want to get rid of government. The government is good for some things like national defense. I don't want the government controlling every little aspect of my life. The government needs to stick to the basics.

So what will you be saying next year? What are we supposed to do?

Well, hopefully eventually the people will start voting in true conservatives and NOT democrats or 'wanna be' republicans. However, I feel the majority of the people actually want MORE government which is very scary. They want someone to take care of them from cradle to grave. Unfortunately, that is a huge voting block.

It's not just Dems that want to spend a lot as Bush is again asking for more money for Iraq.

Yes of course its not just the democrats. A lot of republicans including the President has lost their way and abandoned their principles. I don't mind the spending for the war in Iraq. That is not what is killing us, its all the other spending from medicare to social security. What's even more scary is that Hillary and Obama want total government control of healthcare.

none of it matters because whoever gets in is not going to be good for us...correct? McCain sucks, Obama sucks, Hillary sucks

True, they all suck however I will vote for McCain because at least he will not force government healthcare down my throat and at least he does not want to raise taxes which Hillary and Obama said they wouild do. I still have a lot of faults with McCain but for me, he is the best of the three.

why aren't you running then if conervatism is the way to go? Don't mean to offend...but people always think they have the political answer, yet they forget to state the fact that we are screwed regardless.

Well, unfortunately, when I was younger I was not into politics and its a little to late to switch careers.
However, my wife and I do work at one of the polling places during the elections.

Just because I am not running for President does not mean I know what is best for our country. I always vote for the true conservative when available. I just wish more people would realize the truth.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by mybigunit
McCain is a tool and will never get my vote. Ill vote Obama before I vote McCain

Well, he might be but that is not a reason to vote for Hillary and Obama as they are tools also. Vote for who you want but don't come crying here on ATS when your taxes double and government forces you into its healthcare system. Don't come complaining here on ATS when more government regulation via Hillary or Obama causes even more business to leave for overseas and the one's that do stay start laying off massive amount of employees.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by sizzle
Funny you should say that. It echoes my own feelings, so well. I recall reading somewhere, during my studies of the illuminatti and the PTB, that the absolute worst thing that we can do, is vote.
Because it reinforces a false idea, that we have a voice in the elections, when in truth, no one gets into office unless the PTB say so.

That thought process is just ludicrous and plain incorrect. The people can vote in true change and rock the establishment. This is what happened for the JFK and Reagan presidencies.

You have fell right into the trap they laid for you. They want you to think its hopeless so you will not vote. This is how they remain in power.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 04:10 PM
Is this a limited discussion between a few choice members,
or can anyone jump in? LOL!

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by 4thDoctorWhoFan

Originally posted by mybigunit
McCain is a tool and will never get my vote. Ill vote Obama before I vote McCain

Well, he might be but that is not a reason to vote for Hillary and Obama as they are tools also. Vote for who you want but don't come crying here on ATS when your taxes double and government forces you into its healthcare system. Don't come complaining here on ATS when more government regulation via Hillary or Obama causes even more business to leave for overseas and the one's that do stay start laying off massive amount of employees.

I already pay 35% its not going much higher for me. The only people its going up for is the top 3% and it needs to go up for them. They pay 15% in taxes right now and need to pay their share. Frankly I think we need to get rid of all taxes and lower spending but neither dems or repubs have done this ever. Jobs have already left here for overseas in record numbers and this with the lowest taxes we have had in 30 years. My first choice was Ron Paul I truly think he can fix the issues we have but because he isnt in with the right people he will never get any media attention.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by mybigunit
I already pay 35% its not going much higher for me.

Don't fool yourself. How does 60% sound? If Hillary or Obama get elected the tax rate, depending on your tax bracket, could go as high as 60% just as when Carter was President.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by 4thDoctorWhoFan

You dont think McCain will do the same? He has been flipping and flopping on everything from taxes to border control. At least with Obama you know what your getting. McCain openly admits he knows nothing about the economy and wants to stay in Iraq for 100 years. Im sorry I wont vote for tools.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 06:29 PM
There are, in fact, water shortages occurring within the U.S. which is enough to cause a food shortage. There have been frosts which destroyed crops and that cost is passed along to consumers. Add to that recession and it comes down to most likely to occur, add to that WWIII and the probability rises to “when”.

With the U.S. on the verge of a recession and, as many analysts have warned, a potential second great depression, those long scoffed at for hoarding vastquantities of storable food may unfortunately be able to say "I told you so" if the dollar continues to deteriorate and people begin to be priced out of the food market.

but something that’s – oddly enough - rarely noted is that water is, of course, absolutely crucial for growing food. Around 70% of water is used for food and textile production.

Maybe, they are going to make some money.

There are several groups and individuals who are doing the same. You could store your own seed.

the city folk are

There are some foods that can be grown indoors and on terraces or balconies.

so if you can't pay for your water filtration system, there's another cheap option (really cheap... free even).

If you don’t have water purification tablets you can use bleach (check for the quantity to use). Also, coffee filters will filter out the debris and or an old fashioned striainer. If you are filtering out debris it needs to be disinfected.

I do not think this even applies to the US.

Global warming, climate change and its effects are world issues. Droughts are widespread, so that too, is a global issue. We are all connected.

She worked for over thirty years as a school teacher, and at age 74 she is part of the working poor.

Then she qualifies for Medicare unless she opted for her own private insurance. In that case, it is her choice. There are also prescription plans available. She may need help in reviewing the options available and deciding on them.

Buy a breadmaker and make your own breads.

For those on a budget, you can make bread the old fashioned way, by hand. It is really not that hard.

we all should start bottling our own water

In addition to my water barrel and rain barrel I store water in every container that remains after consumption. I separate the non-drinkable containers and label them for flush use. Water can be stored in a cleaned soda bottle, treated for 5 year shelf life, I then stick on a dated label. I do not drink a lot of soda, but, over the years it has accumulated.

Spend some, save some....

To add to the above: give some, save some, spend some!

Citizens need to act now to cultivate public spaces.

People are and have been doing that for some time now.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by 4thDoctorWhoFan

Hey 4th. Sorry....I should have said "limit" government, not get rid of. government is good for some things if used properly. I too do not wish them to be involved in very aspect. One thing...if you call Dems "wanna be " republicans, then you are saying republicans want to raise taxes as well, as you say the Dems just want to and will raise taxes. So, with that said, McCain will raise taxes as well.
One thing we disagree on for sure is the war spending. I still do not understand how people can argue that that whole situation is justifiable. And to continue spending? THAT is completely ludicrous IMO. But another thread for another day.....boy this thread has changed since the beginning.

One thing about McCain....don't you think after five years of captivity that he has more than one screw loose? How can we rely on that guy to make a rational decision. When these guys coming home from one tour of duty in Iraq are killing others and themselves. I would tend to think that being a POW for so long would leave a much longer lasting impression on one's psyche. Especially having the power of the President. Just a scary scary thought as I see it. Why do people always stick with their party even if they know the guy nominated is just another BS artist? Not saying to vote Dem, but why not go third party or something? REALLY rock the establishment. It couldn't be any worse than it is now. Just a thought.
Back on short, I still think that it is not a bad idea for people to learn to be more self sufficient and learn to cultivate for themselves. At the very least it will save you a bit of cash and it will get you out of the house as it is known that gardening is a soothing hobby. Pedro Martinez of the Mets does it.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by palehorse23

Not only does he have a screw loose hes been in Washington to long. I dont believe in career politicians. I think you should only be able to be in Washington for so many years. Look at Ted Kennedy he has been there forever. I think its time for him to go.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by mybigunit

You've got that right unit. Term limits for everyone. Maybe then we might get some diversity. the only problem is that the elite's get their hands on young politicians and groom them before they have a chance to actually think for themselves.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 10:15 PM
Not sure if this was posted on here yet but a point relative to this discussion is wheat, corn and soy all closed on the exchange at all time highs on monday. Wheat alone went up more on one day than the price for a year in the past. People that use wheat will feel the effect of this, I guess thats all of us.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

I live in So. California and do not agree with many of your statements.
I've seen the price of food increase. Less than a year ago I could walk into my local supermarket and get a 2-pack of one gallon whole milk for about $4.70. Now it is about $6.40. I've also noticed bread, produce and meats increase in price.

I can assure you the homeless in So. California aren't sitting fat and happy.
Things must be drastically different in Alaska.

I agree that utilities are outrages, and California gets raped more than most the country for electricity.

I just had to give me 2 cents. Your statements don't apply to California.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by steak taste good

It was touched on. But check out this news:
Panic wheat buying in US

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by Quazga

Those on fixed incomes (i.e. seniors) are noticing this in a huge way. I just hope we don't end up with people buying cat food again...

im not having a shot at you, but the notion of buying cat food or dog food or even bird seed because its the cheapest meal is a total crock of bull# in the highest degree..

2 minute noodles 40c pack
baked beans/spaghetti - $1.20 tin.
loaf of bread $1.30
frozen pizza $3.50 (will do 2x meals unless your a piggy)
fresh lasagne $10 for enough to do 6x servings. (equals $1.60 per meal)
even frozen veg is about $3 kg.

yet people think that spending $1.50 on a tiny 400g tin of pet food is saving them money?
i think the saying goes" aint no fool like an old fool".

[edit on 26/2/08 by Obliv_au]

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by Obliv_au

Originally posted by Quazga

Those on fixed incomes (i.e. seniors) are noticing this in a huge way. I just hope we don't end up with people buying cat food again...

im not having a shot at you, but the notion of buying cat food or dog food or even bird seed because its the cheapest meal is a total crock of bull# in the highest degree..

2 minute noodles 40c pack
baked beans/spaghetti - $1.20 tin.
loaf of bread $1.30
frozen pizza $3.50 (will do 2x meals unless your a piggy)
fresh lasagne $10 for enough to do 6x servings. (equals $1.60 per meal)
even frozen veg is about $3 kg.

yet people think that spending $1.50 on a tiny 400g tin of pet food is saving them money?
i think the saying goes" aint no fool like an old fool".

[edit on 26/2/08 by Obliv_au]

Most of the prices you quote do look pretty tame to someone with average income. But how about someone whose SS check is only enough to cover rent and utilities, and their food stamp income for the month is $60.00? I know someone in that predicament. So, these situations do exist.
But I also agree that I do not see them buying dog or cat food. Have you seen the price of those lately? They can't afford them.

[edit on 27-2-2008 by sizzle]

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 06:09 AM
yeah im not saying people dont struggle to buy food, i know many do and that even my parents are too afraid to use the AC in summer or the heater in winter for fear of increasing their utility bills, but as you know i was just pointing out that dog and cat food is not a cheap food source and there is better food for less.

Granted, bakes beans or noodles arent the greatest foods to live on but its cheaper and better than pet food.

maybe they just like their spouses breath to smell like pilchards or beef and liver?

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