posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by Davidjayjordan
As outrageous as your comment is; you're actually quite right. Today is 8/20/11. There have been teaching going around, NO DATES SET, PLEASE NO
This year when the feast of trumpets comes on Rosh Hashanah, many
Christians (those people you don't like) believe the REAL Rapture, not Harold Campings, but the real Rapture will take place when Comet ELE goes by.
Christians believe according to teachings this is the real thing. Supposedly, all the Christians that don't go up in the Rapture, we be hunted down
by the NWO who will use the excuse the Christians were abducted by aliens. Project Bluebeam is suppose to "lure" the Christians left by projected
a "HOLOGRAPHIC" Messiah into the sky telling them to come to him. How stupid is that? I guess some will believe it. Former NWO people have said,
once they board the spaceships the will be eliminated.
I agree it will not be safe anywhere. But the aliens wont be either.
Why? Because God is bigger than that and He's coming to destroy them.
All the elite bunker you really think the alien who takeover are going to let you live? How do you know they won't block you inside
your bunker where you can't come out? Don't worry. Be happy.