posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 11:12 AM
The law (the 10 commandments) for a Christian is to be WRITTEN ON THE HEART, so yes, it's an inward thing, and not an "outward appearance", BUT it
is manifested outward in our behavior. So it is not one or the other (we keep law and are legalists, or we don't keep law because we keep it in our
hearts because we are under grace), it is BOTH.
So two people who outwardly may be keeping the commandments, one of them may be a pharisee (where the law is not "written in the inward parts"),
while the other one may be outwardly keeping the commandments AND have the law written in his heart, this second one would qualify as a true
To get back on track of this thread...
Mr RW has made a number of claims. (since start of original thread that was locked)
1) he is one of the Two Witnesses
2) the 1335 days started Feb 2, 2008
3) the 144,000 thousand have been sealed.
Let's back track a second, one of RW's main problems is that he "spiritualizes" everything away, by that I mean that he transfers prophecies that
will happen "physically" (that is, the prophecies manifest visibly is some the surrounding of Jerusalem by armies) to some spiritual
This is his great mistake.
O.K., now to address point #3
3) the 144,000 thousand have been sealed
Does the bible support his statement? (let's forego, his statement in the sermon that he's received this truth via prophetic revelation).
What does the bible say? Who do you wish to believe? What the bible says, which is inspired by God (yes "written" by men)? Or the claims of some
The decision should be easy, because the answer to whether this has happened or not, is truly, truly easy.
Here is what the Book of Revelation says, in regards to the time this occurs.
Rev 6:12 And when He had opened the sixth seal, I looked, and behold, there was a great earthquake. And the sun became black as sackcloth of hair,
and the moon became like blood.
Rev 6:17 for the great day of His wrath has come, and who will be able to stand?
Rev 7:1 And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth so that the
wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.
Rev 7:2 And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God. And he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom
it was given to hurt the earth and the sea,
Rev 7:3 saying, Do not hurt the earth or the sea or the trees until we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads
3 Important things to note...
A) A WORLD WIDE visible sign will be seen by ALL, which occurs at the opening of the 6th seal.
The sun will become black, and the moon will turn to the color of blood.
No one anywhere, who has sight, will miss this.
This sign (sun turning black, mooning turning to blood) IS NOT SOME "SPIRITUAL" thing that has happened. In other words, this is a sign that will
manifest visibly, physically, in the real world where EVERBODY WILL SEE IT.
B) AFTER this happens (which of course means that BEFORE the sealing of the 144,000, this must occur)
What follows? What follows AFTER THIS SIGN IS FULLFILLED?
This sign occurs FIRST....THEN something after it will occur, what is it? What will occur AFTER this sign??
It should also be noted (another point for pinning down the timing), in Rev 6:17 we note that it is "The Great Day of His Wrath".
This is commonly understood (with those with a Church of God background) to refer to the "Day of the Lord", in other words, "the Lord's Day"
(that is the prophetic Lord's Day, not the Sabbath which is also the Lord's Day).
The Lord's Day is the LAST YEAR of the 3 1/2 years, of the tribulation period.
C) THEN after this happens (sun + moon sign), THEN the 144,000 ARE SEALED.
From Rev 6:17, we now realize the time, the time is somewhere at the start of the last year, that is the time the sealing occurs.
This even has not occurred, Mr RW is in error when he states that this event has happened.
We must do what the Bereans did, CHECK THE SCRIPTURES TO SEE IF IS TRUE!!!!!
(which they were commended in doing).
Now point #2
2) the 1335 days started Feb 2, 2008
There are 3 major "sign post" dates, for Christians to look for...
A) 1335 days
B) 1290 days
C) 1260 days
A) At 1335 days true Christians will gather at Jerusalem! Why? How can I know? How can YOU know? Does the bible support this??
We know BECAUSE OF THE NEXT "sign post"!
B) at this sign post, 45 days AFTER the start of the 1335 days, at the 1290 day mark (according to RW the 1335 days began Feb 2, so that the 1290 mark
OCCURED THIS PAST WEEK, it DIDN'T but let's proceed), we have the next major VISIBLE sign to occur (that is visible in some physical way, we are not
to "spiritualize" away the sign).
This next sign involves 2 things. (Both book of Daniel + Matthew 24 discuss this).
(B1) Jerusalem is surround by the armies of the Beast Power.
(B2) Daily sacrifice (which does not require a rebuild Temple) is forcibly stopped.
This HAS NOT OCCURRED!!! This sign (according to RW's timing) should have been fulfilled this PAST WEEK.
I'm sure RW has "spiritualized" away the meaning of this event, which is sad, because when it really happens, neither he nor his followers will
recognize these PHYSICAL SIGNS.
now to point #1
1) he is one of the Two Witnesses
I believe that RW believes that his wife is the second witness, this has not been confirmed yet, but this is what has been indicated via the
"grape vine".
God never has worked with a husband and wife pair (that I can recall), He has always chosen men to be his prophets when there is a major work (yes the
NT does mention one or two women, who were prophetesses). The Two Witnesses will be two men who are alive TODAY, not a resurrected Elijah / Moses
pair. As a rule, God has never resurrected a prophet FROM A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT AGE, to prophecy to a nation of another age. That prophet would have
no understanding of the age he was prophesying to, so would be an ineffectual servant.
My conclusion, based upon examining the scriptures (like Bereans did) is it does not agree with Bible.
[edit on 22-3-2008 by SirPaulMuaddib]