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Hello, Scientology. We are Anonymous.

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posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 10:40 PM
Hey, fellow Anon here!

@zysin5: Wow you knew Shawn personally!? The news must've hit you pretty hard then. I'm really sorry.

Well, I was hoping there was an informative topic on $cientology. Otherwise I would've made one myself. Glad there is one! We need to get the word out.

Down with the Co$.

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by Paresthesia
@zysin5: Wow you knew Shawn personally!? The news must've hit you pretty hard then. I'm really sorry.

Thanks for the message Parestheisa! Yes it did hit me pretty hard.. And IM still not sure what to make of that.. I still have much thought, and time will tell..
There is a great thread that someone else started about shawn you can find it here.

I would also like to add that because Anon doesnt have leadership its going to find itself fighting with eachother over a few issues..
I would like to make it clear that those Anon who feel the need to use words like Scifag.. And calling CoS Fags.. Are NOT helping one bit..
Infact words like that are hateful.. And goes aginst what they stand for..
Atleast in my own person view, I dont think Anon should be using that word AT ALL!! But there is no leader.. And Anon is a lose group of people that well I can say.. Have some members who dont use tact in its ranks..

I urge those that see signs and the word fag being used.. To walk up to them and ask them what are they doing? And do they know they are truely hurting the group as a whole..

Thats why I tend to find myself sticking with the people of Xenutv And not claiming membership to Anon personally.. While I will spread the word of whats going on ... But as time passes the only way to tell what is going to happen is by the actions of those people..

The more hateful the messages get, the more people will be backing away from the whole deal.. So I urge anyone that gets into this.. Understand that saying stuff like Scifag.. IS totally wrong.. And its not why I even got into all this..
Its a noble worth while event.. That can be ended by a few misplaced kids who feel the need to use hurtful, and vile words like the F word..

Heck I dont even want to say it. Or type it.. That word makes me sick..
As people like Fred Phelps use that word all to often..
If anything CoS is anti Gay.. So not sure why some Anon decided to call them that name.. doesnt make sense to me..
But thats me personally..

And I know people like Shawn who lost his life, wouldnt be to happy about those taking all his work, and twisting it and using such vile words to go aginst something that speaks for itself..

Anon doesnt need name calling. Or Bashing.. If CoS is as bad as it seems all that must be done is getting the word out.. Bottom line..
No bashing.. No name calling..

Infact Anon is suppose to love all CoS members. and followers.. those are the very minds they claim to want to be saving?
So why use a hateful word like that to those you are suppose to care about.

IF any anon are reading this.. Please understand and get the word out..
And if you find people making trouble for you with such things.. Point them out.. Make it known thats not what you stand for..
Otherwise some people will become confused, and lose sight of what Anon is really about..

From what I read and gathered, its a peaceful group who want to see changes in things in this world..
Its about 50/50 at this point to me.. Half the emails I have research said.
Its all about the lulz and for laughs.. I dont approve of that one bit..
The other half, where noble folks who really do care about whats going on.
And would truely like to see changes put forth in CoS..

There is good and bad in everything in this world.. But its very important to know where you stand..

Like me.. To make a post, many might think yep Zysin5 is an anon member. No I am not.. But I am a person who is passionate about the world I live in.. And only want to do something noble..

NOt for laughs.. Not to hate, or destory..
But to love, understand, and make it a better place for everyone!

I speak for myself here.. And its been said before.. So those of you who know good.. But if you dont want to take the time to read the whole thread, watch all the videos.. Then you have no place to post, before you know whats going on.. I see some things I dont agree with.. I see some things I do fully agree with and support..
But when lines are drawn.. I want to make sure IM on the noble side of the fence.. And not get brushed in with the haters.. And biggots..
As there are few of them out there.. But no one person speaks for this group.. I think that may become a problem. When someone who says they are Anon and uses hateful words.. Then all anon are painted that color. I hope in time someone can stand up and say for sure, what the deal is.. And what they are doing for sure.. Not all this no one knows, and everyone speaks for themselfs.. That is the only weakness of Anon.. And it will be exploited.

Edit:Added some thoughts...

[edit on 6-3-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 11:30 PM
I agree. I haven't used the word $cifag before, but I've seen a lot of people use it. The real victims of $cientology are the followers themselves and to actually attack them is completely the opposite of our cause.

The reason why I call myself an Anon is because I support the worldwide protests and the general beliefs of the group, so I'd consider myself a part of it. The main problem with Anonymous is that there are so many people who go about the cause in all the wrong ways: Pranks, name calling, hacking, etc. And it's only because of a few immature people and people end up branding the whole group one thing because of a few peoples' bad actions. People still refer to us as cyber-terrorists and such even though a lot of people (including myself) did not consider ourselves Anonymous until Project Chanology. In fact, I've never actually posted on 4chan at all or done anything cyber-terrorist-worthy. Neither have a VAST majority of us.

The lack of organisation also causes a problem. But that is mostly because of fear. If one leader stepped up, imagine the hell he would have to go through. If one person identified himself as the representative of the biggest, collective group of $cientology critics that may actually pose a threat to the cult, he'd be DEAD in a matter of DAYS.

Look what happened to Paulette Cooper, Mark Bunker and now Shawn Lonsdale.

So the anonymity and disorganisation of the group is more of a defense mechanism. Not because we are incapable of becoming organised.

You fought a good fight Shawn, rest easy knowing we'll pick up your sword and keep on fighting for you!

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 07:41 AM
I just have to chime in real quick in reference to Chef, or Issac Hayes. He quit the show because after they made fun of the "church" he was given a choice. Not from the creators of SP or his own moral system but a choice from the "church" to quit or face excommunication. Simple truth, quit twisting.

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 08:06 PM

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 01:30 PM
I agree that the disorganization is part of a good defense. the "church" doesn't understand it. They're used to military-like discipline. Having no clear target other than a group name limits their options for counter attack. Anonymous can come at them from any direction without being detected. I, personally, eagerly await March 15th.

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 06:25 PM
The time draws near till the next event on the 15th of March.
Today on the news channle 13 they did a report about it. How CoS is getting prepared to do something about the protest. They sent in an offical paper asking the city of Clearwater to block off all protests from 500 some yards from the down town area. Well folks the City has refused this, and said these protesters have every right to be there.

Be known the people in the media still dont know what to think about this Anon group. They still talk about the phone calls, the bombs threats and grafiti that has sprung up in the last few days.

I hope Anon have another peaceful event, and while I would love to be down there on the 15th, I just cant be directly connected with Anon at this point. Not until the dust settles. However I will support and post information that I have.

CoS are very brutal, and Its not worth my life to try and play hero and put my body in physical danger with this group. I have done enough just by posting and making it well known the ins and outs of this subject.

Lots of ideas floating around, but the 15th is going to be BIG~ The news channles are already covering this. ITs getting to the point where the voices are being heard.

posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 02:08 PM
Who cares what people believe?

Why does it affect you if people believe in Scientology? Big whoop. Let them. It makes them happy, and if they don't care that they are wasting money, then let them be.

Hell, all of you probably give money to your church. Kindof wasting money too, right?

posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by Holygamer
Who cares what people believe?

You sir are 100% correct with that statement. Fairy Tales are harmless.
However it seems you have not read the thread, or give much care to what CoS does to its members, and people who ask questions.

You make a post, that shows you have not put any effort into knowing whats going on, and it seems you could care less about those being harmed by CoS.

Well give them enough rope and they will hang you with it! They plan on taking away drugs that help many mental illness. They claim that big pharm companies are nothing short of snake oil salesmen.

That hurts us all..And those like Brooke Sheilds who really got better from some of these drugs. They are pusing their ways onto the rest of us.

I dont care if they want to belive in Thetans, and Xenu.. Thats not the point. However I have laided out many videos and links to help you understand. You wish to ignore those facts thats your biz.
But comming here making a post like we are just picking on them is misplaced.
Trust me I have issues with most all religions. Its not just CoS. But they are the ones going around sue crazy! And trying to booby trap an entire system. Literally David M, said they are rigging the whole system to fail.

That system helps many people. And thats the very system they seek to reek havok upon. We can not let this go by unchallenged.

Agin this is not about religion, this is about how they treat the people of the world they live with.

Do a little research. Ive found some CoS points I fully agree with. Yet I am not allowed to be a member of that church without giving myself fully and signing a billion year contract!!
What other faith do you know that makes you sign on a billion year contract. A faith that is highly dependant on the Emeter auditing system!

Its a world wide Con.. And if you think we as people are just going to sit back and let them do it.. Well you have much to learn my friend.

Blackmail is not harmless.

Thats the base root of auditing systems.. Get the dirt for later when they have questions.. Atleast with Confession boths in other churches, the preist doesnt write down everything you did wrong to use it aginst you at a later date.. However it has happened in other churches too.
So Im not going to sit here and say CoS is the only bad apple.. Its not.
But its the only bad apple we can confront right now..

[edit on 13-3-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 02:30 PM
In this 2006/07 New Years Eve event, David Miscavige outlines how Scientology intends to destroy psychiatry using violent imagery including hand granades and expolsions!
Purely a metaphore but you get the point..

Agin fairy tales are harmless.. But do you think these actions speak for a harmless church?

posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by zysin5

Whatever man. You join a church, and they do stuff to you, that your fault.

Darwinism man. The strong, physically and mentally survive.

posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by Holygamer
reply to post by zysin5

Whatever man. You join a church, and they do stuff to you, that your fault.

I guess thats why I stay out of churches.. And with that kind of attitude I could only guess you are a member of CoS. Otherwise your response wouldnt have been so cold, and heartless.

Off topic remark: So you are to say all those young boys who where molested by preists are to blame? Becasue their parents made them go to church.. And they are to blame for what happened to them? ouch.

You say whatever.. Thats fine. But there are people out here who care.
So if you dont like it.. Then you can always ignore the facts, and only see what you want to see.
So are saying screw the weak? They can die and be abused for all you care? I mean what are you really trying to say?
You claim you dont care.. Yet here you are posting, in a thread that only passes on information. I post clear videos for you. And you are like whatever.. Thats typical. Holygamer are you just here to play games?
Or do you have a point to make?

[edit on 13-3-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 10:35 PM
AnonymousThought of YouTube posts the following dramatic exposition, "Who is Anonymous?" generally received well overall by Anons and others, if criticized in many particulars. It covers in summary form some of the historical aspects covered in this and other threads on this site.

This video has earlier been made popular on Digg and has been discussed at some length on anonymous discussion sites.

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous13
This video has earlier been made popular on Digg and has been discussed at some length on anonymous discussion sites.

I can see how this would get alot of attention! What a great video!
Thanks for sharing this with us here! I think this will help make alot of sense to those who are new to this, or have only heard about Anon from the news, or in passing online!

I give you a star for that post sir. That is a great help, And the video is very well laided out. Elegant and spoken with a high sense of intelligence!
That is what I like to see. But as the video points out, Anon is both smart and dull.. Its members are everyone, and has grown from the childish pranks of internet pranks, into a real life force which speaks its mind!

Nice man!
Agin thanks for sharing that with us.

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 10:55 PM
Excellent video! Thank you for posting it. Hopefully, it cleared up a few things.

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 12:37 AM

Originally posted by Holygamer
reply to post by zysin5

Whatever man. You join a church, and they do stuff to you, that your fault.

Darwinism man. The strong, physically and mentally survive.

Wow. You are so uncompassionate it is almost inhuman. Either that or you just looked at the post, decided it was too much to read and decided "Oh what the hell, I'll write a post a response anyway". And for that reason, you shouldn't even be on these messageboards.

Anyway, good video. Anonymous has evolved in a way I never thought possible. I remember months ago when I truly thought Anonymous was just a group of super hackers who were all talk. I remember telling my parents "Nothing's going to happen on February 10." I never expected 7,000 people in masks to be protesting worldwide. And I believe Mark Bunker has had a tremendous, positive influence on us.

The March 15 protest was a success, of course. I suggest you guys watch Mark's latest videos about Operation Party Hard. They outline some important and ironic things that happened.

April 12. Operation: Reconnect!

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 01:58 PM
All this makes me wish I'd chosen to live in a bigger town so that I could join in the protests. There isn't even a "church" in the town i live in. And finding other Anons in my area is an uphill struggle at best. Doing what i can for the cause though.

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 12:19 AM
The below is video from the March 15 protest in LA, posted by AnonymousTelevision of YouTube, running just over 5 minutes long, and well-received by viewers.

This video offers a summary of the March 15 LA protest, and may be representative in some aspects of protests organized by Anonymous in cities around the world.

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 10:11 AM
Thunderf00t of YouTube outlines a thesis that the conflict of Anonymous and Scientology is that of a collective facing an organization skilled in the use of tactics of personal intimidation against individuals, in the below video, entitled "Anonymous vs Scientology".

As with other recently released works, this video has received positive review by Anons and others.

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