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Hello, Scientology. We are Anonymous.

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posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 12:02 PM
First most are the rules in which you need to take into great heed if you truely wish to help!

This is in no way a recruitment Thread.. I only wish to pass on this information to the public!
If you wish to help.. Then you can take a look here at this page and you will find many videos already collected to help you find valid Anon sources, and contact.

NO ANON will ask your real name, or personal info.. Beware of those asking your true name, and where you live..

So that those here can clearly see the motives.. Not to be confused by propaganda or lies..

Good day.

We are Anonymous.

At the moment, we are engaged in a campaign against the Church of Scientology. This campaign began with retaliation against a Scientology-launched attack against our assets; our retaliatory attack is meant to stem the flow of disinformation from the enemy. The enemy has taken countermeasures, but said countermeasures have been unproductive, and Anonymous continues to successfully stem Scientology's voice to the world.

Scientology has attacked the assets of Anonymous, both in real space and on the Internet, and as such, steps were taken for retaliatory action. These will continue to be taken as long as our primary objective is unfulfilled and Scientology is attempting to do us harm.

At this point, we wish to clarify something. This is not an attack upon the belief system of Scientology. We have no quarrel with what you believe, and we never will.

Our grievance is against your leaders - they who have harassed critics, filed fraudulent lawsuits, promoted and practiced censorship, extorted money, committed what could be construed as treason against the United States of America, and allowed murders to happen under their leadership.

As your leaders have practiced unethical methods of retaliation against critics, people who wished to leave your organization, and people they term "suppressive persons," we have decided that your leaders, who have created a policy called "fair game," will be subjected to their own suggested treatment; in other words, your leaders are, as they so succinctly put it, "fair game." Their own recommended punishments, as created by their leader, L. Ron Hubbard, will be applied to them.

Please note that at no time will we be attacking the belief system of Scientology; as a matter of fact, we very much respect the segment of Scientology that is freely exchanging its information and beliefs with others without demanding monetary recompense.

It is said best as follows:

"Ask a Christian about the Bible and you will get an answer."

"Ask a Jew about the Torah and you will get an answer."

"Ask a Muslim about the Koran and you will get an answer."

"Ask a Scientologist about their beliefs and you will get an answer once your check clears."

Finally, Anonymous has a message for those who would attempt to suppress us.

Please calm down. You have obviously missed the point of the campaign against the Church of Scientology.

You brand us unto Hitler? From your dialogues, you are closer to his school of thought than us.

Anonymous is diverse; we are of all nations, of all ethnicities, we speak all languages, we practice all creeds. Anonymous is truly legion, for we are everyone - everyone you have ever met, and everyone you have not met. We are on the Internet, in the real world - we are everywhere. We are united - a single force, a single purpose. We give nothing. We take everything.

Please rethink your arguments with a nice cup of tea.

In closing:

What we have done on the Internet will indeed branch out to others who will act in the name of Anonymous, and it will help destroy what many consider evil.

For we are Anonymous.

We are legion.

[edit on 21-2-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 12:05 PM

More links and information to insure no loss of HP!

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 12:07 PM
You might be asking yourself at this point.. What is a cult anyway..
And how does a cult function..

I thought CoS was a chruch not a cult?
Please watch.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 12:10 PM
Scientology wants you to believe they are a Religion so they can be accepted as a Religion! Why, because they have plans to overthrow our government and what better way to do it than to be protected under our own law! If you don't believe me, then please read these books "The Scandal Of Scientology", "Bare-Faced Messiah", and "A Piece Of Blue Sky"!

as told to all OT's in the CoS


Anything Appearing Positive About Scientology Such As Their Being Against Psychiatric Medicine, Helping Kids Study, Public Self Help Books, and Drug Rehabs are FRONTS to fund their activities and to win the publics trust!!!!!!!!!!

The Sea Org is a DEATH CAMP.....

They Have The People On Their Side






posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 12:12 PM
Yup. I like the anon of Anon... they are anonymous. A strength and a point of leverage. Any strolls into /b/*.* has been actually very egalitarian. Decapitate anything that stinks sorta deal. It does winnow wheat from chaff PDQ. I watched some "nifty" # from shinola quiries run to sort those "others"... it was awesome. True blood-sport. Absolutely merciless. Reminds me a bit of something Gibson might write about.

It'll be interesting to see what happens... a month, two, six, a year out... I sorta sense a "been there - done that" from some. Others are maybe more persistent. My vote for web-phenom '08 so far for sure.


[edit on 21-2-2008 by V Kaminski]

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 12:15 PM
On Feb 10th the people stood together! For a good reason!

Beware of the assults made on protesters...

3 CoS members where arrested and charged with assult..

0 protesters where arrested! Good work everyone!

Keep up the good work!!!

[edit on 21-2-2008 by SkepticOverlord]

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 12:31 PM
Mark Bunker of XENU TV shares some Gandhi Tech with potential picketers of Scientology.

This man has been researching this cult for 10 years...
We can learn much from wisebeard man!

I personally live by this!!! READ IT! And live it!
Gandhi Tech:

Picket Tips from Jeff Jacobsen:

Pre-Fab Fliers:

Bare-Faced Messiah:

Operation Clambake:

Mark Bunker on radio with Scientology PR Lady:

[edit on 21-2-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 12:45 PM
My conspiracy Theory friends.. IF you think mainstream religion is bad..
Wait until you learn about the cult that is CoS!

They make the NWO look like the good guys...

I will be the first to say I dont belive in much of religion..But I will be happy to defend the rights of all the main religions!
Thats right.. Your friend Zysin that has much disdain for Christians, Jews, and muslims alike stands with you all in a comman fight!

Christians! Jews! Muslims on this site! Please look into this!
Do you feel they should be tax free?

And give people like you such a bad name on religion?

STand up and speak your mind.. I am here to listen to you..
And if you have a postive message, I will get you're message out to the masses!

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 05:02 PM
First most let me thank you for listening
And my deepest apology to anyone I may have felt angry aginst.. No need to talk about it, its cleared up.

So without further adue.. Lets talk about conspiracy. Are there money ties into the CoS and our government? Did L. Ron Hubbard guardian group really succeed at getting inside our government? Or where they allowed in, and given tax breaks?

Seems to me that this goverment we already have is so full of lies, and greed it makes perfect sense to me that something is very very wrong here folks..

Operation Snow White was the Church of Scientology's name for a project during the 1970s to purge unfavorable records about Scientology and its founder L. Ron Hubbard. This project included a series of infiltrations and thefts from 136 government agencies, foreign embassies and consulates, as well as private organizations critical of Scientology, carried out by Church members; the single largest infiltration of the United States government in history with up to 5,000 covert agents. This was also the operation that exposed 'Operation Freakout', due to the fact that this was the case that brought the government into investigation on the Church.[1]

CoS has attacked this entry many times. And has gone as far as to shut down this page all together.. Why I ask?

I ask you to ask yourself this very question..
What is operation Snowflake anyway?

From what I have learned.. Its one of the biggest break in to our government since the Bush family came into power..

I highly suggest you research this for yourself, and what ever you find please offer it to us here!

Also ask yourself, What is Fair Game policy?
”The term Fair Game is used to describe various aggressive policies and practices carried out by the Church of Scientology towards people and groups it perceives as its enemies.”

They say that Fair game is no more.. However this is clearly a conspiracy.
OF the highest nature..

My friends. WE are onto a big conspiracy here... And not only a conspiracy that has one side..
But do know that David Miscavige, Now leader OT level 8 CoS, HAS many of his own conspiracy theories...

I urge you to listen to his crafty conspriacy theories about how he claims modern medication is the tool of evil..

Sure I might agree with CoS to a point on this one folks..
Big Pharm compaines are dangerous to us all..
But with everything.. YOu must be careful and take drugs only when needed.. Brooke sheilds is a good example of how Pharm drugs helped her. When Tom says she doesnt need them..

Its an interlaced Conspiracy fest.. And those Conspiracy Buffs are going to love this story...
If you get deep enough into this, you will find yourself in CT heaven!

I will return, with more data and conspiracy theory!

And agin thank you to those that keep this thread alive!!

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 05:25 AM
On another conspiracy note...

Be very aware that David Miscavige is one member of the Illuminati. Fighting for power within those ranks.. He is ruthless! Look up his hobbies.. Very Dangerous Man, However I belive we are all being controled by another force within the Illuminati. Power struggle before our eyes..
Strings are being pulled at many levels on this campain..
Most Americans cant even figure out 911 was an inside job.. And Bush family is starting a NEW WORLD ORDER..
David sold his followers to them.. But David was sloppy, And I honestly belive I am onto something here..

Such as this suggests this Illuminati is having a power struggle right now..
A fight within.. And its showing up as we see it unfold..
What do you think about that statement?

David is the type of man who will try to hold onto what ever power he has until his last breath...
Its serious folks.. And he has more money than most elites in DC...

Think about it.. Why else could they get away with so much..???

[edit on 22-2-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 06:10 AM
Scientology Critic Found Dead (Shawn Lonsdale)

The Evil's of Scientology

Posted by groingrinder, on January 16, 2007
Scientology is not a religion. It is a money making scam. You will pay upwards of $200,000.00 to purchase your salvation through Scientology. This is why you see rich Hollywood types embracing it. They have more money than common sense. The founder of Scientology pulled it out of his A**. Somebody needs to put it back.

[edit on 22-2-2008 by Thurisaz]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 03:10 PM
Thanks for bringing this to the table Thurisaz. For those of you who are keeping tabs on this thread.. Yes I live in clewarwater that is no secert.

I knew Shawn for 7 years, and he was my friend!

Let me tell you something else.. He was not the kind of guy to kill himself.
Infact he was working on this really big project about forced labor in clearwater florida..

Shawn was caught a few times going threw CoS dumpesters, and gaining critical information.. I told Shawn to be careful man.. These people dont play around.. He agree'ed.. Yet asured me that if anything happened to him it would be a sign..

Not only have I contacted my local police about this manner.. But I feel a BIG invesigation should be put forth..

By knowing Shawn personally and hanging out with him sometimes daily.. I know he was very happy in life.. And was excited about this new movement..

For so long Shawn stoot alone on the streets...
These Bastards.. Ruined his life!! CoS got shawn to lose his job..
Put poster up about him molesting children.. Beating Women.. hurting animals.. Why do they treat their critics this way?
What do they have to hide?

This goes way way to far...

And people wonder why we all wear masks when we speak out VS CoS..

They are sick, evil, and powerful group... Who will attack and attempt to make crittics so sick they die.. Kill themselfs. Or even are murdered themselfs..

What gets me even more.. Is non of his family or friends like me can get to the documents he uncovered from the trash bens...

The police have them.. And let me guess.. They will turn up in a couple weeks and say.. Oh we dont know what happen to them..Someone must have misplaced his stuff.. Sorry it happens move along...

Clearwater Police force has a history of being corupted at top levels..
They get money from the CoS to protect them..
The cops serve as their personal guard.. sick huh?

I can say a few of my cop friends down here dont like them.. I ask them to help.. But they told me to butt my nose out.. and just go back to living my normall little life.. STay out they said..

This has gone on too long.. And sure if I was just one guy.. I wouldnt dare take on CoS.. NO WAY..
But its looking like legion is stepping up to help..
That is the strenght that will protect us.. numbers.. sheer numbers..
They cant hunt us all down and kill us all!! They cant Sue us all!
they cant FRAME us all!!!

Ron salveo.. Look up that high level OT in clearwater..
He has been assulting Shawn 2 times in the past on film..

Ron is a OT lvl 6 which is very high for a non cleb..
He a very mean and violent man.. If you chose to research this.. Becareful.. WE are dealing with thugs and murders here!

Thanks for your being here and reading what I have to say...

Edit:spell check..sry there guys.. My fingers get going faster than my mind, and I get many typos.. ack...

[edit on 22-2-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 03:16 PM
Im making this information public

Ron Savelo in Scientology's Published Service Completion Lists

The following 28 individual completions for Ron Savelo appear in official Scientology publications:

Ron Savelo HARD TRS COURSE Source 14 1978-02-01
Ron Savelo PTS/SP Course Source 14 1978-02-01
Ron Savelo HUBBARD PRO COURSE SUP COURSE Source 14 1978-02-01
Ron Savelo ACADEMY LEVEL 0 Source 68 1989-10-01
Ron Savelo EXEC STATUS I Source 68 1989-10-01
Ron Savelo PERCEPTION OF TRUTH COURSE Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Ron Savelo EXEC STAFF STATUS II Source 69 1989-12-01
Ron Savelo PTS/SP COURSE PART ONE Source 70 1990-03-01
Ron Savelo ROUTE TO INFINITY COURSE Freewinds 2 1990-04-01
Ron Savelo GRADE 0 EXPANDED Source 94 1994-10-01
Ron Savelo GRADE I EXPANDED Source 95 1995-02-01
Ron Savelo GRADE II EXPANDED Source 95 1995-02-01
Ronald Savelo TIME TRACK OF THETA COURSE Freewinds 25 1997-10-01
Ron Savelo SCIENTOLOGY DRUG RUNDOWN Source 115 1998-03-01
Ron Savelo HUBBARD SOLO AUDITOR COURSE PART I Source 115 1998-03-01
Ron Savelo ASTHMA /ALLERGY RUNDOWN Source 115 1998-03-01
Ron Savelo GAME OF OT COURSE Freewinds 41 2001-01-01
Ron Savelo OT PREPARATIONS Source 133 2001-03-01
Ron Savelo GAME OF OT COURSE Freewinds 42 2001-03-01
Ron Savelo HIBBARD SOLO AUDITOR COURSE PART II Source 135 2001-09-01
Ron Savelo OT ELIGIBILITY Source 136 2001-12-01
Ron Savelo OT I Source 137 2002-02-01
Ron Savelo OT II Source 139 2002-09-01
Ron Savelo OT III Source 141 2002-12-01
Ron Savelo NEW OT IV Source 141 2002-12-01
Ron Savelo NEW OT V AUDITED NOTS Source 143 2003-02-01

This is from part of the work I did with shawn.. Soon I will be adding more of our written work to note pad here very soon..

Mike Fitzgerald is a Scientologist

Mike Fitzgerald OT PREPS Auditor 232 1990-01-01
Mike Fitzgerald OT ELIGIBILITY Auditor 232 1990-01-01
Mike Fitzgerald OT PREPS Auditor 233 1990-04-01
Mike Fitzgerald SOLO COURSE PART 2 Auditor 233 1990-04-01
Mike Fitzgerald OT ELIGIBILITY Auditor 233 1990-04-01
Mike Fitzgerald SHSBC LEVEL A Auditor 245 1992-09-01
Mike Fitzgerald SHSBC LEVEL E Auditor 246 1993-06-01
Mike Fitzgerald PURIFICATION RUNDOWN Celebrity 270 1993-11-01
Mike Fitzgerald STUDY CERTAINTY COURSE Source 105 1997-03-01
Mike Fitzgerald SPECIAL COURSE IN HUMAN EVALUATION Source 115 1998-03-01

Both these men where CHARGED with assulting Shawn...
Charged folks... And the cops are not looking into a murder..

They really need a high profile investigator in on this..
We have his hand writting.. They need to compare the two..

And okay lets just say they are right.. Shawn killed himself..
Why would he do it?
CoS sertinly played a role in ruining the mans life..
Posting flyers all over my town..
Telling lies..
going to his home.. And the list goes on and on..

Ask yourself.. Did CoS push Shawn into death by threats, and other methods..
Either way the coin turns up CoS is right there folks...

[edit on 22-2-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 03:30 PM
dont forget the rule about not bringing any "Body Thetans" to the protest! j/k

Scientology utilizes techniques of command hypnosis. So Ive heard. I tried to pursue it online, to observe any possible validity, but you NEED to pay for your "evaluations", I guess to make sure youre brainwashed enough to pay for the next one.
Any other religion you can easily find all of their sacred texts and publications online and most of the time for free.
its obviously a religion that ultimately worships money.

[edit on 22-2-2008 by psychedeliack]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by psychedeliack

its obviously a religion that ultimately worships money.
[edit on 22-2-2008 by psychedeliack]

You sir are 100% right!!!

MAKE MONEY. MAKE MORE MONEY. MAKE OTHER PEOPLE PRODUCE SO AS TO MAKE MORE MONEY." - L. Ron Hubbard, Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter, 9 March 1972, MS OEC 384

Sure I might have my issues with the 3 other major religions.. But they are atleast open about what and who they belive in..

NONE of them require you to pay money!!! Get this here..
I went to their home page to check out their system of whorship.

While the goal of salvation—expressed in Scientology as Total Freedom—is common to all religions, Scientology offers mankind a precise and practical route to attaining it through personal revelation. This route, called Scientology’s “Bridge to Total Freedom,” follows a specific sequence of levels of spiritual awareness attained as the Scientologist participates in the two central practices of the religion – auditing and training.

he Scientology religion embodies a rich tradition of ceremonies, rites and services. Yet the religious practices of auditing and training are by far the most significant. They are the sine qua non of Scientology, for they light the path to higher states of spiritual awareness and ability and, eventually, to spiritual salvation.

Auditing is the most significant!!! Each level gets more and more costly... Whats going on here folks???
Can you see now?? Its on their own page people!!!

Please wake up.. Dont let this cult get any bigger and start running amuck.
We have all seen what religion can do.. last thing we need is a new holy war for Gods sake!!
Please listen and learn!!!!

This is not right!!! This is not religion!!

And look at me.. Im defending the Jews. Christians, and Muslims for a change.. Rare indeed!

[edit on 22-2-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 04:11 PM
Want to hear a "crazy" conspiracy-theory?

"We have to create are own enemy. This has many benefits. First of all, we can then control the enemy, control what the enemy publishes and doesnt publish. We can make the enemy look fanatic and crazy. But most importantly, we force public attention on the topic of Scientology, and they´ll have to discuss it and deal with it on a daily basis. Negative attention and positive attention effects the same thing: That we grow and grow and grow."

This is what I believe the CoS secret intelligence agency (OSA) is saying and doing.

Scientology would just love it if those "anti"-scientologists commit illegal acts such has hacking, document theft, breaking and entering. That would make scientology look like the good guys.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
effects the same thing: That we grow and grow and grow."
This is what I believe the CoS secret intelligence agency (OSA) is saying and doing.
Scientology would just love it if those "anti"-scientologists commit illegal acts such has hacking, document theft, breaking and entering. That would make scientology look like the good guys.

Right on! Thats what I am hoping to hear, some other input other than my own..
I can agree with this to a point.. They are getting alot of attention right now. And can honestly say if CoS wasnt such a money grubbing group.
I would give it a shot.. But no way will I pay for my salvation..

I just hope others can realize that CoS will provoke people to do things..

Yet. Ganhdi Tech has always worked in the past with these guys..
Sooner or later they show their true colors..
And all it takes is a peaceful event..

I would like to bring attention to those that have not seen the Kanas protest..
IT was invaded by Provocateurs!
They could ensure violence and place the blame on the peaceful!!

Skyfloating is agin 100% right about this one folks... I belive and take what you say with great heed..

You can bet your last dollar CoS will be hiring and using Provocateurs!

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by zysin5

Yes, "Gandhi-Tech" is an absolute MUST in dealing with these people. Anything else will actually do them a favour. They have some wicked tactics up their sleeve.

[edit on 22-2-2008 by Skyfloating]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 04:31 PM
For those of you who dont know what "Gandhi Tech" is all about please take the time to learn it! LIVE it, Know it!

Gandhi, on the other hand, taught to peacefully confront the problematic people and let them show their true colors or character, and then publicize their actions. I call this Gandhi Tech. Gandhi's methods were to help all humans equally.

[edit on 22-2-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 04:52 PM
The only place i ever heard of scientology is South Park
*when Tom Cruise is won't come out of the closet" but after watching all those videos, i've decided to start my own cult.

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