posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 09:28 PM
I wouldn’t want to be a god because that would mean I would have too much responsibility…
May be an all powerful immortal “wizard”????
I wouldn’t fix the world but I would put in certain changes:-
- Like the disappearance of all weapons of mass destruction.
- All technologies would be open for everyone to use and further man kind.
- The use of diplomacy and to instill the true sense of Democracy throughout the world.
- Give everybody the ability to speak English.
- I would also limit religion to a sense of theology and philosophy and not an excuse for war or “peacekeeping” or robbing people of their
- Have the top scientists and researchers of the world come together as a think tank to work out the problems of the world like, disease,
environmental issues, over-population, poverty etc.
This would still leave humanity with the ability to grow. Of course every now and then I would have to come back like a teacher with my big ruler and
smack a few knuckles if people try anything stupid.
Some of it sounds a little biased or unfair but hey I’m not a God remember just an all powerful immortal wizard.