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You are granted one wish, what would you choose?

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posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 10:04 AM
Before you post think long and hard, this is not a test but a reflection exercise. This is about empowering you. Take some time and read what I have written so you understand the importance of your wish.

And you can not have more wishes. One Wish.

I have often thought what people would do in the event they were granted one wish. As silly as this may seem it is not, because the wish you choose is a reflection of who you are.

Everything we choose in life effects everyone and everything else on the planet earth.

Only a select people are given wishes every day and they are being granted, but this is because the rest allow it. These people are the politicians and the leaders of our world. What have they and what are they achieving with their wishes?

Here is a quote from a thread of mine called “Lifting the Veil”

I also believe and know via my higher self that most of us do not need a leader, we have our inner guide that knows best, so why do we choose leaders? Is it out of fear? Is it out of peer pressure?

If we are all connected and we are all equal, then why do we give our power away to those that abuse it? I sit in amazement that we think that one person or group can lead us and make everyone happy, but yet we all listen to the rhetoric and buy into it, I am guilty as charged. I want things to be peaceful, if I could ask for one thing for everyone here on earth, it would be the wisdom to see how powerful they truly are, including myself. As long as we, you and I give our power to others/leaders we lose sight of our higher self and what our purpose is.

What is this Veil of Illusion? The veil of illusion that we need powerful leaders to show us the way seems hollow to me these days and complete false, if I turn to my higher self the truth is known. The news rhetoric broad cast 24/7 these days coming from so called up and coming leaders are tones that carry very low vibrations of self interest. Look at the past what have the leaders done for humanity?

A true leader/spiritual advisor only points that way, and shows each person the inner power they already possess and that we are all connected. Picking out a true spiritual person vs. a phony with a hidden agenda is very easy, if they proclaim and instill fear to control then they are false. Who coined the term “Divide and Conquer”? If they tell you what they can do for you or your country, they are false, but if they empower you by helping show that you already have this amazing inner strength they are part of the light that you seek.

Let’s stop giving our wishes away and empower ourselves. Wishes are not just a dream or something you read in a fairly tale they are 100% real, but the vast majority choose to give it to leaders that abuse it.

Will you abuse your wish? Or will you put your wish into action and do good by first empowering yourself?

[edit on 19-2-2008 by Realtruth]

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 10:07 AM
Personally i think the world will be better of when we go to 1 gender, so thats my wish.

"I would want the world to go to 1 gender."(that it probably be more male, than female)

It may happen one day, not to sure of the time scale, but with technology and mans need to fix social problems, i think we will get there in the end. Many notice that today, males are becoming more feminine and females are becoming more masculine.

I started a topic years ago, on a science board, and we debated on why and what that would mean. It was a long thread, i made around 2002. I am not sure this board, would do a thread like that justice, as we all have our wants, and people assume that man kind will be like this for ever, which it probably will not.

[edit on 2/19/2008 by andy1033]

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 10:10 AM
i wish for a thousand more wishes.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by bigspud
i wish for a thousand more wishes.

They would already have thought about that, and not let you. Just tell us your main one.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 10:12 AM
I would be very selfish with my wish.
It would be quite simple. I would wish that my son lives a long healthy prosperous life, and never knows violence, illness or tragedy.
That is my wish.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 10:18 AM
Nice post...

I already thought of my wish just off your thread title.

I have often wished this and this is my wish.

That every person on this earth was kind and compassionate and that nobody would even conjure the thought of killing, abusing, being cruel or injuring anyone or any animal in any way.

Some may think that is corny like I am wishing for world peace but it's more specific than that. I live with a tortured heart every time I turn on the news and hear of someone beating a child to death or breaking animals legs just for fun. I don't understand those things and my wish would be to irradicate them altogether.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by DDay

Unless we go to one gender that will probably never happen, in our society.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 10:25 AM
Yes, I'm going to be shallow and wish for "money", but work with me here....

I would wish for "the insight and means to create a $150,000,000,000 fortune within my lifetime".

Imagine the good you could do for the world with that fortune. Imagine the organizations that you could create to bring food & clean water to impoverished areas. Would I keep a billion of it? Sure, but I'd love to have a life where I could dedicate my time and efforts to creating a better world. Hey, any little bit helps, but $150 billion helps a lot more.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by andy1033

And you wanted to go all male?
Men make up the majority of which I speak. How would that help things?

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 10:32 AM
Peace on earth. There can be no higher request, and no greater benefit for mankind as a whole.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 10:37 AM
Hmm, rather than wish for money, why not wish for an ability that would allow for the easy creation of wealth?

Also, what good is wealth, without power?

However, neither of those is very useful without safety, because they could be taken away.

What good is wealth, power and safety without good health?

There are abilities one could term passive and others that might be called active abilities.

One drawback would be that if the 'ability' was something that everyone wanted to experience, how to deal with the notoriety.

Another drawback might be unintended consequences. Remember the X-Files episode where the only way to achieve Peace on Earth was to cause all the people to disappear.

[edit on 19-2-2008 by Badge01]

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by andy1033

Originally posted by bigspud
i wish for a thousand more wishes.

They would already have thought about that, and not let you. Just tell us your main one.

i would wish for earth to be cleansed of the human virus.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by lombozo
I would be very selfish with my wish.
It would be quite simple. I would wish that my son lives a long healthy prosperous life, and never knows violence, illness or tragedy.
That is my wish.

That is not selfish at all, because a wish like this bestows a higher vibration and better life to those your love, which in turn sends a positive ripple throughout the pond.

Excellent wish!

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 11:39 AM
I would wish that no one else would get wishes.

People can be dangerous. I would want to limit the amount of danger, by making sure that wishes were not allowed. Look at the differences in opinions on this site for a small scale reference of what I am typing about.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by adigregorio
I would wish that no one else would get wishes.

People can be dangerous. I would want to limit the amount of danger, by making sure that wishes were not allowed. Look at the differences in opinions on this site for a small scale reference of what I am typing about.

That exactly what politicians are doing, they believe that the masses shouldn't have the power or a wish.

I don't think you are giving the majority enough credit, most people make very good decisions.

Difference of opinions are ok and I believe that the majority of the wishes would be very positive.

But your wish has been granted.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by Realtruth

Ahhh, but if I was only given ONE wish. The politicians are given many wishes. If I was given many wishes I would have different wishes. I could battle any harm done to me by stray wishes, by using one of my own. But as you stated in the original posting, I only get one and can not wish for more, unless I could wish that other people would give me their wishes? Seems unlikely though.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by DDay

In occult teachings, the perfect human is a mix of male and female. I see the world eventually going that way. Alot of societies problems are based on the fact we got two genders.

Being male in the sense that you think, may not exist if there was only one gender afterall.

I do not know how far in the future this question will be posed, but one day, man will look into it, as it trys to get rid of all these society problems.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 12:06 PM
I wish not to respond.


Wow! It really works.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 12:26 PM
Originally, I was thinking my wish was to help y'all but after observing how I and others have the empowerment to abuse a wish for self-centered reasons, I too would not choose my wish to be granted.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 12:42 PM
The redhead in that Pajamagram commercial.

World peace would be boring. Denying my kids illness and tragedy at first seems wonderful but those things are part of life and makes up grow and develop as people. Money...Money is nice but I have more than I need.

The redhead in that Pajamagram commercial !

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