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A heartfelt Thank You

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posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 07:00 PM
Hey Zaphod, though you clearly need some privacy if not for yourself then for your family members, you also need to take care of your own mental and emotional health in all of this so (voice of experience) don't be afraid to unload on trusted friends.

We all need to vent frustration... anxiety.. anger, or whatever because if we can't vent we get sick too. Look after yourself too.

It's all pass it forward and someday when you emerge from this you will be changed and a stronger person. Then you will pass it forward, so just look at this as one of the cooler aspects of joining the KARMA club.

It'll make you much calmer too.

[edit on 20-2-2008 by sy.gunson]

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 08:17 PM
This is way better than a mass u2u and thanx for the update my brotha. Im glad to hear somethin about ur situations. Ya know we are, and will always be here for ya whenever you need me(us). Youve got my number. Feel free to use it whenever.


posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 06:39 PM
She got out of the hospital and is feeling better. We still have a bunch of tests to try to determine WHY this is happening, and IF we can fix it or not. But at least there's the short term good news of her being out of the hospital.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 09:21 AM
Hey Zap, thinking of you and your family.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 09:35 AM
I consider myself part of the ATS familly eventhou im new to this site, that being of wishes to you and your family.

posted on Mar, 29 2008 @ 03:10 PM
She went back into the ICU almost two weeks ago, and has been there ever since. It's really not looking good right now. We have financial problems and can't afford to keep up with the meds that are keeping her alive. The charities in the Philippines won't help us, because they only help underpriveliged people and she's married to an American, and everyone there knows American's are rich. She's had several more attacks, and last night they said if we don't get her on the meds, and she has one more attack she probably won't survive it. As of last night she had slipped back into a coma, and her breathing was pretty irregular. We managed to scrape up a little money today and hopefully I can get more later this weekend, but they said IF she pulls through this, they give her MAYBE a year.

posted on Mar, 29 2008 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by Zaphod58


All my prayers and best wishes. Wish I could do more, my freind. Don't know what else there is to say, except you and yours are in my thoughts and prayers.

posted on Mar, 29 2008 @ 09:35 PM
Z you have always been a wise and supportive member. We are family. My thoughts and prayers go to you and your loved ones.
Peace and Light

posted on Mar, 29 2008 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by Zaphod58

I'm so sorry "Z"...

The prayers of my family are with you...


posted on Mar, 30 2008 @ 10:13 AM
She's getting meds for now, so she's a little more stable. We think we came up with the money to pay the hospital to keep the meds going. If we didn't pay them by today they would cut off her meds again. It's still an incredibly long road, and it's going to be extremely difficult. She's still unconscious, but she's slowly stabilizing. If we can keep the meds going there's a CHANCE, but if she pulls through this she's going to have to be extremely careful.

posted on Mar, 30 2008 @ 11:01 AM
May you and those you love find health, happiness, prosperity, and peace everywhere you go. Good luck, God speed.

Don't hesitate to ask a stranger like me for help, it's the first step in getting some. What I can do I will, with your permission.

posted on Mar, 30 2008 @ 01:23 PM
We need all the help we can get. I THINK we got the hospital paid up to today, so they'll keep giving her her meds but needless to say I'm feeling totally overwhelmed. I'm 9000 miles away from her, getting second hand information from a friend that throws all kinds of things at me if I make suggestions to find ways to pay or don't send money right away, and accuses me of trying to get out of my obligation to help her, and I'm having to ignore my rent, my car payment, and my bills here, to try to get the money to her for her meds to save her life. It's a teeny bit overwhelming.

posted on Mar, 30 2008 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by Zaphod58

Zaph....I wasn't able to give full support from the other thread, hope you knew what I was hinting at.

I can only say that I wish you the best of health, for you and yours.

It's not in my nature to wish a prayer, since it would be a lie....however, you have all the compassion from me, as I'm sure many wish you, in this trying time. I can only 'hope' you find strength from all the well-wishers out here...

Best, WW

posted on Mar, 30 2008 @ 08:37 PM
It's good WW. I knew what you meant. There's a little hope for some help today, so things are looking up. We've got her stable and she's improving some pretty steadily.

posted on Mar, 30 2008 @ 10:13 PM
well zaph, as much time as youve spent listening to me vent, you know if theres anything i can do im here for you brother.

best wishes

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 04:23 AM
Thanks to the kidness of many strangers, she's awake again. We got her back on her meds, and we've been able to keep her on them. She's still very weak, but there's a chance if we can keep her on the meds, that she can be out of the ICU soon. I got to talk to her last night in messages, over her friends phone. She said she's still too weak to stand up, but at least she's awake again.

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 04:46 AM
That is excellent news. Seems to be out of the woods. Continuation of prayer regardless.

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 04:54 AM
Oh we're not out of the woods by a long shot. We've got a LONG road ahead of us. But it's the first part of that road now. As long as we can keep her on the meds, then we'll keep continuing down that road.

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 05:44 AM
Been following your situation Zap, good to hear she is doing better.

Strange things happen, keep hoping for the best.

I feel for you being so far away.

Hang in there

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 08:49 AM
I'm a little worried because she still can't stand at all, not sure about moving around, and it's been most of a week since she woke up. She's still on meds, and doing a little better every day. She's able to stay up longer each day, and she's been able to message me a few times.

We're keeping our fingers crossed, but as long as we can keep the meds going it's looking good.

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