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Is Muhammad a Prophet of "the Devil"?

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posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by dooper

I'm sorry, dooper, but whatever you think of the quality of Quranic writing, and whether or not you use a 'blend of different translations', it doesn't matter. None of the texts mentioned were from the Quran, and any translation at all that you look of the Hadith (or even Tabari) it mentions the same thing. In fact, nowhere in the entire book 60 (or in 59, or in 61) is there anything about either of what you say.

I have checked, I have rechecked, I even googled and wiki'ed it, but I see absolutely NOTHING about any arabs of any time (Muhammad or afterwards), favouring yellow turbans over any others. I find that Hamza (one of the companions of Muhammad) wore a red turban. I find that Muhammad had a black sheet he'd throw over his head. I find that the Almohads made the Jews of their time (around the 12th century) dress in yellow turbans. I see NOTHING at all from period (or even later sources) that shows that the Arab muslims favoured a yellow turban, or used it as a sort of uniform. The only thing you have at the moment is a quote from a book 1200 years before Muhammad that speaks about a completely different people, that were wiped out long before Muhammad was born.

You used the word prince, so I assumed we were talking about the word as it is defined in the english language.... a member of the royal family, or the son or grandson of a king. Since you also mentioned Muhammad having 'royal blood', I assumed this is what you were talking about. Are you now saying that what you mean by 'prince', is actually 'fellow from an important (yet non-ruling) family'?

I hope you don't mind me arguing over 'nits', because your entire argument appears to me to be built over a tower of nits, many of which are absolutely, totally and irreconcilably wrong. You actually quoted 2 'passages', and used the exact same reference, with the exact hadith number on both of them! How on earth can you put this down to 'quality of Quranic writing', or using a 'blend of different translations'?! It is like saying "Bob eats chocolate" (Ref: Book of Blahdeblah pg 13 sentence 8), and then saying "Adam rides a bike" (Ref: Book of Blahdeblah pg 13 sentence 8), when in actuality, the Book of Blahdeblah pg 13 sentence 8 reads "Sarah likes daisies"! What is your reasoning, or your response, to this specific point? Were you (or your sources) misinformed? Or perhaps you thought you read something that isn't there?

I apologise if I appeared curt or rude. I hope you believe me when I say I mean absolutely no offence. I have to admit, however, I was a little miffed at how you first put off my arguments to 'I have one hell of a library' (perhaps meaning in quantity, because the quality hasn't stood up to the mark), and then to 'I am much older than you'. I'm pretty sure neither of those have any bearing on the facts (unless you happen to be at least 1400 years old, and witnessed these events first hand). That is the great thing about the internet. It completely levels the playing field: a 'prince'
could be talking with a window-washer, a 30 year old with a 60 year old, and it doesn't matter in the least who they are, only what they say.

I wish you well too, peace be with you!

[edit on 16-10-2008 by babloyi]

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 01:40 PM
Google and Wiki are good for quick, general references. Not the final authority, and I can find tons of things that you'll never find on the internet. And one translation of a book does not accuracy make.

If I don't want Revelation to be talking about the Islam hellish influences and then date them, and then the Turks, and date them, then guess what?

I won't find it!

You go looking for something, and you'll find it every time.

I just go looking.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by dooper

You misunderstand me. I have my own 'tons of things' that would not be found on the internet. I didn't go the google and wiki first, if you notice, I said I even googled and wiki'ed (as a last resort).

Also, which book is this that you keep going on about the inaccuracy of the translation of? I'm not sure what you are referring to.

Originally posted by dooper
If I don't want Revelation to be talking about the Islam hellish influences and then date them, and then the Turks, and date them, then guess what?

I won't find it!

You go looking for something, and you'll find it every time.

The opposite is more true. It's easier to find something than to not find something, in this case, a flimsy connection between Revelations and 'the Islamic hellish influences'. And some things, no matter how hard you try, you won't find: because they are not true. Like the thing with yellow turbans. Or a negation of the fact that the arab muslims used infantry just as much (and more) than cavalry.

[edit on 16-10-2008 by babloyi]

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by babloyi

Methinks your bottom post, "Peace be with you" says more than anything else.

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 06:07 PM
Muhammad isnt the antichrist, white man need to let Islam be and stop trying to stall its growth with negative assumptions such as this topic. The white man has been using “White jeus” as a tool of subjegation for thousands of years. The reason why they strike out against Islam is because they don’t have power in Islam like they do in Judaism and Christianity. I guarentee you that if there were pictures of a blue eye blonde hair Muhammad going around, the hatred of Islam would drop dramatically. This whole issue of hate comes from the white man wanting himself to be a “God”. Which is why he has gone around the world as a missionary, traveling into jungles and giving people pictures of white Jesus. The whtie Jesus is actually a projection of the ego of the white race.But shince there is no self graditafication for the ego of the white race in Islam, they hate it and its growth and call it Satanic. I honestly don’t know whats so Satanic about it when Christianity has #ted on people a lot longer than Islam. If I recalled, they terrorized Indians and black people in America for centuries but then get angry when somebody knocks your building down. Christians have been #ting on people for thousands of years, so I don’t want to hear it. But now that Islam is getting bigger and bigger, people are looking for excuses so it must be “Satanic”. No its not, your just mad that its growing and your loosing influence. And its awfully hypocrital for the white man to come down on Islam so hard for denying the divinity of Jesus when neither do the Jews. But I don’t see the white man criticising the Jew so much. Last time I checked, it was the Jews who completely disowned Jesus, not the Muslims. But lets just let that slide huh?

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 05:09 AM
Isaiah 14:12-14 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the MOST HIGH.
This is SATAN-, he wants to be GOD(THE MOST HIGH)
in the QURAN 2:255 ALLAH is the MOST HIGH
in 2 Corinthians 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
in TAFSIR AL-QORTOBY( TAFSIR is an explanation of the scholar which is in case it is AL-QORTOBY to the QURAN verse )
SOURCE: which states: And what does the Qur’an mean by saying Satan, accursed, that is, cursed and cursed, as the Quraysh said. Ataa said: He means the white devil who used to come to the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - in the form of Gabriel,wanting to seduce him(MUHAMMAD) BTW if you are goin to paste the SOURCE URL ,it is in ARABIC so use GOOGLE CHROME BROWSER then right click TRANSLATE to ENGLISH.
Comment:S A T A N is the one who disguise as angel Jibril who give the QURAN to Muhammad
Sūrah 1:2, 28:30, 10:37, 5:28, 27:8 A L L A H LORD OF THE WORLDS
in 2 Corinthians 4:4 SATAN, who is the GOD OF THIS WORLD,
in Sūrah 3:54, 8:30 A L L A H is the BESTof the DECIEVERS
Sūrah 10:21 A L L A H is swift in DECEPTION
Sūrah 7:99 That no one can feel secure from A L L A H S DECEPTION
COMMENT: DECEPTION is the right translation of this VERSES, if you know an ARABIC CHRISTIAN or ATHEIST you can try to translate the ARABIC of this VERSES. but in some translation especially SURAH 3:54 the translation is ALLAH is the BEST SCHEMER.
in Revelation 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which DECEIVETH the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
COMMENT: If in the QURAN ALLAH is the best DECIEVER and in the BIBLE SATAN is the one who DECIEVE the means ALLAH = SATAN..and think about it , if you decieve the whole world you are the BEST DECIEVER..and how someone can decieve the world only way to accomplish that is to PRETEND TO BE GOD
in a reply to: babloyi

edit on 7-7-2023 by VegoBond because: i missed out some words

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 05:22 AM
a reply to: Incarnated

Dont know about Muhammad being a profit of the devil, but quite possibly a pedophile if judged by today's standards given the little Aisha hullabaloo.

Then again how did God get Mary pregnant, as I'm sure even back then raping people in their sleep was rather frowned upon.

posted on Jul, 9 2023 @ 12:52 AM
If that is the case, Christianity was born from Islam and Judaism. Does this mean Christians have a little devil worship in them too?

posted on Jul, 9 2023 @ 01:19 AM
a reply to: CaliGirl69

Islam came after Christianity
That’s a fact

Christianity wasn’t born of Judaism either…
It was a gift from God himself
A New covenant for all Mankind

I guess everything you surmised was entire rubbish then…

edit on 9-7-2023 by 5StarOracle because: Word

posted on Jul, 9 2023 @ 03:59 AM
a reply to: 5StarOracle

Following that logic, if Christianity was a gift from God himself, then so must have been the Islamic faith.

posted on Jul, 9 2023 @ 05:34 PM
a reply to: Incarnated - Is this person still around 15 years later, does their name need a 're' prefix?

Anyway, it depends on the transliteration.

There is speculation Baphomet is a corruption of The Prophet Muhammad via Mahomet, which is the latinization of Muhammad. Even suggesting The Templars were secretly some type of Muslim, but that is mostly in the "unverified" category.
edit on 9-7-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2023 @ 07:57 PM
Satan = hate,
. . as this
hate filled thread.
these self absorbed and
hate filled,'story' telling
satanists really do
proof =this thread.
I've personally met many loving
kind, and big hearted Muslims.
They can be wonderful, warm
beautiful souls.
Again (unlike this thread)
. . .grow up

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