reply to post by dooper
(Continued from previous Post)
10. Their destructive work was to continue for a prophetic five months, or 150 years. Though Muhammed began his work earlier, it was in AD632 that
theArab hosts of cavalry burst outward in a conquest to assail the world, and begin their war on mankind. Within a hundred years, Palestine,
Mesopotamia, Egypt, northern Africa, and Spain had fallen under the
spread of Islam. In 732 Charles Martel stopped the advance of Islam in
Europe in the Battle of Tours. The West began pushing back.
In 762, the capital of the Saracen Empire was moved to Baghdad, and the
rulers began to enjoy peacetime pleasures. In 781, the Caliph Haroun Al Rashid was their ruler. This was the golden age of the Saracen power - the
age of Arabian Nights. Baghdad was called the "City of Peace."
How long is this from the time when the torment that is Islam went out for jihad and attacked mankind? In AD 632, the Arabs burst forth to attack
mankind, to which you add 150 years. That would bring us to 782, the second year of Haround Al Rashid's reign. In 782, did the torment of Islam
continue against the West? No. Al Rashid was engaged in friendly correspondence with the Christian rulers of Europe, and this ended the efforts fo
the Saracen Empire to forcibly convert the world to Islam. 150 years. Seems pretty accurate since the prophecy was made six hundred years
If anyone thinks this is just pulling a trumpet out of order, look at the next trumpet, and read it from the Book. Revelations 9:13-21
The Arabian scourge had ended by AD 782. It had taken from the Eastern Empire its provinces in Africa, and most of its possessions in Asia. The
world of this era according to Gibbon was divided into three parts. Two had fallen before five destructive agencies. One still remained to be
destroyed by the angels bound at the river Euphrates.
A few years before 1000AD, a fierce Tatar race , formidable in numbers and bravery left the shores of the Caspian and moving eastwards, settled on the
banks of the Euphrates. They took the country east of the river and Persia became one of its provinces, even to India. But for two generations, they
were somehow held , or bound by the river Euphrates.
Finally in 1057, sixty years and two generations after arriving, they crossed the river and marched on the eastern Roman Empire remains. These people
were called the Turkomans, or Turkmen. We call them Turks.
There were four angels. This would imply four powers. This people of Turkomans werd divided into four kingdoms, under the four grandsons of Togrul,
father of Malek Shah. This is described in Gibbon, V5P532. The mighty empire of Malek Shah was divided into four principalities under his four sons.
There are then four angels of destruction.
1. They were "bound" by the river Euphrates.
2. There were four commands.
3. Their armies were of horsemen, apparently countless.
4. The numbered their horsement by myriads instead of thousands.
5. "The Ottomans until a very recent period wore warlike apparel of scarlet,
blue, and yellow."
6. The first time gunpowder and firearms were employed in war was during
their campaign. Constantinople was taken by cannon fire. To quote
Gibbon, "The great cannon of Mahomet has been separately noticed; an
important and visible object in the history of the times; but that
enormous engine was flanked by two fellows almost of equal magnitude;
the long order of the Turkish artillery was pointed against the walls;
fourteen batteries thundered at once on the most accessible places;
and of one of these it is ambiguously expressed, that it was mounted with
one hundred thirty balls, or discharged one hundred and thirty bullets."
7 "There was power in the tails of the horses." This is a singular
statement. No less is the fact that that among the Turks, the horse's tail
is an emblem of power. The number of horse's tails determines rank. A
Pacha of three tails is a great officer. The emblem of the rule of the
Pachas, the most wasteful, oppressive, unjust rule the world has ever
seen, is the horse's tail.
It would seem that Muhammed and Islam was originated from the hellish influences released upon mankind.
Muhammed was spoken to in caves, in darkness, the opposite of the general symbols of Judiasm and Christianity.
The Muslim texts state specifically that Satan had cast his words upon the tongue of Muhammed. Yep. The Satanic verses. Now rescinded. But that
was only because Muhammed was teaching two truths to two different cities and got caught on it.
And finally, Muslim texts, recorded of those who were followers and who were actually there stated that Muhammed began to imaging things which he did
not do. Basically, Muhammed was delusional. Probably all his life.
David Koresh, Son of Sam, and numerous others have exhibited delusional evil. I feel certain that this is not the first time delusion had folks
imagining certain things.
Unlike any other prophet in Judiasm or even Christianity, Muhammed could not verify his words came from God by performing miracles as a testament to
his truth.
He could only promise murder, pedophilia, incest, booty, theft, terror, and carnal exploitations.
That's some Godliness.