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Originally posted by Tyriffic
Let us tell it like it is. It is not natural in any sense, normal in any sense or productive in any way besides producing disease.
Haven't we already dispensed with the 'natural' argument as being pretty meaningless, ie so what IS natural these days?
But to address your unbiased and open minded statement above... it is natural for a certain percentage of the population to be gay, it is normal for a certain percentage of the population to be gay and plenty of gay people work in all sorts of essential professions, some of which you may rely on heavily, so how they're not productive is beyond me, unless of course you're adressing the productivity of their relationships in which case it's not about what you get from it it's about what they get from it, they do enough for you all day while working and paying taxes. By the way why the fixation with disease and death, your like a medieval wall mural.
Tell me I am wrong.
You are wrong!
I do not need twelve reasons to say homosex is is wrong.
From the look of it you don't need any reason whatsoever.
Originally posted by Tyriffic
Since such unions do not produce anything but death, how can such sex be natural.
Let us tell it like it is. It is not natural in any sense, normal in any sense or productive in any way besides producing disease.
Tell me I am wrong.
Originally posted by Tyriffic
Since such unions do not produce anything but death, how can such sex be natural.
Let us tell it like it is. It is not natural in any sense, normal in any sense or productive in any way besides producing disease.
Tell me I am wrong.
Originally posted by James the Lesser
Anyways, two good parents aren't always the best, already gave you an example of two great parents having a kid in rehab. And a single parent doesn't mean the kid is doomed, my sister is a straight A student in college, and she was raised by one parent, and right now, like me, is living with our dad since our mom moved to a smaller house with only one bedroom.(Sich was suppose to get a dorm room, but at the last second didn't)
Originally posted by James the Lesser
No, you misunderstood me, before, when blacks had to sit in the back, go to a different school, so forth, it was considered how it should be, not oppression. That is what is happening now.
The blacks and the homosexuals are very different. Should this happen to homosexuals, it would be a back tracking as opposed to black people gaining rights little by little from nothing. These situations are not analogous.
Also, how in the hell does it hurt anyone????
It doesn't. Homosexuals are already together. The only thing that changes is government recognition.
What, oh no, gays getting married, now I will have to be gay to, I will have to do things i don't want to do, no, they have grown fangs and claws and are spreading gayness to all are kids, NOOO!!!!!! Hahahahahaha, sorry, but gays getting married doesn't affect you, unless you gay then it does affect you, but you aren't, so it doesn't affect you. Stop your whining.
None of this is the issue. The issue is, is that marriage is a religious institution that the government chose to recognize because it was seen at the time to be a source of strength and worthy of additional consideration (albeit small). The only thing they are entitled to under the law is equal treatment, NOT the same thing. Call it what you will, but marriage is not a government function, it is only recognized as such.
Originally posted by CazMedia
It hurts me as a person when the sanctity of my beliefs and basic religious tennants are stripped away against my wishes to fit a minority view.
It is insulting for the pro gay crowd to say its ok for them to trample on a culture's belief system...that "no one will be hurt" by being forced to accecpt someone elses alterations to the existing laws/social situation.
in essence..."we dont care if your hurt because we want our way" This thinking is basic lack of respect for the culture that they are trying to gain acceptance/accomodations from.
It hurts my overall culture when it becomes more and more seperated into smaller and smaller niche groups....what hapened to UNITED WE STAND? It seems like we as a nation are becomming more fragmented, not less, and this WILL lead to the downfall of the USA. We will fight ourselves or make things so watred down, that being a citizen here would become like being a country club member.
it hurts because this issue has been put forth as a ENTITLEMENT....instead of what it really is, wich is a voluntary CHOICE.....being married is promised to NO ONE!!!! a person might never meet the person of their dreams and marry...Marriage is not nessisary to be a productive person.... the abillity to choose to become married already has boundaries to the fact that one of them is that its only for a man/woman is just another one of them....big deal...take CIVIL UNIONS and be happy...stop trying to change my relationship, its definitions or responsibillities, and be happy you get anything!!!
there is a thread going here somewhere about "starting a white club" most people on there agree that it would be ok for this to occur as other groups have "exclusive" clubs.....well marriage is a partially religious/legal exclusive club too....why isnt a civil union acceptable to the gay adgenda? why is it that JAMES THE LESSER thinks that joining an exclusive group based or race is ok, but one based on a sexual/religious basis is not?
why do these groups exist as the do? seperate based on some kind of DISCRIMINATION...the answer is because its part of how those groups DEFINE THEMSELVES. They have the legal protections to assemble as they choose (like the boy scouts) without having to accept people into the group that do not subscribe to the same ideals. Why is marriage any different of an issue then? no one forces me to join the scouts, its not nessisary to my life....the same with marriage...i could be married, but dont have to for a sucessful life.