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Bush Regime Building Concentration Camps

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posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by NWOmaskedman

If you want to build undisclosed detention camps as the original post putted, make sure its not some well known camp. Not preserved old camps with its location well known in history books used by previous occupants.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 05:28 PM

The last of the camps closed in 1946. President Bill Clinton called for the preservation of the camps in 2000 and signed a memorandum seeking recommendations on developing more opportunities for the public to learn about the internment.

Besides that, Clinton also wanted them preserved. Nothing more. Guess Clinton wanted to pass the torch and have Bush do the same.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 05:36 PM
In case nobody has heard of it, Phil Schneider has talked about this in some of his videos, something to do with D.U.M.B. bases, or something.
Anyway, they're supposed to be deep underground at various locations across the U.S., and he says things about railway carriages with shackles in them.
I know people say he's a fraud and all that, but I don't know.
The vids are on Youtube.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
Martial law and such will never occur in the US.
Because, there's enough americans with decent morals and proper ethics.
Think about it,

Could you don a uniform for a leader who's ruined your country, take up arms and force your neighbour into a box car?

Maybe a Chineese peace keeping force, or from more countries in the world.
Thats how they do it now in africa etc etc.
Plenty of countries who will send their blue helmets for some benifits, and these people will have no problems with policing americans.
Think about it.
One thing is for sure, they wont be using americans for it because of the point you make.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 07:04 PM
There is a lot of info on this site that is a bit more difficult to explain away.

Particularly the youtube video. A train repair facility-- with two fence lines of barbed wire facing inward? A black helicopter actually flies over while they're there filming. The other video has been removed from the google site.

[edit on 2/17/08 by kattraxx]

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 07:16 PM
Well no one moved in Germany at first because everyone was affraid and people were disapearing one by one... so you can't take up arms alone if someone just disapeared, nobody will take arms with you for someone they don't know and risk their families for a stranger.

Also the germans weren't used to freedom and a lot of germans wanted stability and Hitler brought it. What if some strangers were taking to camps... now because of Hitler you had a job... sure the nazis were thugs but you could eat, you had security... in term of money coming in.

If there's an economic crash, they could pull it with Obama or someone that people follow blindly... like Obama again.

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 01:37 AM
Vitch, please.. Obama would not be more inclined to send people to camps than anyone else.

Hillary Clinton and John Mccain are those folks you need to be looking at, either one I couldn't put it past them.

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 02:50 AM
reply to post by kattraxx

I watched the movie.
Lots of speculation and conjecture, but no facts.

Each one of the issues pointed out could have another use then what she stated.

All of the fencing point “in” – Well with out see the whole site is is very hard to tell what is pointing were. Most of the area she was in seamed to have the fencing point out – Makes sense if it is to protect the cars in the parking lot.

The black helicopter. Come on be real! You could not even read the markings on the side. For all we know it was a news copter. Also she said there was more then one fling over. So why only show the one? Also where is the airport located compared to this site?

New concrete floors? Umm maybe the old warehouse floors where uneven and needed to be repaired to allow forklifts to move around?

New furnace? What was stored in the warehouses before? Also a new furnace would allow lots more options in shipping if you had climate control. Also if you where going to build new concentration camps why would you care if the people inside where warm?

Old army crane? Ever hear of surplus? I saw an old C-130 for sale on the surplus site last week. A steal for only $400,000.

Tower that could be used as a guard tower? Could it be that the tower is for…. The radio antenna? It is a very bad tower for use as a guard tower. No cover from the elements and also too small to use comfortably.

I could go on and on, but you get the idea.

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 03:00 AM

Originally posted by greeneyedleo
I live on one of the "alleged" locations - a military base. There is absolutely NO concentration camp here. I also live right next to another "alleged" location - a military base - again, there is NO concentration camp at that location. And have stayed at another "alleged" location - military base - again, NO concentration camp.

So, there are 3 alleged locations that are 100% false. I wouldn't put any faith into the other ones.

I'd love to know the names or where these "alleged" locations to pass that information along?

I have a friend who has visited 3 of the proposed sites, one in Nevada, Southern California and Colorado. I will ask him if he has photos.

Another friend saw numerous UN vehicles parked along a border area between Texas (east of El Paso) and Mexico along some train tracks. She had no clue why they were there but she may have photos as she was scouting for a film location. I don't believe she's a conspiracy theorist in any way but she did think it was quite odd and it seemed to make her uneasy.

I recently completed the shooting of "Indiana Jones 4" in July of 07 in Deming, New Mexico and we were shooting in an area where they had three hangars which were situated closely to the old german prison camps. There were rumors buzzing around that the buildings were going to be refurbished and put into use again as some type of internment camp. Since Deming is only about 30 miles north of the Mexico border I just assumed they were referring to illegal immigrants and honestly, I was so busy I didn't give it a lot of thought but I'll try and follow up with those that were discussing it. I have no clue if this is true but nothing would surprise me.


posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 03:58 AM
I just thought of something else.

Who is going to be in charge of these camps anyway? I mean all the worlds elite are going to be hiding in their bunkers to save themselves from the end of the world in 2012.

SO if all of us plain people are going to be dead, why the camps?

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 04:54 AM
The UN is another organization that could be involved with camps inside
MY/YOUR/OUR country. They are already connected to national parks,
under something called the 'Global Biodiversity Assessment'.

This seeks to deem most land mass in the U.S. as wildlife preservation
areas, and displace the sheeple by way of New World Order global laws
taking away land ownership rights.

At this point, it's into the camps we go!

See you there!

Just kidding.

I'd like to think we would ALL fight anyone who tries forcing us into a

Scary, huh? hence my name...

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by Agit8dChop

One thing to think about. Most of our "loved ones" in positions of municipal and military powers would never send their own into concentration camps. Makes total sense if everyone is still free-thinking right?

One thing you are missing, our military is stretched very thin, and most people aren't running to join the military these days obviously. Most US military will be overseas if something bad happens on US soil. Sure we have reserves and national guard, but they'll be off to fight more wars soon joining the others. Someone left the back door open.

Don't forget about Clinton Administration's law passed in the mid 90s. Foreign militaries are allowed to come to the US and govern the american people if some type of unfortunate event(s) were to happen on american soil.

DO not think that a foreign soldier who speaks in broken english is going to give a $hit as he/she stuffs you and your family into a bus or some train car becasue you weren't killed when $hit hits the fan. You were lucky enought not to get shot, burned or diseased right?

Then you will be ordering food off the Codex Alementarius menu as you are re-programmed by Agenda 21. WAKE UP!!!!!

[edit on 18-2-2008 by cranialhunch]

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

Yeah - but the only difference between a 'miltary base' and a 'concentration camp' is that one houses military personel, the other members of the public. In the event of a 'state of emergency', most of these troops will be out on the streets rounding up 'suspects' anyhow - leaving the bases as ideal 'detainee' camps....


posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by Bigwhammy

lol all you people are soo clue less, back when i was 16 i thought that the goverments of all our worlds are going to abduct us too bring us into there underground bases cause i listened too all those Fear mongerer's like Alex Jones and David Iche.

Here's somthing for all your Less intellegent people can understand since you dont put in all the data. By 2010 more than %50 of the words ice is going too be melted and the Sea level will rise over 200 feet, There will be Millions if not Billions of Desperate People Displaced that will most likely just band together and start mobing innocent peoples houses too save themselves.
If any of you kids saw "Children of Men" you would understand why the camps are here and how many French and Japanse people are going too wanna live in your country instead of there flooded country.
By 2012 there will be absolutely no Ice on the Surface of this planet adn the sea level will rise over 300 Feet, All of newyork will be under water and most island like Japan are going too be completely annihilated.

Would you rather a bunch of Pissed off Desprate Asians breaking down your door and killing you for bread rather than your goverments put them in a safe place where they can grow there own crops and live until a suitable place can be found for them.

However if the # hits the fan and a Huge police Van comes too your house too pick up your family, you should still fight. No one has the right too abduct you or your loved one's.

This is called "grow up Topics" for a reason. Little kids cant handle the info there given and jump too conclusions.

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 08:37 AM

And WHY exactly is this News?

Don't you people know that already?

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 08:38 AM
well i dunno about the camps, would it surprise me, no

we are likely headed for a economic tsunami so camps may be turned into work camps

it is rather distrubing that we are over their because of our attack ..i mean war but often times thru history "evil" men have attacked the "innocent" and as a result (not saying it is the reason for the attack) many citizens get to enjoy a peaceful living at home, due to a couragous military taking order from "evil" men. It is obvious though that an attack on our home soil is now mostly indefensible, but then again when was the last time we have soldiers attack us here?

i think any camps will be for the unemployed who can no longer pay their rent, or lose their homes, and that some kind of gov't work program may be offered their

[edit on 18-2-2008 by cpdaman]

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by FRIGHTENER

The UN 'Global Diversity' program is purely a habitat preservation effort - nothing to do with the NWO. It will be Halliburton, the military and the National Guard who wil be tasked with 'detaining' US citizens. You think they won't do it? The punishment for disobeying orders during a State of Emergency is still the firing squad isn't it? I think you'll find very few will question orders under those circumstances.

Bush has also recently put a law onto the books that deems people who 'resist' the government in any way as 'mentally unstable' - and subject to detention and 'treatment' against their will. Look it up.


[edit on 18-2-2008 by jimbo999]

[edit on 18-2-2008 by jimbo999]

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by dismanrc
I just thought of something else.

Who is going to be in charge of these camps anyway? I mean all the worlds elite are going to be hiding in their bunkers to save themselves from the end of the world in 2012.

SO if all of us plain people are going to be dead, why the camps?

End of the world in 2012? Say's who? Is there a psychic on the forum?


posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 09:44 AM
Executive Order 13438 is the one someone alluded to with the statement about "subversives". The wording is so ambiguous that anyone stating an opinion contrary to the status quo could legally be detained. Political protestors--Christian Peacekeepers Teams--anyone. The time for public comment came and went and I'm not sure how many people even bothered to contact their representatives in Washington, but I don't think it was many. I received a nice form letter with the guarantee that my rights were being looked after and the EO went through without one word of protest.

We've been in a state of emergency since shortly after 9/11. I've heard it speculated that it will be nearer the election that people will be 'rounded up' for a year and a day, so as to keep them from participating in the election. Pretty scary scenario...would be a great movie--maybe Bruce Willis will play the patriotic hero!!!

I'm prepared for any scenario, but I doubt hundreds of thousands of Americans are going to be interred in 60 year old camps. Heh, not for long, anyway.

I take issue with the statement that the Japanese-AMERICAN internment camps were "as bad as the German concentration camps."
Were they wrong? Yes. Was it a shameful time in America? Yes. Was it an extreme reaction by a horrified government? Yes. There were German-Americans all over the place--were they put into internment camps? What about Italian-Americans? The Japanese-Americans had the misfortune to exhibit marked physical differences--even if their ancestors had been here for decades--and they suffered for it. It wasn't right and it can't be justified...but considering the time and the horror of kamikazi pilots and Pearl Harbor...I can see how it could happen.

But to compare those camps to Auschwitz? Dachau? Are you mental??

Were Japanese-Americans stripped naked, shaven and tattooed? Were people starved and systematically tortured, then cremated? Were they forced into slave labor? Were they stripped of every personal item that linked them to their former lives? Were they experimented on in the name of science? Were they sparated from the families for the rest of their lives??? Were they lined up and gunned into mass graves?

No, they weren't. And neither will you be.

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by dismanrc

If it's being suggested that people are wrong to question any facility on American soil with three fence lines of barbed wire clearly facing in (she was filming from the parking lot outside the facility), that is not currently being used to imprison the convicted, then I have to disagree with you.

While I'm not personally convinced of anything, I will keep an open mind until I am convinced one way or the other.

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