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Where is the best place to go when Nibiru returns?

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posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 03:26 AM
savesed place when disasters come ? Spitsbergen!!...
reason: Norway is building an genetic databank there now. ...
no use for it if it wouldend be save there in all scenario's....

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 03:53 AM
Being an Astronomy Minor, I am going to chime in:
NASA has already said that it does not exist. However, it is also possible that it does. IF it does exist, than its orbit is highly elliptical (eccentric), meaning the closer it gets to the sun, the quicker it moves. This is good news, for the more elliptical it is, the faster it will travel past the sun. I would venture to say that it would not spend but a sojourn in the inner solar system.
However, it is also possible (and probable) that it will alter Earth's equilibrium via direct or indirect (altering the sun's) interference.

Having been said, I doubt it is possible to plan for a problem like this. If it comes, I doubt anyone could survive on the surface. There are FAR FAR to many variables to consider. Even the underground survivors will be subject to events that are unforeseeable (seismic trauma, tectonic shifts, mantle activity, etc).

To get back to the thread, I do not think you could predict a place better than another to plan survival. One place on high ground may be prone to radiation, or one place that is low ground may be victim to flooding, etc.

Final Note: I know there is some guy trying to build some place somewhere in south africa, not sure if this will help :x

Have a great beginning of the week

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 04:19 AM
If this planet does exist, there's really nothing we can do about it except ride it out and hope for the best. After all, if our government is truly controlled by the Illuminati, why would they want to help us "worthless sheep"?

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 07:14 AM

Originally posted by lordapathy
I am just wondering if anyone out there knows anything concrete regarding the trajectory of Planet X/Nibiru?

Nobody does as it doesn't exist.

What are the most likely effects to Earth and the Moon from it's gravitational pull?

If a rogue planet passed close to earth, there would be worldwide disasters. No need to worry as Nibiru doesn't exist and nobody has posted any evidence that it does. It's an urban legend.

Is there going to be anywhere on this Earth that will provide a safe haven or is my only chance of survival to a get an important job for the government and hope that they give me an all access pass to one the many underground arks that they have been building for the past 40 or so years.

If you read through the many existing planet x threads you will notice one major thing. Almost all the ideas posted are contradictory indicating that there is zero reality to this idea and all supposition.

Somehow humans survived the last time this planet was frequented by Nibiru some 2,600 years ago.

This is an interesting bit of info.
How do we know it passed by 2600 years ago?
There is no geologic evidence of any mass disasters every 2600 years on earth.
If we know it has a 2600 year orbit, then someone must have plotted that orbit in some way and if so, why can't we ever see the planet and it's orbit anywhere?

The great deluge did not kill everyone and everything.

Is there evidence of a "great deluge" every 2600 years? If not, it didn't happen.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by lordapathy

3600 years ago Nibiru Hit Mars and Displaced Millions of Humans that had too flee to Earth, After Nibiru had Left the System all the surviver's on Earth Made Pyramids too honour The Planet of the Crossing. 3600 years later Nibiru has come back too hit and ignite jupiter bring us into the golden age. The Fifth Dimension will overlap our Fourth Demension and we will live along side the homo-Lumunouse as it's been Seen too happen since Humans set foot on this Earth. Humans have been on earth for Millions of years however the type of humans were homo-Erectus as we are at this moment Hom-Sapians.

We the Homosapians came from Mars adn pretty much Genocided everyone that didn't look like us. This time around it's going too be very different, I accept my Evolution too Luminous and I only i can help others into this stage.

The Next time Nibiru comes it will ignite another Gas planet and we will have 3 Permement stats in place in our universe and we will EVOLVE too a sixth Demensional state threw the ignition of 3rd gas planet.

Evolution is in Consciousness.

Here comes another Beutifle Cycle of Life, watch as earth Changes reshape this planet for more complex life.

Do not be scared of Nibiru, Last cycle it did heavy damage too Mars and this cycle it's going too completely miss us and we are just going to have a Fireworks show.

Fear makes us all blind, our Goverments know Evolution is about too take place and the only thing they can do is scare us into our basements and into our Bombshelters.

I implore you, Turn off CNN! Dont listen too a Thing they say about ET's and UFO's, Half the UFO's they show on CNN is Goverment Crafts.

There are over 150 different spieces living on Nibiru, i dont think there here too beat us up

Nibiru is Millions of years old, and has been Enlightening different Civilizations all over the universe and beyond. After We are Awakened we will be helped other civilizations evolve someday.

Nibiru has a plan for the Earth Changes and Biblical Flooding thats about too his us from all the Ice in the North and south melting by 2012. NASA OFFICIALS SAY PARIS AND JAPAN TOTALY FLOODED BY 2010!

I think we need help

Everything will look better from Far away.

[edit on 17-2-2008 by BallBreaker]

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 08:43 AM
Can i make an observation here, it seems to me that all the people in this thread who are saying this thing doesnt exist, and are implying that it is impossible that it might, obviously have done no homework on this topic at all, and there for should not even be making comments on this thread. Big thanks to Sty who seems to be the only on here who has done any real research into this topic, so to add to Sty's info here are some more facts.
1) NASA scientist's have said twice that they have detected something very large (maybe the size of jupiter) close enough to be part of our solar system.
2) there has been a long history of civilizations coming and going on this planet.
2) there has been a long history of dramatic climate change on this planet.
3) Allmost all ancient civilizations have stories written about a planet of the crossing, some called it the destroyer.
4) Ancient dragon stories have been associated with the plasma arc's caused by the electrical activity it causes when it passes by.
5) They are storeing the worlds agricultural seed's in a seed vault as we speak, look up Svalbard seed vault.
6) The first known advanced civilization, the Sumerians, wrote about it 6000 years ago ( it is very strange when you read what the Sumerians wrote and see so much of the Bible saying the same thing, and talk about the same Gods and people).
7) They have built the South Pole Telescope ( with the space telescopes we have, why build one in the south pole, some say it is the perfect place to observe the approach of planet x).
8) It is not just the Earth that is heating up, it is the entire solar system, including Pluto ( what could be heating up Pluto that is so far away from the sun).
8) There are many scientists who believe the asteroid belt is a smashed planet.

Anyway I could go on and on about information pointing to the existance of planet x, my point is, there is to much information to simply outright deny that it might be out there.
If it is, and it does come around every 3600 years or so, that means mankind has survived hundreds of passes, and i am sure we will survive the next one.
People need to have an educated and open mind and be ready for anything, that is the best way to survive any bad situation.
To all the negative people on this thread, DO YOUR @#%^&$# HOMEWORK before you criticize other people for asking a question.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 09:49 AM
Going to be a Intergalactic party

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 11:03 AM
OK, lordapathy,
since no one has actually attempted to answer your very straight forward question, and elected instead to argue with each other, here goes.
I think quite simply, that if Nibiru, or any other similar item is heading our way and posing a serious threat to us on a large scale, then, I would suggest following Bill Gates' example, and buy, or build a submarine.
Obviously only millionaires could afford to buy one, but something smaller and simpler could no doubt be constructed or adapted from another very strong cylindrical structure.
Just look at history,[Noah's Ark], almost every civilisation has a flood story somewhere in it's past.
There may not be a safe location, therefore my reasoning is to create a safe and surviveable craft.

Hope this is of some interest,
kindest regards,

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by west aussie

1) NASA scientist's have said twice that they have detected something very large (maybe the size of jupiter) close enough to be part of our solar system.

Could you please post this info with a link? Thanks.

2) there has been a long history of civilizations coming and going on this planet.

Did this happen every 3600 years?

2) there has been a long history of dramatic climate change on this planet.

Does this happen every 3600 years? Please post geologic evidence for this hypothesis. Thanks.

3) Allmost all ancient civilizations have stories written about a planet of the crossing, some called it the destroyer.

Could you also post this information including total number of ancient civilizations and total number of ancient civilizations that have stories about the planet?

5) They are storeing the worlds agricultural seed's in a seed vault as we speak, look up Svalbard seed vault.

Could you show how this is associated with planet x?

7) They have built the South Pole Telescope ( with the space telescopes we have, why build one in the south pole, some say it is the perfect place to observe the approach of planet x).

It is a microwave telescope that observes in a frequency range between 70 and 300 GHz. The primary science goal for SPT is to conduct a survey to find several thousand clusters of galaxies, which should allow interesting constraints on the Dark Energy density and its equation of state.

The South Pole is the premier observing site in the world for millimeter wavelength observations. The Pole's high altitude (2.8 km above sea level) means the atmosphere is thin, and the cold temperatures keep the amount of water vapor in the air low. This is particularly important for observing microwaves, which are absorbed by water vapor. At the South Pole the sun sets in mid-March and is followed by six months of total darkness. During this time the atmospheric conditions become extremely stable without the added turbulence caused by the daily rising and setting sun, a phenomenon akin to reducing the amount of twinkling of stars in the sky.

8) It is not just the Earth that is heating up, it is the entire solar system, including Pluto ( what could be heating up Pluto that is so far away from the sun).

Could you show how this is directly associated with planet x?

8) There are many scientists who believe the asteroid belt is a smashed planet.

Would you mind providing a reference source for this?

Thank you for your help.


posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 10:04 AM
i got it - the best place to survive : submarine .

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 12:33 PM
If Nibiru exists (and there is absolutely no scientific evidence, what-so-ever that it does), then there is not a single place on Earth that is safe. If half of the more outrageous predictions of what Nibiru will do to the Earth are true, such as reversing the planet's rotation and all together stop, then we are all dead.

The stoppage or reversing of a planet's rotation would kill every living being on said planet. The Earth is moving at an incredible speed; if it were to stop, every single thing not bolted down would fly off the surface of the planet. There is nowhere you can hide from this.

So, if you really believe in Nibiru, start settling your accounts and kiss your loved-ones goodbye.

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 01:15 PM
My 2 cents...

Never say never and planning for possible disasters is always a good idea.

The articles on D.U.M.B.s always make me think why do we need deep underground military bases (1/2 mile down it is thought)?

Then again about 50% of ATSers probably dont thinks dumbs exist so what chance planet x.

Certain websites and informative videos at least make you think about the possibility and as mentioned in previous posts the earth has suffered some serious cataclysms in the past. The disasters are quite regular and the mayan calendar ends in a time of great interest to some, if nothing happens great if it does then where would the best place be to ride out the storms etc. is a perfectly acceptable question and should not be ridiculed as the information could be applied to other disasters such as meteor or rogue satellite hits

google 'evidence planet x' and you will find some interesting articles and vids.


always a good place for planet x information.

Maybe we need deep underground facilities to support a chosen few who will live on after possible mega disasters to come, maybe who knows.

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by SaviorComplex

well I suppose being an old scifi fan some could survive off planet and then there is a possibility of a inertial dampening field who knows what gadgets the men in bvlack(projects) have

So all dead not really a possibilty even with solid fuel rocket tech, you get a couple of hundred into orbit more with time.


posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 03:21 PM
Hyea, i still believe that the best place to be if Niburu would show up is in the deep ocean inside a submarine . Inside the Earth the risk of earthquakes would be too great , on a high mountain you could be in trouble too - but if you would be on the bottom of the ocean , the water would act like a fluid amortization reducing the shock waves of the earthquakes . I am not sure about the Gama ray radiation if the water would provide any protection for this - however under the sea I do not see any problem in having a heavy shield of led . Or maybe we should ask the Apollo guys how they managed to survive on the moon without any radiation protection at all !

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by SaviorComplex

Settling my accounts???
Get into horrendous debt more like. Might aswell party like it's the end of the world.

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by sty

Just thinking about the submarine idea. I like it but something about the possibility of all the water being pulled from one side of the planet to the other side by the gravitational pull of a near earth object really worries me.

Not too sure any sub could be controlled under those circumstances. No even Seaquest DSV.

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by Munro_DreadGod

Cheers for you 2 cents, mate.
Nice to have someone completely embracing the implausible idea Planet X for the sake of a good story.

Will check out that link with much gusto.

p.s who are these D.U.M.B dudes when they are at home?

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by lordapathy

Further to my submarine idea, it would not really matter if the oceans were pulled to to the other side of the World, because as happened in the middle ages, when the sea disappeared from between England and France, once the offending celestial body had passed, the sea returned after two weeks.
Provided that you had sufficient provisions, all would be well.


posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by horsegiver

Hey horsegiver,
You're from my part of the world. I'm a Christchurch boy. Good to see some local colour about.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by sty
Hyea, i still believe that the best place to be if Niburu would show up is in the deep ocean inside a submarine .

Nope, sorry, that wouldn't work either. The moment the Earth's rotation stopped, you would be flung into space along with everyone else and all the water in the ocean.

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