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Westboro Baptist Church thanks God for the shooting at my school

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posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 02:30 PM
This is what happens when people believe in an angry vengeful God of eternal torture. The 20/20 program reported they lost a lawsuit for 11 million dollars. I wouldn't think they had that kind of cash. I guess it only goes against their corporation, not sure.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 02:42 PM
i believe NOONE should push their personal beliefs on ANYONE. you believe what you want to and iwill believe what i want to. period. you want to be gay fine- just don't hit on me i'm not. but that is your decision. i was raised a methodist and forced to go to church but as i got older and more well schooled i came to believe there is no god. so that is my belief. however i still believe people should have a sense of values morals and ethics and treat other people with respect which most people donot have anymore. i love to hunt and at times get harassed by PETA. lucky i don't hunt them.but like i said before if a church that is so caring about human life should say that this slaughter of innocent people is ok they are asses. oh wait i forgot they slaughterd many people in the crusades and the spanish inquisition pushing their beliefs so i guess history is just repeating itself as usual.
and once again i ask where the # are the "revs" sharpton and jackson to scream about this? nowhere- they are just racist assholes

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by DigitalGrl

religous people have been controlled thats y thay all the same and dont say u aint the same u are u will be diffrent is wene u finnely relise u have been lied to for long time wake up to ya selfs its time to make a diffrence preach love not hate preach that we are al lthe same and we should all help each other and preach to question things that seem wierd because we are being lied to specialy by our goverments

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by DigitalGrl
i didnt think of it this way....
i posted about it because it outraged me

I know, its a natural reaction to tell people when youre angry but its exactly what they want you to do.

Theyd stop doing it if no one knew they existed.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 06:35 PM
Oh time to drag out the Valhall Westboro flyer!
This thing has been having to be used for how many years now???

Sick sick people.

[edit on 2-16-2008 by Valhall]

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by Bigwhammy

Here's a bit of a link to the story on the twisted church's lawsuit:

The Sicko Church

My heart goes out to each and everyone who has been affect by these needless shootings.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 06:39 PM
DigitalGrl; my prays are with you and every student of this school. It is a shame so many young adults were taken so quickly by a person who needed help himself.

As for Fred Phelps and his clan, they seem to have gotten more outrageous in the last couple of years. It's sort of like publicity has gone to their heads with media coverage. I had the opportunity to talk to them at various locations for different reasons, but never took the time. I figured it would be a waste of time.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by bigfoot1212

I noticed through your other posts that you state you have your beliefs and others have theirs that is all fine and good.

But I was curious about you saying this:
you want to be gay fine- just don't hit on me i'm not.

If someone does not know you are not gay and they do hit on you what are you going to do? Why does someone hitting on you bother you so much? It’s not like by them hitting on you, you will catch “gayness”. I have been hit on many times and I have not turned gay yet, actually I’m flattered when I get hit on by either male or female, though my wife might not like it when I do.

Also it was men who caused the crusades not Christians. As pointed out in an earlier post many who call themselves Christians are not.

As to the OP:


You and those at your school could organize a large gathering yourselves as mentioned above. Actually it would be nice to see a bunch of people get together and picket their church for a change. Since these people do not seem to understand the meaning of love thy neighbor maybe they could be taught.

I agree with some of your posting from time to time.
But for once I will agree with every word you posted.


posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 06:48 PM
DigitalGirl, these people are not Christians; they are twisted sick people who have no concept of decency and kindness.

Thank God you are ok and my prayers go out to all of you and especially the victims and their families.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 06:57 PM
good point raist and touche! and i don't do anything other than say "i'm not interested" and just walk away. and actually the more i think about it it is kind of flattering. thank you for pointing that out. reminds me of the simpsons episode where homer was thinking mr. burns was hitting on him lmao

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 07:03 PM
I don't want to put you in harm's way, but I think the best way to deal with these people is to confront them. I think you should look into the teachings of Jesus, and make sure you can confront them head on with quotes from the man they believe is their savior.

if you need any help I'm sure people on here can help point out the key teachings to emphasize to these people. Confront them face to face, don't try to reason with them, don't respond to their hatred with more hatred, simply quote to them the teachings of Jesus. Let them understand what their religion is truly about. If that is in fact their religion. If their heads start spinnig around and they start spitting up pea soup at you, run for the hills.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by bigfoot1212

Thanks for clearing that up.

The people in doing this though are not as easy going on the subject as it seems most of us here on ATS are though unfortunately.

It really saddens me when some people I have seen on ATS place them in the same category with Christians or even religious people in general. The people the OP mentions are not really worth the time to be noticed though they do seem to make it very hard.


posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by Raist

i agree with you on that
and as for the church alot are just corrupt criminals who hide behind a tax free religious belief. they extort money from people(i.e. tithes) and in return claim that because they donated(stolen) their money they will get into heaven. if god exists what the hell does he care about money?
and how about the priests who sexually abuse boys? doesn't sound like a good religion to me

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 08:20 PM
I'm a Christian and also am opposed against gay marriage but it is not my job to picket or post messages on my website to say I'm glad God did what he did.

My only job as a Christian is to serve Him and live my life.

These people mock God and these are the people that God has written about. They have hate in their heart. I know it may sound confusing but deep down inside the real God fearing, God loving, God worshiping people God knows the real ones from the fake ones.

Please, do not any of you believe these are what real Christians behave like.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by SteveAndrew

It's rather pointless to be against homosexual marriage. How can 2 people's mutual love for each other be bad? Jesus never said anything about gay's, did he? If you're going to call yourself a christian It's best to stick to what Jesus directly taught. The Westboro Baptist's clearly have a problem doing that.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 08:57 PM
Hey, I'm sorry that you have to fall victim to these Westboro Fruitcakes. If "God hates Fags", then he must absolutely despise these clowns. They are the biggest joke since Code Pink (whom I especially despise for taking a Breast Cancer Awareness color/name and turning it into a protest group). They came to an Arlington Cemetery Funeral and attempted to disrupt it, but Rolling Thunder came through and drowned them out with their Harley's. They also blocked Westboro and a bunch of fake 40 Years Too late Wanna-be Hippies from desecrating the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. You think these weak suckers could ever stand up to Rolling Thunder? Lol, they had it handed to them.

Here, to brighten up your day, I have a video of what happened to Westboro when they entered a small Midwest Town that had Military Personnel fighting overseas:

[edit on 2-16-2008 by TheAgentNineteen]

[edit on 2-16-2008 by TheAgentNineteen]

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 10:07 PM
I hate this group of Jesus freaks so bad........I have to end there, or I will go to prison with what I would say next.

I will say ....That pile of pig vomit Phelps better keep praying.

[edit on 16-2-2008 by TXMACHINEGUNDLR]


posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 10:20 PM
I'm a Christian and I think that a lot of people should meet them, if they want to disrupt the funerals, and lay hands on them(or baseball bats if they want to cause real trouble). If those people are real Christians, I'll kiss your bare rear end. I put them just under radical Muslims. You can't reason with these kind of people. My sister-in-law is this way. We finally told her that we were not worrying about going to Heaven since she was going to be the only one there.

Go to the funerals and show support for your fallen friends. I hope God will deal with the morons.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 11:20 PM
this is disgraceful. People like these church members are the one of the reasons the world is in the shape that its in. They should be ashamed of themselves. How can a CHURCH condone the murder of innocent KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......its just insane.

ya know if hell exists, im sure there is a special place reserved for people who would picket a murder victims funeral in front of there families because they dont agree with the polices of a school they attended.

[edit on 16-2-2008 by drock905]

[edit on 16-2-2008 by drock905]

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by DigitalGrl

This is horrific. I assume this is the same church that is notorious for this sort of thing. As far as I know, almost every university has some kind of GLBT student groups. This is a reason to protest the funerals of innocent students killed by a crazed gunman? Absurd! I've said it before and I'll say it again, I would love to show up to protest when any one of these "good Christians" passes on.

Several of my family members have attended NIU, and my cousin is a current student...thankfully she was not on campus that day.

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