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'We have had the ability to Clone since 1962'

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posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 08:15 PM
wow menguard 9 posts in a row! yes it would be easy for them to replace people using this but how would it be possible when clones take as long as humans to grow? you would need to educate them as well and if the process was sped up they would age rapidly and most likely eat so much to maintain their incredible metabolism that it would be kind of obvious wouldn't it?

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 08:18 PM
Yes very valid Question, would it take as long as a human to grow, or is it genetically enhanced to grow faster, or is it Cloned and already in Grown up form. Also how does age affect clones. Do they age faster, slower, or not at all.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by menguard
reply to post by darcon

There are those that have deactivated their spirit to the point of no return. Those are the same as clones.

Your whole post grabbed my attention. The above quote realy floored me. Could you please explain more?

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 08:37 PM
Well manguard would be better at explaining but i guess i could give it a go. If a person is not able to love on a daily basis, their Aura color changes to that of a muddy color. So if your aura color was blue, it would be a muddy blue, that it would almost look brown. Now that would mean you are emotionally destroyed. But to deactivate your spirit to the point of no return would mean you are not able feel any emotions at all. If you are worried that you are like that, i Highly doubt you are. Here is a Meditation that can help with improving your ability to love.
It is called Heart Chakra Radiance. It has helped me greatly

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by darcon

Thanks for the answer. The thought never crossed my mind that I would be that
. I was just trying to incorperate this thread and the concept of being emotionaly dead in reference to clone. I am just blown away about this whole thread.

Have a great night!

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 09:06 PM
No problem, just by the urgency it looked like it was important, but i guess it is important to know this kind of stuff.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 10:08 PM
Very intriguing. Clones, that is the way I see it.

You watch how people live in public, they are like a school of fish, a group conciousness it seems they have, yet are totally oblivious to. They take the path of least resistance... they'd line up in rows of 20 to go through one door when theres 3 empty ones next to it. They bump into each other, they don't appologize, they don't even look back. They take a mental beating by standing in line 20 minutes every day to get the same coffee as everyone else. Everyone needs their coffee fix they programmed into us. And while they are waiting, they make sure not to get within 2 feet of anyone else, everyone has their bubble or field of energy, and they don't want to let anyone in.

Finally they get to the front of the line, they are so spaced out they can't even remember what they ordered, they can't even say it right. You can feel the stress of the all the employees, they feel totally broken down, but at least they still feel.

Finally, they get to work, they do the same thing every day. Their work isn't signifigant, but they do it because its their job, and it has to be done, of course, that makes sense. But they do it for the money ultimately. I'll give 100 dollars to someone if they tell me making spreadsheets is their passion.

Anyways.. they put in 8 hours of work, they could have gotten it done in 3 hours, they know that, but they have to stay the full shift... in addition of the transportation of work and back, it leaves them about an hour to eat and see their family, another hour to do a few chores, a small bit of time to clean themselves up, and when they finaly feel beaten down and ready for bed, they get 2 hours of TV time.

They got us programmed so well, they don't even give us an hour of the day just to THINK... And thats right, we don't get paid to think! Or another one of my favourite quotes "Sometimes we don't have a choice." we ALWAYS have a choice.

And when you try and wake everybody up, theres always some drone that chimes in and says "You're too idealistic.".. TOO IDEALISTIC? Since when was that a bad thing? Who's creating these catch phrases, the government? Man..

Its a perfect system they got. A system of distraction, confusion, hostility and all physical urges.

The television slowly break you down with their continueous stream of advertisements, trying to get you hooked on another product you don't even need. And when that madness is over, the long awaited "program" comes on, and all is right in our life. I wonder why they call them television programs?

The shows, and the commercials highlight the flaws in our society perfectly, but we accept it as comedy. Tv portrays civilization as a bunch of moronic sheep, so obsessed with the little things. Little things that they encourage us to take from others, because its a free society, and its our right.

Don't even get me started on the education system. To sum it up.. It's early de-programming of the human spirit. They strictly enforce discipline, give us a heavy workload and our future happyness pretty much relies on how compliant we are.

WE ARE BROKEN DOWN. It's amazing how resiliant we actually are. We pretend like this is the way its suppose to be, as if its a good way to live life.

A good amount of us are deffinately clones in that perspective. Turn of your television. Be selective with music. Don't feed yourself lyrics you KNOW you don't agree with, just because you like the sound of it. The music industry, a perfect example of frequency control. What I mean is... how come fight songs kick ass, and make me wanna go fight people? When really...I don't wish harm on any living thing.

Man I'm not done with this one just yet... we are all clones!

[edit on 15-2-2008 by CavemanDD]

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 10:16 PM
Have you ever noticed you like to have the tv on, even when you'r not watching it? Background sound perhaps? Ok... well some of us mute the TV, but still leave it on, because it makes us feel comfortable. Whats that high pitch yet subtle sound it gives off when its on? How come when you go into the TV section at Best Buy you get such a LOW feeling, of low energy. It just makes you bored, and tired, and depressed. And then you go into the computer monitor section... essentially the same, they are both screens, you don't feel that way?

The tv gives off a pulse or frequency that sucks you in, you want it on, because it makes you feel comfortable, thats why you have such a hard time turning it off, even if you KNOW you need to go to sleep, and theres nothing good on anyway. It sucks you in, and drains your energy. I hate that box.

I wish I had my freind's song television he wrote for a contest for this college. He won, but they sent him a letter saying he couldn't win because he didn't even go to the college.
Point is it was the best. And I think it summed up television quite well. The line it ended on really brought it together "Its a pyramid scam ten thousand years old, and you're at the bottom cuz you do what you're told".

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 10:23 PM
Gazing through the window at the world outside
Wondering if mother earth will survive
Hoping that mankind will stop abusing her, sometime

After all theres just the two of us
And here we are still fighting for our lives
Watching all of history repeat itself, time after time

Im just a dreamer, I dream my life away
Im just a dreamer, who dreams of better days

I watch the sun go down like everyone of us
Im hoping that the dawn will bring a sign
A better place for those who will come after us this time

Im just a dreamer, I dream my life away, oh yeah
Im just a dreamer, who dreams of better days

Your higher power may be God or jesus christ
It doesnt really matter much to me
Without each others help there aint no hope for us
Im living in a dream, a fantasy
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah

If only we could just find serenity
It would be nice if we could live as one
When will all this anger, hate and bigotry be gone?

Im just a dreamer, I dream my life away, today
Im just a dreamer, who dreams of better days, ok
Im just a dreamer, whos searching for the way, today
Im just a dreamer, dreaming my life away
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
-Ozzy Osbourne

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 10:23 PM
yes ive always wondered about that noise,its very strange,some high pitch frequencies going on.perhaps it has some negative affect upon the mind with long exposure?

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 10:26 PM
I don't have cable, and i don't buy any movies from the Store. You ask where i get the shows i occasionally watch, well i am a fellow Pirate

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 11:52 PM
I would imagine that somewhere in this world- secretly- most likely including our country have already cloned or are in the process of cloning humans.

Alot of alien believers think that MIB's are clones.

Who knows but I have a strong feeling that this has been done without anyone knowing...its just common dont build something, without trying it first.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by CavemanDD

Excellent Post!

We are all just slaves to society. I remember when i was young the world being full of happy people with big dreams. Even as a teenager there was plenty of hope for the future. The way i figure to some degree we have always been controlled but not so much as to destroy our identities. I noticed a drastic change in people after 9/11 though.

All of a sudden all people cared about was spending, consuming, and worrying about the next event that would take place on TV. I swear they are making all the crazyness in the world take place because they ran out of ideas for origional tv shows. Keep the ratings going up, control the people. Who needs a real life anymore? The Media had dozens of ways of creating one for you. Live through your favorite shows, dress like your favorite stars, adjust your entire image and personality to the genre (frequency) of music you listen to and live accordingly.

Whats interesting about how they hook you in with tv is that it kind of simulates a campfire. Gathering around the campfire to listen to stories and tell histories is probably the single most important aspect of how we evolved into an advanced society. I wonder if the brainwashing that we experience on a day to day basis was something that perhaps we accidently unleashed on ourselves as a subconscious way of preserving the campfire. Or is it part of something even more sinister, like alien invasion. How easy would that be, to take over a planet with billions of lifeforms practically handing it over to you without firing a single shot.

Oh and as far as coffee is concerned, i recently switched to home brew and WHAT A DIFFERENCE! I no longer feel that desire to run down lineups of people with my car in the morning. I Also feel more energetic and an having a little easier time concentrating on my studies. My family says im happier and easier to talk to and get along with. As far as im concerned big chain coffee destroys your nervous system. It practiacally strips you of yoru ability to make reasonable decisions, concentrate on tasks, and makes people more irritable when they have not had one for some time. Ive also noticed it starts to affect your physical health as well.

I try my darndest to spread the word on many things such as this. It took me almost a year to disconnect my wife from coffee shop coffee. She opposed me the whole time and told me i am being paranoid about drinking it. Now that shes not dependant on it anymore she sees my point in full. Basically in our society if you are not hooked on any sort of illegal drugs, thats ok there are legally sold ones that you can get hooked on as well. Under the influence of anything we are 100% more suggestable and considerably easier to break. Combine these methods with TV and you got yourself a populace that could be controlled literally on command.

Not saying that im not a fan of tv, but the line has to be drawn somewhere. WHen i was young i got 1 hour of tv a day if i was lucky. But i had a drive to play outside and to play games and sports and interact with other people. This isnt the case anymore with our youth. Sure they interact, but most require the use of technology to do so. I was watching a show the other day on tv where a guy wanted to talk to this girl he saw out in public that he was interested in. Instead of approaching her he followed her to an internet cafe and instant messaged her there as to break the ice. Is this where we are headed? Talk to people in the same room by using our cell phones and computers instead of talking to them? I certainly hope not.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by darcon
Interesting link Manguard, Would clones be able to love? When a clone is made, do you think a soul jumps in, or are they like robots?

No, only the origional specimen is the container of the "soul" of the being that is cloned. Any other "copy" is simply a "copy" of the physical form of the being. May seem a little one-sided, but ifyou really think about it, it's the truth. Life isn't Anarchy Online, and it's not like you could retain the memories you had if you were cloned. Your clone would be a new being all together.

If it did retain any memories of it's predicesors life, it would be like a computer retaining fragments of a program previously deleted. It contained fragments, perhaps similar to a game that retains the saves if you so choose, to put it in plain context.

Clones aren't the origional being, plain and simple.

To the post above mine by Caveman, I 100% agree. That was the purpose of 911, with the slash left our on purpose to produce the emergency sense of insecurity. As far as coffee is concerned, you definitely need to switch to decafe.


[edit on 16-2-2008 by Knightshadowz]

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by Knightshadowz


You can have dozens of computer systems, all identical in design and performance, that will contain different data and behave differently due to the level of wear and tear and programming customization. Some could stop functioning early, some will perform better than others. The only time you can make the other retain the same data is if you rip out the data storage device and implant it in another system, a procedure that we cannot yet perform to humans. Or can we?

It is interesting to note however that new data storage devices come blank from factory. Would clones? Or would they at least have some basic programming, genetic memory or instinct if you will? It would be an interesting sight. I wonder if cloned animals came out as empty shells as well.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 04:53 AM

Originally posted by CavemanDD
Very intriguing. Clones, that is the way I see it.

You watch how people live in public, they are like a school of fish, a group conciousness it seems they have, yet are totally oblivious to. They take the path of least resistance... they'd line up in rows of 20 to go through one door when theres 3 empty ones next to it. They bump into each other, they don't appologize, they don't even look back. They take a mental beating by standing in line 20 minutes every day to get the same coffee as everyone else. Everyone needs their coffee fix they programmed into us. And while they are waiting, they make sure not to get within 2 feet of anyone else, everyone has their bubble or field of energy, and they don't want to let anyone in.

Finally they get to the front of the line, they are so spaced out they can't even remember what they ordered, they can't even say it right. You can feel the stress of the all the employees, they feel totally broken down, but at least they still feel.

Finally, they get to work, they do the same thing every day. Their work isn't signifigant, but they do it because its their job, and it has to be done, of course, that makes sense. But they do it for the money ultimately. I'll give 100 dollars to someone if they tell me making spreadsheets is their passion.

Anyways.. they put in 8 hours of work, they could have gotten it done in 3 hours, they know that, but they have to stay the full shift... in addition of the transportation of work and back, it leaves them about an hour to eat and see their family, another hour to do a few chores, a small bit of time to clean themselves up, and when they finaly feel beaten down and ready for bed, they get 2 hours of TV time.

They got us programmed so well, they don't even give us an hour of the day just to THINK... And thats right, we don't get paid to think! Or another one of my favourite quotes "Sometimes we don't have a choice." we ALWAYS have a choice.

And when you try and wake everybody up, theres always some drone that chimes in and says "You're too idealistic.".. TOO IDEALISTIC? Since when was that a bad thing? Who's creating these catch phrases, the government? Man..

Its a perfect system they got. A system of distraction, confusion, hostility and all physical urges.

The television slowly break you down with their continueous stream of advertisements, trying to get you hooked on another product you don't even need. And when that madness is over, the long awaited "program" comes on, and all is right in our life. I wonder why they call them television programs?

The shows, and the commercials highlight the flaws in our society perfectly, but we accept it as comedy. Tv portrays civilization as a bunch of moronic sheep, so obsessed with the little things. Little things that they encourage us to take from others, because its a free society, and its our right.

Don't even get me started on the education system. To sum it up.. It's early de-programming of the human spirit. They strictly enforce discipline, give us a heavy workload and our future happyness pretty much relies on how compliant we are.

WE ARE BROKEN DOWN. It's amazing how resiliant we actually are. We pretend like this is the way its suppose to be, as if its a good way to live life.

A good amount of us are deffinately clones in that perspective. Turn of your television. Be selective with music. Don't feed yourself lyrics you KNOW you don't agree with, just because you like the sound of it. The music industry, a perfect example of frequency control. What I mean is... how come fight songs kick ass, and make me wanna go fight people? When really...I don't wish harm on any living thing.

Man I'm not done with this one just yet... we are all clones!

[edit on 15-2-2008 by CavemanDD]

Good post. its nice to see im not the only one that notices all that stuff. alot of people here spot some of it but it looks like you even notice the small details as well. ive felt like a prisoner and argued against people mindlessly doing things the flawed way we do things since i can remember so i know exactly what your talking about. thinking back i can even see why teachers in school took a disliking to me because i was never afraid to speak up and ask why do we do things this way or wouldn't this work better?

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 06:05 AM

Originally posted by menguard

It is to my knowing we have had the capability to clone since 1962, now who amongst us would serve as a good canidate to clone?

Here is a link that goes with my knowing.

Not surprised...probably longer.
Who did they clone? Lets see, maybe Bush is a clone, Saddam had look a likes...maybe he is cloned...the whole white house is clones.



p.s. also what about the current clones of human-animal hybrids. (should be an article here about it, if not do a search and there was one on the bbc.) anyway, makes you wonder about mythology.

[edit on 16-2-2008 by dAlen]

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 06:26 AM
reply to post by dAlen

It is good to see that, once again, MenGuard has stepped up and with his many expanded areas of expertise and, critically amazing insights to guide us through the highly technical, ethical, and moral morass of cloning.

I'm thinking we would be in a quandry without it ...

Now, however, I'm kind of wondering if we don't have someone around who may have a bit more technical insight to show us the light in that direction.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 07:27 AM
I have it on good authority that those that talk about cloning are the ones who are cloned. Its part of the clones nature to discover its origin.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 07:45 AM
Seriously though (the above post was a joke) how can you go from the question over gurdons research to 75% of the world are cloned? Seriously?

I am a scientist, and have experience with GE. We are nowhere near doing what anyone on this thread thinks is possible. No where near it. Not only can we not do what you think we are still lightyears away from doing it. We don't even know what the components really do yet (intron/exon/dna/rna/epigenetic info) let alone able to manipulate them to do what we want. That will take another 50-500+ years (in other words so far off we can't estimate), if we get there at all. I personally don't believe its possible to create "clones" as you see them (being controlled) - the self-organising behaviour of our systems will deal to that.

Still, I hope we get there faster, I wouldn't mind a new body when I'm 60 or so.

The only option would be for some outside intelligence doing it. If they are that advanced, they won't need our help or cooperation - and certainly wouldn't need our governments.

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