Ya i was told when your aura is a cloudy or muddy color of what it is supposed to be, it means they are emotionally Destroyed, but i suppose you would
have to go past that to Deactivate you soul to a point of no return.
I suppose you could call the physical world HELL in a sense. Since their is no hell, to our inner selves this would be considered just that. To our
EGO it is a place of freedom. Meanwhile we are getting the wool pulled over are faces
You know these SOULesS PEOPLE or Clones they are the ones with no light in their eyes. Nothing but darkness. Void of all light.
You look into them and their is nothing inside them, not one twinge of light into their eyes. This is one obvious take on them. You look into their
soul and their is only emptieness. They have been recycled back here time and time again.
I believe there was a blimpos or blimpies commercial that had a baby right by a park bench, that was definately an engineered clone, not spiritualy
That was talking like a man that commercial was definately a TRIGGER to those awake. Does anybody remember that commercial the babys eyes were black
bottom less pits.
Other then a three dimensional illusion not much of a world, they would be the ones quick to short circuit. Especially if the world is moving up in
frequency, these clones are short circuiting they cannot hold a higher vibration. You are probably seeing them on television a world outside their own
doesn't exist, its animal instinctive or nothing.
So these clones would probably be born Killers, which brings up another disturbing theory, What if the government has been making these clones, for
that specific purpose. Ever heard of HITMAN.
Because that is exactly what is being engineered, not only there but through certain television programs to erase ones sense of knowing what reality
They want to keep you in the lower chakra centers, never to experience higher planets programs. Always through sexual statures, violance, blackmail
manipulation, assaults, murders. Where does the programming stop from the animal instictive lower chakras to the higher living ones.