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"Gun Control is the Only Answer"

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posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 02:10 PM
From Paul Harvey..

In 1929 the Soviet Union established gun control.
- From 1929 to 1953, approximately 20 million
dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded
up and exterminated.

In 1911, Turkey established gun control.
- From 1915-1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to
defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Germany established gun control in 1938.
- From 1939 to 1945, 13 million Jews, gypsies,
homosexuals, the mentally ill, and others, who were
unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and

China established gun control in 1935.
- From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents,
unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and

Guatemala established gun control in 1964.
- From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to
defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Uganda established gun control in 1970.
- From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to
defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Cambodia established gun control in 1956.
- From 1975 to 1977, one million "educated" people,
unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and

That places total victims who lost their lives because
of gun control at approximately 56 million in the last

How bout the results of Australias gun control?

The results Australia-wide; Homicides are up 3.2%,
Assaults are up 8 %, and Armed robberies are up 44%.
In that country's state of Victoria, homicides with
firearms are up 300%.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 02:23 PM
Of course its is.

That is, if you mean, the powers that be taking the guns away from all the peon serfs who just need to get back to pouring their blood and sweat down the drain in a life of tempered misery, so that the blue bloods can masturbate to the idea of being supreme world overlord. Guns freed us from the grip of their penny pinching fingers, and they have been trying to craft a way to get them ever since.

Maybe really analyzing the 'cocktail' of SSRIs (and the like) over prescribed, mixed with an overdose of simulated violence (tv-videogames), ritualistically ingrained into the minds of our citizens? What happens to people if they are given Drugs for their 'depression' when perhaps they are not biochemically depressed at all? Adverse reactions? Maybe they are just overwrought because they broke some 500 dollar gadget that they don't need. Or that they parents don't treat them like the see in the movies. I don't know, but jumping to the conclusion that Guns, Guns Guns, we need to get rid of Guns... Man some of us are manipulated by the 'man'...

Honestly, maybe they should take away our guns. Enslave our grandchildren to fascist capitalism, with the weapons in the hands of the credit givers. Then in a few hundred years, maybe one of our offspring will finally invent a new way to overthrow their oppressor. Personally, I would rather just not have to go through all that, and stop treating the populace as guinea pigs for Mengele type Social Experiments/Engineering. Its like its Sim City/theSims, and the player (either God or the Illuminati, depends on who you talk to) wants to see how crappy they can make our lives and we will still take it.

It will be an interesting scene when they TRY to come take the guns. Not really one I want to witness.


posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 02:28 PM
Here is a thread of mine about the tragic death of a young child (Actually a Murder) by the State of Michigan and the Court system.

How many people are dying from "Ignorance" of prescription medication?

ATS is about "Denying Ignorance" lets put the glove on a few different hands now and see.

What does a murder, killer look like?

What is the profile? What is the criteria? And lastly what are the instruments of death?

What would happen if a wacko poisoned a large group of people? Then what?

Originally posted by Realtruth
A sad story I wanted to post. The story makes me sad because these people are friends of our family, so we knew them personally. I don't know why I didn't post it sooner, but sometimes tragic events like these you kind of blank out.

Our fourteen-Year-old Son Matthew died on March 21, 2000. The cause was determined to be from the long-term (age 7-14) of using of Methylphenidate a medication commonly known as Ritalin.

Matthew took 10mg of Ritalin three times a day; he was taken away from us for one week for testing by the court. They said they would be doing organic testing. We found out this was never done. When he got home we were court ordered to give him 20mg three tines a day.

For the last year of his life he was taking 20mg of Ritalin three times a day.

The Certificate of Death under due to, (or because of) reads, Death caused from Long Term Use of Methylphenidate, (Ritalin). According to Dr. Ljuba Dragovic, The chief pathologist in Oakland County Michigan, upon autopsy, Matthew's heart showed clear signs of small vessel damage, the type caused by stimulant drugs like amphetamines.

The medical examiners told me that a full-grown man’s heart weighs about 350 grams and that Matthew's heart weight was about 402 grams.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

See, that is the problem while we have other things in our nation causing unnecessary deaths and despair to every day citizens, Guns are the blame because we all know the agenda.

The pharmaceuticals kill more people in this Nation than anybody cares to expose.

But they are a multi billion industry and they are well embedded in our government, within our government and money flows like water.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 02:44 PM
Hey marg,

The sad thing is you mix all this together and we have a great big mess.

Sooner of later we are going to have to come to terms, maybe we are pushing to hard as a society. Maybe we just need to slow down and smell the roses.

What good is all the material things in life or trying to achieve more, if everyone is always stressed out and sometimes snap.

What does is take to change the essence of a person and push them to snap?

I would say having a hard time keep up with what society thinks is normal. Some individuals just can't handle day to day pressure of life, and I don't blame them one bit.

Originally posted by marg6043
See, that is the problem while we have other things in our nation causing unnecessary deaths and despair to every day citizens, Guns are the blame because we all know the agenda.

The pharmaceuticals kill more people in this Nation than anybody cares to expose.

But they are a multi billion industry and they are well embedded in our government, within our government and money flows like water.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

Just keep watching as our economy goes down the drain, unemployment rises, high pay jobs in the last manufacturing business are replaced by lower wages jobs and people keeps losing their American dream they either get into anti-depressants to cope with life and then just go on a killing rampage to end their misery in their lives.

I feel that is going to get worst as killings and suicides goes and what better excuse to tap into gun control than now, or just dope the entire population on medications by law.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 03:00 PM
I can now visualize the wheels turning in those businesses that sell and put up fences. Just think, if there are more fences put up in this Country it will take longer for anything to happen.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 03:10 PM
why hasn't anyone mentioned cigarettes? the tobacco co.s were fined BILLIONS of $ by the gov't but they still are not outlawed.
hmmm maybe because they contribute so much to our gov't that they can't be or our economy would shatter
but they are a huge killer
so are cars
even tho i smoke i would love to see all the tobacco co.s get together and just say # you we give up. we made our money now we are done- you beat us. then see what happens- how many jobs lost -people rioting in the streets- the black market dealings etc. our ecomony would collapse
the proportion of gun deaths by population pales in camparison to the # of deaths caused by smoking, cars, diseaes by unhealthful eating habits etc.
why don't they target these instead.
oh wait i know!!!! because blowing smoke in a politicians face won't kill him or anyone else instantly

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 03:43 PM
The problem is people say "doc give me a pill to fix the way i feel ".
There is the problem , everyone thinks a pill will cure your problems. Nobody wants to face reality anymore.

Ritalin should not be given to children period. Being hyper active or even disobediant as a child is the process of going through hormonal changes in the body. Have you noticed how many things are now considered a disease that were not some 20n yrs ago.
Yeah that means the big Pharma can make a drug for it and your doc writes a scrip for it and you get hooked on it making it almost impossible to get off of.

My oldest sister has been on an anti depressant for almost 17yrs (since my father died) and you never know how she will react to what you may say. Sometimes she is scary.
I have tried telling her to get off the crap but she insist she needs it and I tell her to just face reality and to get out of dreamworld.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 03:45 PM
Many ATS members have suspected that there is a domestic disarmamament policy being practices by certain Federal agencies. As many people in this thread have stated, there is an overall trend to disarm us in play that we need to be aware of. The implcations are sobering. I am glad to see this discussion.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by Nailer

Your right there, people are too obsessed with tablets and what they can do. People should be told that things like excercise are good for depression, far better in many ways than tablets.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by andy1033

It seems there might be more known by the Army about his phsychological issues than one might expect:

A former employee at a Chicago psychiatric treatment center said Kazmierczak's parents placed him there after high school. She said he used to cut himself, and had resisted taking his medications.

He had a short-lived stint as a prison guard that ended abruptly when he didn't show up for work. He also was in the Army for about six months in 2001-02, but he told a friend he'd gotten a psychological discharge.
Kazmierczak enlisted in September 2001, but was discharged in February 2002 for an unspecified reason, Army spokesman Paul Boyce said.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 04:01 PM
They are going to disarm us when they have eveyone under control with some type of med or mandatory vaccine that clouds your judgement.

I dont take meds unless I gravely Ill and even then I am reluctant.
The coming communist American Government is trying its best to abolish the Constitution/Bill Of Rights and make we the people into we the sheeple/slaves.

where I lived in 1980 I could walk down the road with a loaded rifle on my shoulder headed to the shooting range( 2 miles away) and the police would just wave and say have fun. Yeah try that today and you would have 10 cop cars on you in 3 minutes and get shot or tazered to death.

The reason is all the fearmongers have turned your neighbor into a snitch/narc for the police.
Oh look out for those evil gun owners as they will shoot you for no reason at all. GOD I hate it when people /sheeple start preaching to me about how bad/evil guns are. I just tell them its my choice to own a weapon and when the SHTF dont come crawling to me for help.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by tac109
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

Taking away the guns, will make the criminals have to get out of the car, and go stab the person they wish to harm. They will not say..."well since we dont have guns...I guess ill just forget about this, and go to bed".

No! The criminals will still have their guns.All gun control will do is make it easier for the criminals to do what they do.Unarm the law abiding people and it'll be like taking candy from a baby for the criminals and for our government.

This is the second case I know of that the shooter went off of his meds before committing an atrocity like this.It isn't the fault of the isn't the fault of the gun isn't the fault of the ammo makers. IT'S THE FAULT OF THE IDIOT THAT QUIT TAKING HIS MEDS!
People need to lay the blame where it belongs...on the individual not on the tools the individual used.
If people can't accept that this kid was just whacked out and need to lay blame then lay it on the makers of the medications that is causing this kind of behavior when it's use is stopped.

Take away guns and you take away our ability to defend ourselves from people intending to do us harm and from our government doing anything they wish to us.

From my cold dead hands can they have my guns!

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by lifestudent

Thats amazing aand they were trying to say he was a model person, and student. I know everyone has there secrets, but there is alot there saying he was troubled.

Nice find.

I just read, the article, very interesting. Surely there must be some reason, why he wanted to take it out on the former school. I wonder what happened to him, that like the article says, he hid well, from everyone. Maybe he decided that the university was when his life started to go wrong, maybe, maybe not.

[edit on 2/16/2008 by andy1033]

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 04:12 PM
People needs to understand that our nation is one of the nations in the world that Advertisement of drugs for self treatment is allowed in record adverstiment that is allow.

The pharmaceuticals are using the media to promote self diagnosis to citizens to lure them into asking the doctors for treatments.

When you do not ask a doctor for a particular pill they doctor more often enough will tell you the benefits of certain prevention treatment.

[edit on 16-2-2008 by marg6043]

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

I believe the medications being used are a big part of this. I had a personal experience with an antidepressant. On day three of taking it, I started having horrible thoughts of killing a large group of people. I had never thought like that before. I stopped taking that medication and have never had a thought like that since. IMO, I believe these meds cause thoughts of suicide and mass murder. If I had listened to a doctor telling me to give the medication more time (that it takes 6 weeks for the medication to work) I hate to think of what I may have been thinking by then.

As far as gun control...
They may not pass a direct law controlling guns for everyone. They may however pass a law prohibiting anyone that has ever taken any type of medication for any kind of mental illness not be allowed to purchase a gun. That will keep a very large percentage of Americans from getting a gun. Then they have started to gain gun control.

I work in the medical field. I was infomed a few by a pharmacuetical rep that they are told to not take antidepressants themselves.

I'm not against treating mental illness. My own Mother was Schizophrenic and needed medication. But She was never suicidal until put on an antidepressant.

I do not have a gun. But, I want a right to get one if I ever feel I need it.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 04:29 PM
The real reason shootings happen in USA and England is because these countries are forcing their citizens into mental stress through the extreme pressure to be rich, be famous, have power, be the best, have the most beautiful wife or husband etc.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 04:37 PM
As TinHatMan says, "The Constitution is meant to restrain the government, not the people." It's that simple point the gun control advocates are missing. Why, why, why is this so difficult to comprehend?

Whipping up gun control hysteria every time there is a shooting is their "foot in the door", just as the child porn issue is their "foot in the door" to censoring the Internet. Of course they're going to take a "bold stand" against senseless shootings and child pornography to appeal to your emotions and not your critical thinking. See beyond that obvious ploy. All they need to do is convince you to let them get their foot in the door one time. After that precedent, that inch, they will use it to take miles.

[edit on 2/16/08 by kattraxx]

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by Blue10110
Why are mentally unstable people being blamed? It isn't their fault that they are crazy. When I went to school I remember there was a boy who was teased every day. The bullies got away with it all the time. They're never blamed for anything and they don't even get punished hard enough. So the person who they teased starts to think that they have to be punished.
A girl was recently beaten up by some other girls in this country where I live. Noone deals with stuff like this. Or if they do then they deal with the consequenses not the reasons. The reasons of these things are what have to be dealed with.

I agree with a lot of what you just said.While I don't blame someone for having a mental disability I do blame them if they stop taking their medications. I know several people that are on meds for mental disorders and the thing both their doctors and pharmacist stress the most is DO NOT STOP TAKING THESE MEDS.

Playground bullies are by far a major contributer to people lashing out. But in my experience it's usually a case of the bullied becomes a bully to people smaller than him. Or the bullied takes action against the bully not against a room full of innocent people.Unless the person has been bullied and picked on or teased by the whole group.Which in my opinion and it's only my opinion they get what they deserve.

One possible solution, and I know some schools do this, is to have programs in place run by the students to look for these things.Somewhere a student being bullied or made fun of by students can speak out. But, then pride plays an issue as most boys won't speak up and say they are being bullied or are scared to go to school.

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