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Building 7, the untold story *slide show*

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posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 10:42 AM

Not to mention, if you think a building is going to collapse (breaking gas lines etc......) and not make popping should find another website to hang out at.

This is the most ridiculous argument I've heard yet from a denier. There is plenty of documented testimony on this matter.
And, for you to preemptively dismiss any evidence that i might present, conveniently precludes any possibility of doubt (you hope) that you might be wrong. Your problem is selective hearing. You tune out whatever contradicts your belief system. You have a very narrow world-view -- one that ignores history and human nature in favor of blind faith and ridicule of anyone that dares challenge it.
I reject your suggestion that I find another website. I feel quite at home here at ATS. I reject your silly argument. I won't waste my time arguing that the earth is round with you. Some people will just never get it.

non urinat in ventum

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 03:39 PM
yeah I am not sure about the personal attack. not cool to go tell somone to hang out on a different website.....

The point is that 7 fell, and it doesnt matter if we saw popping or not. It was demo'd and i think that anyone can see that if they simply WATCH the video.

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