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Building 7, the untold story *slide show*

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posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 01:38 PM
This building was another building that was fitted with "timed bomb" like the twin towers, but the plane that was suppose to crash into this building was the plane that crashed in the woods where the passengers fought with the terrorists. The reason the media did not cover this building nor do we have ANY image showing a plane flying into pentagon is because the plane NEVER REACHED the destination (building 7), yet the timer had to go off!

Pentagon was never made part of this scenario, something might have happened to the plane that was "suppose" to fly into it so they just shot a short range missile into it. Are you surprised this is an inside JOB? WAKE UP! Lookup the video called "Zietgiest" and many others asking very valuable questions, yet NO ONE has responded too, they are simply "selecting' the questions they want to answer, and just avoid others. It's like a big bully in the court yard!

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by freighttrain

interesting!?!? So you think that the plane that "went down" in Shanksville was supposed to fly into WTC? I never even thought of that but yet it makes a lot of sense! They state that the plane was supposed to fly into the capitol....

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by thedman
Gravity will pull a building down in a vertical direction whether collapse
was deliberate demolition or accidental. So unless there is a strong lateral
force acting on it the building will fall in pile centered on its footprint.

No it won't. Sorry bud but gravity will not overcome resistance no matter how hard you think it does. Gravity will not pull anything though sold matter. A falling object will take the path of least resistance, and that is not through itself.

Again show me an example of a building completely globally collapsing from fire and I'll listen. Until then I will base my opinion on my understanding of basic physics.

Why do demo experts go to all that trouble setting timed explosives if a building will fall into it's own footprint by just setting some fires?

Anyway I thought you de-bunkers claimed that WTC7 didn't fall into it's own footprint? So are you now admitting you believe it did? If you are then you are halfway to the truth, you now just need to realise that a building won't fall in it's own footprint without it being controlled. Walls fall outwards, not inwards, during a natural collapse because again the walls can't fall through the rest of the building so they have nowhere else to go but outwards.

Think about it instead of just reading de-bunker BS and parroting it here.

[edit on 20/2/2008 by ANOK]

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by Jeff Riff
reply to post by freighttrain

interesting!?!? So you think that the plane that "went down" in Shanksville was supposed to fly into WTC? I never even thought of that but yet it makes a lot of sense! They state that the plane was supposed to fly into the capitol....

Yeah, we all heard that, it was part of the official disinfo story. Which would piss you off more as an American citizen? Said terrorists tried to attack the entire Congress/Senate of the US or they tried to attack a building that most people have never heard of until that day... Funny to think how it really didn't make a difference overall, the building still came down and the ongoing SEC investigations were stopped. Oh and Larry S. gets a few more million on his insurance fraud claims. They now just had to write a script for a movie of flight 93s heroric passengers rushing the cockpit and crashing the plane....(no disrespect to the innocents that died on that flight) I really doubt this is not more make-believe fairy tale land.

[edit on 20-2-2008 by percievedreality]

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by percievedreality

I hate that movie, it drives me nuts! If you google directions Shanksville to NYC, I think it follows the path the plane was headed

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by Jeff Riff
reply to post by freighttrain

interesting!?!? So you think that the plane that "went down" in Shanksville was supposed to fly into WTC? I never even thought of that but yet it makes a lot of sense! They state that the plane was supposed to fly into the capitol....

Well we know from what we have discovered so far that the twin towers went down much later then when the plane end up in them. We know that the towers were engineeringly designed to withstand plane crashes. Yet when the plane crashed the building did NOT collapse, so it wasn't because of the planes. There are thousands of evidence of bomb exploding from the way the buildings poles were cut in 45 degree angle to testimonials of people saying there were explosions in basement before the building went down. The lease agreements with insurance companies, etc... look up "Zeitgiest" very informative.

Regarding building 7 we know it was suppose to go down with the rest of them as well as Pentagon, don't forget this was suppose to be a HUGE statement to the public. The plane did not reach the destination (the one that crashed in the trees), yet the bombs were timed to go off at pretty much expected time of plane crash. They could not go back in the building and start disarming all these bombs that were planted there, would be too obvious. So when the plane did NOT reach the target (building 7) it end up going down anyhow and the main stream media avoided talking about this building, such importance... yet almost no one talked about it. It's because they had their thumb up their ass by that point... would have been too obvious that there must have been bombed planned in there as well as twin towers.

Technically their plan went wrong... they should have covered it up by saying, that terrorist HAD to plant bombs in the towers as well, yet they say there were NO bombs and now they have to stick to it.

Regarding "Pentagon" well this is very interesting situation, there MUST have been plans for another plane hijack flying into it, but something must have went wrong it never happened. Yet as this was part of the statement on "attack on US" they sent a missile right into it, which explains the size of the hole in the wall and NO PHOTO. give me a break, one of the most top security buildings in the US government and no cameras around it, you go to a casino and there are THOUSANDS of cameras, yet the only images released to public are few still images of bw color photo from the parking lot booth showing NO image of anything flying into (missiles move real fast, almost a blur on camera)!!! Many people as well said they saw and heard a missile looking object flew over their heads before the explosions.

I mean, it's no secret it is so obvious that it's hard NOT to believe it has already happened. Look how much they lie to us, about income taxes, war, medical, see how they try to screw Ron Paul over because he would stand up to these bastards. It is just too obvious. I hope more people stand up and question these "true terrorists"

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 03:08 PM
yeah I can see all that. Its just hard sifting through all the disinfo that is everywhere. I watched something on the history channel yesterday called Inside 9-11, or something. Everything on there reeks of disinfo. Stuff that is blatantly obvious to people like you or me.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by Jeff Riff
yeah I can see all that. Its just hard sifting through all the disinfo that is everywhere. I watched something on the history channel yesterday called Inside 9-11, or something. Everything on there reeks of disinfo. Stuff that is blatantly obvious to people like you or me.

Like they say, it's all in the eyes of the beholder. A UFO can land on someone lawn, but if you refuse to believe it you'll find any excuse, any logical reasonings to disbelief your own lying eyes.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 06:34 PM

interesting!?!? So you think that the plane that "went down" in Shanksville was supposed to fly into WTC? I never even thought of that but yet it makes a lot of sense! They state that the plane was supposed to fly into the capitol....

Makes a lot of sense to a clown who cant read a map - United 93 took
off from Newark, NJ, less than 10 miles from WTC. You can see WTC
towers from that part of NJ (worked in Linden just south of airport
and watched towers burn and fall from my rood of my building)
So why do you fly halfway across the country to hit something you
can see? Flight 93 was south east of Pittsburg heading SOUTH!, away
from NYC and WTC complex, but in line to Washington. Intended target
was Capitol or as Bin Laden termed it "the tower of laws".

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 06:51 PM

Are there pictures of this global collapse? I'm interested to see what the columns look like. Thanks.

Don't have any pictures - may have some at firehouse. It took about
3 days with heavy equipment (cranes) to clear wreckage to recover
body of fireman. Many of the people present that day were sent to
WTC in early afternoon to assist FDNY. The captain in charge of the
crew who lost the man was also in command at WTC (as a battalion chief)
They were in World Financial Center across street from WTC 7 putting
out fire in WFC 3. Unlike others here who seem to rely on lunatic
fringe web sites, heard it from people (police,firemen, FDNY) who were at
the scene that day.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by thedman

I am not going bother with your personal attacks.....not worth it nevermind

regardless here is your map:

apparently we are clows for even suggesting that it might be headed towards NYC. Its not out of the realm of possibility. The pilots didnt take the plane off, any idiot knows that....

[edit on 20-2-2008 by Jeff Riff]

[edit on 20-2-2008 by Jeff Riff]

[edit on 20-2-2008 by Jeff Riff]

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by thedman
So why do you fly halfway across the country to hit something you
can see? Flight 93 was south east of Pittsburg heading SOUTH!, away
from NYC and WTC complex, but in line to Washington. Intended target
was Capitol or as Bin Laden termed it "the tower of laws".

First: Pennsylvania/Ohio isn't halfway across the country. What was that about clowns and maps again?

Second: Why would you fly "halfway across the country" to head south to DC?

Not that I believe 93 was intended for WTC 7.

BTW, how can you sit there and state as fact, that flight 93 was intended for the Capitol? How can the government even speculate on that one?

Maybe it would be better to say: "Flight 93's tragectory appeared as though it was heading to Washington, DC."? Not state: "the intended target was the Capitol".

Because unless you or the government knew the plans, then it is a guess. Even today with all the "confessions", it's still a guess IMO.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by Griff

Exactly!! Nobody knows where the plane was headed and we can all speculate. The point about WTC7 was interesting IMO. Were there specific documents that the government magically found in obvious places that told us they were going to hit the capitol? I have heard that the capitol was the intended target from various news outlets. We know how reliable they have been in providing the truth.....

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by thedman
Don't have any pictures - may have some at firehouse. It took about
3 days with heavy equipment (cranes) to clear wreckage to recover
body of fireman.

That still doesn't give us an example of a steel frame globally collapsing into itself from fire. I don't argue that steel frames will collapse in fire. It just doesn't happen globally and with no resistance.

Again. I implore you. Find me a past precedent for this and I'll shut up about it.

BTW, you can't. Because there are none.

Many of the people present that day were sent to
WTC in early afternoon to assist FDNY. The captain in charge of the
crew who lost the man was also in command at WTC (as a battalion chief)

Am I to be impressed?

They were in World Financial Center across street from WTC 7 putting out fire in WFC 3.

Amazing how they couldn't fight the small fires in WTC 7 (small at least by the time they were told not to fight them and the fire was able to spread) because of no water, but we hear of firefighters fighting fire across the street from it? I'm not saying I don't believe you, just that I don't believe "them" when they say that there was no water to fight 7.

BTW. What would be more important to fight a fire in? WFC 3 or WTC 7? From a firemen's standpoint? Just curious because I'd like to know why one building would be left to burn down (WTC 7) while firefighters were fighting fires in the surrounding buildings.

Also, wouldn't these firemen have been "pulled" when the collapse zone of WTC 7 was established? Or did they know that it would fall into it's footprint?

Unlike others here who seem to rely on lunatic
fringe web sites, heard it from people (police,firemen, FDNY) who were at
the scene that day.

So, you go by hearsay? I go by my education in structural engineering thank you. Not some "lunitic website". I am my own resource.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 01:34 PM
its also quite amazing that this building did NOT COLLAPSE, yet it was right next to the trade center.

That is real damage, and there were real fires in there. Why didnt it collapse??? Can anyone tell me why the Marriott building DID NOT collapse????

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by Jeff Riff

I came up with some calcs a while ago that showed that it is possible for a lighter structure to survive a fire better than a heavier one. The only thing wrong with my calcs were that they didn't include a parameter for the amount of time to get the steel to that failing temperature. Heavier structures would sink the heat better than a smaller one IMO. So, it could theoretically go either way.

Wish I had the real construction documentation of the WTC to actually make an informed opinion based on real materials. My calcs were just arbitrary steel members that have no bearing on the WTC.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by Griff
reply to post by Jeff Riff

Wish I had the real construction documentation of the WTC to actually make an informed opinion based on real materials. My calcs were just arbitrary steel members that have no bearing on the WTC.

Are those anywhere available to the public, or have they been put away so nobody can get them? If you cannot get them, why have they been removed from public viewing?

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by Jeff Riff
Are those anywhere available to the public, or have they been put away so nobody can get them? If you cannot get them, why have they been removed from public viewing?

They are not for public viewing as far as I'm aware.

And before anyone tells me that the "blueprints" have been leaked:

1). They are only the architectural drawings. I need the structural drawings showing the steel schedule etc. and the specifications.

2). We can not verify that those are actual "as-built" drawings or design drawings.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by thedman

Are there pictures of this global collapse? I'm interested to see what the columns look like. Thanks.

Don't have any pictures - may have some at firehouse. It took about
3 days with heavy equipment (cranes) to clear wreckage to recover
body of fireman. Many of the people present that day were sent to
WTC in early afternoon to assist FDNY. The captain in charge of the
crew who lost the man was also in command at WTC (as a battalion chief)
They were in World Financial Center across street from WTC 7 putting
out fire in WFC 3. Unlike others here who seem to rely on lunatic
fringe web sites, heard it from people (police,firemen, FDNY) who were at
the scene that day.

The people that were at site said "they heard a BOMB go off, an explosion" there are videos of these fireman, police officers, employees of the building saying this exact thing. Even the main stream media that was not in the loop at the moment said it "looks like a BOMB explosion" so... I dunno what you're point is!

[edit on 21-2-2008 by freighttrain]

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 09:10 PM
You Asked

Amazing how they couldn't fight the small fires in WTC 7 (small at least by the time they were told not to fight them and the fire was able to spread) because of no water, but we hear of firefighters fighting fire across the street from it? I'm not saying I don't believe you, just that I don't believe "them" when they say that there was no water to fight 7.

Attempts at fire fighting at WTC 7

Then we received an order from Fellini, we’re going to make a move on 7. That was the first time really my stomach tightened up because the building didn’t look good. I was figuring probably the standpipe systems were shot. There was no hydrant pressure. I wasn’t really keen on the idea. Then this other officer I’m standing next to said, that building doesn’t look straight. So I’m standing there. I’m looking at the building. It didn’t look right, but, well, we’ll go in, we’ll see.

We assisted some FDNY personnel who were beginning to attempt to fight the fire at 7 WTC. We assisted in dragging hose they needed to bring water into the building. –Kenneth Kohlmann PAPD P.O.

Greenwich and Park was covered with debris, there were burning autos and all debris. It was starting to extend into the buildings on both sides of the block. We went to hydrants in that area. We had off duty guys in our cells, but the hydrants had no water. We did whatever we could. The rigs actually were starting to become in danger of lighting up themselves

The 7 World Trade Center was roaring. All we could think is we were an Engine Company, we have got to get them some water. We need some water you know. With that, we positioned the rig, I don't know, 3 quarters of a block away maybe. A fire boat was going to relay water to us. I don't know if I have things in the right order, whatever, if we were getting water out of a hydrant first. Jesus Christ --

Problem was that the collapse of the Towers smashed the water mains in
the area leaving hydrants without any water. The fires took time to
spread - if sufficent water had been available could have been contained.

Fire boats moored in the Hudson River arrived and began to pump
water ashore. It took time for the boats to get there and large amount
of manpower to drag the hoses into position to pump water to WTC.
During that time the fires spread through the building.

Another problem was even if the water had been on hand immediately
after the Towers collapse the standpipe system in the building which
deliver the water to each floor were inoperable do to the damage
suffered during the debris impact.

Because of this the fire ground commanders realized could not safely
contain the fires given their extent and structural damage to the building

Why fight fires at WFC 3 - it is called protecting the exposures. WTC 7
had been abandoned as too dangerous, Fire fighters were attempting
to contain the fires to the WTC complex. By this time water from the fire
boats was available and the standpipe/sprinklers systems were still
intact allowing the FF to hold the fires and extinguish them.

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