posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 06:01 PM
This park came to life sometime in 2005 and though many people do not find anything beyond ordinary with this park, I certainly due. It is located
directly west of the court house, city and government complex in Downtown Colorado Springs, Colorado.
A while back when I discovered this new park I found a few things odd. The two obelisks (a gift from ancient space travelers) and the continuum. For
obvious reasons. The two obelisks both have metal plates on the sides I believe one is gold and one is copper as they are different in color on
opposite sides, with each obelisk having both. The obelisk itself, supposedly has aluminum siding. They are both about four stories tall in height. At
night the two obelisks light up and change to all different colors of the color spectrum.
The continuum (reportedly built or came from NORAD) is also about four stories in height. it has over 400 spray jets. During the summer kids play in
the fountain beneath this giant rotating structure. This massive structure also rotates, according to the plaque it rotates 4 rotations per hour.
Through my own observations it revolves much slower, maybe one rotation per hour I think maybe four is the maximum speed. I believe this structure
which obviously resembles a Stargate is made of silver. Also on the plaque that describes the continuum it speaks of recycling energy through the use
of water. Interesting, since we are nearing the dawn of the age of Aquarius. It is no wonder to me, this city was home to Nicolai Tesla for many
years, after his death his monumental scientific experiments and knowledge were suppressed.
Obviously after seeing this my first thoughts were about time travel. Having done more research I was lead to believe that this is the stage for a
massive cold fusion experiment or maybe both. Remember cold fusion is very risky and has never been successfully achieved and documented. Though many
have partially achieved this on a much smaller scale. Absolute control is required over all elements during such an experiment or the results could be
catastrophic. To achieve cold fusion four elements are required. I believe they are hard water, gold, copper and silver. Hard water is water with an
extra hydrogen element added which some have referred to as "Holy Water". Finally during my research I discovered an overhead diagram of an
experiment at Montauk. I then took a copy of the image and placed it as an overlay of the park and it matched the triangular relationship between the
two obelisks and the continuum nearly to a T.
The next step in my research would be to go back during the summer when there is water in the fountain and take a sample to be put under the
microscope. However I know very little about the subjective laws of physics and of cold fusion, so I thought I would come here and ask for help.
It kind of reminds me of the inlay at DIA that reads "DZIT DI GAII" meaning "Black sun" and according to what we know about the underground tunnel
system, it should run right underneath the Park. Also there is massive amounts of underground facilities that make the park work. Not to mention the
millions of dollars that were put into this project. I took pictures of nearly every square inch of the park as well as my comparison to Montauk but
do not have them available to post at this time. I will post them when they are available. Also I searched for a Masonic Plaque and did not find one,
but there are several other plaques and none of them fall short of interesting.
Any thoughts?