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America the Beautiful Park- Colorado Springs, CO

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posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 06:01 PM

This park came to life sometime in 2005 and though many people do not find anything beyond ordinary with this park, I certainly due. It is located directly west of the court house, city and government complex in Downtown Colorado Springs, Colorado.

A while back when I discovered this new park I found a few things odd. The two obelisks (a gift from ancient space travelers) and the continuum. For obvious reasons. The two obelisks both have metal plates on the sides I believe one is gold and one is copper as they are different in color on opposite sides, with each obelisk having both. The obelisk itself, supposedly has aluminum siding. They are both about four stories tall in height. At night the two obelisks light up and change to all different colors of the color spectrum.

The continuum (reportedly built or came from NORAD) is also about four stories in height. it has over 400 spray jets. During the summer kids play in the fountain beneath this giant rotating structure. This massive structure also rotates, according to the plaque it rotates 4 rotations per hour. Through my own observations it revolves much slower, maybe one rotation per hour I think maybe four is the maximum speed. I believe this structure which obviously resembles a Stargate is made of silver. Also on the plaque that describes the continuum it speaks of recycling energy through the use of water. Interesting, since we are nearing the dawn of the age of Aquarius. It is no wonder to me, this city was home to Nicolai Tesla for many years, after his death his monumental scientific experiments and knowledge were suppressed.

Obviously after seeing this my first thoughts were about time travel. Having done more research I was lead to believe that this is the stage for a massive cold fusion experiment or maybe both. Remember cold fusion is very risky and has never been successfully achieved and documented. Though many have partially achieved this on a much smaller scale. Absolute control is required over all elements during such an experiment or the results could be catastrophic. To achieve cold fusion four elements are required. I believe they are hard water, gold, copper and silver. Hard water is water with an extra hydrogen element added which some have referred to as "Holy Water". Finally during my research I discovered an overhead diagram of an experiment at Montauk. I then took a copy of the image and placed it as an overlay of the park and it matched the triangular relationship between the two obelisks and the continuum nearly to a T.

The next step in my research would be to go back during the summer when there is water in the fountain and take a sample to be put under the microscope. However I know very little about the subjective laws of physics and of cold fusion, so I thought I would come here and ask for help.

It kind of reminds me of the inlay at DIA that reads "DZIT DI GAII" meaning "Black sun" and according to what we know about the underground tunnel system, it should run right underneath the Park. Also there is massive amounts of underground facilities that make the park work. Not to mention the millions of dollars that were put into this project. I took pictures of nearly every square inch of the park as well as my comparison to Montauk but do not have them available to post at this time. I will post them when they are available. Also I searched for a Masonic Plaque and did not find one, but there are several other plaques and none of them fall short of interesting.

Any thoughts?

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 01:15 PM

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 05:21 PM
I imagine that there have been no responses because I have posted this in the wrong forum. May I ask one of you moderators to move this thread to Skunk Works? Thanks.

posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 03:50 PM
"DZIT DIT GAII", according to my extensive research on the DIA Base, is actually the Navajo name for the nearby sacred Navajo ground White Mountain. This doesn't toatally discredit the DIA base though, as White Mountain is a little-known UFO mega-hotspot and is in the same mountain range as NORAD.

I live in Northern CO, and I've been to the park you speak of. It was really odd, and looking at those diagrams is kind of mindboggling. Interesting find. I've always hated James Dobson, but now that I think he's experimenting with a dangerous and boundless source of energy, I hate him even more.

posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 03:56 PM
I didn't know James Dobson was involved, I agree with you about White Mountain it's down by Alamosa. Did you notice any strange vibrations when you where there? I always feel strange when I am around there.

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by alexbassguy

I'm not crazy about Dobson either, how's he related to this?

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 02:53 PM
This is truly interesting....
But as you have not added any links to some of the statements you make in the OP I will have to do some background work later tonight...

However since you posted a question on this in our Stargates are Real thread I will point out that this image immediately brought to mind an old Star Trek Episode...

I had to do a quick search but the Navajo connection was what did it.

The Paradise Syndrome

The team then comes across an ancient obelisk of unknown origin. The structure is comprised of a mysterious metal that resists sensor scans and is covered with strange alien writing. They also discover a group of primitive humanoids living nearby whose customs and appearances closely resemble North American Indians; more specifically, a mix of Mohican, Navaho and Delaware tribes.

Now it turns out that the purpose of this obelisk is a weapon to stop an asteroid from destroying the planet...

Norad, Navajo, Obelisks and Asteroids What a Fascinating discovery this is... It will take soem time and input...

More images would be appreciated... and ANY thoughts or 'feelings' from those who have been there would be welcome

Starred and Flagged 12.21.12
This might get interesting...

And that 'ring' between two obelisks image... look like its right off the SG1 Series... you positive that image was taken on Earth

[edit on 2-4-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by 12.21.12

This is hilarious. You somehow seem to know, for sure, that the obelisks are gifts from ancient space travelers? And you also know what a real stargate looks like?

Amazing. Truly amazing.

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 03:18 PM
It is on earth, I took the pictures myself. Originally I thought it was perhaps just a stargate but as I got further into my research I started seeing the elements of cold fusion which makes it even more interesting. I don't know fort a fact what the panels on the obelisks are made of and I don't exactly know how to figure that out other than showing up with a hammer and a chisel for samples.

Neilby-I got the "ancient gift" thing from the website please do better research before calling me out.

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 03:25 PM
Interesting park in a pretty nice little city. I passed through there a couple time & what I remember most about Colorado Springs is the simple genuine warmth of its people.

I have no idea why you would make a conspiracy out of this park as it just seems to be some form of modern art (I'm not an art person). Instead of creating a big conspiracy and attempting to delude reality, how about writing the people who created the park an asking them where the objects came from and what they mean etc.

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 03:33 PM
Well I don't want to turn it into a conspiracy if it's something innocent, but it just can't be ignored.

Colorado Springs is a great town. However it is changing rapidly. They are housing even more military then is already there, elites are buying up the land. It is filled with military and cops. I have seen cops driving from Nixon Powerplant South of Colorado Springs in armored explosives vehicles. Something isn't right and the locals are to dumbed down to consider what is really happening to this town.

Take a look at some of the people behind this. The Gates Foundation especially sticks out in my mind.

Bill Burgess was the artist who created the continuum, I looked at some of his work and indeed he is fascinated with time travel and ancient Gods.

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 03:39 PM
Here is a satellite picture while the park was in construction overlayed with an image from an experiment at Montauk.

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by Neiby

This is hilarious. You somehow seem to know, for sure, that the obelisks are gifts from ancient space travelers? And you also know what a real stargate looks like?

Amazing. Truly amazing.

Well I don't know about gifts from ancient space travelers as there are no links (yet) but I for one do know what a Stargate looks like

One 'might' look like THIS... though its more likely a time portal

I would hate to have their electric bill


Now back to the obelisks...

12.21.12 I would like to know where you got the info that these are 'gifts from ancient space travelers'

But they have a whole lot more Chevrons on that one...

I was trying to find an image from SG1 that looked similar to the Park setup... no luck yet but I recall seeing one..

[edit on 21-12-2012 by zorgon]

[edit on 2-4-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 03:49 PM
link, thats just what it says.

Some of this was supposedly also developed at Norad, maybe it was an expiremnt they scrapped I don't know.

If you google this park you should probably come across a link to a guy by the name of Mike with a local talk show who is into aliens and is fascinated with this park, that might be a good place to start.

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 03:58 PM
Very interesting. All of this.

I am moving to Colorado later this year (thanks to the military) and will most certainly visit the park and take pictures and report back.

Fascinating IMO

[edit on 2-4-2008 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 04:00 PM
Most of the scientific emphasis about this park has to do with water, anyhow I have provided you with pictures and a hypothesesis. Plenty of names etc see what you guys can figure out.

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 04:04 PM
Also their are some short clips available on YouTube and Google Video if you need to familiarize yourself with the Cold Fusion process. If you post them here I would appreciate it.

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by 12.21.12
Well I don't want to turn it into a conspiracy if it's something innocent, but it just can't be ignored.

Well lets call it a 'curiosity' instead of a conspiracy LOL and study it... I gaurantee it won't be ignored... Besides to be a conspiracy someone has to be hiding something... this is blatantly in the open

Colorado Springs is a great town. However it is changing rapidly. They are housing even more military then is already there, elites are buying up the land. It is filled with military and cops.

Most likely due to Space command build up... but with Cheyenne Mountain in the picture.. maybe the 'elite' are buying property to be close to the underground bunkers in case 'something happens'

Now there is no conspiracy about the tunnel at Cheyenne... we KNOW they are there and you can tour them...

But as a friend of mine from the DoD told me there are different tours for different people... He was there at the elevators when a senator caused a fuss because the military tour my friend was on went 5 levels deeper that the senator was allowed

And an insider told me about the SG1 label on a broom closet door...

Considering this is one of the safe houses for the president in case of nuclear attack... seems wise for the elite to 'hang out' close by

Something isn't right and the locals are to dumbed down to consider what is really happening to this town.

The locals normally mind their own business... It is not usually wise to ask too many questions...
The nice visitors that talk with a monotone, have no humor, and use black as the preferred aesthetic appeal in apparel frown on curious looky loos

Colorado School of Mines is also HEAVILY involved with Lunar Mining operations... and have been for some time...

Maybe I need to go for a visit... I will ask my friend for a gate pass to Cheyenne

[edit on 2-4-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 04:22 PM
Hmm, I drive by this park every evening on the way home from work, but have never stopped to check it out. Will do tonight though.

I also have to agree about how rapidly our fair city is changing, and not for the better. Our warm population is becoming jaded. Violent crime is on the rise, with the military somehow involved in most of it (not in a conspiratorial sense... simply indicating a soldier was involved). In fact, just a few days ago a neighbor was severely beat by two Iraq vets, apparently for speaking out against the war.

I'll put it to you this way, my children are afraid of soldiers. They're afraid not because of what anyone has told them, but from what they've seen, with their own eyes.

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by 12.21.12
Most of the scientific emphasis about this park has to do with water, anyhow I have provided you with pictures and a hypothesesis. Plenty of names etc see what you guys can figure out.

LOL Most of what we find with the Stargate research leads us to water... in several ways...

But it is customary here at ATS to provide the link to what you post... not have us hunt for it

I have searched and not found the text you referred to at

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