posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 03:15 AM
No one can prove this guy was in Iraq and no one can prove this guy was NOT in Iraq. Fact: We do not know WHO this guy is.
I notice the comment about a Marine wearing an Army T-shirt... did I miss the part where he claimed to be a Marine? All I heard him say was that he
was a guard at Abu Ghraib.
I think the scenario he lays out is very plausible, but I am not going to say this video is real. The constant stopping and restarting of the video
leads me to believe it is scripted. That being said, the way the video starts out with the camera operator asking the "soldier" to repeat himself
leads me to believe it is legit. I do not think we will ever know for sure, but some of the things he says makes a lot of sense and seems very
plausible. For example... "They are all guilty", "we don't know who is who so we just grab them all"
I agree most War Vets do not like to talk about what they been a party to. However this guy is not telling "war stories". He claims to be a Prison
Guard and I just happen to know a few of those and I have to admit, he sounds just like a few Prison Guards I know when they talk about the things
they have seen/done while working in Prison. After all "they are all guilty" or they wouldn't be there is the general mentality I see with Prison
Guards, which is why they have no remorse when they mistreat a Prisoner.
Is it legit? I have no idea, but I would not be shocked if it was...would you? If people want to call me a Traitor that's fine by me, but I am
ashamed of my country. In this "war" we are the aggressors. We invaded Iraq for no good reason. They had nothing to do with 9/11, they had no
WMD's, we have no reason to be there other than to overthrow their Government and take control of their oil. For that I am ashamed.