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Almost Abducted

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posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 05:32 PM
i love the story you just gave. it received my attention. if find it freaky that you live out in the boonies, that would give me the creeps. i hop for your shake it was only mad up; other wise you have visitation on your hands, something i personally would not want to go throw. stay safe-good luck

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by joshblass

Hi joshblass,

I believe you ... because I had an abduction experience. And the bottom line is whether it's a 'near abduction' or 'full-blown abduction' you KNOW when you were awake or not.

Here are the links to my account;


posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 05:32 PM
Okay now that I've thought about it, youre completely right. If the thing comes back I'm not going up on the ship with it. I'll try to talk to it and offer it a beer, but I shouldn't be so stupid as to put my life in its hands.
Thanks for getting me to think a little clearer about it.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 05:40 PM
Hey Woody, those links are dead. I'd like to take a look at whatever it was you're trying to show me, so please post again.

Yea, the fact that I live out in the country leaves me kind of exposed. There is a large field out in the woods behind my house that is completely unseen from the house/road, so theoretically a ufo or whatever else could land there and be undetected. Especially this time of year, the land is really muddy/snowy and we don't go back there unless its to fix the gas-well.

Thanks for the feedback everyone, I wasn't sure what kind of responses I would get, and I was pleasantly suprised for the most part.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by joshblass

From my research this usually starts at an early age. I want you to consider that this might be the first time you caught one of them, they might have been with you for quite a while and you might not remember the other visits. They seem to have mind control techniques, which is why you feel fear now but didn't when it occurred.

I have a friend who has been very successful at stopping alien abduction. Check out his site Alien Resistance

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by woodwytch
reply to post by joshblass

Hi joshblass,

I believe you ... because I had an abduction experience. And the bottom line is whether it's a 'near abduction' or 'full-blown abduction' you KNOW when you were awake or not.

I think you should disclose that you have financial gain from promoting fringe topics and that you consider yourself a 'real witch' before trying to prop up someone's believe in ET by claiming you had your own experience.

After all it's quite convenient that a self-described 'ghost hunter' and 'ufo/et' reporter would say they had their 'own' abduction wouldn't you say?

In fact, one might even expect such a person to be embarrassed if they themselves had never been a 'contactee'; left out in the 'cold' as it were.

It'd be much the same as a person who devoted their life to hunting bigfoot but had never seen one.

Just as we say 'oh the experiencer is believable because they never financially profited from the tale', you'd have to admit that one is -less- believable if they have profited.

Just my 2 cents. No diss intended.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by Badge01

Hi there Badge01 ... give me a minute while I put a cold compress to my face where you just slapped it.

If that's a non-diss I'd hate to be on the receiving end of one of your 'disses'.

Why the aggro ? Have you come across charlatans and liar's in the past and decided to label anything you don't understand/approve of/agree with all the same way ?

The personal attack aimed at me via your post has left me very confused ... maybe you could explain just to clarify (this is a genuine request).


Just to put the record straight ... I have NEVER in any way, shape or form profited from ANY of my experiences. Why would you assume I have ?

ALL my advise is free (online and in the real world) ... and the therapies I offer (whilst having a guideline fee attached) are all flexible ... if someone needs what I can offer but cannot afford said fee I will do it for free or via some kind of barter system (eg; if they have a skill that can help me we make an exchange).
I feel very, very strongly that finacial status should not prevent someone from developing (I'm never gonna be rich sugar)!!!
That's why I find the vindictive accusations you aimed at me so bizarre.

I feel very sorry for what you must have experienced ... to make you so cynical. But a word of FREE advise ... please don't make such sweeping and ultimately untrue claims against someone you don't know.

Why would you want to ???

What do you have to gain from it ????

Seriously I'm curious to know. You can u2u me your reply rather than derail the thread ... unless your motive is ego-based and you simply want everyone here to see you in action putting down the witch !

Well yes ... I do ... because I am. You say it as if you were exposing me in some way. I don't think anyone will be shocked by your revelation ... the clue is in my username.
Maybe your idea of what a 'real witch' is, is something different to mine.

Ok, now I really am confused. Could you please tell me how/when I acquired this title please ... because I'm sure as hell that I've never made such a claim anywhere. The reason I'm so certain about this is because I'm not ... never have been ... and have no desire to be a UFO/ET Reporter.
In fact I never even had an opinion (one way or the other) about this subject until 1994-95 when I had my experience ... and it's only since I've been at ATS that I've even used the word 'abduction' to describe my experience.

As above I don't consider myself a 'ghost-hunter'. It's true that I have been called out to houses where there is spirit activity ... and I have determined the cause and cleansed the property (if need be). But this is certainly not my main occupation by any means ... and I wouldn't want it to be. Most people come to me via word of mouth ... so I must be doing something right somewhere down the line.

Your concern for me feeling 'embarrassed' (had I not had an experience of my own), is touching ... but what a strange comment for you to make. I have no reason to be embarrassed by anything I've said or done.

Have I unwittingly upset you in some way ??? I really don't understand where your anger towards me has come from. To my knowledge our paths have never crossed before this thread.

Finally, I only ever work or advise on topics that I have personal experience of. Yes, I have studied in some of these subjects before offering my services to the public. But only because some people feel that a diploma on the wall is confirmation that the persons name on said paper is an expert in their field ... it isn't ... personal experience in the subjects you practice, is what makes you good at what you do.

People are free to decide whether they believe my experiences ... or not (that's why it's called 'free-will'). If people want my advise/help I will provide it to the best of my ability and with a perfectly clear conscience ... in the knowledge that I am neither a liar nor a charlatan.

So unless you can prove otherwise, a retraction of your personal and unprovoked attack on my character would be nice ... but I won't be holding my breath.

Woody (a real witch)

OP ... I will try to fix the links (if you still want me to) I have no idea why they aren't working. But if you share the opinion of 'Badge01' just let me know and I won't post here anymore.

[edit on 14-2-2008 by woodwytch]

[edit on 14-2-2008 by woodwytch]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by joshblass

I just stumbled across that picture, does anyone here know where it came from or if was debunked? Thats pretty much how the thing looked, but that doesn't mean the picture itself is valid.

No I haven't really figured out how to protect myself. Like I said, I wasn't afraid at the time, there weren't any evil "vibes" or intentions I could pick up.

I'm sorry but..

There's just no way that something as ugly/scary/creepy looking as that psuedo-alien in that picture would NOT give you the creeps. I mean, it could've had pink hearts and purple butterflies flashing all about and I'd still be scared crapless initially from the sheer shock of seeing a foreign humanoid "being" in your bedroom, in the middle of the night? Gives me the creeps just thinking about it.

One time I had an experience like this, I was asleep, but woke up in the middle of the night. When I woke up, I had been sleeping on my right side with my head pointing toward the wall. So as I open my eyes, I see what I thought at first to be my cat. It was short, apparently on my bed, and was just standing / sitting there. It was very dark in my room so you could not make out any specific details that would give you an idea as to what it was exactly, which sucks because I'd like to know. Anyways, I reached my hand out in this "just woke up 3 secs ago in the middle of the night" state, to pet the "cat", but when my hand got there, nothing was there, and THATS when I freaked out a little bit and completely woke up because of the rush of excitement/fear/wtf factor. The thing I saw was "wide", almost like the shadow of a cat 'sitting up', standing on their front legs. It was so dark though that I couldn't make out any details within the split second that it was present. Which by the way .. really was a split second. Not more than one full second had passed of me just looking at the thing before it seemingly vanished into thin air, as if it were never there.

I checked my room thoroughly for my cat, then left my room and found my cat in a place all the way on the opposite side of the house. Plus my door stays closed and locked so she couldn't have let herself in, and the only thing couldve been me letting her in sometime earlier, half-asleep while she is scratching at the door to get in. but i'd remember that, and I didnt remember anything like that whatsoever taking place. Also, she wouldve had to have been in the room when I turned the lights on and searched it for her.

At that point i got on the internet until the sun started to come up, then passed out and slept for a good while, I was literally too scared to close my eyes.

[edit on 2/14/2008 by runetang]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by woodwytch
Have you come across charlatans and liar's in the past?

Stick around! After a year or so on here you will run into enough liars and charlatans to last your entire life.

Not that it's my business but I don't think Badge was attacking you but rather giving you some good advice on presenting yourself here. I could be wrong but I think you took it a little more personally than intended.

As for the OP, I see his story as nothing more than a waking induced delusion. This is such a common story on here that It was almost word for word from 100 others I've read. I realize that it may have seemed real and that you were "sure" you were awake but I'd lay dollars to donuts that you weren't as awake as you thought. Your thought pattern alone bears me out in that you were not startled or afraid and you had thoughts that don't make sense. Such as thinking about work the next day being a reason not to take a trip on a space ship. Think about it, doesn't it sound a little dreamy to you?

Now, if you had said you were walking down your driveway and this happened I might think twice.

[edit on 14-2-2008 by jbondo]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by woodwytch

Just as I said, no (personal) diss intended.

I just think when someone comes on and posts what seems to be a sincere 'encounter' that it's better if we try to de-escalate the situation and not jump on and say 'oh, I've been abducted, too'.

One should be extremely cautious and act responsibly and in the case of a New Age practitioner, disclose one's potential motives. That way the person can be aware of any bias or tendency to embellish.

Would you not agree that there are a lot of 'New Age hucksters' out there? They do everything from channel the Pleaideans, hunt for ghosts, perform exorcisms and past life regressions to talking to dead relatives.

When I saw your posted mini-resume on one site, it struck me that it would be fair for you to disclose your interest. I presume you have profited financially, with two books and a private consulting practice. I didn't say 'profited unfairly', though that might be arguable for those that prey on people's superstitions.

I don't at all mean to make you feel unwelcome, or dissuade you from posting. Perhaps you have some valuable insight into the problem I mention. No doubt you've met some charlatans in your travels and could tell us how to beware their practices.

So I apologize for upsetting you. I don't think anything I said was inaccurate, though.

Take care and glad to have you on ATS.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 03:44 PM

Say, like the movie 'Harvey' where James Stewart sees a man-sized rabbit. Of course it's funny on-screen, but if one were really to see a man-sized rabbit in their house, they'd get a gun and try to kill it. I mean seriously.

Lol, my dogs would love to have a giant rabbit walk in the door, it would be like Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas all rolled into one.

If the OP is really scared, my advice would be to get a dog. A Jack Russell Terrier or maybe an Akita. Jacks are smaller dogs, but extremely tough, and very smart, they are not easy to fool, and they never miss ANYTHING. Akitas (especially the American Akitas) are loyal just like Jacks, but they are about 5-7 Times as Large, and have an extreme guarding instinct. Better yet, I would get both, as the Jack is like a walking, breathing alarm that never fails to detect anything amiss, and the Akita is the Muscle to back up the Alarm.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by Badge01

Hi Badge01,

I've re-read your post a couple of times and it still seems to comes across like a personal pop ... but I accept your appology ... maybe I was being over-sensitive.

You definately touched a nerve with the 'profiting' comment because you couldn't be further from the truth. In fact I've spent years on something of a personal crusade against the 'New-Age hucksters' as you call them. They cause untold damage to the whole field and everyone involved in it ... the comments you made in that post prove the point perfectly.

I'm a traditionalist who follows the 'old ways' ... not a Neo-Pagan and I'm certainly not a New-Ager or Weekend-Hippy. It's also why I choose to be a 'solitary' witch and not a member of a coven ... because there are so many BSer's out there it's not even funny.

As I said before most (probably 90%) of my clients come via word of mouth ... the other 10% see the flyer in my window.

If someone can't come and see me personally and asks (online) how to find a good therapist I always tell them ... word of mouth or flexible price.

A charlatan is all about making lot's of money out of naive/gullible people (usually when they are at their most vunerable), and if they can't afford the asking price ... tough.

A therapist who is prepared to lower or even cancel there fee (because someones finacial situation means they would otherwise miss-out on something that could help them) ... IMO proves that they are more interested in the welfare of the client than the money (which is how it should be).

I had to smile at the 'written two books' and have a 'private consulting practice' comments. Sounds great doesn't it ... when I read that even I thought I must be profiting. lol

Yes, I have written two books ... but neither are published yet ... I'd like to self-publish but can't afford to. (so no money made there).

And my private consulting practice (wow, you make it sound so grand) ... is a spare bedroom converted into an office ... no way I could afford business rates for a seperate place.

I go to great lengths to show the valid realities of alternative topics ... especially to those who are new to such things because of the rubbish spouted by the charlatans.

I hope this clears things up and shows that my intentions are meant genuinly. Might be hard to believe but I really have no ulterior motive and I don't exaggerate my personal experiences (I have nothing to gain from doing that).


posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by joshblass

hi very interesting story..

during your encounter do you recall seeing bright lights coming in from outside?
do you think there may of been a considerable amount of time gone from moment you woke till the encounter ended?

its been 3 months have you had another encounter?

more than likely you may of been taken before that night and may even be taken again.

if it happens again then i dont really think there is much you can do..they seem in many other encounters, to not give you a choice.

anyway hope all goes well

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 07:24 PM
I'm not saying I don't believe you but I see random things when I first wake up all the time. Once I saw an old lady staring at me. Scary stuff.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 09:05 PM
My guess is that it was a very realistic dream. I've had dreams where I've woke up, started my day and then actually realised I was dreaming.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 08:14 AM
Come on! An alien is not just going to stop by while your in bed and wait for you to wake up in the middle of the night. Wake up! Take action. The first thing you should of done was reacted. You should of sprung into action and attacked! FIGHT! If you do not fight then you will lose. That goes for the rest of you. Stop giving in to the enemy. Peace is a lie. There is only passion.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 12:06 PM
Logos - to stop abductions

Alien Resistance

CE4 Research Group

These are all groups that help to stop abductions.

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