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Almost Abducted

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posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 01:32 PM
Okay, here goes.

Three weeks ago, I believe it was a Tuesday or Wednesday night, I fell asleep in my room. It was a warm night so I opened up my window to air out the room (I smoke and the smell gets to me sometimes). At about 2 in the morning, I suddenly woke up to "something" standing in my room about 2 feet from my bed, it was looking intently at me while walking by. I sat up in bed and it froze in position. It might have just been my imagination, but I felt like this thing wanted me to go with it. No words, no telepathic communication, just a feeling. Now, I had work early the next day, as soon as I got this...feeling... I thought "I can't go anywhere tonight I have to work tomorrow" and before I could say it the thing disappeared, like just faded into nothing.

The way my room is set up, my bed is in the corner. Where this thing was standing/walking, there is NOTHING but a small bookshelf. I tried to figure out what I could have mistaken for this figure, but there is nothing there. Maybe a shadow from outside...but that just seems unlikely. I mean shadows dont freeze in position and then fade away into nothing right?

While this....thing....was in my room I didn't feel any fear, just a curiosity. But, now that I've had time to think about it, I'm freakin terrified. Has anyone else had an experience like this?

I found a picture of what it looked like online, but its not exact. Like I said it was nighttime and I had just woken up, but this is pretty close.

Okay and one last any extraterrestrial life form that wants to stop by and have a chat or something, don't sneak into my room. Just knock on my side door (I'm out in the middle of nowhere and my side door can't be seen from the road) I promise nooone here is going to hurt you or tell anyone about it if we are told not to.

I've seen a few ufo's before, nothing major just moving lights in the sky. This is the first/only? time something like this has happened to me. What should I do if it happens again?

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 01:59 PM
Pretty wild man...How long did you view this creature? The reason I ask, is perhaps you were in an 'in-between' state of being awake and asleep when you sat up, and maybe your subconcious mind was playing tricks on you?

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 02:43 PM
That would be my first guess as well, but I can assure you I was wide awake. Whatever remnants of sleep were there went right out the window when I saw the thing, I was wide awake real quick.

It was at most two minutes total, about 20-30 seconds lying down looking at it, then another 30 seconds sitting up, then maybe another 30 for the exchange of thoughts/feelings or whatever.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by joshblass

If you read your own post you say, "it might be my imagination".

Also, if this happened, and I say if....your first thought was that you can't go because you have to get up early for work?

To me, and this is just my opinion. This is a very poor attempt at fiction. Good thing you decided to go to work and keep that job.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 02:52 PM
Get a gun, and next time it shows up, put a hole in it, take a crappy photo with your 1.2 megapixel cellphone camera and post it on the forums so we can say it's fake.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by Breadfan

Classic. As a matter of a fact. Cut it up into pieces and send it to anyone that questions you, and then we'll tell you it's fake.

Edit: Obvious spelling.

[edit on 13-2-2008 by laughable3]

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 03:01 PM
Discussion is encouraged and if you want to try to find holes in a story and debunk okay, but it will be done with in a Civil Manner.

Civility and Decorum are Required

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 03:05 PM
I know that it probably sounds like I'm BSing, making all this up. Since I don't normally sleep with a camera in hand I don't have any proof, but I don't have any reason to make this up. I just wanted to get this little story out there and know if anyone had any type of similar experiences.

If you don't believe me then great, I wouldn't believe it either if it didn't happen to me.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 03:14 PM
Do you think there is ANY possibility that you JUST had a dream. Many dreams can appear to be VERY lifelike and realistic.

I have had them often. And then later have one of those "I had an incredible dream last night" story to tell everyone.

Any possibility?

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 03:37 PM
Yea it definately wasn't a dream. After the thing vanished I got totally out of bed, watched some TV, etc. I couldn't fall back asleep for a couple hours.

The weird thing about it was that I was so calm, it seemed like an ordinary everyday thing at the time and right after. I haven't talked to many people who claim to be in contact with aliens or to have been abducted, they all seem like crackpots or frauds, although my own experience is making me think twice about my previous assumptions. Is this serene feeling a normal thing in this type of situation?

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by joshblass

You say you opened the window to air it out....?

There was a wonderful invention awhile back called window screens to keep insects and other critters out!

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by joshblass

Interesting picture. Was this image clothed or walking around in his skin?

Though you can have 'dream images' superimposed on reality when you're waking up, I find the description of it walking when you saw it turning to look at you unnerving.

It's bizarre that you are scared sheetless 24/7 since then. Do you have any plans to protect yourself?

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 04:06 PM
Joshblass I believe that you had saw something. I wasn't there and I don't what was. But you did show a image what it look like.

Of those who doesn't believe you and the others. Wait till a alien or something visit them and they posted on A.T.S and get the same responds from those whose doesn't believe them. By saying show us a picture of what you saw. When they do. They get the same remark that it is fake.

But there are some that claim that they have seen a alien. But never had and post fake images.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by gauncents
There was a wonderful invention awhile back called window screens to keep insects and other critters out!

There is even a better invention to protect yourself from evil Greys. It's called Springfield XD, chambered in 9mm.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 04:19 PM

Do you remember a particulair smell or scent of something during or after your encounter? And did the entity/ET leave any traces behind ?

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 04:23 PM
um....well my screen was closed...just the window open.

I couldn't tell if it was wearing clothes, if it was they must have been tight fitting. Thanks for giving me an image of a naked alien in my room though, that will definately help me sleep.

I just stumbled across that picture, does anyone here know where it came from or if was debunked? Thats pretty much how the thing looked, but that doesn't mean the picture itself is valid.

No I haven't really figured out how to protect myself. Like I said, I wasn't afraid at the time, there weren't any evil "vibes" or intentions I could pick up. I think if it wanted to hurt me or anything like that it would have just done it, but instead it disappeared when I thought about all the # I had to do the next day and how I wasn't ready for this kinda thing to happen to me.

And how can you protect yourself against something that just materializes and dematerializes in your bedroom? Say I were to shoot the thing....its buddies are probably going to be really pissed off then, and I don't want that to happen.

I wouldn't mind going up in a space ship or anything like that, I just don't want to get probed or experimented on.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by joshblass
And how can you protect yourself against something that just materializes and dematerializes in your bedroom? Say I were to shoot the thing....its buddies are probably going to be really pissed off then, and I don't want that to happen.

Well, you'd protect yourself the way you would if a 'real' home invader/burglar started appearing in your house, wouldn't you? You might not pick an 'optimal' method, but I'd be concerned if you didn't decide to do something, even if it's to sleep with a high tech self-defense flashlight and pepper spray and a stun-gun.

There must be some part of you telling you that this is sufficiently malevolent that you're afraid of them striking back, yet not real enough to actually be dangerous to you.

Say, like the movie 'Harvey' where James Stewart sees a man-sized rabbit. Of course it's funny on-screen, but if one were really to see a man-sized rabbit in their house, they'd get a gun and try to kill it. I mean seriously.

I wouldn't mind going up in a space ship or anything like that, I just don't want to get probed or experimented on.

Yeah but what if these particular aliens were not aware they could give you an alien virus that would cause devastating illness or death, let alone might go at velocities that you couldn't survive, or have an atmosphere that contained elements you couldn't be exposed to?

Surely not a rational decision to go aboard a real space ship without some precautions, I think most would agree.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 04:58 PM
You make some good points Badge, and I should probably invest in at least a clapper to turn the lights on real quick if it happens again, and some pepper spray if the thing is mean. I keep a loaded rifle in my room, but I don't feel comfortable sleeping with it next to me, I'd end up blowing off my foot or something in my sleep.

And....I guess maybe going on the ship isn't a good idea. I would hate to get some sort of alien super-malaria or anything like that. Somehow I don't think that would happen though....If they where planning on taking me up on their ship they would of course be worried about me transmitting some earth disease to them, so id imagine their would be a quarantine or something to prevent that.

The thing didn't look to tough, so I don't think that it could survive any pressures or velocities much more than I could, but of course thats just my opinion.

Even if its not a good idea, I'll definately go if it comes back. If I die then o'well, its gotta happen sometime. But if everything turns out fine? how could I pass up that chance?

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by joshblass

I wouldn't go by how fragile the creature looks externally. Remember those deep-sea jellyfish and other ceatures? They look pretty fragile, but are adapted to being at great depth and pressure.

In the early days, when conservationists started collecting and tagging animals, for the animal's benefit, they didn't know to do things to minimize the hazards and stresses.

Now they cover their eyes and apply drops. Some early captured specimen lost their vision due to staring into the sun without blinking.

They know now not to over stress, creatures such as alligators, and sharks, who look tough, but are suprisingly vulnerable to the stresses of capture. They give off potent stress hormones. Some are not able to be kept in close confinement, including humans. Suppose they decide you only need the space of a coffin during the 'trip'? That could be nightmarish.

So to presume that an intelligent creature will know all the precautions to take is probably ill-advised.

Besides, say they did take you with them - the best you could hope for is to be put up in some kind of artificial habitat, like a zoo animal and be without human comforts and companionship.

That's why I say that the 'real thing' is not at all as romantic as a TV or Movie style interaction or abduction. You can't expect to be met by beautiful looking humanoid stewards that look like Deanna Troy or Captain Kirk.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 05:18 PM
Again, good points. But....if they were just gonna grab me and put me in a zoo, why not just do it? why would it have left instead of hittin me with a tranquilizer and taking me?

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