posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 01:32 PM
Okay, here goes.
Three weeks ago, I believe it was a Tuesday or Wednesday night, I fell asleep in my room. It was a warm night so I opened up my window to air out the
room (I smoke and the smell gets to me sometimes). At about 2 in the morning, I suddenly woke up to "something" standing in my room about 2 feet
from my bed, it was looking intently at me while walking by. I sat up in bed and it froze in position. It might have just been my imagination, but I
felt like this thing wanted me to go with it. No words, no telepathic communication, just a feeling. Now, I had work early the next day, as soon as I
got this...feeling... I thought "I can't go anywhere tonight I have to work tomorrow" and before I could say it the thing disappeared, like just
faded into nothing.
The way my room is set up, my bed is in the corner. Where this thing was standing/walking, there is NOTHING but a small bookshelf. I tried to figure
out what I could have mistaken for this figure, but there is nothing there. Maybe a shadow from outside...but that just seems unlikely. I mean shadows
dont freeze in position and then fade away into nothing right?
While this....thing....was in my room I didn't feel any fear, just a curiosity. But, now that I've had time to think about it, I'm freakin
terrified. Has anyone else had an experience like this?
I found a picture of what it looked like online, but its not exact. Like I said it was nighttime and I had just woken up, but this is pretty close.
Okay and one last any extraterrestrial life form that wants to stop by and have a chat or something, don't sneak into my room. Just knock
on my side door (I'm out in the middle of nowhere and my side door can't be seen from the road) I promise nooone here is going to hurt you or tell
anyone about it if we are told not to.
I've seen a few ufo's before, nothing major just moving lights in the sky. This is the first/only? time something like this has happened to me. What
should I do if it happens again?