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Originally posted by dawnstar
The reason things are set up like they are is that men wanted to be THEIR children. This meant that some control had to be placed onto the ensure that they were HIS children! It was overdone by a large margin.
Originally posted by bossman
When the test to see the right path came, Eve couldn't see it at all. Adam still saw the right path, and choose to ignore it.
Originally posted by bossman
Could a woman make a good preacher, maybe.
Originally posted by bossman
But it's a slippery slop at best. Many churches have fallen, and they fall because compromises were made to reach sinnful and many times selfish goals. You need not remind me of corruption in the church. My uncle was a head preacher for many years, til he was found sleeping with a teen girl.
In all the time I've known him, he does not strike me as a christrian. That is the real problem with churches, the pastors are not christian's themselves. But that problem is easy to fix. Boot them out.
Originally posted by bossman
A believe who is leading follower's down the wrong path is MUCH harder. In all my years, I have never seen a male preacher who I believe to be a true believer, lead the church down the wrong path. I have seen women do it, though.
Originally posted by bossman
Could a woman make a good preacher, maybe.
Originally posted by bossman
But it's a slippery slop at best. Many churches have fallen, and they fall because compromises were made to reach sinnful and many times selfish goals. You need not remind me of corruption in the church. My uncle was a head preacher for many years, til he was found sleeping with a teen girl.
In all the time I've known him, he does not strike me as a christrian. That is the real problem with churches, the pastors are not christian's themselves. But that problem is easy to fix. Boot them out.
Originally posted by bossman
I know there is no way for you to totally believe me when I say this, but, I am very serious about the church I go to. Most preachers are not there for anything but an easy job. I have gone to churches with female preachers, and ones with male preachers. Every time I choose a church, the preacher just so happen's to be male. I hope that helps clear things up a bit.
Originally posted by dawnstar
I watched a perfectly good church go down the tubes as a group of MEN attempted to place themselves into that soon to be position. They didn't hesistate to pull their brothers and sisters down and thru the sewers if it meant that they would be in a higher rung of the ladder!
Originally posted by dawnstar
These were believers, these were MEN, and they destroyed a perfectly good church! Needlessly I might add since the pastor continued on for a few years and well, in the end brought his son in to lead the church. I guess they were decieved also.
The reason things are set up like they are is that men wanted to be THEIR children. This meant that some control had to be placed onto the ensure that they were HIS children! It was overdone by a large margin.
Originally posted by bossman
So, what are you saying, that the world would be perfect if WOMEN ran the church. That you wouldn't tear each other to bits if you had a chance for power. Do enlighten me.
[edit on 21-2-2008 by bossman]
Originally posted by bossman
So, what are you saying, that the world would be perfect if WOMEN ran the church.
Originally posted by dawnstar
no, but you give me the impression that you think men aren't apt to be decieved...
Originally posted by dawnstar
..well, they probably would have played the same game.
Originally posted by dawnstar
But tell me, why, in God's name, when it seems so hard to find good pastors and church leaders, would you opt for a not so impressive man, and yet automatically eliminate a very impressive women?
Originally posted by dawnstar
When you run with stereotypes and predestined
Originally posted by dawnstar
roles and ideas...well, that is what you get....inefficiency
Originally posted by dawnstar
and stupidity!
Originally posted by jakyll
Its also interesting to note that in one of the many books removed/banned from the Bible,Mary Magdalene is visited by Christ and is given knowledge that has been hidden from his apostles and it also appears that she too preached the words of Jesus.
Can I borrow your binoculars? It's hard to see left-field from here. *points to the thread title*
33) When the Blessed One had said this, He greeted them all,saying, Peace be with you. Receive my peace unto yourselves.
34) Beware that no one lead you astray saying Lo here or lo there! For the Son of Man is within you.
35) Follow after Him!
36) Those who seek Him will find Him.
37) Go then and preach the gospel of the Kingdom.
38) Do not lay down any rules beyond what I appointed you, and do not give a law like the lawgiver lest you be constrained by it.
39) When He said this He departed.
Originally posted by saint4God
Originally posted by dawnstar
and stupidity!
Easy tiger.
[edit on 21-2-2008 by saint4God]
Originally posted by bossman
Now who's making broad, sweeping statements.
Originally posted by tacocheesey
If you believe so much in traditional roles of woman, and you are a woman, what are you doing on here? Shouldn't you be in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant? Isn't that a traditional role? Wow.
Originally posted by helen670
Originally posted by kaferwerks
I saw this statement and was wondering if someone could point me in the right directions to see it for myself. I have a hard time believing it is in the Bible...Anyway can you help a brother out?
Hi Kafer/
As other members here have also quoted.... "Let your women keep silence in the churches" (1 Cor. 13,34).
We have a clear understanding that, woman is created in man’s image and not in God’s image.
and some others.......The first hierarchs of the Church of Christ were the Holy Apostles, not women.
The Chief Shepherd Jesus Christ Himself appointed them to tend to God's flock, to administer the Church,
to celebrate the Holy Communion (Luke 22,18), to teach and to baptize (Mt. 28,19), to bind and to loose, to anoint and to heal (Mr. 6,13), etc.
When ordaining deacons (Acts 6,6), presbyters (Acts 14,23; Tit. 1,5) and bishops (2 Tim. 1,6) they never ordained women.
On the contrary, they instructed women to practice silence and godliness (1 Tim. 2,10-12)
Jesus Christ did not choose women among the twelve Apostles, but only men!
The bishops and clergy through the laying on of hands—a practice started by the apostles, and that this unbroken historical and physical link is an essential element of the true church (Acts 8:17, 1 Tim 4:14, Heb 6:2)
This was also present in the Old Testament.
God took Flesh and became man,and not woman.
In the Old Testament .......“The Lord appeared to Abraham… He
looked up and saw three men…”
(Genesis 18)
In the New Testament, God revealed Himself through Jesus Christ.
God is the Lord and has revealed Himself
to us; blessed is He who comes in the
Name of the Lord.” (Psalm 118:26-27)
And the Word became flesh, and dwelt
among us, full of grace and truth; we
have beheld His glory, glory as the only-
begotten Son of the Father. And from
His fullness have we all received grace
upon grace” (John 1:14-18)
Although Women are honoured, women are not allowed into the priesthood.
Christ himself honoured John the Baptist by praising him greatly and raising him higher than the Old Testament prophets and men of his time ( Matt 11:7 14; Luke 7: 24 28).
The Church honours the Saints, just as the Apostle Paul mentions men and women of the Old Testament and refers to their achievements and praises them greatly (Heb 11:4 38).
Holy Revelation, "Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle" (2 Thess 2: 15).
Christ clearly chose those whom He willed (Mark 3, 13 – 14; John 6 :70).
He did so in conjunction with the Paraclete and God the Father (Acts 1 : 2) after intense prayer (Luke 6 : 12).
Male priests became intimately associated with the mission of Jesus Christ as the Incarnate Logos (Mark 16 : 14 – 15).
The Apostles also prayed before selecting and appointing their assistants (1 Timothy 3 : 1 – 13 ; 2 Timothy 1: 6).
Do times change?
Does God change?
Read more on the ~Role of Women....