Originally posted by OzWeatherman
Fine, we said sorry, I am happy we finally done it....but now they are seeking compensation?
I mean, they get paid to go to school, they get paid to go to funerals, they get free houses and cars, and get ten times more money from centrelink
than any other people because they are aboriginal. I am all for human rights and equality....but somewhere its gone topsy turvy.
And since when is it acceptable for a black person to call me a white c*unt, merely from walking past them, while if I did the same thing I would be
considered a racist
...' they get paid to go to school, they get paid to go to funerals, they get free houses and cars, and get ten times more money from
centrelink than any other people because they are aboriginal ...
'... because they are Aboriginal ... '.
Even when they're only 100th 'aboriginal'.
Like the blow-hard lawyer from Tasmania who's been blowing hard for nigh on 20 years. Back then, he had red hair .. whiter than milk skin with
freckles ... and blue-blue eyes. Oh, but he's 'aboriginal' you see he says so. Nowadays his hair is snowy white. And before The Apology was
even dry, he was impatient to begin dividing up the $5,000,000 allocated for the first 'compen-saaaay-shun grab in Tassie.
Always amuses me the way 'people of colour' choose to go with the 'brown bit'. Wonder why? Wonder why they don't choose to go with their
Latvian or Irish or Scottish or English or Dutch or Polish or NON-brown ancestry ? Could it be because the NON-brown ancestry doesn't PAY ?
During WW2, thousands of British children were removed from their families, supposedly for 'their own good' and to avoid Hitler's bombs.
Some were sent to Canada and lots were sent to Australia. It was supposed to be a temporary, war-time arrangement.
Those children from the UK were placed in 'church homes'. In fact, they were required to
physically build those homes, from scratch, using
their childish hands and backs. They were put to work mixing cement, making bricks, chopping wood, etc.
Whilst they were thus engaged, their pale English skins roasting unprotected in the harsh Australian sun, they were also raped, sexually abused and
viciously and repeatedly beaten by the sadistic, sexually frustrated priests and nuns.
The children were very young in many instances .. as young as five years of age. They missed their parents, their siblings, their friends, their
And they were TOLD by those worthy church representatives and priests and nuns who were beating and sexually violating them ... that their parents
were dead. Or that their parents didn't want them back. And that their parents had been happy to 'get rid of them'.
Imagine the heart-break and depression and suicidal thoughts of those children. Many died. Others killed themselves. Others spirits were broken for
life. The rest lived in unmitigated misery, lonliness and despair.
Can you imagine how they felt when 50 and more years later .. they discovered they'd been LIED to ? Their parents had NOT died. Their parents HAD
wanted them back.
The Australian and British governments .. plus their cohorts the foul religious institutions .. had LIED and lied and lied some more. They had
stolen those children. Stolen their lives. Stolen their trust and sense of self-worth. Stolen their families from them. Stolen their
futures. Stolen their innocence and virginity.
I watched the documentaries as those children .. now white haired-grandparents ... met for the first time in over 50 years the siblings and cousins
from whom they'd been forcibly separated all those years ago.
Many of those stolen
white children had never known their siblings, who'd been born after they were illegally brought to Australia.
Most of their siblings, and certainly their parents, had died many years before. They learned from their remaining family-members in the UK that
their parents had ALSO been lied to by the authorities. The parents had been told their children had died in Australia.
This is no myth. The stolen white children were
genuinely stolen.
Where's the 'apology' ?
Where are the stolen
white children's childish demands for 'an apology ?
None. There are none.
And the ...-lawyers aren't hopping on
that bandwagon, the way they ride the Aborigine bandwagon.
white people are required to shut up and just move on.
Sympathy is reserved, no matter how undeservedly, for 'people of colour'.
As is 'compen-saaaaaay-shun'.
The nonsense began when certain multinational mining corporations wanted to plunder swathes of Australia. How to achieve that ? It was accomplished
by 'granting' those swathes of Australia to Aborigines (not that the majority are interested in actually
living there .. they'd rather hang
around Whitey's towns and to hell with Aboriginal kul-cha).
Once Aborigines had been granted huge chunks of the land .. were we suprised when the multinationals leased that land from its Aboriginal owners ?
Nah .. we weren't surprised. And when the Aborigines began thudding through in new 4x4 on their way to the pub for more slabs of beer, well ...
that's progress, hey ? Multinationals were happy .. check their profits. Aborigines were happy .. more money for grog. Whitey wasn't asked if he
was happy. Who cares if Whitey's happy?
So entire platoons of ...-lawyers have enjoyed very early and luxurious retirement, courtesy of all the argy-bargy about 'Aboriginal Rights' and
'Saying Sorry'. Now further platoons of them will line their pockets pursuing the 'Sorry Equals Compen-saaaay-shun' trail.
Can you believe that children who arrived in Australia from China last month have been forced to participate in the 'say sorry' exercise and to
write essays about it at school ?
Wonder if Aborigines will reciprocate and 'say sorry' to the Chinese kids for eating their Chinese ancestors a hundred or so years ago, on the
Australian gold-fields ?
Or will the Aborigines now 'say sorry' to white Australians for eating their colonial ancestors ?
Oh, that's right ... Whitey isn't supposed to remember the cannibalism or the rape and murder of white-settlers wives and children by entire tribes
of spear-brandishing Aborigines.
Only cuts one way. Only Whitey is required to 'say sorry'. Aborigines' transgressions are frantically being air-brushed aside as we speak.
They're encouraged to 'feel like victims' by the ...-lawyers (the usual suspects, who cream the profits from both sides as always .. simultaneous
with engineering their usual Divide and Conquer methods).
My ancestors were Brits. Wonder if there's some group I can join to force the Romans to 'say sorry' and give me 'compen-saaaaay-shun' for
invading my homeland and stealing my ancestors children .. not to provide them with a better life and education .. but instead to force them into
slavery and deny them their heritage.
What a joke. At least 75% of the Aborigines demanding an 'apology' are at least half-Brit, 7/8-Irish, 3/4-Polish etc or a combination-of. But they
cling to their 1% to 5% 'aboriginality'. Even though they have freckles and red hair and green and blue eyes and skin whiter than most of the
people in this forum. Because 'aboriginality' is an excuse, a living, a reason not to work, an opportunity to be seized, and provides all those
privileges and perks. And it offers the opportunity to whinge .. life-long.
' You said 'sorry', Whitey .. and that's gonna cost ya '. Yes. Great day for mankind. Lawyers are rubbing their hands in anticipation. As
always, most of the compen-saay-shun money will vanish in 'administration' fees. Whitey will pay. 'Aborigines' of all shades will continue to