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Australia apologizes to Aborigines

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posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 03:24 AM

Originally posted by Mikey84
reply to post by Im a Marty

Fare enough if they want to be true Aboriginals and live as they use to, but then that means giving back the white mans drink, the white mans government housing, the white mans money and benefits.

You can’t have it both ways, either they want to be equal or they don’t, it should be the same benefits and help for everyone, why should they get more just because they are black, talk about being racist!

The Australian government has apologised, it’s that’s all the Aboriginals wanted then maybe they should give back everything that the Australian Government has actually given them.


Again - this is the choice of individual people, not a race, not a community. I've seen some really drunk aboriginies, cursing their heads off - but I have also seen the most wonderful tribal folk. The choice is theirs, put the drink in front of them and its their choice to take it or not. Its a family or individual that chooses to live that way, not a race. Who said they should get more because they're black? They should be offered the same opportunities as 'any' other Australian - no more no less. Also its not because they're black, its because they were here first, what if they were white? Makes no difference. But you made a point - perhaps the Government should also apologise for introducing western culture to them.

Either way, I'm done with this thread, I made my point, and I also respect yours btw, everyone is entitled to their own opinion - but I suppose our discussion shows the two extremes


posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 03:25 AM

Originally posted by jedimiller

hi theone. who cares how it makes the government look man. the government is weak already anyway. I think it's about time they apologized. In the USA, we should apologize to the blacks and the american indians and stop taxing them. the blacks should be given 10,000 each for pain and suffering, and given free land.

you are taking the proverbial P**s, right?

Shall we give Oprah 10,000 as well

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 03:33 AM
reply to post by Im a Marty

I agree with some of what your saying, the thing that gets to me most is when I see special programs for Aboriginal people, and only for Aboriginal people, that is discrimination, if we had special programs for only white people or only non-aboriginals there would be uproar.

Just look at special University and TAFE entry offered to Aboriginals, white people have to work hard, study hard and fight for a place, look at the benefits and house offered to only Aboriginal people, the average unemployed white person receives a benefit of $300 - $500 a fortnight, while an unemployed Aboriginal received an average benefit of $700 – $1,100 a fortnight, then add on the extra entitlements. It’s not fair.

Everyone should be treated equal should mean exactly that. No extra handouts just because you’re an Aboriginal.

In the end, I don’t think there should of been an apology, an acknowledgement of the past and the mistakes made, but not a “sorry.


posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 03:35 AM
reply to post by blueorder

Oprah? the same Oprah that I heard drives her expensive Limo through the "ville" flaunting her wealth in front of people who cannot afford shoes, let alone a car? The same Oprah who sends money to africa while african americans right in the states live in poverty? Sure...let's give her some points and an award...

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 03:38 AM
I'm completely befuddled by this apology. I'm all for apologies when they're needed... But this one is going to drag on for decades to come in the form of compensation claims. If it helps those taken away move on, that's excellent. But if it leads to more money going into a void, hmm.

Saying sorry for something shouldn't make any government look weaker. But unfortunately it does. I've learnt recently never to say sorry at a car accident for instance, even when you're not at fault and trying to be diplomatic

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 03:40 AM

Originally posted by WhiteWash

Oprah? the same Oprah that I heard drives her expensive Limo through the "ville" flaunting her wealth in front of people who cannot afford shoes, let alone a car? The same Oprah who sends money to africa while african americans right in the states live in poverty? Sure...let's give her some points and an award...

Dude, that was my point, I was responding to a poster who was waffling about giving all indians and blacks money and land, I hope he was taking the P**s, I was using Oprah to highlight how idotic the suggestion is

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 03:42 AM
reply to post by blueorder

Yes Sir, i know lol I was just adding my 2 cents as to what I thought of her also.

As far as reparations, IMO no amount of such can ever make such things right.
Money and land will not bring back the lost lives.

[edit on 13-2-2008 by WhiteWash]

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 03:44 AM

Originally posted by WhiteWash
Yes Sir, i know lol I was just adding my 2 cents as to what I thought of her also.
IE: I am in agreement about oprah.

ahh right, no problems

Wonder how this poster would allocate the "land" and "money", would obama get half the money seeing as he has a white mama

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 03:52 AM
reply to post by Mikey84

Ok posting reply heh

Actually - I agree with that, I do agree with the same opportunity to all, regardless of race/colour - as long as you're an Australian citizen/resident. I don't agree with individual compensation either - I would prefer it if there HAS to be compensation, to be used in a broader sense to fix the communities you were referring to earlier, it doesn't just fix Aboriginal communities - but repairs the quality of all Australians, a nation that can be proud that it has no issues that are currently presented.

I suppose I believe that this apology was a big chunk in the progress for Australians everywhere, it is probably a good starting point. I would also like to see help for homeless, drug addicts, criminal etc... to rid of it all together - not just mask it.


posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 04:31 AM
oops tripple post????? = TRIPPLE??? WOW

[edit on 13-2-2008 by Thurisaz]

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 04:31 AM

sorry, tripple post

[edit on 13-2-2008 by Thurisaz]

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 04:32 AM

Glebe Public School Year 6 student Jaylene Bolt says she hopes the apology will bring people together.

"It will help us live together in peace and help us get along, so we can live happily together, and just have a great life like we should have," she said.

Thousands greet Stolen Generations Apology

That is from a child who is in Year 6 at School.

Inspiring to say the least.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 05:10 AM
reply to post by Thurisaz

Sadly I doubt her “hope” will come true.

I doubt this apology will mean I can walk through the streets of Redfern on my own at any time of day without being called a “white c*nt” or being abused and shouted at, just for being white.

I doubt an apology will fix that and bring people together.


posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 05:19 AM

Originally posted by Mikey84
Sadly I doubt her “hope” will come true.

I doubt this apology will mean I can walk through the streets of Redfern on my own at any time of day without being called a “white c*nt” or being abused and shouted at, just for being white.

I doubt an apology will fix that and bring people together.


Indeed Mikey, all it will do is foster the culturehood of victimisation and reinforce divisions

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 06:20 AM
Having just seen it through, I wholly support the motion passed in the Australian Parliament today. As someone said earlier, you have to start somewhere. I am personally 'sorry' for anyone who couldn't share the spirit of today's sentiment - believe me, you won't get many chances like this.

[edit on 13-2-2008 by Shar_Chi]

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 06:51 AM
I'm not from Australia, but apologizing for something that you didn't do is asking for a lawsuit, why would you do that? If it is anything like America, just don't go to black cities, there easy to see and avoid, at least here, and I imagine if they have a store you want or some other reason for going, you could easily go to a different city to get it. That last part is incredibly sad by the way. No countries citizens should have to avoid a CITY because of the worthless people that inhabit it. By the way, to the people living in candy land where everyone is equal and all cultures are equal, there not, grow up. If the aborigine wasn't weak and backward, they would have conquered the white devil and the country would be theres, but they aren't, and didn't, so it isnt. If the Native Americans weren't weak and backward, they would have done the same. Not all cultures are equal, not all people are equal. In America for instance, 79% of crime is black, 15% Hispanic, 4% white, 1% Native, 1% Asian. Looking at those numbers, I wonder what group looks more likely to commit crimes? But because we live in candy land, we have to pretend those numbers aren't from the governments own site on crime, but made up, and "Don't represent groups of people". We live a life of lies. So I guess I answered my own question of why the AUS government apologized, so never mind.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 07:05 AM

Originally posted by Ruggeder
No countries citizens should have to avoid a CITY because of the worthless people that inhabit it.

Statements like yours greatly reassure me about the way I feel, so I guess I should say "thanks".

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by SilentShadow

Next ,A large injection of $ that will cure the "White mans guilt" factor we will all feel good.

If we get Dem's here in US we will do the same thing with are Black population.
Injection of $ will cur it here to.

Just my thought's

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 07:21 AM
Fine, we said sorry, I am happy we finally done it....but now they are seeking compensation?

I mean, they get paid to go to school, they get paid to go to funerals, they get free houses and cars, and get ten times more money from centrelink than any other people because they are aboriginal. I am all for human rights and equality....but somewhere its gone topsy turvy.

And since when is it acceptable for a black person to call me a white c*unt, merely from walking past them, while if I did the same thing I would be considered a racist

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by OzWeatherman
Fine, we said sorry, I am happy we finally done it....but now they are seeking compensation?

I mean, they get paid to go to school, they get paid to go to funerals, they get free houses and cars, and get ten times more money from centrelink than any other people because they are aboriginal. I am all for human rights and equality....but somewhere its gone topsy turvy.

And since when is it acceptable for a black person to call me a white c*unt, merely from walking past them, while if I did the same thing I would be considered a racist

it isnt, that black fella should be smacked or arrested

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