I am making no claim that anyone on this thread here is anything in particular; just to clarify.
Oh, and even disinformants cannot escape the IRS!!!
(a joke, as I saw that statement as one as well)
You would have to admit, respectful discussion is rare in anything to do with the possibility our government isn't the most perfectest thing in the
I do understand the points being made that some secrecy is required. My point is there is a difference between secrecy and lies.
Keep the black projects secret until you advance past them or you see other countries attain the same level publicly.
But I will remain true to my conviction that lies, for any reason are unjust.
Here is a thought, don't do things to a country if you wouldn't want them to know about it. So, yes, we should be able to tell an 'enemy'
everything we did to them ... because an honorable country would not have been involved with dirty deeds in the first place. Johnny stole candy, so
I did too! That is not a reasonable argument. You do no make yourself any better, or set the world example (as the U.S. claims to be), by doing
everything and more that you tell others they shouldn't do. Lead by example. Show the world we are the best because we don't have debt, because we
are happy, because we are not afraid, because we take care of our own so well, that we can then also take care of others. The U.S. has done things in
completely the wrong way for far too long. We need to save ourselves from self-destruction. What good is our empire once it is gone? Do we want to
live and die like the Romans? Forcing others to follow through threats and war is no way to spread your message.
Remember, we have no true enemies right now ... we may be working on creating them by occupation and manipulations. If I recall correctly, a group
of extremists attacked us by all official reports. We declare war on countries. The common sense in that seems cloudy. Extremists are not a
representative of a country, ethnicity, or religion. They are ... extremists. Would you call all Germans, nazis? Do you call all Christians,
crusaders? Do you consider all white people, KKK members?
I know a lot of people would be considered insurgents in the U.S. if another country occupied us to catch a few rogue people after they ousted a
dictator President. I know a lot of people who would not like that occupying country very much after a few years of occupation, even if they
initially appreciated having the bum thrown out and tried for their evils.
Oh, but we don't have groups that would fight and cause trouble. No, we do have extremists here. We have cults, Christian extremists (exact same
thing as Muslim extremists), KKK, and other violent groups. The are kept in check by our government, and would most likely test how far they could go
if we were occupied, and if that occupying country withdrew, they would see if they could take some kind of control of at least a certain amount of
territory. It would be no different than it is over in the middle east. Remember, we destroyed their infrastructure, as the same would be done to
As far as 'throwing' an election ... it would be intentionally giving arsenal to your opponent to vilify your image or stepping down (throwing in
the towel). Also, with electronic voting, it can be thrown while people go to the polls. Who is to say the numbers are not put up that just show an
acceptable range of percentages while still keeping the guise of democracy, placing the intended combatant into the final bout. Not saying I believe
this, but it surely is possible.
Also, some people consider these countries that we should 'fear' to be third world. Do realize that they have cities, plumbing, transportation,
electricity, businesses, television, and pretty much everything that we have. Saying third world is a way to try and lessen the value of their lives
and their way of life. It is different, not wrong.
A confusing thing about it is, we claim to be vastly superior in almost every way in attack and defense, but, we should 'fear' people that are so
far below our advanced tech? Fear is a tool used by terrorists, you have to question a government that uses fear to control, manipulate their people
to accomplish goals. Should our government not teach us to defend ourselves and not be afraid? Should our government not keep our freedoms and
liberties as the pride of our nation, to prove that the 'terrorists' didn't win? Instead they fear monger with color codes, threats of future
attacks, and take away our rights. Who is the true enemy to the People? No, not the military, they have sworn to uphold the constitution.
Those who take away our freedoms and liberties are the true enemy to the people of a nation.
Where is the true pride of what our country stands for? You can attack us, but we will not flinch or falter. That is the American spirit. People
must defend themselves against all adversaries, foreign and domestic, including its own government stealing its freedoms through LIES of protection
from a boogey man. They attack our rights by lies, claiming we will be safer ... how our we safe if we cannot defend ourselves from an enemy? If
there are no guns, and we are invaded, what do you do but surrender of fight with fists against artillery ... which is more efficient, a million
troops spread out thin, or 300 million troops covering the whole territory? The LIE is they provide our safety, the TRUTH is safety comes from the
people standing in unison against any and all threats. Fear is your true enemy.
I am not making claims that anyone blew up anything. I am asking for truth. When official reports change, and change again ... but still don't use
real world physics, and still cannot answer things honestly ... drawing false conclusions on modified evidence ... then it is not truth. I will
accept any TRUTH, no matter what it is. If it is hijackers, then don't have people that are still alive on the list of people who did it. If it
collapsed, don't make the core smaller and less significant that it truly was. Don't manipulate things to fit your theory, base your theory on
actual evidence. Don't keep videos from the public who want to investigate. Lies, manipulation, and hiding information from investigations does not
make things look good.
Simple enough, right? Let me know when ANY theory, official or not, is proven. Just because a theory isn't 'official' doesn't make it a
conspiracy theory. Is it still a conspiracy theory if it is found to be truth? Then would the 'official' theory then be considered a conspiracy?
Not for 9/11, but in general.
Oh, and as far as terrorists flipping sides ... we have offered deals to those groups to join our side and then we fight against those who don't.
That is what the General did recently in Iraq. It will most likely be the strategy in Pakistan as we go back there in greater force than we currently
I want to state, I respect views that are different than mine. If I am debating, discussing, I intend no personal aggression, I am usually discussing
in general, except for countering a direct point, then it is the person's idea/statement, not the person them self that I am engaging.
Thanks for remaining calm. It is all for the greater good.