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BlackBerry out of service in North America

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posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 09:02 AM
Blackberry's operate in 1 of 2 ways that know of for messaging relay:

- Local "Enterprise" messaging
- hosted messaging

Local Blackberry enterprise servers are bought and maintained by individual companies to act as a gateway (relay) between their employees and their messaging systems (MS Exchange etc). Any outage on AT&T's side would not affect these types of implementations which is why some people are reporting no interruptions.

Hosted messaging are similar to the above but on a larger scale. AT&T and other providers host and maintain the Blackberry gateways which relay messages from an email system to the users who connect to it for messaging. If this piece goes down, it's going to interrupt service for alot of people.

I'm by no means an expert in these types of systems but do have experience being in the IT industry and working for various companies that use Blackberrys.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 09:20 AM
BEEP...BEEP...BEEP... This is a test and only a test of communication failure to ascertain the reaction of the people. Had this been an actual and widespread communication failure martial law would have been ushered in with great speed and urgency. There is nothing more to see here so move along and enjoy your pizza and beer!

Folks, open your eyes please. EVERYTHING occurring is a probing for the soft spots - the areas of greatest vulnerabilities. This is an engineered failure. You have 5 major communication pipelines fail within 1 week and then a cascade effect of similar outages and failures. This is the beginning of the conditioning to ensure that people become accustomed to these outages. Why!? Because communication is the #1 enemy of diabolical dictatorships. Imagine what would happen if people on the East Coast saw the news that people were being rounded up and placed in concentrations camps out west?

Keep in mind that a bulk of the US military is NOT going to participate when round-up time begins. Instead they will rely on hired mercenaries (BKR, Black water et al), foreign troops and those US troops corrupted enough to believe that they are doing the right thing for their country. This smaller force is going to have to emply the age-old axiom of "Divide and conquer". A massive uprising would overthrow these plans post haste!

IN order to ensure that the round-up progresses smoothly all communications will need to "fail" and news contained. They will also need to have people willing to submit to round-up. The simplest way is to collapse the economy, strangle the food and water supply and squeeze energy supplies. Any of that sound familiar? It is what is happening now - in psychology we recognize it as Operant Conditioning. We are being slowly conditioned to accept outcomes based on events that we are presented with as being beyonf our control.

Human psychology, Operantly speaking, consists of 4 basic mindsets in the subject:

Something Good can start or be presented;
Something Good can end or be taken away;
Something Bad can start or be presented;
Something Bad can end or be taken away.

Get the picture yet? These communication failures will continue to become more widespread and more frequent. As will other breakdowns in society, forcing all of us to accept the outcomes forced upon us by our conditioners. You have two choices; either get udsed to it or get prepared for it! I am choosing the latter.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 12:18 PM
I have a Blackberry 8320 curve and the past couple days the connection really sucked. I couldn't get much reception where I would get excellent connection and can't get online on my phone sometimes; more like lagging a lot.

But today it's a bit better

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