posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 11:34 PM
hello every one. Like many of you, i stay skeptical about the indigo children. Still, i do believe there are some particularly special people put on
this earth, and i think i might have living proof of it.
i suspect my good friend might be one, and i'm not saying this because of the books or anyhing. He is very perceptive, connected, and spiritual for
his age. He's going on 18 and already knows so much about so many topics. he has incredible will power to make a change in this world. He is the one
who woke me up, who taught me about the illuminati's chokehold on us. He loves to KNOW and TEACH. He's very intelligent, uber creative, connected
with nature and oopen minded. He believes in other dimensions and i could go on and on about his virtues... so,
can anybody give me good, serious links or info (but im not talking about the bollox! haha) i also want to find out how i could present him my
opinion. I just feel it. He must be more then human. He doesn't know what the indigo children are, so i'd like to educate him on that
if any body can tell me more of what they know, or just give me tips on how i can speak to him about it. (without freaking him out) thank you all!