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I might be a mythical creature (hoax)

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posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 04:16 PM
Sorry if it's over your head, bro

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[edit on 11-2-2008 by Gemwolf]

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 04:18 PM
Oh, and please, stop calling me a guy. I am not gender confused, and I am a girl.

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[edit on 11-2-2008 by Gemwolf]

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 05:22 PM
Why not videotape some of these powers in action and then post the videos. I'm sure many people here would love to see exactly what you mean first hand.

[edit on 10-2-2008 by zerotime]

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 05:37 PM
Ignore the skeptics. If you are being honest, the best thing to do is NOT to tell people. Figure out whats going on by yourself, push your abilities. Make a private journal or mental notes. It's rare to find people -once in a while- with extreme supernatural or psychic abilities (which ever you want to call it). I can almost guarantee that most of the people you tell or meet won't even have encounters with the spiritual or supernatural. Another thing, they cant help you, some of them will only think you're insane. So with all that said IF you are telling the truth figure things out yourself, and push your abilities, I think your just human with a higher spiritual quality by the way, so don't feak out.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 06:22 PM
Why did you come onto ATS to post this?

Simple Question.

The fact that you come on here and post what you can do...then nothing, is quite suspect.

No reason why you posted that, or show any reason for us to believe you are lingering for help.

I think you are full of it. Just wanting attention.

I would love nothing more than for someone to have these abilities. But in your case i believe you just want to take everyone here for a loop or just for poops and giggles.

Only one way to solve this.

Videotape yourself (like a previous poster said) doing these abilities you say you can do. And go indepth about what you feel when you do these acts, and what you see when you teleport.

Don't have a video camera? (which i will wager you don't) Spend the money to get one. The benefits of showing your ability to us would outweight the costs of a Video Camera.

If you are scared about people knowing or the government doing some wacky tests on you, then you put yourself in greater danger by posting here. The gov. most likley checks this site alot, and can easily get your IP and location.

So please prove me wrong. I'm not trying to be mean but i have seen alot of bullcrap hoaxers on here and heard alot of them in person. Its only right to be objective.

[edit on 2/10/2008 by 3rdeye]

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 06:33 PM
I have powers too.
Sometimes, when I pick my nose hard enough, red liquid shoots out- And it makes people want to stay away from me.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 06:40 PM
Folks, ManBearPig has revealed himself on ATS!

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[edit on 11-2-2008 by Gemwolf]

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 06:40 PM
Sometimes when my brother wears shorts I think he's the mythical sasquatch.

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[edit on 11-2-2008 by Gemwolf]

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 06:41 PM
a doctor once told me that people with yellow eyes need to see a doctor pronto
cause more than likely they have liver trouble

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 06:44 PM
delusions of grandeur, fantasy.... sounds like the likely answer... either that or you are too caught up in "Heroes"

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 06:53 PM
go outside and get some fresh air with the rest of your school pals.

Thank Christ The Internet wasn't around when i was at school.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 06:57 PM
No need to chastise this girl as it would seem she's going thru a difficult period.
Many have gone thru phases like this. It comes out in different ways with different people. The most common is people identifying with famous people and developing feelings manifested thru their desire to be more than they are. You are living out your manifestation in a more unique way but not all that unique, hence the reference to werewolves.

I would say that you are very creative and emotional. That you don't fit into the various clicks in your age group. You are an individual that is caught between two worlds. The world of needing to fit somewhere but on the other hand wanting to be something different or independent.

The best thing to do IMO is to expand on the positive aspects of it. Let the creativity out in writing or poetry, maybe some other artistic venue. People make fun because they are fearful and jealous in that 1. They are run of the mill and 2. They have no guts or aspirations in life. The worst thing you can do is to shut off and stuff all this down as to not experience the possible good that can come from it. That's called going with the crowd and the "crowd" is already too big as you can see by the idiotic comments from some of the posters.

You could be the next Madonna, Stephen Hawking or Barbra Streisand. These are but a few examples of people that were chastised and made fun of for thinking they could be more and weren't afraid to experience the bumps and bruises along the way. It's called beating the odds and it usually starts with people that don't fit the normal mold in some way shape or form.

Don't be surprised if someday you look in the mirror and see a butterfly looking back at you....

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 07:07 PM
hey you know what sometimes i can heer what people are saying and then they say it but first it is in there heads. my frinds all think its so weird byt i can had it all my life so wutever

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by jbondo
No need to chastise this girl as it would seem she's going thru a difficult period.
Many have gone thru phases like this. It comes out in different ways with different people. The most common is people identifying with famous people and developing feelings manifested thru their desire to be more than they are. You are living out your manifestation in a more unique way but not all that unique, hence the reference to werewolves.

I would say that you are very creative and emotional. That you don't fit into the various clicks in your age group. You are an individual that is caught between two worlds. The world of needing to fit somewhere but on the other hand wanting to be something different or independent.

The best thing to do IMO is to expand on the positive aspects of it. Let the creativity out in writing or poetry, maybe some other artistic venue. People make fun because they are fearful and jealous in that 1. They are run of the mill and 2. They have no guts or aspirations in life. The worst thing you can do is to shut off and stuff all this down as to not experience the possible good that can come from it. That's called going with the crowd and the "crowd" is already too big as you can see by the idiotic comments from some of the posters.

Well said. Complete hogwash for this situation but well said.

The OP has not showed any extra "creativity" in the writing aspect. Mostly took abilities from the show "Heroes" and put a realistic (if any) twist on it by saying they are weak.

You have assumed too much from her in these short couple of posts. She could be the most popular girl in school and is just doing this with some friends for a kick. She could be the loner who is doing this for attention or for a kick. Could be some wierd 50 year old who is looking to take us for a loop. Could be the gov. spreading some disinfo to get us to argue like i am now. But the last thing i would think it is a some girl who is extra-creative, trying to "fit into a group but can't cause she is special"

Originally posted by jbondo
You could be the next Madonna, Stephen Hawking or Barbra Streisand. These are but a few examples of people that were chastised and made fun of for thinking they could be more and weren't afraid to experience the bumps and bruises along the way. It's called beating the odds and it usually starts with people that don't fit the normal mold in some way shape or form.

Show me a celebrity who said they can do what the OP said and ill give you a medal.

The mentioned famous people have only ever had ideas that were extraordinary. Not abilities. Well except Mecha-Streisand, but thats it.

Originally posted by jbondo
Don't be surprised if someday you look in the mirror and see a butterfly looking back at you....

I would most likely crap my pants in that situation.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 07:38 PM

yeah okay but you know what mayb they are a hero and have powers cause the show is called heros an d they obvisly have powers people would have or the show would prolly SUCK so why are you going to say they dun even have these powers when they probably might even have them.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by Sad Face Stan
yeah okay but you know what mayb they are a hero and have powers cause the show is called heros an d they obvisly have powers people would have or the show would prolly SUCK so why are you going to say they dun even have these powers when they probably might even have them.

I got nothing from that paragraph...... Engrish please.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 08:11 PM
At 37 I'd still love to have superhuman talent or Mutant powers like the X-Men so let's review what I can do.

Indigo Children--yeah I fit the profile from what I have read of them except for age. But I also can take those personality tests and fix in with every type of person. Am I superfluid in nature and adaptability or are they simply designed to encompass anyone reading them? Empathic Chameleon Test Result---Nil.

Color Changing Eyes--I can range from gray to so dark green they appear black. Color changes tend to reflect emotional state and are typically bright green. Checking under strong light they are a green varient of hazel with flects of color ranging from gray to black but mostly green. Shirts and weather/lighting conditions highlight different colors. Mood Ring Eyes---Nada.

Projective Empathy/Telepathy---I have the ability to be accepted in various social groups ranging from children, politicans, celebrities, octagenerians and cats seamlessly. I am also honest, humorous and generally not an A-hole and have had pet cats all my life and know the proper way to scratch ears and give kitty massages. Having cat pheromones constantly rubbed on person and clothes doesn't hurt either. Social Butterfly---Possible.

Psionic abilities.....Well I have studied Ki and psi balls and such. I have practiced and some members of my extended family experience precognative visions while sleeping that have come to pass and other forms of paranormal experiences. Genetics may play a role as does Rh negative blood types for most of the family as well as Cherokee ancestory one of which told of an underground river many years before it was discovered. Some believe that everyone has such abilities but never explore and develop them or tune them out while living more mundane lives. Others say that it is genetic in nature and is proof of evolution to something beyond homo sapien. Paranormal Mutation---Undetermined.

Basically, we share this rock. We may all be the same or we may have individual differences. How you decide to live your life in conjuction or opposition to others says much about how you are as person. John Lennon's Imagine speaks of a harmonious utopia while Pink Floyd's In the Flesh speaks of predjuce and prosecution for those outside the norm.

Do I feel different because I can perform what amounts to minor parlor tricks? Not really. Sometimes I feel like an outsider because I never found the right person at the right time to marry, but I have lived alone for so long I am not sure I would want anyone constantly around anyways. So alone but not lonely would describe things well enough.

And to add, the power to destroy is insignificant compared to the power to create. Ponder the meaning behind that statement completely and you will find a much larger world than the one around you today.

[edit on 10-2-2008 by Ahabstar]

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 08:55 PM
Jbondo has pretty much hit the mark. Ask yourself, are you popular in school, are you considered pretty by other people, are you athletic and such. I predict that these will all be answered no. Dont get me wrong its perfectly fine if someones not a barbie doll oc wanna be, but ask yourself why you never hear claims from those kids about being "special". Chances are you are looking for answers and you feel like you dont belong. Your taking little events and coincidinces and putting larger meanings behind them because you wish you could be that person. Dont worry though we all want to be a special something, you just have to relize it is highly unrealistic to be a mutant or what ever.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 02:47 AM
Can I just remind everyone that the One Line Post rule applies to this thread as well. As well as the "NO PERSONAL INSULTS" rule (Civility and Decorum are Required).

Please consider whether you will actually be contributing to the thread before you post.


posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 06:59 AM
Just to sum up the point of making this thread for those who are wondering...It was to see what people's reactions would be. I was simply...Curious.

Now, for a few of your other questions. No, I am not populer in school, though the friends I do have (or had before I moved), were some of the best friends I've had in my life (they are the ones talked about before).

Second, sure, things like I explained in my first post do happen, but until I have proof that it isn't coincidence, I am going to believe that it is (Though I jokingly did make a prediction that came true, but still...I believe it was only a coincidence.)

And as for my eyes, I can't tell you what color they normally are (because one is half half green and half brown, while the other is half green and half blue), but I can say that they do change from brown, to dark grey, to bright green, and occasionally to a light grey in a place where the lighting remains the same (aka, my bathroom).


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