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Life on the other side of the fence

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posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 04:37 PM
Final chapter,

I dug at the irratation, and it hurt some. Finally, I got angry. I knew that something was in there that didn't belong there.
So I got out a pair of tweezers. I felt around until I felt I had a hold of what ever it was. I gave it a pull. It hurt a lot as I heard a distinct rip.

My nose bled like a broken nose. I was scared to death at what I had just done to myself. I packed my nose with cotton after flushing it with cold water for five minutes.

Then I examined what I pulled out.
This is what it looked like.
Under a magnifying glass, it had the appearance of a very fine zipper.
It was about 1/4 to 3/8ths inch long. About 1/32nd of inch wide. It looked like a white nylon type of material. The center had all the markings or looks of a closed zipper. The sides had very fine tiny little thread like hairs running along the sides of it, some were longer than others. It was the thickness of paper. I examined this thing under a 10x and 20x lupe.
I could see very fine red or purple lines running down the center and then branch off in several places to the outside edge. I tried to pull it apart, but, this thing or substance would not tear apart. I tried to cut it in half with a razor blade, and it wouldn't cut in half either. I put a burning match too it. All it did was curl slightly, but, did not burn.
I put it in an pill bottle and kept it for a couple of weeks.

Once my nose had healed. I looked up inside my nose where the thing had been. I could see two rows of fine little holes on the tissue lining of my inner nose. I was bright red, and swollen. Yet, it didn't hurt.
I wondered what to do? Should I tell some one about it? I already had a weird history with the family, I thought there wasn't any point.
I knew this thing was a gift I didn't want. SO, I flushed it down the toilet.
It floated and circled and wouldn't go down. So I wrapped it up in tissue paper, I tried again. This time, it went bye-bye to parts unknown.
Two weeks later I moved to another location in town. I haven't had any other experiences since then. It has been over ten years. Nothing! I'm glad.

I kept quiet too all media untill now. This is my experience. What I have posted in the three running posts, is true. You make of it what you want.

In the mean time, I am convinced something happened to me as a kid, and as an adult.

It is my hell bent intent to kill one of these damn things from parts unknown. I want to bring down a UFO, in a big dramatic crash like event. I will try ambush them, entice them, call them. If these are our Gods, then we have been duped by organized religions. These things are not benevolent. They ain't here to save us!
I concider them to be evil, and they deserve to be attacked.
I am no longer afraid of them. All I have is a raging warlike anger for them. I want revenge!

So, there it is...all of it.


Laugh if you want, Poo Poo it, call it crap. It happened exactly as I have told it here.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by BallBreaker

Yes I can tell the difference is through the feelings I get through them. One will have a friendly feel warm and safe kind of feel and the other will feel like he is looking down on you. I can sense they have an ulterior motive behind the way they move and communicate.

Do you really have to call me a farm animal I mean is it a trait for you to doubt than abuse me. Everyone in here is making their own judgement and you have to insult me. if you knew the difference you wouldn't have to ask me. Or should I just pretend you said bahahahahah bahahahahah

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 04:45 PM

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by UFOBountyHunter

It sounds like you could have some evidence there and although you understandably fear than thay can sense that and it usually makes them perform a more drastic operation.

Id take the evidence you have (if you still have it) and study it through your own means microscope things like that. You could get it analyzed but you may not have a good chance of getting it back if its real proof. Thats the government for you. Let me know what you find if you go ahead and do some studies on it

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by GavCg

Your what list I honestly don't know what your post was the amount of threads coming in here is huge so If you could repeat it and maybe I can help you out.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by UFOBountyHunter

Man Ive never had something like that happen before but the only thing I can relate to is the feeling you were getting from the room. Was it a draining feeling like energy was being sucked out of you, did your body sting.

These make your experience stand out and I would really like to know if those were the feelings you had, if thats ok.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by Drakiir

I wrote that I flushed it down the toilet. I didn't want it. I wanted it away from me.
Whatever was behind putting it my nose, pissed me off.

My experiences haven't been pleasant...

Some people think ET, Aliens, Grays, or whatever you want to call them, are some kind of NEW AGE savior. They aren't. I get a distinct feeling they are totally bad news for us.

This crap about changing our behavior as humans smacks of NEW AGE
wishful thinking.

Humans are super predators, and whatever the enities are in the parallel universe to us, they too are predators.

I have been hunting them since 1999. Without success. I hope to put a number of 50 cal. holes into a UFO if I can. I am that angry...

And if by mistake, I down some secret black-op's military craft, Oh WELL, they should have come clean with us anyway.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by Drakiir

I didn't sting, it was more of an odd tingle. ALMOST like when a limb falls asleep, but not as dramatic. The INKY BLACKNESS is unmistakable. There is a distinct change in the air as it closes in. I noticed too, outside noise disappears. I gets totally silent just before the hiss or humm, which lasts for a split second.

[edit on 10-2-2008 by UFOBountyHunter]

[edit on 10-2-2008 by UFOBountyHunter]

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 05:17 PM

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by Enthralled Fan
reply to post by ZeroGhost

Ok, I look forward to delving into the suggestion you supplied.

Your description about people just knowing is very nicely put, but then again people do learn things by experience also.

How many times did it take you to learn how to tie a pair of shoes? I am almost sure that you didn't just know how to do it by looking at the shoes. You probably had to watch somebody do it for you a few times before you even tried it yourself.

So, from what I am gathering here, from your reply, is that some people just magically know for some reason, and don't have to experience? Like a flower, the outside petals are exposed to more, and as the flower unfolds more of the petals are exposed at a later date?

Of course experience is all we have believed we have since recorded time. I just know that it is a small part. But some savants are born with instant knowledge of anything, like drawing, music (i.e. Mozart) and other things. Where would that come from?

Look at instinct. They are finding very interesting things about this. DNA is so complex, so small in scale you could put all the information of all species since the dawn of life and their experience into that, but they are finding even more beyond that. DNA is even insufficient in itself. DNA might be like a WiFi data center that is more like an antenna with instant (non-local) access to information from a field of infinite potentials.

Clinical studies in the 70's with a molecule MDA found that people could in therapy and under a careful and diagnostic therapeutic process actually re-experience an event in their lives which they embedded a debilitating fear or phobia, like a close accident that prevented them from crossing any street.

See: "The Healing Journey" by Claudio Naranjo
And the chemist who invented it below linked.

After years of therapy they got little help. This drug however allowed patients to, with guidance, go back and actually re-experience the actual event, in complete reality they said but as if they where objective and suspended above the scene so they could see and understand where and how they embedded the fear into their behavioral responses. They would be cured in just a few weeks of standard therapy and guided experience.

The drug MDA was scheduled by the DEA. I actually met the DEA chemist (below linked) who found this, and I actually experienced it before it was illegal with pharmaceutical quality from a therapist friend. (there are precautions with any such drug, so don't use street crap. or anything you do not know everything there is to know about it)

Alexander Shulgin

Psychologists and therapists all over the world called it a true "Wonder Drug", but the DEA scheduled it anyway under great protests from the scientific community. This was back in the early 1980's. just a year or two ago they took it off the list and allowed research to continue, but I have not heard any new revelations.

MMDA and MDMA (Ecstasy) where analogs of this molecule that was similar to Methanphetamine and Mescaline, with a few different molecules and structure. More amazing story on this. Google it.

(sorry, I tend to need to substantiate with detail)

ANYWAY, the implications of memory being stored in such detail, like virtual reality, but real, was earth-shattering to science. It also tells us something about experience and the universe and that everything we "experience" is either stored, or as some new science suggests always exists and we dribble it in as time-based linear experience. Imagine a race of beings that know this and can control this!

Hows that? too much?


posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by whistleryank3

wow good find...

if this is him im pissed !

i agree what a waste of time

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by UFOBountyHunter

Wishful thinking is the furthest away from the truth I have ever heard. This peaceful life which is completely attainable we could be living right now. We need the controlling dominating grays out the way for it to happen and let the good ones come and guide us. The idea of a utopian society sound far fetched but that because people don't see it in reaching distance, they think the worlds 'just the way it is" Wrong we can change it and have power to change it for the good.

If your content with the world the way it is than thats you view but its not impossible to make it better, thats just blindly denying a potential future for ourselves that exceeds what we have.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by whistleryank3

Nice find! I knew there had to be reasons why my questions were not answered. Guess thought wasn't put into the fact that somebody might actually ask them!

Maybe some more inspiration from Incubus was needed!

Ah well, I have kids that age too. Nice kids. They never get bored enough to pull off a hoax on people, thank goodness!

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by whistleryank3

I agree Il just let him go about what looks like just having fun. Unless he is on mars, got the water back and converted the atmosphere to oxygen...hes a miracle worker, what a kid

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by Drakiir
reply to post by UFOBountyHunter

Man Ive never had something like that happen before but the only thing I can relate to is the feeling you were getting from the room. Was it a draining feeling like energy was being sucked out of you, did your body sting.

These make your experience stand out and I would really like to know if those were the feelings you had, if thats ok.

K now i am a bit freaked. I had that feeling about 3 weeks ago. I was meditating, and note when i meditate i raise my frequency. Now i think it was like 50 minutes into the meditation and i felt like something jumped in my body. I got up from meditation and it felt like it was sucking my life force out of me. Just prior to that feeling like someone was in my body, Something was draining in my nose. Not out my nose but i could hear the glub glub glub in my nose. After that, my energy felt like it was being drained. I had this strange feeling like something was behind me. Please tell me what you think man. Because it was one of the freakiest things that has happened to me. I prayed to myself while this happened. After a while the feeling subsided but it felt like it was a couple of hours before it stopped.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by whistleryank3
reply to post by GavCg

EDITED BY POSTER in respect for Mod.

reply to post by whistleryank3

I'm trying to find out who you are. I'm just curious. Why are you anonymous? Are you hiding something?

You just got here. A debunkadunk?

Shall we check you out to prove your not worth listening to too?

I bet we can find chinks in your armor easily, mental disease, police records, unpaid bills, body odor????

He's a kid. So what?

I think he's fairly bright.

I was a Star Trek fan, so was Michio Kaku and Carl Sagan. I also do not see you proving past life is not possible and life never existed on Mars. Get a brain cell.

What did you prove here other than you are less honorable than the OP?


Where do all the shallow dill weeds come from?

[edit on 2/10/2008 by ZeroGhost]

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by Drakiir

In fact, many younger people are growing up without the forced ignorance we had 20 years ago from societal pressure to maintain the status quo.

Psychologists and those studying children see many growing up remembering past lives and other things "Grumps" did not believe. I'm frankly facinated and heartened our born awareness is not killed at youth as much.

The most wise say truth is in a child's heart and the world of wonder is their gift.

BTW, Grumps was a word for Grown Ups from a Star Trek episode, for you who never had a TV back then in them olden days.


posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 06:07 PM
Hey so frigging what if he is young, I'm sixteen years of age and probably more spiritually advanced than most of the people on ATS. It does not matter if you are young or old, it matters if you can see the truth.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by ZeroGhost

I do wish to thank what looks to be quite a bit of interesting information that I look forward to perusing.

I warn you though, as you can see I ask a lot of questions, so I might be throwing some your way!

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by darcon

Im not trying to scare you but I will tell you what happened. When you raised your frequency it triggered an event. These often happen at places where a time event has happened its an abnormal disturbance in time itself, something happened that shouldn't have time skipped or reversed or even both.

I havent had the glub glub noise, Im not familiar with it but whatever you dont fight it, if you do your body will sting and you can actually drop to your knees in a loss of energy you will need someone or yourself to fill yourself with energy in a sense "reviving yourself". A feeling of not breathing properly is also associated with this.

Either a being somehow entered you during the event or it was trying to stop you from going to a higher frequency. Also note that on the subject of frequency my post also applies to the event you had. If you raise the frequency too high something as to what you felt will try to stop your from raising your body frequency. It triggers a warning to them that the frequency in your area is unstable. They pretty much come down and check it out so to speak. I find Im ok in the company of a contact but I never display anything in public. You should be ok in your own house so why they tried to stop you Im not sure why.

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