Originally posted by Enthralled Fan
reply to post by ZeroGhost
Ok, I look forward to delving into the suggestion you supplied.
Your description about people just knowing is very nicely put, but then again people do learn things by experience also.
How many times did it take you to learn how to tie a pair of shoes? I am almost sure that you didn't just know how to do it by looking at the shoes.
You probably had to watch somebody do it for you a few times before you even tried it yourself.
So, from what I am gathering here, from your reply, is that some people just magically know for some reason, and don't have to experience? Like a
flower, the outside petals are exposed to more, and as the flower unfolds more of the petals are exposed at a later date?
Of course experience is all we have believed we have since recorded time. I just know that it is a small part. But some
savants are born with instant knowledge of anything, like drawing, music (i.e. Mozart) and other
things. Where would that come from?
Look at instinct. They are finding very interesting things about this. DNA is so complex, so small in scale you could put all the information of all
species since the dawn of life and their experience into that, but they are finding even more beyond that. DNA is even insufficient in itself. DNA
might be like a WiFi data center that is more like an antenna with instant (non-local) access to information from a field of infinite potentials.
Clinical studies in the 70's with a molecule MDA found that people could in therapy and under a careful and diagnostic therapeutic process actually
re-experience an event in their lives which they embedded a debilitating fear or phobia, like a close accident that prevented them from crossing any
See: "The Healing Journey" by
Claudio Naranjo
And the chemist who invented it below linked.
After years of therapy they got little help. This drug however allowed patients to, with guidance, go back and actually re-experience the actual
event, in complete reality they said but as if they where objective and suspended above the scene so they could see and understand where and how they
embedded the fear into their behavioral responses. They would be cured in just a few weeks of standard therapy and guided experience.
The drug
MDA was scheduled by the DEA. I actually met the DEA chemist (below
linked) who found this, and I actually experienced it before it was illegal with pharmaceutical quality from a therapist friend. (there are
precautions with any such drug, so don't use street crap. or anything you do not know everything there is to know about it)
Alexander Shulgin
Psychologists and therapists all over the world called it a true "Wonder Drug", but the DEA scheduled it anyway under great protests from the
scientific community. This was back in the early 1980's. just a year or two ago they took it off the list and allowed research to continue, but I
have not heard any new revelations.
MMDA and MDMA (Ecstasy) where analogs of this molecule that was similar to Methanphetamine and Mescaline, with a few different molecules and
structure. More amazing story on this. Google it.
(sorry, I tend to need to substantiate with detail)
ANYWAY, the implications of memory being stored in such detail, like virtual reality, but real, was earth-shattering to science. It also tells us
something about experience and the universe and that everything we "experience" is either stored, or as some new science suggests always exists and
we dribble it in as time-based linear experience. Imagine a race of beings that know this and can control this!
Hows that? too much?