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Mysterious Symbols Projected in "dark4knight" sky

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posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 11:40 AM
I've been under the assumption that D4rk Kn1ght (his thread) was a total hoax yet people haven't really been able to let him go. Was he or was he not hoaxing?

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 12:08 PM
I used to get very technical and just swim in the details. However, these days I have found that relying on my gut instincts have proved the most beneficial. Arguing facts and disputing the validity of resources became an arduous process at best- in the end I realized my gut feelings were more on target- sure enough, by the end of a thread on this site and/or others, my instincts were right all along.

In 2005, a writer named Malcolm Gladwell wrote a book titled, "Blink" which covers the validity of gut instinct in amazing detail. I highly recommend reading it.

For me, I see the images as viruses and various bacterium. It just rang true to my inner core.

Given that, I do not know what it could mean and must speculate possible scenarios of benevolence and malevolence:


1. Bacterium which destroys certain virus
2. Virulence warning
3. A combination cure code
4. Instructions for cure to ensure contact with ET's.


1. Virus which destroys helpful bacterium
2. Viral formula
3. Combination code
4. Instructions for genocide virus codes

I have no idea what it means and my Blink on it is it is not good. One thing I do know instinctively is that this means something pretty major- and its doubtful we will get an answer before finding out naturally.

This is a great post and I for one intend to check back and read all the posts on this thread.

All of the above is JMO.

[edit on 10-2-2008 by dk3000]

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 12:12 PM

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 12:50 PM
Dancing triangles.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 02:04 PM

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by kosmicjack
reply to post by BlackProjects

But the few that do look symbolic almost seem like Arabic.

[edit on 9/2/08 by kosmicjack]

Hmmm.... I would like to second that opinion because atleast one if not all does resemble like a familiar looking Arabic word

Here's a somewhat familiar looking picture was seen over pakistan in 2007.

Here's the story about the pic, but sorry its in Urdu

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 02:11 PM
Since someone brought up the possibility of a laser pointer, I decided to take a couple pictures of my green laser on the wall. To me it doesn't really resemble the blue squiggly lines, but I suppose it is still possible that someone was able to use a laser somehow.

Here's the pics. I didn't even take them in complete darkness though, but you can get the idea:

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 02:48 PM
I have no idea whether this is a hoax, alien, or government made but it's interesting none the less.

Has everybody seen what the Sony Corporation did in Japan to market a new monster movie? They projected an amazing hologram onto the bay and it's quite spectacular. If Sony can do something as cool as this can you imagine what the U.S. Government can pull off.

Here's a link:

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 03:32 PM
If you would like to know what these are, I suggest you purchase a copy of Dorthy Izatt's video Capturingthelightdvd

This is not a sales promo, because she was interviewed by Dave Rabbit. Daves interview with Dorthy Izatt

I purchased the video, and it's pretty amazing stuff. She has been filming these exact same things posted by the OP since 1974. They have allowed her to film them. She has 30,000 feet of film of them. She even filmed them writing her name in the sky.

They have contacted her, and she says these are light beings. They are here to tell us that we are having a negative impact in other parts of our universe, because we are all connected. She says the vail that separates us from them is very thin, and if we tear it, we will either go spilling into thier world, or they will come spilling into ours.

Personally, I think something is happening here, and after viewing her video, I don't believe the OP's pictures are lazers, or stars. IMHO.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by Enzo954

So, what's the government trying to accomplish with lights in the sky?

Do you mean it's an effective way to keep people distracted from the things that matter to everyday life...loss of quallity education, housing, jobs, income, personal freedoms, etc??

I have no doubt the govt could project Godzilla onto the bay....but why??

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by themillersdaughter

I was basically making a reference to Project Blue Beam. The so called secret project to produce artificial images in the sky as a form of trickery to manipulate the masses. I'm 50/50 in regards to it's existance but it certainly causes quite the stir on this forum.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by Diplomat

Excellent work Diplomat! Hey, you may have been able to get somewhere with that technique there, if you refined it some, perhaps even sold some books and made a bunch of cash.

I believe these pictures the ones in the original post , not yours diplomat,:p can be filed away in the , "I know a nifty way to create an effect an until you figure it out exactly, I'm gonna play it off as UFO's, or orbs, or FAST, or RODS or whatever name I come up with".

Perhaps, maybe even take as far as those who paved the way of this type of money makeing scheme, like the guy who produced F.A.S.T's and Rods at will (well the techniques to recreating his work is out now so his covers blown) but not before he raked in a load of cash, and most likely still is off the really hard headed.

and haveing LMH endorsement lends a bunch of extra credability to the photos

Seriously, someone figured out a way to make some nifty designs with his or her camera and at best is pulling our leg with just this one set of photos(Imagine the amount of money "Isaac", could have made if he wrote a book about drones, cha-ching, he still may), and at worst is looking to ride this as far as he can , and maybe make some money with books and DVD's, before others can figure out the technique reproduce the effect exactly. It's all about your secret recipe see? And that's what these photos are clearly in my opinion.

But I'm with Mike-Singh on this one. Being that these are some type of over exposed, time delayed- or whatever the technical video terms (I have no clue) shots of ordinary stars.

Hey this is America, although I think it's a slimy way of trying to make a buck, there are much, much, worse. Like Sylvia Brown, and Preachers with earpieces, hooked up to people feeding them information on audience members, those are the lowest of the low, the ones that prey on people who have just had family or friends pass away, and are trying to deal with the grief, talk about kicking someone while they are down, shame on psychics (but thats for another thread.

These pranksters are just preying on peoples desires to see alien ships, I mean I put them in the Billy Meier group, it's fairly low, but not like takeing money from people who just lost a family member. That's a horrible way to make a living, and on a completely different level, hech different universe than what we see from people like Billy Meier.

And btw there is no way they can be symbols, because as already posted, they would only be clear in one direction. Think of looking at any of the letters of our alphebet from a perpendicular (side) view. All you would see is a straight line. So are we to believe that this was a show just for this one camera man?

If it was an intelligent source it would be only a few sybols, and they would stay with the same one and flash it, then rotate a few degrees and flash it again then turn a few degrees more, ect. Until It did a full 360 degrees. Then on to the next symbol and repeat the process all over again. Seems a bit cumbersome.

Whoa....Maybe It's some new aged Bat Signal for contactees, or followers of Yahweh, or Indigo Children, or Black Eyed Kids, or Bigfoot? Then again it could be the start of project BlueBeam! A rather poor an dissapointing start to say the least but a start none the less.-- (Also since when did this poster Dark4knight get credit for coming up with project Blue beam, and his other False flag UFO prophecies that we around probably when he was still in elementary school ? )--

But anways, I think...., Nah, I'll go with my gut and say it's guy getting on in years maybe 50-60, perhaps a doctor or a scientist, haveing a little fun takeing pictures and fim of stars with wrong ap setting, exposure times and the like. Yep That my guess, and I'm sticking to it!

[edit on 10-2-2008 by Nola213]

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 09:49 PM
TeslaandLyne posted a link to this person in another thread. This video was interesting. They said the letters and the orb were visible only during "nightshot' mode on the camera. I haven't figured this out yet but it's a clearer instance of "writing" in the sky. Almost like a font because it's so tight and right-angled...

I've purchased a camera that has infrared and have been waving it around like mad lately...
Nothing of note yet to report


[edit on 10-2-2008 by Bspiracy]

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 11:54 AM
from my understanding, "Symbols" are widely used as a universal language. In fact the language we speak is limiting our understand of the world as it limits the communication of your experiences. I know when doing "'___'" I communicate with enteties (maybe aliens) but the way they communicate is always in "symbols" and not words.

Many others that have had contact with aliens always refer to how the communication was happening via symbols (telepathically). If you listen to Bob Lazzar or many others that have been on the UFOs, as well claim to have seen "symbols" on craft themselves.

A little off subject, but very interesting part is that the "asians/middle easter" languages that dated as old as Latin have very similuraty to these symbols if mixed together. Asians also are very unique in behaviour/culture compare to rest of the world... maybe a hybrid of alien/humans. Maybe our languages were broken up back in the day, but source was alien language as we used to consider them our gods in the Mayan, Aztec, Egyptian times. As we breaking up the one original language we used to have we started breaking up our world... I think this was man made so that we all have a hard time communicating with each other and break apart in wars and what not.

Listen to some of clips from "Terence Meckenna" (my hero), he was very fascinating by language and explains how our world is made up these symbolic languages. Very interesting, tnx for the post!

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 03:17 PM
I wish there was a Jim Sparks type of individual on the board. Someone who was taught the alien alphabet and can give us what it means. I remember perusing a site awhile back where someone had posted similar letters I wish I could remember where...

Anywho, take a gander at Jim Spark's website the buttons up top are very similar to some of these shapes.

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 05:53 AM
More from Earthfiles site on these symbols..

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 06:08 AM

Originally posted by BlackProjects
Don't know if this has been posted. Found in Earthfiles. Are dark4knight(probably spelled wrong) prophecies coming true?

Any know if symbols have any meaning?

They are holograms. We will be seeing more of that in the nearest future.

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 06:21 AM
reply to post by WickedStar

it has never been proven to be a hoax , and from reading that thread (at least IMO) OP at least blives what he is typing . Soo I dont know , for now I'll keep his prophecy in mind while reading the threads but I am not panicing yet
But just for the sake of it , if those things will keep apearing more frequently I'll just arrange a turist trip to tibet or something with my GF for a week

[edit on 18-2-2008 by Thill]

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 05:26 PM
Another Earthfiles link with viewer comments on symbols.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by Bspiracy

Hey Thanks, I never saw that one Lnos... in the sky in night mode..
just fooling with us to prove its luminous.. sure it is, what could do that
except a lot of electricity in the air.

The electrical momentum is free in the air,
you just have to know how to use it.

There are some de bunkers of ever2020s fleet videos
saying there are migrating geese.

Check some out... a fish, airplane, elf or yoda and elephant
unless this is the video version of tin punch pictures I don't
think people in hot spots of UFO activity need hoaxing.

Billy Meier comes to mind, dinky camera and one arm but
there seemed others with him in setting up cameras.

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