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Mysterious Symbols Projected in "dark4knight" sky

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posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 07:14 AM
Don't know if this has been posted. Found in Earthfiles. Are dark4knight(probably spelled wrong) prophecies coming true?

Any know if symbols have any meaning?

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 07:30 AM
Pretty interesting. The pictures remind me of when you wave a sparkler around - it "appears" to leave a trail. It also seems like some sort of time-lapse photo. I am certainly no expert and I look forward to reading the responses from our more techno-savvy members.

The main thing that concerns me is that the military would at least like us to believe they are responsible for the Stephensville phenomenon. If so, what kind of technology is making those strange lights in the pictures? Hologram? Craft? This intrigues me very much as it pertains to the events D4rk Kn1ght described, especially on the heels of the holographic sound thread. I'd really like to be able to dismiss his story but every few months something else comes along that jives with it.

[edit on 9/2/08 by kosmicjack]

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 07:34 AM
I agree it is interesting..I can't belive I responded to a "Tiger" post ...ho ho. I'm a Vol myself. Actually I have a couple LSU fans as friends..Time lapse photography is a possibility..I wonder if symbols trace to anything crop circles or ancinet writing

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by BlackProjects

IMO, only a few of them actually look like they might be some sort of symbol, the rest look like time lapse of a meandering light at night. But the few that do look symbolic almost seem like Arabic.

Aside -I went to a Tigers/Vols game in Knoxville once, lots of fun especially when the band marched down the street playing "Rocky Top" - and then we won.

[edit on 9/2/08 by kosmicjack]

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by kosmicjack

Arabic? From what point of view?

I dont have to be a linguist to know that a symbol only means something if its 2 dimensional and you got a fixed point of view (in 2D, you're gonna look at it either from the back or the front, at least that's a 50/50 chance of reading it as intended).

A UFO making "symbols" in 3D is completely nonsenical, unless the UFO is doing the symbols for the camera man specifically OR if the UFO would assume you got like a gazillion cameras in sphere formation to capture a 3D image of it.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 05:24 PM
this was suppose to be the stephensville texas ufo..

First new's report it is 1mill long with light's down oen side from all the witness's.

then all the suden the pilot man get's shown this video of squiggle line's.

HE SAY'S yeahhhhhh i did i saw this comign in this direction over here....

one of the so called witness's the pilot said yes i knwo what i saw ect...
i am a pilot... i was a mile long BLACK with light's blnking...

then allt he sudden it's a squggly line ... this video and the pilot are scammer's lol at least can't stick to one story if you ask me..

case closed it's probly a neon light.
or a laser light lookign directly at the camera move the laser pen light..
it make's these exact same shpe's dpendign which way you move or ow much...
your eye will even see these shape's
try it at home with light's off with a laser light..u can buy em at walmart for 99 cent.
you will see im telling a plausable explination.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by BlackProjects

These pics indeed look like a multi-colored laser projection, which would be in keeping with the predictions as put forth by D4rk Kn1ght.

Project Blue Beam, anyone?

I challenge anyone to use a 99 cent laser pointer bought at wak-mart to duplicate this series of images.

In the link it mentions the patterns changed every half second, which would seem to indicate that they stayed the same for a half second and then altered the pattern to the next in the series.

It doesn't appear to be as random as some might suggest, otherwise the patterns displayed would be constantly changing rather than holding for fifteen frames.

It would be very interesting to view the original video, don't you think?

I'm looking forward to "Part 2: Comparison with Human Abduction Syndrome Symbols" being posted on, keep us posted, won't you, BlackProjects?

Nice find!!

Starred and Flagged!

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 08:45 PM
Whatever they are...they are oddly beautiful.

They also remind me of representations of proteins, bacteria or viruses.


posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 11:03 PM

What about this? It's a star - Rigel, at a large focal length. Why does it look like this? Unless you use a timer setting after you press the shutter, the resultant shots will always come out like this. If it is properly corrected for this by using a timer, focusing, and being absolutely sure that the mount is steady you'll always get this type of 'streaking'.

Where vids are concerned, this could be the result of having an unsteady hand. For objects (stars) with focal length at infinity, one needs to have a proper mount that is absolutely steady or else you may get this distortion or 'ghost' images.

So these may not be any kind of weirdo symbols by the aliens after all!
But hey! What do I know? Them aliens could probably be signaling the end of the world!!


posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 11:53 PM
Great find, that one reminds me of Disneys Tinker Bell??? I will keep an eye on this story, it could be the signal to signify time to bug out soon. I wonder if it happened in a really remote area where the technology was being tested?

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by BlackProjects
Don't know if this has been posted. Found in Earthfiles. Are dark4knight(probably spelled wrong) prophecies coming true?

I know you guys like to keep bringing him up as if he is some sort of prophet but everything he said had been said before.

His prophecy is not HIS prophecy.

Just do some research.

- Lee

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by BlackProjects
Don't know if this has been posted. Found in Earthfiles. Are dark4knight(probably spelled wrong) prophecies coming true?

Any know if symbols have any meaning?

Yes, they have meaning. They are messages from Yahweh to humankind, speaking of the wrath that will soon come. Each capture has specific symbolic meanings that refer to the scriptures.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by ReginaAdonnaAaron

...or it's an out of focus star being taped/captured without a mount with a long exposure time.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 02:06 AM
There was a video some time ago, that was called "Mexican never seen ufos - fantastic!", but the video has been deleted from Google video and it's not on YouTube. Anyway, my point is that video included several "videos" on which there was a very similar object being filmed. It was long about 300 - 500 meters, it changed it's form very often, and it also contained a virtually identical color scheme, but it wasn't so clearly visible, since those two "videos" had been filmed in the daylight. The object also was surrounded by two small ufos that seemed to control it. According to the video, it was the Quetzalcoatl, the mythical serpent God. But it's a real shame that video is not avaible anymore for a comparison.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 04:39 AM
reply to post by ReginaAdonnaAaron

ahhh... since you know this... why don't you enlighten the rest of us...

after all... you explain it with such certainty, surely you can give the REST OF US details.
It would be less than christian to not help us save ourselves with this enlightenment.

(drastic claims require drastic evidence)

Skeptically yours,


posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 05:16 AM

Originally posted by ReginaAdonnaAaron
Yes, they have meaning. They are messages from Yahweh to humankind, speaking of the wrath that will soon come. Each capture has specific symbolic meanings that refer to the scriptures.

Oh, reaaaallly? Elaborate, please.

Are they Hebrew letters? Aramaic? What if you read them backwards, does it tell of impending joy?

[edit on 10-2-2008 by themillersdaughter]

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 07:04 AM
At the risk of this getting ugly fast.....

ReginaAdonnaAaron, please post some facts to back you claim or cease to contribute to this thread. You mentioned specifics, please present them.

Everyone else, leave it at that and please stay on topic.

Thank you

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by loam
Whatever they are...they are oddly beautiful.

They also remind me of representations of proteins, bacteria or viruses.


You are precisely correct my friend.

What you were looking for were the words "they also remind me of representations of a single complete molecule of protein, bacteria, or a virus."

Well .. thats what I was thinking, then I saw what you wrote, and figured you meant what I meant. If not, you can reply and bash me.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 10:17 AM
wow, that is pretty interesting. What could that be? I have never seen that before.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 11:38 AM
curiously, while viewing these luminescent
depictions, I was intrigued when I immediately noticed what I believe may possibly be a close resemblance to alchemical insignias.

I also became aware of numerous formations that are typically of great difficulty to perform; some of these include, numerous right angles and triangles, others of less significance are straight lines and presumably overlapped regions within the figure.

the earthfiles article also stated that the depiction was seen to be pulsing, I find this quite peculiar, to the very least. another peculiararity I noted was the single picture in which the formation was composed of red tones and orange like hues. this picture is significant, presuming it is indeed authentic, because it shows the figure from a differant angle and a different color of glow. what I find most striking however, is that there is only one picture of the red-toned formation, why did the witness take only one photo? this seems extremely unlikely and loses credibility, being as that earthfiles quotes that 9the woman who snapped the photo remained outside viewing, for an extended period of time thereafter. it is plausible that there was perhaps only one photo left on the roll. again, I think this is unlikely.

the earthfiles article also stated that the formation in question is believed to have been a mile long or thereabout. and that a disc created the formation. my question is, if it took place at night, how then was the disc visible? also I am interested in learning if the formation itself was moving, and if so how abouts did it travel?

lastly, it would be interesting and quite entertaining and of great value to learn the methods in which the formation disappeared. did it dissipate? simply vanish? fade over a period of time, until no longer visible? did the disc re-trace over the lines as that of an erasor? this would be of great value to learn.

I find the witness's to lack credibility, with the exception of the photo's, due to many facts but one being that I have not read an in-depth account of the occurence from the moments before the formations arrival to the moments after its exit.

also I am curious as to how the sky and nature conditions were that evening. clear?cloudy?chances of rain?wind?wind from what direction? were there birds singing/flying? how about the local animals such as squirrels and others, what was their actions? lastly, what was the feeling in the air? and what temperature was it? astrologically, what phase was the moon in? I have many other questions that should have been raised during the initial interviewing process.

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